Bakugo X Midoriya [Make me happy...] | Part 1

Young Katsuki was walking through the woods with his childhood friend Izuku. He has a net over his shoulder and a prideful smile on his face. "You're so cool Kacchan! I wish I could be just as cool and brave as you!" The green haired boy praises. "I know! And when I'm older, I'm gonna be the number one hero! Greater than All Migh-" The blonde says before slipping down a slop. The green haired boy gasps and rushes down to his blonde friend. "Are you okay Kacchan?!" He asks extending his hand to the blonde. Katsuki blushes and slaps his hand away. "I-I'm fine! I don't need your help Deku!" He stands up. Izuku steps back and clutches the hem of his shirt, "Okay.." The green haired boy looks down to see a grasshopper. He grows a smile, "Hey little guy.." he bends down to try and pick it up, but it hops away from him. The blonde laughs and puts his hand on the smaller boy's shoulder. "If you catch that grasshopper, I'll let you give me a kiss." He says in a joking manner. Izuku's eyes light up, "Okay!" He chases the grasshopper. "I was only joking.. It's not like he's gonna catch it anyway..." He mutters to himself, rolling his eyes. Just than, he felt something soft and sweet on his lips.
The blonde's eyes widen, his face turns pink and his heart skips a beat. He pushes Izuku back, covering his mouth. "W-W-What w-was that for?!" He stumbles falling on his butt. Izuku giggles a bit, "You said I could kiss you if I could catch the grasshopper." "I.....I know b-but..." "But What?" Izuku tilts his head, squatting in front of the blonde. "But I didn't think you'd actually do it!" He backs up against a tree. "You have to be brave to do something like that.." He mutters. The green haired child crawls in between the blonde's legs, "Than I guess I'm brave." He put his lips against Katsuki's. Izuku puts his hands on Katsuki's thighs to lean into the kiss more. Katsuki sits speechless, face a tomato. Finally he cups his cheek and leans into the kiss as well.
(End of flashback)

Katsuki opens his eyes. He sighs and touches his lips. He misses the plump, warm feeling of his crushes lips. He's longed for another kiss since that day, but his insecurities had gotten to him, and made him act crudely towards Izuku. Katsuki sits up from his bed, swinging his legs over the side. He groans something to himself while picking up a pear of black sweats and putting them on over his boxers. He than gets a matching black tank with a skull on it, and slips it over his head full of bushy, blonde locks. He slides the shirt down over his toned muscles. He scratched his bushy bed head and yawns. "Damn Deku... giving me stupid ass dreams that'll never come true.." he grumbles looking down. He gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom. He washes his face and his teeth, but not as aggressive as usual. Leaving his hair messy, like always, he goes out to the main room. He walked to the couches and sat down, watching all his other classmates mingle. 'Everyone's so happy.. I want to know how that feels. How to attract people with a smile instead of scaring them away...' He looks down, than Kirishima comes over to him. "Hey Bakugo... you shouldn't be gloomy. It's Valentine's Day!" He says wrapping his arm over Katsuki's shoulder. Katsuki looks at him. "Hey shitty hair.. how do you tell someone you love them?" "Well.." Kirishima gives a small smile. "Give then every bit of love that you own. And if they're too scared for a relationship, stick by them till they're ready so, when they are ready, you can be one of their first choices." He leans on his knee. "Thanks shitty hair..." Katsuki mutters. "Anytime bud!" He stands up and goes to talk to Kaminari and Sero. Izuku walks into the main room, rubbing his eyes and yawning. Katsuki swallows a lump in his throat.

"Hey Deku! Do you have a Valentine?" Uraraka asks skipping up to him. "Hm...? Valentine..?" He asks still half asleep. "Mhm! It's Valentine's Day!" She says cheerfully. "Oh..." he looks down drowsily. "Oh! That's right!" He snaps his fingers waking up more. "I don't have a Valentine.. What about you?" He asks, "Tsu's my Valentine!" She says happily blushing. "She even have me candy!" She looks back at Tsu.

"Here Bakugo. Give this to someone you love." Momo gives Katsuki a box of chocolate. He looks up as her and nods. She smiles and goes over to Jirou, giving her a box as well. Jirou jumps up and down then hugs Momo laughing. Katsuki looks at Izuku, he waves at Uraraka, walking back to his room. Katsuki stands up and follows behind him, gripping the chocolate nervously. He walks to Izuku's room and knocks on the door once he gets there. Izuku opens the door and chuckles nervously. "O-oh... hey there Kacchan.." he smiles. Katsuki looks down and blushes nervously. "Deku....." Izuku tenses up and pays attention. "Will you take my chocolate..?" He asks bowing his head, raising the box up to Izuku. The green haired male's eyes widen and he blushes. "Y-yes!... I'll t-take it!" He takes the box. "You... do you wanna come in?.." he asks opening the door, moving to the side. Katsuki nodes and walks into Izuku's room.
Once inside, he sits on Izuku's bed and takes a long look at everything on view. He noticed that there were less All Might things in his room, and more books and weights. There were balled up pieces of paper on the floor, and some on his desk with his notebook lying there, untouched. "Sorry about the mess..." He scratches the back of his head. "It's fine." Katsuki responds sharply. Izuku jumps a bit and sits beside him cautiously. "What happened to all your stuff?" "Stuff? Oh..... you mean my All Might merch? I got rid of it.." Izuku mutters. "Why?..." "Since All Might's.. gone..... it holds no purpose.." he looks down. "Why do you say that?" Katsuki furrows his eyebrows. "He's gone, if I look at his stuff, it'll remind me of him.. and I don't want to cry anymore... I'm sick of crying for no reason all the time.. Everyone pities me just because I'm such a sensitive baby..." Izuku clenches his fist. Katsuki grinds his teeth. "You may cry over little things sometimes.. but to be able to cry for a true heroes death is an absolute honor! Sure he was an idol to most people, but you and him had a strong connection that couldn't be broken.. So to be able to cry for that... that's something I wish I could do." Katsuki says looking Izkuku directly in his eyes. Izuku tears up a bit. "Kacchan..." He whimpers. "I-Izuku..." the green haired male's eyes widen from hearing his name. "Call me Katsuki, Izuku." He puts his hand in his shoulder. Izuku's heart starts beating quickly. "Katsuki..." He grabs the blondes hand on his shoulder, "I swear.. from now on, I'll honor everyone that we've ever and will ever work with as long as you do it with me." Izuku bites his lip. Katsuki bodes, "To honor the fallen is what any good comrade would do." "But also to pay attention to those with us.." Izuku slowly pulls Katsuki in for a kiss. Once their lips interlock, Katsuki feels his face heat up and his heart beat faster.

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