Let's Skip the introductions (rewrite chapter 1) (Must read!!! NEW STORY LINE)


(NEW A/N+): This chapter was called THE ULTIMATE HERO before, but I nerfed the reader a whole lot, so he aint so ULTIMATE anymore tee hee!

(Y/N's POV)

It was late at night, being bored as ever, I rested on top of a rooftop hoping for some action.

(Y/N): *sigh* Nothings happening today huh? How boring...

My gaze scanned the whole area, building filled with people oh how so peaceful, oh shoot is that a girl taking a showe- NO! I'm not here for that.....ok maybe a little-

*R O A R*

(Y/N): And just as I neared the good part, am I even surprised? Not in the very least, well, time to be a hero!

I jumped down the building and rushed towards the origin of the roar. Humming while running from rooftop to rooftop, my sight got fixated on the woman in a skin-thight suit currently dealing with the villain with a whip in her hands, the villain was a 2 feet monster type quirk user who seemed to be causing trouble.

(Y/N): Hello there.

Shocked at the voice, she quickly turned around with wide eyes which quickly switched to half playful yet serious eyes.

Skin thight hero: Well, as cute as you are, I am afraid that all civillians are obligated to leave the area, so hurry!

(Y/N): Well, sorry pretty lady, but I'll be declining that offer.

Skin thight hero: Scuse me?

Very VERY bad villain: AAAARRRRGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

The villain rushed at us with all his might.

Skin thight hero: No time for jokes kid! RUN!!!

He neared me and prepared a special delivery knuckle sandwich made for me and only me.

Skin thight hero: BE-

And there the villain laid, on the ground unconscious. 

Skin thight hero: CAREFUL!!!.....Huh....this aint right.

(Y/N): See? Easy peasy, no need to worry bout lil ol me.

Skin thight hero: How did you? What type of quirk is that?

(Y/N): Well, being mysterious would add to my charm don't you think so? *wink*

She lowered her whip with the tiny bit of blush making it's presence.

Skin thight hero: Well mysterious guy, mind telling me your name?

(Y/N): *chuckle* God that made me regret my choices but I'm (Y/N) (L/N)! Nice to meetcha!

Skin thight hero: Nice to meet you aswell, wanna tell me where your parent are? 

(Y/N): Hmmmm, probably somewhere between 6 feet underground and Australia.

Skin thight hero: Oh.....got anywhere to stay?

(Y/N): Well, not really, I do have the sweet and comfy cold rooftops as one of my common sleeping places tho.

Skin thight hero: Lost cause huh? Well, ya seem nice, and I've been feeling a little too lonely lately, wanna come live with me?

(Y/N): For real? That's way better than anything I could've asked for, Thanks alot ma'am.

Midnight: *cracks whip* Please dont call me ma'am. Instead call me by my name, I am Nemuri kayama A.K.A 18+ hero Midnight.

(Y/N): S-Sorry, hahaa....haaaa....

Midnight: Well, what're you standing there for? Let's go!

And so I followed midnight who'd soon become a really important person in my life.

-Time skip 4 years brought to you by my hate for mineta... Yep you heard me right I am just noting it down-

I've been living with midnight ever since that night, she is the mother I never had just a bit sadistic, sometimes she also acts like the girlfriend I sadly never had, though, I cant complain she is very beautiful, I mean, have you seen THAT BODY THO!? Relaxing on the couch, thoughts rushed into my mind as I blankly stared into the TV, that is until midnight walked in the room licking her lips with her whip on her hand.

Midnight: (Y/N)~

Her smile was beautiful sure but her current smile told me that she was, well, PISSED OFF!

(Y/N's mind): Oh hell no!

(Y/N): OH! Would you look at the time, I forgot to go to school, well bye!


I quickly skipped out of the room grabbing the clothes that I had hung on the door and leaving the house. 

Midnight: Huh? Oh goddamnit he did it again. (Y/N)!!!

Praying to god that I'll survive Midnight's wrath when I come back, I made my way towards the school, I took the chance to dress myself up. Had to look handsome for the first day after all. When I arrived at the school I saw my best friend Izumi also on the way so I decided to go greet her.


I skipped next to Izumi and threw my arm around her neck.

(Y/N): Sup Izumi!

Izumi: A-AH!!!

She was startled by my sudden appearance but she somehow regained her composure with a huge blush on her face.

Izumi: G-Goodmorning (Y-Y/N)-kun.

(Y/N): How is my favorite girl doing this fine morning? 

Izumi: I-I'm doing great, t-thanks for asking.

(Y/N):oh come on how could I not ask? You always worry me you know? 

Izumi: S-Sorry....

(Y/N): Doesn't matter, let's go to our class, we dont wanna be late.

Izumi only nodded as response.

-Small time skip to the class-

When we reached the class, the teacher was talking about how we should worry about our future.

Teacher: IT'S TIME YOU GUYS BEGAN THINKING ABOUT THE FUTURE SERIOUSLY!!! I'll be handing out prints on your desired life-course!!!!

Hmmmm, interesting subject we got going on today, not surprised that much, it's just how school systems are these days.

Teacher: You all want to be heroes after all right?

The class began showing off their quirks, some had flashy, some had utility and some had strenght based quirks, they were all unique.

Teacher: Yes yes, your quirks are all incredible, dont use them in school tho.

Being annoyed at the current events, the shitties girl in our school decided to speak up

Katsuki: Oi Sensei don't lump us all in the same group, I am not going to be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects.

Everyone started shouting at Katsuki talking about how she is the worst and how she is more like a villain than a hero with her personality.

Teacher: Oh? If I remember correctly you wanted to go to U.A. High right?

Katsuki continued the bickering with stuff I could honestly not care less about.

Teacher: Oh yeah, Midoriya wanted to go to U.A. too.

Everyone stayed silent for a moment then they burst out laughing. What a bunch of trash. Can't they see she is more qualified to be a hero than every single one of them? Pisses me off, poor Izumi and her golden heart!

Teacher: Oh also (Y/N) is already assigned to U.A. he has been recommended by the professional hero Midnight, how special.

Everyone: Midnight???

I gave katsuki and the rest of the class my signature look of superiority, katsuki seemed to be mad while Izumi had stars in her eyes, she must've been happy about me, such a cinnamon roll.

-After class-

I was searching for Izumi to see if she wanted to do something with me, it's been a while since we got to do something. 

Izumi: H-Hey!

Oh goddamnit, this better not be what I think it is, I turned around the corner to be met with a distastful sight, Katsuki exploded Izumi's notebook and threw it in the fountain.

Katsuki: Hah! Serves you right!!!

(Y/N): Bitch...

She didnt stay much longer, she left as soon as she was done laughing at Izumi's despair. As soon as she was out of sight, Izumi ran up to the fountain so that she could hopefully get her notebook back.

(Y/N): Hey Izumi....

Izumi: *sniff* Hi.....

She was incredibly saddened by the current state of events, and, I cant even blame her.

(Y/N): Do you want to walk with me?

Izumi: Ok.... *sniff*

-mini timeskip, yes you'll see alot of these-

Izumi and I talked, walked and laughed for a good while, we were just happy with eachothers company, yet suddenly-


A hand grabbed Izumi and yanked her away.

(Y/N): Izumi!

I skipped time towards her in an desperate attempt to stop the monster but it was too late my hand just slid through the monster, perhaps my skills have dulled.


a sewer lid flew up as a shadowy figure appeared.


(Y/N's mind): Who the!?

The man I suppose is a hero punched the monster so hard that it created a gust of wind around the impact.

(Y/N's mind): So strong! Must be a muscle enhancing type quirk!

The hero saved Izumi who was knocked out from the force of his punch and with little to no difficulty easily captured the villain within a cola bottle.

???: Young girl?

(Y/N): I think she is knocked out. 

???: Oh well that would be a problem, Hey! Young girl! Wake up! Hey!

Izumi slowly gathered consciousness.

Izumi: H-Huh?

???: Thank god you are fine, sorry I seem to have been too engrossed in cleaning up! *Laughs in all-might* 

Izumi's eyes widened.

Izumi: O-Oh o o hho hoho!

Oh god she is malfunctioning again.



All might: You have my thanks young girl, thanks to you, this villain was caught!

Izumi: A-Autograph! I-I shou- IT'S ALREADY HERE!

All might laughed at her reaction.

Izumi: Thanks alot I'll treasure this forever!!!

All might: Well, I'm off to deliver this villain to the authorities!

Izumi: W-Wait cant you stay for a second???

All might: I am sorry young one but pros must fight with both villains and time itself, next time we meet, I am afraid it will be infront of a TV screen.

All might prepared himself and Jumped as high as he could, what a cool hero.....where is Izumi?

All might: KID!?!?!? WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!??! THERE IS A THing as too ethu-sia-sti--c.....

She grabbed on to his leg didnt she? *sigh* what will I ever do with her.

I better find her. 

I walked around aimlessly hoping she'd be around one of these corners.

???: YOU IDIOT STOP!!! STOP!!!!!!!

Sounds like trouble! I better go! That better not be Izumi over there!!!!

I skipped time as I ran towards the voices.

Izumi: KACCHAN!!!!


I saw her fighting the sludge villain from before, and inside the monster was....Katsuki, so that's why Izumi's there, *sigh* all the trouble katsuki puts her trough and she is still trying to save her, this is what I meant by golden heart....goddamnit I cant stay here either, not gonna mess up this time!

I ran in the restricted area aswell.


I skipped time and approached the sludge monster in a way where I was doing zig zags so he wouldnt be able to see where exactly I was approaching from.

The struggling Izumi noticed me.

Izumi: (Y/N)!? What are you doing here!?


I skipped time once more and jumped towards the monster, Using my skip once more, I got around the sludge, took a hold of Katsuki, and ripped her out of the monster.

Sludge: GAH!!! HOW THE!?

(Y/N): IZUMI!!! RUN!!!!

The sludge was about to counter attack izumi now that it's host was gone, he was about to attempt the same trick!

I dropped katsuki on the ground.

Katsuki: OW!

and skipped time again, I ran all the way to Izumi, grabbed her and was about to pull her to a safe place but the extent of my ability ended, I overused it. Blood slowly ran down my nose as it's drawback, now not only Izumi, I was at the villains mercy aswell, Such a dumb decision I made! I'm sorry Izumi, Midnight, not sorry to Katsuki tho, she better be fucking greatful.


Smoke covered the area as the number 1 hero All might stood there who had stopped the monsters attack from reaching us.

All might: I am sorry young ones, I acted unfitting for a hero. But you two made me remember the true essence of a hero!

He reeled his fist back.

All might: A Hero always must put their life on the line!!!

He punched the monster as hard as he could.


The villain got blown to bits....he isnt dead right?

The crows began cheering for the victory of all might, katsuki however was nowhere to be seen, weird, I thought she'd be complaining about how she didnt need our help.

I grabbed Izumi by the hand and pulled her who was on the ground up to her feet. 

(Y/N): Are you fine?

Izumi: Y-Yeah, thanks to you and All might.

I flinched at what she said for it wasnt true at all, I was absolutely useless to her, if All might wasnt there, we would've both been dead...

(Y/N): Y-Yeah....Let's just get out of here while everyone is focused on All might, I dont want to deal with the authorities.

We got out of the sticky situation and began walking back home.

(Y/N): Today sure was tiring.

Izumi: Yeah....

All might: I agree.


(Y/N)-Izumi: AHHH!!!!!

All might: Oh sorry my bad I seem to have forgotten! 

He cleared his throat.

All might: I AM HERE!!!


All might: *laughs in all might* Sorry young man, really, but I'd be really glad if you could leave me and your friend alone for a while, I have something really important to talk to her.

I nodded.

(Y/N): Understood, I guess I'll go back to midnight's house.

All might: You live with midnight?

(Y/N): Hmm? Yes, she is my mother figure.

All might's thoughts: Hmmm, I wonder why I've never heard of this even once from Nemuri before.

All might: Then we'll probably see eachother again sometime, farewell young one!

I said goodbye to Izumi and All might and left to my house.

-mini timeskip home-

(Y/N): Nemuri! I'm home!


Huh? Weird normally she'd greet me with a hug.

I searched around the house she was nowhere to be seen, assuming she just left on some hero work, I entered my room and closed the door with a sigh of relief.

(Y/N): Finally alone.

Midnight: I wouldn't be so sure.

*whips the ground*

Midnight: You dare run away from me huh? I guess I spoiled you too much, you need punishment.


That night, the sounds of a young man screaming and the sound of a whip echoed through the night.

THE END.....for now.




(A/N): SO! This is the rewritten version. Like it? Of course you did, you dont get a choice. Anyways, I'll rewrite the rest when I can, so look forward to it, PEACE!!!

Word count: 2500 words (it was 1400 words or smthn before)

Katakuriu out...

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