I got you-ShinKami
I was heavily inspired by this CMV and I loved it!!!! As much as I adore ShinKami,my mom won't buy me a Shinsou wig until August,which is aaaaaaaaaaagges away,and my bf won't ever show his face online.Like never.And you can also watch the video first,so you can see how inspired I was,to start a lemon!!!
Subscribe to Inspectokoros on YouTube and come on let's get started on this smut~
4 PM,at the U.A Library
Shinsou's P.O.V
Damn it,why did I come to the library once again?! I scolded myself as I put my phone aside and vowed not to look at cat pictures and study for my upcoming test.I just HAD to make a good impression on Class 1A and this is the perfect chance!!
I went to the natural history aisle as I picked up a book that Dad recommended,and then started to read focusing on names,wars and dates..Speaking of dates...Kaminari was bugging me to take -FOCUS HITOSHI!!!
But no matter how hard I scolded myself...I just couldn't get that dumb idiot of my head..He's so not my type...But at the same time,he's perfect for me..
Elizabeth the-
Didn't I silence my phone?
I saw that...Denki was calling me. ((yea the nya was his ringtone lmfao)).
"Hello,Kaminari liste-
"Babyy~~Let's go out tonight~!" he whined over the phone..His voice felt eerily...close..Like he was somewhere close by.
"Where are you right now?" I asked,my voice monotone as ever.
"Lookie behind!!" He said in his charming,yet goofy voice.
I turned around and there that idiot was,waving at me from the manga aisle.I couldn't help but sigh.I am going to have trouble studying today.
Denki's P.O.V
I am soooo taking him by surprise tonight.Problem is he's studying like anything,maybe even more than IiDad((where my iida dads at?))
I sat down by him,but his attention was fixed to the boring,nasty book.
I was bored,so I tried to make small talk with him,but he was silent -either studying or asleep.I looked and saw he was still alive so that meant he was actually making an effort this time.Good.I feel like an idiot now,not studying for the same test...BUT WHO CARES ME AND MINA"LL FAIL ANYWAY!!!
I started to get bored..Like SUPER bored..Like PLUS ULTRA bored..So I started poking his cheek..But he didn't budge!! THE NERVE OF HIM!!
I couldn't help but feel sleepy.He was sure to be studying here for another few hours.Might as well recharge with him.
I snuggled up closer to him and placed my head on his shoulder and stared t the book sideways..Those words never made any sense. At least to me..But then I felt really tired as I-
Shinosu's P.O.V
Did his dumbass head get heavier-oh he's asleep.I tried to poke him,but he didn't wake up.I shook my shoulders as he jolted back to reality,and I just sighed.He could be such a nuisance.But I love him for that.
I realized he had a little pout on his face as if his wish had not been granted.
So what I did,was to grab his smooth,firm jaw and bring his lips closer to mine as I quickly press a split-second kiss to his very,kissable lips.He didn't seem flustered though,so I added in a small one more,as he giggled softly.
Denki's P.O.V
Hitoshi kissed me without a context? He..he never does that,he just radiates bottom energy,and...he doesn't do this in public..Well,I'm not complaini-
oh shit.
I started to feel a tent growing in my denim jeans
how did i get fuckin hard at this??
I was hella distracted by my boner as I didn't notice Shinsou walk up and put the book back and take a new one..I being the jerk I was,skidded to him and snuggled closer as he quietly moved away in a way, brushing me off. I prodded him begging for his attention,but he just never seemed to notice..I was also in the mood for something.... heated today,cause.....all we do is just cuddle and kiss..We never even made out well..Before I knew it, he put the book back and started to move away in an attempt to get a third book..I just saw him standing in the middle of the aisle,looking all hot and sexy..
He was my Prince Charming...
I needed him..
In a way, I've never needed someone before.
Shinsou's P.O.V
I appreciate the fact that he's heavily in like with me,but for the sake of Eraserhead,I really need to study!!Oh how much I'd love to hook up,I just need to get these down first!
I then saw him come at me,a little slowly,but with a small, seductive smile that the original Pikachu would have not shown on the show.
I liked it.
Suddenly he came up and intertwined our hands as he pressed me onto a shelf and then put his lips roughly on mine..I squirmed under his touch as I felt something poke me.. Knowing Denki,it could probably be his laser pointer,so I didn't pay much attention as I focused on the kiss..I got shivers at the sound of our lips touching and kissing each other sloppily,as I was helpless under him as he took dominance..
But I can't play that way,now can I?
While kissing,I pushed him back,making him pull a gasp as I put my tongue inside and pin him to the wall as I deepened the kiss as my tongue explored his mouth..He grabbed my jawline and pushed me closer...It was a great feeling as we made out for the first time in a library,when suddenly
"Ahem ahem."
I pulled apart..
To see mY frIckin dAd sTandIng thaRe!
"Um..Hey Da-I mean Aizawa Sensei!"
Kaminari quivered at the name as he fixed himself
"H-hello Sensei!!"
Dad smirked as he came closer to me and whispered-
"What did I tell you,dear child?"
"Don't..fall in love with a loud blonde.."
"What did you do?"
"......Fall in love with a loud blonde.."
Dad patted my back and said-
"I'm probably supposed to expel you, but young love I guess..Just don't go around making babies in the library because I have enough children and cats as it is and I don't wanna be a grandpa just now."
Then he went towards Denki and whispered something,which made Denki blush even redder than Midoriya. I wonder what he said.
Denki's P.O.V.
"Call him Daddy when he gets hard."
That's what my teacher,who is also my boyfriend's father told me..
I thought people are supposed to discourage you.
Well,anyhoo.I grabbed Shinsou's hand before he could react and we took off for the city plaza,cause that I where we went on our first ever date.
Timeskip-At the plaza
Hitoshi's P.O.V
We were walking hand in hand on the pedestrian side when suddenly the road was engulfed by an oil spill,as a petroleum truck spiller over. We decided not to cross the road until most of the crowd had cleared,as in not to get into a mess.While we were waiting,Denki randomly grabbed my as in public and brought me closer to him.Even though I wanted to be the dominating,I couldn't help but let out an airy moan at the feeling.Denki took that split second to put his tongue inside my mouth as we started a full on tongue war.In.The.Middle of the jam.With people watching. I was enjoying it,so-
Fuck all of you people,and you homophobes,Imma kiss my boy whenever I want to!
Then he pulled away and gave me a smile that made me,the great Shinsou,the leader of cats and the star of the Aizawa-Yamada family,weak to my knees.
After the crowd cleared out,we went to this cafe as it was having a buy one get one free sale,and Denki told me-
"It's too good to pass up,babe!"
And I can't, generally say no to him.There we were,me stirring my lifeline,which was cofee and he was there with his lemon tea and his dumb grin.
"Want to have a snack?" He asked.
Boi, I've got a full course meal to enjoy-
"No"I said solemnly.
He murmured something silently to himself as he quickly came up with jokes one after another in an attempt to cheer me up.,when suddenly-
"You have cappuccino on your lips, cat."
He licked the cappuccino off of my lips and kissed me..I was taken aback but kissed back,again getting weird looks from homophobes,but I didn't care. They could go fuck themselves.When we pulled apart,he was blushing and was biting his lip and I could tell he was squealing inside..I got even harder at that.Thank goodness I was wearing baggy pants so my dick wasn't visible too much.Afterwards he suggested we go to the bridge and finish it off..
Timeskip-At the bridge
I just couldn't keep my hands off of that blonde Pikachu.He is more electricity than my heart can handle.we kissed sweetly,yet it was filled with passion at the same time..We pulled apart for air,as we saw the sun set down. We giggled softly and sat down for a bit.. Although all I wanted was for him and me to be alone,and intimate.Together. Suddenly,again without warning he came closer and bit my neck,lightly,but it did a lot for my little friend down in my pants. I moaned quietly as I allowed myself to be hickey-ed..Then I said-
"Babe,I wanna go home."
"Please. I'll make you feel good,I promise."
Denki was confused and after a sec his eyes lit up as he took my hand and we started for my house.
Timeskip-At Shinsou's house
I threw my shoes off as quickly as I could,and so did Denki-
"I didn't notice you were hard,baby"
Denki teased as he took me in his lap as I spun my legs around his waist.
"You're one to talk boner Pikachu" I retorted as I stepped down and pinned him on the wall,my hands returning to his ass. The kiss we were sharing was much more needy, passionate and rough than what we usually had as I jerked off his jacket from his shoulders.He obliged,but not by removing his lips from mine and then I was pushed in the bed by him,our lips still connected in the slow rythmic pace of sweet love. He jumped on top of me as his hands were on either side of my head as he deepened the kiss, occassionally grinding against my hard, throbbing dick. As soon as I started moaning a little,his grip became a little weak and in that moment I flipped him over and switched positions. I pulled his belt tighter,so that the tease felt like what it was being denied.He groaned out while his member became even harder.I bent down to give him love bites on his neck..I soon found his sweet spot and I sucked,nibbled and licked the spot a million times before looking to admire my handiwork-or I should I say,mouthwork?
I was beginning to get desperate,and my inner beast took over as I pinned his hands over his head and started making out with him as he squirmed under me-
"~Ohh,Baby!"I moaned in between kisses as I trailed my free hand through his shirt and pinched his nipples.
My senses just swooped at that single word as I squeezed harder.
"Say it again,babe"
I was so turned on,I trailed my hand downwards and slipped it in his zipped open jeans and felt his erection.It was hard,and the tip was leaking with pre-cum.I ripped off his jeans,along with his boxers as I started to stroke it gently,and he let out a groan faster than the speed of the holy gay.
"Aah.!!!F-fasTer pLeasE!!"
"Say the magic word- baby boy"I say as I stroke him painfully slowly while taking my own boxers and pants down.
""d-DaddY plEaSe aaAH!!"
I strokes him a little bit faster as he squirmed and whimpered,along with his loud moans..I started to palm my self with the hand that was pinning him down as I couldn't retain myself,but soon enough he came,all over me and my bed.
"aaH,T-tHat wAs sOo gOoD!"
He suddenly looked through his ecstatic face to see me still hard. He smirked and got down on his knees as he took my dick from my hands and put it into his mouth. I gasped and let out a moan at the sudden warm, pleasure I was feeling. He started to trail his tongue all around my friend and I was at his mercy..And I was liking it..He kept stroking me alongside licking it,that was too much for me...I cummed with a loud gasp in Kaminari's mouth,and that idiot swallowed the whole thing-
"You taste like coffee...And cat hair.."
I was so embarassed at that,I wanted to punch him.. Instead I fell on top of him and we intertwined our naked bodies and I started to doze off.
"Ready for round two...?"
Present Mic's P.O.V
"Dad,why is there some loud and weird noises from Hito Nii Chan's room?And why is the bed rocking?Are they jumping on it?You told me not to jump then why is Hito Nii Chan jumping?" Eri asked me.
God why me,Shouta where are you when I need you?
The end
Should I make a part 2?And also let me know if there are any typos ,then I'll fix them and I was just too excited for this one,idk why,but i was,I hope you like it,and don't forget to vote,comment if you like it!!!!
Jinia Chan
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