When You Watch Them On Tv
Quick Disclaimer : Contains mentions of violence and blood. Don't like, don't read.
Enjoy ^-^
❤️ TodoDeku 💚
With Izuku Midoriya taking over the hero ranking as the top dog in hero society. All eyes were on him. Plastered as the new Symbol of Peace. The new All Might. The new Number One Hero that everyone in Japan and Musutafu could rely on to save them and keep them safe. To keep the peace between villains and heroes. The one that both villains and civilians look up to and admire.
The tv was never not on him whenever he was on patrol. Newsreaders would chase after him and ask countless questions. He would have reams upon reams upon reams of fans squealing out to him whenever he walked past. The male sending everyone that cute little grin that melts everyone hearts. The greenette answering the questions without combusting into a pool of awkwardness and embarrassment.
Despite being the Number One Hero, he was still a sweetheart.
So, despite having work and chores to get on with, the family of Izuku Midoriya would drop everything and head to the living room. Turn the tv on, and watch their mother/son/boyfriend/son - in - law in action. They'd all sit on the couch, snuggle up to one another and watch their hero protect Japan. A time to relax and forget about their own work.
Call it family time if you will.
(Y/n) giggles gently as she snuggles into her grandmothers arms, the greenette happily running her fingers through her granddaughters hair. Inko gently playing with her hair, braiding it into two twin braids. Her bright green eyes were focusing on the tv as it focuses in on her little boy (well not little) getting ready to face off against another villain. Fear tugging at her throat as she watches her son power up.
Inko always worries over her son. There never went a day without Inko freaking out or worrying over something Izuku was doing. Especially during the Sports Festivals and whenever Izuku's fights were on tv. Although he's the top hero, Inko still had that fear.
She had to. She's his mother.
Taking a shaky breath, Inko watches the tv, trying to calm herself down with (Y/n) cuddled up to her. The little girl was smiling excitedly as she watches her mother battle against the villain. The greenette showing how strong he was.
"Mama's so strong!" (Y/n) marvels with a squeal, cheering as Izuku punches the villain square in the jaw and sending him flying back with a shout, "Yeah! Kick his butt mama!"
"Breathe Inko," Shoto says resting a hand on his mother - in - laws hand, sending her a small reassuring smile, "Izuku's stronger than anyone I know, he'll be fine,"
Inko nods softly, sending Shoto a smile before taking a deep breath and staring at the tv. Wincing as she watches Izuku get kicked in the stomach. The girl jumping every time Izuku is hurt, worrying for him. (Y/n) snuggles into Inko as she notices her discomfort.
"It's okay Grandma," (Y/n) says with a giggle, kissing her cheek softly before smiling and looking toward the tv, "Mama always w —"
Before she could finish her sentence, Izuku receives a rather fatal blow. Sending him flying backwards into the ground, the road denting as he's thrown through. Inko shrieks, covering her mouth in shock. Enji and Shoto freeze, their eyes widening as they grip onto the couch. (Y/n) looks toward the tv with tears in her eyes.
Why wasn't Mama getting up?
(Y/n) looks toward her father who pulls her into his lap and holds her close, rubbing her back as he keeps his eyes on the tv. Waiting for Izuku to do something. The whole area around the hero and villains full of citizens fell silent. All of them anticipating on what the hero would do. Would he get up? Would he stay down? What was he going to do?...
"Shhh," Shoto soothes, rubbing her back as he rocks her, looking toward his father who keeps his eyes glued to the tv, "Mama will be okay, it'll be okay,"
"Why's mama not getting up?" (Y/n) asks worried, snuggling into Shoto with a small whimper, "Daddy..."
Shoto hushes her gently, keeping his eyes on the tv, his eyes widening as the rubble from the road moves slightly. Inko's breath hitches slightly, clutching her hands tightly before bursting into tears, crying tears of relief as Izuku shoots off the ground and punches the villain with as much power as he can.
"Oh thank god," Shoto groans, holding (Y/n) to his chest to calm him down as the little girl squeals happily and cheers for her mother, "I don't think I can take another hospital trip,"
"That boy gives us too many scares,"...
"Oh my poor baby!"...
"Mama's so cool!"...
💛 KamiShin 💜
Itsuka couldn't help but giggle as she watches Monoma and (Y/n) play jenga. The little girl was egging her uncle on, trying to get him to pull out one too strongly or pull a wrong one out to make the tower fall. The orange haired female leaning against the doorway as she watches her blonde idiot carefully and ever so slowly try to pull out a block from the middle of the tower. The tension riding high around the room as Monoma pulls the block out, the male cheering to himself in triumph as it doesn't fall.
That's what he thought...
As he places the block back on top of the tower, it crashes into the coffee table making the block gape and whine like a child. Kendou giggling to herself as (Y/n) jumps up for joy and runs around the house cheering. Rubbing it in her Uncle Neito's face that she beat him.
"I beat Uncle Neito!" (Y/n) squeals, cheering happily to herself as she zooms across the room with her arms in the air, "Yeah! I'm better than you!"
"You're lucky you're cute, kid," Neito says scooping the girl into his arms and ruffling her hair making her squeal with laughter, the male picking her up and throwing her in the air before holding her upside down, "But who's the best uncle ever?"
"Uncle Neito!" (Y/n) exclaims with a bright smile, grinning toward her uncle who throws her onto the couch before jumping beside her and pulling her close, "Love you,"
"I love you too, kiddo," Neito hums kissing her forehead before grabbing the tv remote, the blonde sick and tired of watching Spongebob Squarepants back to back all day, "Let's change this over before I jump out a window,"
"It's papa and daddy!" (Y/n) squeals, clapping her hands as Neito changes the channel. The channel he switched onto focusing of miscellaneous heroes, today they were focusing on specifically MindJack and ChargeBolt. The two heroes side by side as they cut off a gang of robbers, "They're so cool!"
"Not as cool as your Uncle Neito," Monoma guffaws with a grin, whining as Kendou hits him upside the back of his head for his comment, the blonde pouting toward his girlfriend, "That hurt, Itsu,"
The orange haired girl rolls her eyes as she sits down on the other side of her niece. Giving her a bright smile before turning her attention back to the tv where Hitoshi and Denki were trying to negotiate with the criminal. The two heroes hoping it doesn't escalate into something worse.
"Why aren't they fighting?" (Y/n) asks confused, the girl often full of many different questions that got everyone thinking, "Heroes kick butt right?"
"Not all the time, pumpkin," Itsuka says ruffling her hair gently with a smile, "They're trying to negotiate with the thug to see if they can handle the situation peacefully. If they can avoid violence, heroes will avoid it,"
"Oh... well that's boring," (Y/n) grumbles crossing her arms over her chest with a small pout, "I thought they were gonna go all Kung Fu on him and kick his butt!"
"Unfortunately it's not like the movies, sweetie," Kendou says with a small smile, watching as (Y/n) gawks at her auntie.
"So they lie?! Heroes don't go in and beat the bad guys up?!" She asks, feeling betrayed. All the hero movies she watched with her parents. From Batman to Captain America. From the Avengers to the Justice League. Why would they lie? The little girl whimpers gently as she watches her parents still negotiating, "That's so boring!"
Kendou shrugs toward Monoma who tries to hold back a laugh, the pair turning their attention back to the tv. The negotiating went on for a while. Around fifteen minutes. Then Denki hinged back and clocked the thug right around the jaw making (Y/n) squeal with laughter at the villain's perplexed face.
"Okay, maybe they do resort to violence from time to time,"...
"Auntie Itsu! Violence is always the answer, that's what Uncle Kacchan says!"...
"Okay, tell Hitoshi she's not allowed near Bakugo anymore,"...
💛 EraserMic 🖤
There never goes a moment when Hizashi isn't cheering his tired boyfriend on. The loud and eccentric blonde always had something to say to boost his boyfriend's morale and keep him happy. He'd never not be there to support his boyfriend, he was Shota's biggest cheerleader after all. How could he not cheer his boyfriend on?
So here he was, wrapped up in a blanket with the tv on. A small grin on his lips as he waits and waits and waits for Shota Aizawa, otherwise known as Eraserhead, to appear on the tv. The blonde vibrating with excitement as the newsreader begins to announce what heroes are on patrol for this evening, focusing on a couple few in different districts. Focusing on Deku (of course) being paired with Ground Zero and Shoto. The dream team.
As well as Eraserhead.
The underground hero was currently outside a rather big office building with Fat Gum and Ryuku on the scene beside him. Barricades of police were huddled outside, their guns pointing toward the entrance of the building, eyes focusing on the door to make sure that they have a clear consensus on what's going on. It was a hostage situation. Three criminals housing twenty two hostages in a room as they steal whatever they can.
"Girls! Your papa's on tv!" Hizashi calls out toward his girls with a smile, leaning against the back of the couch with a sigh of happiness as he watches Shota talk to Fat Gum, "Come watch!"
Within seconds, both Eri and (Y/n) teeter into the living room. The girls hopping up onto the couch, bright smiles playing on their lips as they sit either side of their father. Hizashi wrapping both his arms around his two girls, pressing a soft kiss to each of their foreheads before turning his attention back to the television.
"Now girls, this is known as a hostage situation," Hizashi explains, chuckling gently as (Y/n) nods along with his commentary. The little girl soaking up as much information as she can, "Violence isn't necessarily used in this sort of scenario unless the criminal starts it. Our best interest is the hostages, and violence could potentially harm them,"
"So what's Papa doing?" Eri asks tilting her head toward Hizashi who ruffles her hair and points toward her father.
"Your papa is on standby, right now, there is a policeman in the building trying to negotiate with the one in charge," Hizashi explains with a smile, rubbing his girls back with a chuckle, "If the criminal refuses to comply, then the heroes take charge of the situation,"
"Woah..." (Y/n) says with a bright smile, watching as the policeman leaves the building to head toward the heroes, shaking his head toward them, "Whats that mean, daddy?"
"That means the head criminal isn't complying so they're letting the heroes take control," He replies with a small smile, watching (Y/n) squeal as Shota heads into the building with the other heroes behind him, "So papa is gonna now kick some butt!"
"Yay!" (Y/n) cheers giggling as she claps her hands, her eyes focusing on the tv as they zoom in on the heroes through the windows, Shota apprehending one and hanging him upside down with his scarf, "Papa is so cool! He's like Spider-Man!"
"Woah!" Eri squeals, giggling as she watches Aizawa swing on his scarf to kick another villain in the chest, sending him tumbling to the floor as the other two heroes grab the hostages and lead them to safety, "Papa's so strong!"
The girls watch the tv in utter awe as they see Shota flip himself over one of the villains, activating his quirk and erasing the villains, before knocking him to the ground. Despite having such a dull and not flashy quirk, Shota made it look so easy to take them down.
His little girl, his youngest girl, watches in absolute wonder. How was he so good? Could she ever be as strong as her papa? Could she save people like her papa?
"Can I be like papa, daddy?"...
"Of course you can, little listener,"...
"Yeah! I'm gonna kick butt!"...
🤍 TodoBaku 🧡
Fuyumi stands at the kitchen counter, stirring the cake mixture together with a small hum. The radio gently playing in the background, the only Todoroki daughter mumbling the words every now and then as she pours the cake batter into the tins, ready to be put into the oven and baked for twenty five minutes. To then get it ready for decorating which (Y/n) would be doing. The girl giggling gently to herself as she hears Natsuo playing with her niece.
In the other room, in the living room, we're Natsuo and (Y/n). The Todoroki male picking his niece up by her ankles and holding her upside down making her shriek with laughter. Her hair touching the floor as she hangs off her uncles hands and wiggle gently. The male then throwing her onto the couch gently and ruffling her hair up.
"Again!" (Y/n) shrieks making grabby hands toward her uncle who chuckles and hoists her up by her shoulders and throws her into the air before catching her, "Wheee!"
"Careful you two," Fuyumi calls out from the side, leaning against the doorway after putting the cake in the oven, "We don't want Katsuki murdering you because you bumped her head on the ceiling, do we Natsuo?"
"She's fine, Fuyumi," Natsuo grumbles, kissing his nieces nose before setting her down on the couch and sitting next to her, "Auntie Yumi's such a buzzkill ain't she?"
"But Auntie Yumi makes yummy cakes," (Y/n) says with a giggle looking toward her uncle, tilting her head cutely, "You're not very good at cooking, Uncle Natsuo..."
Fuyumi bites back a giggle as she slides next to her niece to turn on the tv. The television instantly on the news channel (due to Enji constantly keeping an eye on his competition). The tv instantly having it on two of the top three heroes, Ground Zero and Hero Shoto. The pair of them facing off with a knife wielding villain.
"It's mama and daddy!" (Y/n) squeals happily, clapping her hands with a giggle, smiling brightly as she watches her parents get ready to face this villain, "They're so cool!"
"Shame none of you were like that watching me do hero work," Enji hums sitting in the arm chair with a newspaper in his hands, his reading glasses over his nose as he looks toward his granddaughter, "Papa Enji is a good hero isn't he, little one?"
"Daddy and All Might are better," she replies with a shrug, biting back a laugh as Enji arches a brow toward her, "You're fourth best! Mama, daddy, All Might and then you!"
"I can live with that," he hums with a chuckle, not missing the snort that leaves Natsuo before looking toward the tv, "They work well together don't they?"
"Of course they do, papa! My mama and daddy are the best heroes ever!" (Y/n) claims full of pride, sending her grandfather a bright grin making him smile, her eyes going back to the tv, "They're gonna kick the bad guys butt!"
The family cuddle up on the couch, watching the tv happily as Shoto and Katsuki begin to fight the villain. The little girl watching in awe as her father sends an array of ice toward the villain, freezing him in place as Katsuki goes to charge. However halfway through the charge, Katsuki screeches to a halt and hunches over with a yell. Everyone freezes gently as Shoto rushes to him to check up on him. The camera pans and everyone gasps.
Katsuki got stabbed...
With blood pouring out the wound, (Y/n) begins to feel lightheaded. Her eyes widening gently as she can't tear her eyes away. Instantly, Enji picks her up and heads to the kitchen with Fuyumi not far behind. The pair sitting her up on the kitchen counter, Fuyumi grabbing a glass of water for her as (Y/n) whimpers.
"Hey, look at me, it's okay," Enji soothes, holding her hand as she slowly takes a sip, "Your mother will be okay,"
"Breathe for me, (Y/n)," Natsuo instructs, running his cold hand over her head to try and centre herself, the girl shakily breathing, "That's my girl, that's it. Keep it up,"
"Mama... b — blood..." (Y/n) whimpers, shaking slightly as she leans into Fuyumi's motherly hold, the glasses clad female rocking her gently, "Mama..."
Enji heads back into the living room to get the update on Katsuki, sighing in relief as they show backup arriving and the explosive blonde being taken care of by the on call medical workers. He'll be okay. That's what mattered. He's okay. He's fine. He'll live. He's perfectly healthy. What a relief...
"Is he okay?" Fuyumi asks worried, holding (Y/n) to her chest in hopes that the cold temperature of her body will soothe her niece, "Is Katsuki okay?"
"He's fine, he's being patched up," Enji replies, turning toward his daughter before kissing his granddaughters forehead, "Your mother's okay, little o—"
The front door opens cutting Enji off. A rather annoyed Katsuki trudging in with a worried Shoto behind him. The blonde kicks his shoes off and slips on his slippers before heading to the kitchen.
"Mama!" (Y/n) exclaims and makes grabby hands toward him to which he obliges and pulls her close, "You hurt..."
"Mama's okay, squirt; takes more than a knife to get me down,"...
"You're literally off work for four weeks,"...
"Like that's gonna stop me, Sho,"...
💙 ShigaDabi 💜
The news was often avoided whenever the tv was turned on. That was the rule that both Shigaraki and Dabi had enforced as soon as (Y/n) could use the tv on her own or when she was with someone else. She could watch whatever she wanted. She could watch Disney movies. Her cartoons. The odd anime that Toga and Magne would stick on from time to time too. She could watch anything...
However, the news channels are off limits.
It wasn't because watching the news was bad. Sure, it provided information about heroes, what activity they were up to and the recent villains that were hot at the moment but it wasn't a good thing to watch for (Y/n). With Dabi and Shigaraki being two of the most wanted villains in Musutafu, the news would plaster them as two of the most cruelest villains ever. And to an extent, they were right...
But neither of them have done anything villainous since (Y/n) came into their lives.
They didn't want (Y/n) to get worried. If she watched the news, saw the story about her parents and saw how bad people thought they were, they knew she would be terrified. She'd think she's bad like them. She'd be worried about someone stealing her parents away. And neither parent wanted to worry their little girl, not when she worries enough about things she really shouldn't worry about.
Humming gently, (Y/n) snuggles into her parents bed, holding her stuffed bear close to her chest as she grabs the remote. Shigaraki and Dabi's room possessing the biggest tv in the whole of the hideout. The little girl clicks the red button on the remote and points toward the flat screen tv, giggling as it switches on softly. The girl grinning ear to ear as it loads up and begins to play.
However, before (Y/n) could change the channel, the news begins to start. The girl's eyes widening slightly as she sees a picture of her parents displayed beside the newsreader. (Y/n) tilts her head confused as she meekly turns the volume up to see what's going on. Why would her parents be on the news? What did they do? They didn't do anything wrong, did they?
"In other news, heroes are still on the lookout for villains Tomura Shigaraki and Dabi. It's been six years since they've disappeared and halted their criminal activity," The newsreader says toward the camera, reading off the screen in front of her, "Authorities believe that they are plotting a large scale attack against the population. If anyone has any intel on these two villains, please contact the number below,"
"Hey, baby, what do you want for din —" Dabi asks walking into the room before freezing as he notices the news on the tv, his eyes widening as he looks toward his daughter who's close to tears as she switches the tv off, "Hey... it's okay, baby,"
"A — am I a villain too daddy?" (Y/n) asks sniffling, looking up at Dabi with teary eyes, her cheeks beginning to wet, "A — are they gonna take me away?..."
On an instant, Dabi is by her side, the male pulling into his chest as she snuggles and whimpers into his chest. Her bright eyes brimming over with tears as she tightly holds onto his shirt. Scared that she'll be taken away from her parents or they'll be taken from her. Would someone really do that? Would someone take her away from her parents because they were villains? Did they not know that they haven't done villain work for years?
"Shhh," Dabi soothes, rubbing her back as she snuggles into him crying, the male rocking her softly as he holds her tightly to his chest, "You're not a villain baby, no where near a villain,"
"Why are they saying you're bad people?" She asks worried, looking up at him with a sniffle, leaning into Dabi as he wipes her tears away, "Daddy... you're not bad... neither is Papa...."
"I know baby, it's very complicated," Dabi explains rubbing her back, kissing her forehead as he walks down the stairs toward the bar, "You'll find out when you're older,"
"What did she wan — Whats wrong?" Shigaraki asks worried, abandoning his video game to take his daughter into his arms, kissing her forehead as she snuggles, "What happened? Is she okay?"
"She watched the news..." Dabi explains with a small sigh, watching as Shigaraki bristles and looks toward his daughter worried, "Shes upset that people might take her or us away from her,"
"Hey, I won't let that happen okay?" Tomura promises her, kissing her nose gently making her giggle weakly and rest her cheek against his shoulder, "No ones gonna take us away from you or you away from us, okay? Papa is never gonna let that happen,"
"Okay, papa," (Y/n) hums gently, playing with his hair gently, the males hair getting longer by the day, "I love you papa,"
"I love you too, baby,"...
"Oh, babe, you died in your game,"...
"You wanna have a go, baby girl?"...
❤️ KiriMina 💖
Mina absolutely loves every moment that Eijiro is on tv. She can't help but feel a swell of pride in her chest whenever she turns on the tv and there he is. That was her boyfriend on tv. That was her boyfriend saving all those civilians from a hostage situation. That was her boyfriend taking down a yakuza leader. That was her boyfriend making himself a human shield for the other heroes. That was her boyfriend getting all the praise and all the attention and all the love.
Eijiro was an amazing guy.
Whenever Eijiro did pop up on the tv, Mina would often record it. Don't ask her why. She just likes to record whenever Eijiro was on the tv. Maybe to show him how amazing he was. Maybe to keep and then put them all on a tape for them all to look back on when they've retired. The possibilities are endless. Mina just loved when Eijiro was on the tv. It always showed him off in the most flattering of ways. And Mina definitely wasn't complaining.
Giggling happily, Mina turns onto the news channel, her heart swelling with pride as it cuts to her boyfriend. The pinkette recording it as soon as possible, snuggling into the couch as she watches Eijiro and Tamaki ((Y/n)'s godfather) ready themselves against a villain. Fat Gum by their side.
"Princess! Daddy's on tv with Uncle Tama and Fat Gum!" Mina calls out, grinning as (Y/n) rushes into the living room wearing her Fat Gum hoodie that is a couple sizes too big for her. The pinkette happily pulling her little girl into her lap and hugging her close, "Look at daddy, he's so handsome isn't he?"
"Daddy's gonna win!" (Y/n) cheers with a giggle, snuggling into her hoodie as she excitedly watches her father get ready to apprehend the villains.
Red Riot, Suneater and Fat Gum at the ready. The trio eyeing up their opponents. A group of thugs. A robbery. The thugs cut off by the three, each of them ready to attack the heroes to get away with their bounty. One of them, seemingly quirkless, held a gun. The other two getting their own quirks ready.
Villains were always desperate to run.
Without another thought, the quirkless thug aims the gun toward Eijiro. The redhead instantly activating his quirk making the bullet bounce off his chest and onto the floor before charging toward him. Beside him, Suneater releases an array of tentacles to apprehend the other two, dodging a swift kick from one of them as Fat Gum throws a punch toward another. The camera focuses on Red Riot, the male throwing a punch toward the villain who keeps shooting at him, clicking him in the jaw and sending him tumbling down.
"Yeah! Go daddy!" (Y/n) cheers, jumping up and down happily in her mother's lap making Mina giggle and cheer with her, kissing her cheek, "Daddy's so strong!"
"That's my Eiji!" Mina cheers, clapping her hands as she watches Eijiro wrap the handcuffs around the thugs wrists, a small chuckle leaving the redhead as he grins toward the cameras and sheepishly rubs the back of his neck, "Oh he's so adorable!"
"Red Riot! Good job!" A newsreader hums with a smile. The crowd cheers happily, making the male chuckle nervously and smile toward them, "Can you explain what the group is for? Who they work for?"
"I'm afraid that sort of information is classified, ma'am," Eijiro replies with a small smile, rubbing the back of his neck, "I would love to stay and chat but I have to get home to my girls,"
Before the newsreader could get another word in to try and squeeze as much information as she can out of the hero, Eijiro walks off with a small hum. Mina biting back a laugh as the newsreader splutters softly. The news always wanting to get as much as they can without actually getting the facts. Twisting it all.
"I'm home!" Eijiro calls out, shutting the door behind him before being bombarded with his girls. Mina and (Y/n) jumping into his arms with a happy squeal, "Hey you two!"
"Daddy! You were so cool!" (Y/n) cheers with a giggle, snuggling into him as he kisses her forehead, the male picking them both up in his arms, "Best hero ever!"
"Aww, thank you princess,"...
"You were amazing, Eiji - babe!"...
❤️ KiriBaku 🧡
Eijiro grins to himself as he relaxes on the couch, pulling his baby girl onto his lap with a chuckle and kissing her cheek. His little girl excitedly snuggling into his chest as they both watch tv. On the coffee table sat the wrappers that held their takeaway dinner (Eijiro sneaking in an unhealthy meal every now and then when Katsuki wasn't home). Both mother and daughter clad in Ground Zero merchandise, ready to cheer on their boyfriend and father.
(Y/n) clad in her Ground Zero, Limited Edition, hoodie as well as snuggling into her Ground Zero blanket and holding her Suneater plush doll (Tamaki Amajiki being her third favourite hero after her parents). Her mother, Eijiro, was cuddled in his own Ground Zero hoodie as well as Ground Zero sweatpants. The pair ready to cheer on Katsuki from the tv.
It was tradition in the Bakugo - Kirishima household that whenever one of them is on patrol, the other will watch the tv broadcasts on whatever their partner does. They'd wear the merchandise of that partner too. It was to support one another, to help one another and to see how well they're doing. And it taught (Y/n) how strong and amazing her parents were!
And Katsuki wasn't going to miss bragging his strength to his little girl.
With a bright smile, (Y/n)'s eyes begin to shine as happy as ever when Katsuki is brought onto the tv. The male clad in his hero outfit, already in a defensive position as he stands opposite a D - Class villain. A villain that's been on the run for the last six months after being suspected for the murder of two women and three men. His quirk, still unidentified to the heroes, was based around the dark. Weak to the light. The villain known to attack more at night instead of the day time. Much like Tokoyami's was.
Which was a great thing for Katsuki.
Before the villain could even begin to think of an attack, Katsuki charges. The blonde swinging his right arm, an explosion at the ready. He grins as the explosion blows right into the villains face making him tumble back with a groan, the blonde jumping and kicking him in the stomach making him double over.
"Seriously? Is this all you got?!" Katsuki yells toward the villain making the villain groan and wince as he pushes to his feet, "I'm gonna kill you so damn hard!"
"Go daddy!" (Y/n) cheers, throwing her hands in the air happily, with Eijiro cheering from behind as Katsuki throws an explosion toward the villain to prevent himself getting stabbed, "Yeah! Kick his ass!"
"Language, pebble," Eijiro scolds gently, chuckling gently and kissing her cheek as she sheepishly giggles. The pair cheering as Katsuki kicks the villain to the ground with a shout. Katsuki being vocal as always on the battlefield, spouting insults toward the villain to provoke him, "Look at daddy go!"
"He's so strong, mama!" (Y/n) squeals with a giggle, cheering as Katsuki dodges the villains attack, "Daddy's gonna be Number One and beat Deku to the ground!"
"I'm sure he'd love that," Eijiro says ruffling her hair, kissing her nose as she snuggles back into his chest with a giggle. The pair watching intently as Katsuki doesn't even manage to break a sweat in taking does this petty thug, "Daddy's doing amazing as always"
Just as (Y/n) was about to answer, the villain gets a lucky hit in against the explosive blonde. Katsuki flies across the street and is slammed into a side of a building. The male coughing out harshly as he falls to the floor, the wall slamming against his back causing arrows of pain digging into his skin.
Instantly, Eijiro and (Y/n) shriek worriedly at the tv. Their eyes widening slightly as Katsuki tries pushing himself up but can't. (Y/n) whimpers and looks to Eijiro while Eijiro is unable to tear his eyes away from the tv. Katsuki's stronger than that. He'll pull through. He has to. Eijiro doesn't know what to do if he didn't...
"Come on Kat..." Eijiro mumbles, biting his lip nervously as he watches Katsuki fumble again, the redhead wincing as the villain begins to stalk toward him, "You got this..."
"Is daddy gonna be okay?..." (Y/n) asks worried, looking up at her mother, her bottom lip quivering as she turns back to the tv, "Come on daddy!"
It felt like ages, when it really went past in seconds, Katsuki finally pushes himself to his feet. The male spitting out a mouthful of blood onto the sidewalk before cracking his knuckles. Eijiro and (Y/n) instantly cheer and scream as loud as they can. The pair jumping up and down for joy as they watch Katsuki turn the fight back around and defeat the villain in a matter of seconds.
"Yeah! You show him daddy!" (Y/n) squeals, running around the house with Eijiro behind her. The pair cheering with their arms in the air as they parade around the house, "Boom!"
"What are you two running around the house for, you bunch of idiots?"....
"Daddy! You kicked villain butt!"...
"Hell yeah I did, brat! Daddy's the strongest hero ever!"...
💙 IidaOcha 💖
Tsuyu smiles gently as she watches (Y/n) sit up the dining table, scribbling away on a piece of paper as she does her math homework. Her brow furrowed in concentration as she tries to add twenty to fifty two together before multiplying seven by eight.
She did at least twenty to thirty minutes of homework/extra schoolwork a day (courtesy of Tenya Iida) which would boost her learning and help her understand anything she didn't quite grasp. Tsuyu found it adorable that she still kept to that regardless of Tenya was home or not.
The frog quirked girl ruffles her goddaughters hair with a smile before heading into the living room where Izuku sat on the couch going through the tv channels. The greenette smiling toward one of his friends as she takes the armchair as takes a bite out of the mochi resting on the coffee table.
Today, while Tenya and Ochaco were out on patrol, (Y/n) was in the care of her godparents. Izuku Midoriya and Tsuyu Asui. Giving Hitoshi some time with his son and giving Asui's partner time with their little angels. Izuku and Tsu adored their goddaughter after all, and would often babysit her any chance they could get.
She was always an angel.
As Izuku flicks through the channels, he lands on the news channel which broadcasted pictures of (Y/n)'s parents. A small smile on his lips as he reads the headlines, patting the couch to catch Tsuyu's attention making her hum gently at the headline.
"Hey, Angel," Izuku falls out, looking behind the couch to look at his niece who look up at him from the dining room and tilts her head, "Come see who's on tv,"
"Who is it?" (Y/n) asks tilting her head, sliding off the chair at the dining table and teetering toward the living room. Her bare feet patting against the floor as she walks into the room and looks toward the tv. Her eyes lighting up happily, "It's mommy and daddy!"
"It is! They caught a villain!" Izuku exclaims with a bright smile, pride radiating off him as he watches his friends on tv, the camera replaying the footage. He's so proud of his friends. They were doing amazing! They were amazing heroes! The greenette chuckles as (Y/n) sits right up to the tv, "Not too close or you'll get square eyes,"
"Oops... sorry Uncle Izuku," (Y/n) says crawling to the couch to cuddle up with her Aunt Tsuyu who holds her close and runs her fingers through her hair, "Woah! Mommy and daddy are so cool!"
On the tv, the camera played footage of heroes Uravity and Ingenium apprehending a robber. Uravity making herself weightless, holding onto her boyfriend who throws her through the air toward the thug, before dropping herself to kick the thug in the jaw, making him tumble to the floor. Ingenium then sprinting to the thug and cuffing his hands together. Fully apprehending him. Making him easy for the police to take into custody. Izuku grins toward his niece who cheers as the footage finishes.
Tsuyu ribbits softly, smiling toward her niece who looks up at her with sparkling eyes. The two green haired caregivers could practically feel the pride oozing off their little niece. Her bright (e/c) eyes were sparkling with nothing but happiness as she claps her hands and squeals.
"Can I put my Uravity onesie on, Auntie Tsu?" (Y/n) asks tilting her head toward her aunt who happily nods, giggling as her niece darts upstairs to her bedroom, "Come on Auntie Tsu! Come on!"
"I'm coming, kero," she replies, heading toward her with a small hum, sending her niece a smile as she's already in her room with the onesie in her arms, "You need help?"
"Only with my top, I still get stuck in my shirt," she says, holding her arms up with a giggle and smiles as Tsuyu pulls it off before shimmying out of her skirt and going into her onesie, "There!"
Before Tsuyu could say anything, the sound of the front door opening fills the house making (Y/n) squeal and race downstairs. The girl floating herself down the stairs, dropping herself in her fathers arms who chuckles and kisses her cheek.
"Daddy! Daddy! We saw on the tv!" (Y/n) explains with a squeal, giggling up at him while Tenya smiles sheepishly, "You took down a villain! It was so cool! You and mommy are so awesome!"
"Awww angel, thank you," Tenya coos, smiling as Ochaco kisses her nose. The little girl giggling happily.
"You're the best heroes ever!"...
"You're so sweet, Angel!"...
💚 TodoBakuDeku 🧡
Katsuki smiles to himself as he flicks through the tv channels, holding a tired (Y/n) to his side as he does so. His little girl clad in her Hero : Shoto onesie and holding her stuffed All Might plush close to her chest, snuggling into her mother's side with a small whine. The girl sucking her thumb gently for comfort. Her eyes lazily looking toward the tv. The explosive blonde running his fingers through her head of hair, humming gently as he pulls her thumb out of her mouth, poking her nose making her giggle softly.
Despite it being past his little girls bedtime, three hours past to be exact, Katsuki allowed (Y/n) to stay up.
Usually, (Y/n) is tucked into bed by Shoto, the dual quirked male often sang (Y/n) to sleep. Said parent was out on patrol, a late night patrol at that too. The male often preferred the day patrols so he could spend the day patrolling while (Y/n) was at school and then spend the afternoon with his little angel. However, with Red Riot and his partner on annual leave, Shoto stood in to take their posts for the evening. Unfortunately, for (Y/n), she wouldn't go to bed unless Shoto tucked her in. Much to Izuku and Katsuki's dismay.
Thank god she didn't have school tomorrow.
Walking in with cups of decaf coffee and warm milk, Izuku sits on the other side of (Y/n) and sets the mugs down on the coffee table. The greenette grabbing their fluffy blanket from the side and draping it over his boyfriend and his daughter, kissing Katsuki's cheek and (Y/n)'s forehead with a small hum.
"You tired, baby?" Izuku coos with a small smile, chuckling as (Y/n) shakes her head and yawns with a small whine, "Aww, daddy should be home soon,"
"I don't think so," Katsuki says as he flicks through the tv before stopping on a channel that's dedicated to the work of heroes. A news channel that reported only hero activity and hero news. Izuku gawking at the screen, "Sho's gonna be taking a while..."
"That's huge..." Izuku mumbles with wide eyes, paling slightly as he leans toward the tv worried, "Oh god... was that an accident or on purpose?..."
"That doesn't seem like an accident, Deku..." Katsuki mumbles, clearing his throat as he watches the tv, "Oh god... Sho..."
On the tv, worrying both of the parents, was a big office building fire. The beautiful yet destructive red and orange flames licking the air and jump out the window. A plume of thick black smoke erupting into the air, covering the night sky like a blanket over a bed. Fire engines were screaming, firemen on the outskirts of the building shooting jets of water toward the dancing flames. Water heroes joining the fireman to expel the flames.
Then, running out of the building holding three people in his arms, was Shoto. The male resting the three people on a stretcher or giving them to a paramedic to get checked for air poisoning. Soot embedded into his hair or stuck to his skin as he sends an array of ice toward the flames, shielding firefighters from falling debris. The two tone haired male taking a deep breath as frost begins to crawl up his right arm.
"Are there any more civilians?..." Deku asks worried, clutching his mug full of coffee close as he watches the tv, "Please tell me everyone's out..."
"Daddy's so cool!" (Y/n) says with bright eyes, watching as her father runs back into the burning building to save more survivors. The girl cuddling her plush close to her chest as she smiles happily. She was proud that her father was one of the best heroes ever! He was so cool!
"He is, isn't he, squirt?" Katsuki hums with a small chuckle, the trio happily smiling as Shoto appears, jumping out a window with a sheet of ice helping him slide to the floor, "Thank god,"
"Hero Shoto! Would you spare ten minutes to explain the situation?" The newsreader questioned, holding the mic toward the male who rubs the back of his neck nervously and shakes his head apologetically.
"I would love to but I need to get home to my daughter and tuck her into bed," Shoto says into the mic, chuckling gently and flushes with embarrassment as the crew coo at the statement before turning on his heel and leaving the scene. The newsreader heading toward a fireman instead.
"He's a sweetheart," Izuku says with a smile, chuckling as (Y/n) teeters to the hallway and waits by the doorway for the front door to open. Wanting to see her daddy and tell him how amazing he did, "She's so cute,"
"You waiting for daddy?" Katsuki asks with a chuckle, sipping at his water before leaning against Izuku with a smile, chuckling as the door opens.
As soon as the door opens, (Y/n) races into her fathers arms, jumping into them making him chuckle and scoop her up happily. The male kissing her cheek as he walks in, ignoring the glare from Katsuki as he gets soot in the carpet. Izuku sending him a bright smile.
"You were so cool, daddy!" (Y/n) cheers with a giggle, snuggling into him as he rubs her back, "Daddy's the best hero ever!"
"What about me, you little brat?"...
"Mama! You always yell at people!"...
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