Kirishima Ejirou X Fem! Reader! [P1]

I sigh as I look at the gates of UA. And to think all the hard work had payed off, really just makes everything better for me. I didn't always want to be a hero, but after what happened to me, I decided hat I wouldn't let anyone else feel my pain.

I scanned my card and walked through the large gates. There were a couple people in the courtyard just chatting. But than when I walk in everyone just stares at me. But I pay no attention to them I just keep going to me destination. Soon enough I make it to my class room door. "It's so big.." I whisper to myself. Honestly why do the doors have to be 15ft tall? Unless someone has a giraffe neck I don't think it should be this tall, but it's what ever. I slide the door open and see an ocean of students talking. Than everyone goes silent and looks at me. "Nope!" I say quickly closing the door. I give a small sigh until someone pulls my shoulder and pushes me out of the way.

"Move, you fuckin' extra." An ash blonde says sweeping me to the side. He opens the door, but before he can go inside I grab his collar and yank him back twards me and speak in an agervated tone. "you listen her motherfuck, I don't care what authority you may or may not have, you don't push people outa the way just to get by. Next time say excuse me or I won't be nice!" I gleared at the disturbed blonde. He tried to get away but I had a tight grip on his shirt. "now what do you say...?" I asked looking into his crimson eyes. He grunted, "fucking sorry bitch!" I let go of his shirt and walk inside and find a seat. 'That fucking jerk, you don't push people just to get what you want.' I thought closing my eyes. and placing my bag on the side of the desk. Everyone starts talking again. I looked around the room taking in my surroundings. A couple people caught my eye.

There was this dude with weird looking elbows, a girl with pink skin, and a dude with a lightning bolt in his hair, 'I wonder if he's like me...a little bit..' and a redhead. I couldn't see his face, he was talking to the lightning bolt guy and the other two were just laughing at whatever they say. I then see them look at me, then turn back around and talk. Until Bakugo breaks them up. "Hey Bakugo, I can't believe you got told by a girl!" the the one with the deformed elbows said in sync with the one with the lightning bolt. 'Damn, I really need to learn names.. it's not like middle school, this is high school, I'm gonna be here for awhile. And probably gonna have to work with most of the class.' I was then snapped back to reality with a thud on my desk.

I looked up to see who it was. The ash blonde was holding the Lightning bolt dude by the his shirt and threatening him. I wasn't happy with this at all. "Can you take your fucking argument somewhere else asshole!?" I snapped eye twitching in frustration. "WHAT DID YO-" He was interrupted by the redhead patting his shoulder. "calm down bro.." he said with a little smile. The blonde clicked his tongue and walked to an empty desk, and stuck his feet up. Than a taller dude with blue-ish hair started arguing about that. "I've about had enough of this.." I said in a gruff voice. I hunched over in my seat but than my E/c eyes were met with ruby red ones.

"hey! I'm Kirishima!" He stated sticking his hand out. I didn't shake it, I honestly saw him as a threat, but since he helped me out with the fucked up blonde than I guess I better repay him. I shake his hand slowly. "Heh...that's quite the grip you've got there..." he chuckled awkwardly. I stayed quite but looked at him with curious eyes. He looked...unique. He had these sharp teeth that could possibly bite my hand off. "your name?" he asked looking me straight in the eyes. I sighed, "L/n..." I said turning my head the other way. "L/n...? that's a nice name!" he said with a grin. "Thanks" I said no lower than a whisper. "Hey Kirishima! come over here!" the guy with the large elbows suggested. "alright!" Kirishima said back. "I'll see ya later." he said with one last smile. I hummed and watched him walk off to his friends. I than saw a green haird boy with freckles open the door and than a brunette and that tall blue haird dude went up to him, greeting him and chatting. Than he glanced at me for a second. He waved a bit, I just looked away.

He enters the class and sat in the seat in front of me. He turned around to face me. "hello, I'm Midoriya, I believe I saw you at the entrance exams.." he said with a little smile. "oh yeah your that guy who took out that 0 point obstacle.." I said furrowing my eyebrows. "uh...yeah..heh" he turned back around and the teacher walked in with a yellow burrito looking sleeping bag. "hello, my name is Shota Aizawa, I will be your home room teacher," he than pulled out a track suit from his sleeping bag. "go put these on and meet me in the courtyard. He handed everyone theirs and we went and changed in the Locker rooms.


I was the first girl out of the locker room, of course all the others were just talking enstead of getting dressed. Whatever. When I got to the yard I saw at least all the guys there, "how am I not surprised?" I asked myself crossing my arms. I than starts stretching, until this guy with a bird head came over to me. He stoped in front of me and I stood up straight. "I sense a dark essence coming off of you.." he said with a wired expression. "it's part of my quirk." I said putting my hands on my hips. "ah, I see, I apologize. I misunderstood the scene." "it's fine..." I say looking at the field in front of us. "well than, I will let you finish your preparation." I nodded at his words, than he walked off. Than I felt a spark on my back. I turned my head to see the dude with the Lightning bolt.

"That didn't effect you? that's interesting.." he said sounding quite puzzled. "so you also have electricity..." I shocked him right back, in the middle of his forehead. "ouch...why did that hurt?" he asked rubbing the spot were I shocked him. "That was an electric discharge. Based on your quirk I thought you would've known that...but I guess not." I say with a straight face. "Hm...good to know, but...what exactly is an electric discharge?" I sigh with a face palm. "An electric discharge is the release and transmission of electricity in an applied electric field through a medium." I said gesturing my hands. "oh.." he sounded like he's never learned that before. He probably did, but just forgot or didn't pay attention. Than I heard Aizawa call us to line up.

We're supposed to do tests to see where we rank, whatever that means. "The one with the lowest score will be expelled, permanently." Aizawa said with a cold expression. "He's bluffing..." I said but only kirshima heard. "how do you know?" he asked whispering to me. I don't know why I responded but I did. "He's Eraser Head, he's supposed to be "strict'" "Oh, I was worried there for a second." He let out a deep breath.

(Skip the part were Bakugo does the practice throw because that's too much to write.)

First we were gonna do a 50 meter dash. There was a little robot on the side of the track to check our time. The first two up was the blonde hedgehog and Midoryia. The hedgehog used his explosions to help boost himself, while Midoriya just ran normally. "interesting, I can definitely sense great power from him..." I mutterd to myself. "Next up is Kirishima, and L/n" Aizawa said. I stood on the left side of the track while Kirishima stood beside me on the right. 'Which should I use...'I thought carefully. 'I guess I'll go with light wings.' I hunched over and and grew wings made from the light around me. 'At least it's bright outside.' I heard burning and I looked at my back. The wings burned holes into my shirt. "fuck!" I cussed quitely. I got in position and waited for the command. "Go" Aizawa said. I lifted my wings and rushed through the air flapping them occasionally. I reached the finish line with out a sweat. "2.7 seconds" the robot spoke. Than Kirishima neard the finish line a little while after me. "136.9 Seconds" The robot said. By the time he had gotten to the finish line he was painting. "wow L/'" he said sounding short of breath.

"That's right...I never got your quirk.." I said quitely. "oh its hardening! I can basically turn myself into a rock!" he said holding up a fist. "hmm...interesting." I said putting my fingers to my chin. "wow! that was so cool you were so fast!" the brunette from earlier complemented. I nodded my head. "I'm Uraraka by the way!" see said putting out her hand. I shook it, but than started floating. I was quit surprised. "oh sorry...heh, here let my put you down." Uraraka said putting the tips of her fingers together. "that's your gravity right?" I asked staring at her. "yup! how'd you know?" I looked away, "a distant relative of mine had it." "That's cool!" she said with a large bubbly smile. "the quirk yes...but the relative...not so much.." I said starting to get angry at myself.

The rest of the tests were supper easy. Now we were waiting for our results. (1. Y/n L/n) I honestly thought that i'd get second but I guess the explosive hedgehog took that spot. "I was kidding when I said I'd expel the student that got last place." Everyone started complaining. "I guess you were right L/n!" Kirishima pointed out. "She knew the whole time!?" everyone asked shocked and a little disappointed. "as did I, but I thought you all had figured it out." this taller girl spoke. Everyone just started winning again. "alright change back into your uniforms and head back to class!" Aizawa spoke over the whinny bunch of toddlers.

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