Kirishima UwU

3rd Person P.O.V

You were dead scared when you saw 🦈 and 🐙 fighting alongside with Fat Gum, against a group of brawlers....They weren't ordinary thugs.All of them had a thorn related quirk..You were horrified when you saw that Kirishima got pricked with a thorn on his upper arm,barely missing his heart..You got up without hesitation,put on some robes for special circumstances..It was fully concealing,with only space for your eyes,making you look like a ninja.

You were planning to become an undercover hero like Eraserhead {aka.Aizawa Sensei} and when you saw your boyfriend and his hero team get outnumbered, you thought it was the perfect time to show your private mentor,Midnight,that you were perfectly capable of saving people without letting them know of your identity..So you locked your door,and started traversing by sliding from roof to roof of buildings to the scene of the brawl.You knew you couldn't rely on your quirk for this one,because Kirishima knows the abc's of it,and would immediately recognise you,and you could get yourself  expelled from U.A.So you had to use your physical training and trusty blades and katana.
Timeskip-----At the brawl scene------

You made it to the scene to see the fight was more offensive than ever.You were scared for Kirishima and Tamaki-senpai,more than anything,but you thought rationally.So,you positioned yourself away from the civilians and towards the thugs..You saw that Fat Gum was not taking damage as his belly was too stretchy,so you sighed in relief, as you only had to help the other two.So you did a dive and landed straight on the top of the villain who seemed to be the leader of the group.Everybody was surprised to see a figure in ninja robes land on the thug.You didn't waste time though.You had observed that their thorn was erupting from their fingertips ,and ONLY fingertips. So you quickly landed a roundhouse kick on that thug and slit off their fingertips in such a way that his quirk was not activating,but he could still feel pain and his fingers..You looked behind to see Tamaki-senpai was in trouble, so you ran towards him,punching and kicking thugs in the way..Tamaki's quirk capacity was nearing, so he needed to eat something immediately ,or he wouldn't have been able to hold his own against them,so you grabbed the thug from behind and punched him on the behind of his neck in such a way,that he was knocked out.You pulled out a takoyaki from your belt and stuffed it in his hands,and ran towards Kirishima, who was in his unbreakable form,while being attacked by three villains..

You immediately ran and knocked out two of them,and then Fat Gum came and hugged the remaining villains.

One part of being a Pro Hero and a Hero-in-training is being able to understand strategy without having to speak.You were in incognito mode,and Fat Gum had never even met you once,but by the way you were delivering damage,he understood that you,Kirishima and Tamaki were able to bash them up while Fat Gum had all the immoblized thugs in his grasp and was handing them to the police.

The fight was almost over with only two thugs left,of which you had control over one,and you saw Tamaki had another one in his grasp.You knocked out the one in your hand and were about to slip back in the darkness,when suddenly you were pierced in the back with a thorn.You winced at the pain,but you couldn't afford to wait for the doctors to treat you.You turned around to see Kirishima had taken care of the villain and was approaching you.

"Are you alright?"
You backed away from him and nodded.You looked around to see Fat Gum and Suneater was assuring the public and handing out the loot to their respective owners.You tried to deepen your voice and answered-

"I'm fine,Red Riot.Take care of yourself and get home safely.And if you can,please carry me to that dark alleyway over without attracting attention. I can handle it from there."

"Wait!Are you a girl?."

"Are you disappointed?."

"No,of course not.Here,lemme carry you."

Kirishima discreetly picked her up bridal style,carefully avoiding her pierce and slipped of in the dark alley..He put you down and asked-

"If you don't mind me asking,What's your name ?"

"That's for me to know,and you to find out.*wink*.Just think of me as a well wisher.."

Despite of your scratch you still scrambled up the buildings and swiftly made your way back to your apartment. You started to patch things up and watch the news.You weren't surprised to see a headline called'Mystery hero saves the night'
and then there was a clip of you fighting. Afterwards interviews were taken and each hero had something to say about their mysterious helper.But Kirishima's reply left your heart with even more love for him,which you didn't think was possible.He said-

"No need to thank me.We all are just doing our duties as Pro Heroes and Heroes-in-training. Although I have to hand it to them.Whoever did that,also did a good job of remaining incognito.I appreciate that,they were able to do what their mind was set on,and that according to me is super manly."

You almost shed a tear,but you heard the bell ring and you rushed to open the door and reveal a bandaged Kirishima. You immediately pulled him in and pushed him on the sofa and clung to him like usual,so he wouldn't suspect you.

Kirishima P.O.V
"Woah,I'm not dead or anything sweetie!" I said as I put my hands around her.

"But you were hurt badly.Did they patch you up?"

"Yeah they d-Wait a minute".
I looked over her arm thoroughly, to see minor scratches and cuts.Without hesitation I pulled her on me,got out of the sofa and pinned her to the wall,and then sucked on her neck with my sharp teeth.

Your P.O.V
I felt a pang of pain when he pinned me to the wall,but when he started biting me on the neck,everything got drowned in pleasure.

"Yea,Sharkiri.Mmmmm, right there"
"You like it,sweetheart?"
"Give me more,baby shark"
His hand moved down from my shoulder to go to my waist,but he stopped it at my..OH SHIT I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THE BANDAGE!!!

Kirishima P.O.V
I felt a large lump on her back.I immediately spun her around and whipped up her crop top,to see a......bloody wound.
I gave her the stink eye-
"What happened?"
She squirmed and blushed so I did the only thing that would convince her to do what I wanted..Giving her the shark eyes.
"Tell me sweetheart.."
She still didn't budge.I nudged my head into her neck-
"Fine,but you have to promise me to keep it a secret"
I nodded.
"It..was actually me who helped you guys out at the fight today.But I have a very good explanation. You were almost stabbed in the heart by the goons and I had to,had to,HAD TO protect you from them"
I took a whole good minute to analyze what she said.When I finally understood her,I took her in my arms and inspected her for more injuries.Manly tears escaped my eyes as I cupped her cheeks and cried.
"What's the matter,Sharkiri?"
"I'm... just...thinking.....I made myself so...w-weak.It was unmanly of me to get h-h-hurt and make you worry f-for me so much....that you had t-to come,risking your l-l-life for m-me..."I said as I cried out even more ..She just wrapped her arms around me and said,
"You're the manliest,sexiest,cutest person I know,Kiri.And trust me I know a lot of people.Let's cuddle babe"she said with a wink.
I just couldn't resist it so,I pulled her on my shoulders, carefully as not to touch her wound and then we went to our bed to cuddle.Which is basically me hugging her from all angles,and playfully biting her with my teeth.She enjoys it tho.
"Hey sweetheart!"
"You did a good job at keeping incognito."
She pulled me into a kiss and we cuddled each other to death...


Your P.O.V.

Aaah.. That was a good night's sleep.Time to get up..Uggh,.....Wait. It's Sunday..Phew..

I got up to brush my teeth,and afterwards I went to wake Kiri up,which was a bother on weekends.It went like-
"Sharkiri,wake up."
"5 more minutes,dad"
"Bitch,do I look like your dad?"
"But I am your daddy! *Wink wonk*"
I blushed at his comment,and then did the only thing possible.I went to the bathroom, filled a cup with water and splashed it full on his face.
I snickered at him..
"Wat was dat fo?
"Wake up,Sharky or no breakfast for you"
"Would you make me breakfast, Sharkiri?"
"Nahh, I'm good"
He never cooks me breakfast. What's worse,he just clings to me like a koala while I cook..
"BABYYY, don't leeeeaaavve me,"

"Kiri,let go.. I'm hungry, I'm angry!!!"
"You're HANGRY"

"Fuck you Kiri"
"I'd love to"
And that's we end up skipping breakfast.Every.Fucking.Weekend.

{Welp,this might contain slight suicidal tendencies,so read at own risk}

Kirishima P.O.V
"Hey,Bakubro, whatcha doing there?"

"It's not your damn business,Shitty Hair!!!"

"No fair,my hair's just like you!!"

"Tch.. Wanna walk to school with me?"

"That's the spirit! Let's go,bro!!!!"


"Speak for yourself...Hey, Bakugou,does that man look weird to you?" I said as I pointed to a man in his mid thirties.Bakugou looked at where I was pointing and half nodded.Suddenly that man looked towards us,and I could practically see the unusual aura he was giving off.He suddenly let out a wild shriek,even Bakubro was taken aback..We both assumed he was going berserk,so we activated our quirks and got ready,just in case,then suddenly the man let out random sparks of blue light and it hit me and Bakugou..I saw him falter and fall down,and I passed out too..

Timeskip-----After 2 mins------

I woke up and rubbed my eyes,but something seems....weird.I looked beside me to see.....ME!!!
The person looked exactly like me.I took out my phone and saw my reflection to see I had become...
That means........
I looked around to see the man with the quirk, but he was nowhere to be seen. By then, Bakugou, had woken up, and as I had expected his reaction was-
I explained the situation to him, and how we got body swapped, though he didn't admit he was panicking like a five year old. We decided to make it to school and then tell Aizawa sensei of our predicament.

Timeskip-----At U.A_-------
We talked with Aizawa sensei in private, and he told us that the quirk could be reversed if one of us gets confessed with true love... I was shocked..I had a crush on Ahili-Chan,but I was too unmanly to confess to her...And I certainly couldn't confess to her under the look of Bakugou..

Your P.O.V
Phew,finally...It it took me so long to make the chocolates that I forgot I was late.. Goodness class doesn't start in a few minutes.. I'm finally gonna tell Kirishima kun how I feel..He loves chocolates filled with rock candy,right? Speaking of which,he is right there.I think I-Oh shizz, the bell rang. Guess I'll talk to him later.
Timeskip-----At Lunch----
Is there something wrong with Bakugou? I mean he can't be this nice to everybody..And what's up with Kirishima,dude looks like it is his worst day..It's almost as if they switched personas.. Oh,who am I kidding!It's now or never.Let's pop the question....
"Hey Kirishima kun!"
"What is it visor face?"
That's strange. Only Kirishima and Todoroki know why I have the visor.But why did he call me that?
"I....wanted to tell you something..... In private."

"Tch.Make it quick".
Wait,why is he acting like Bakugou. Did his friend finally get to him?Anyways,we walked to the cherry tree behind U.A

"Well,Kirishima kun,I wanted to say're a really nice person and a very cute guy,and one of my best friends... I got to know you..I....fell for you..I l-l-love you,Kirishima kun..."I said as I gave him the chocolates.I awaited his answer,shaking if he would reject me,but what I didn't expect,was for him to chuckle..
"Hey,Extra,I don't like or associate with  annoying bitches like you,now fuck off!"

I was stunned by his reply and my face fell.I dropped the chocolates and meekly said-
"You weren't like this Kirishima-kun!"
Then he had a look of realization on his face and opened his mouth to say something but  I left him there and ran away..On the way I spotted Momo and Mina crouched down behind a bush..I didn't know why they were there,but I didn't care...I just went and locked myself in a girl's bathroom stall an sobbed silently...Nowadays, even my parents nag about how annoying I am..I am only friends with Kirishima, Kaminari and Todoroki.. But I guess people aren't what they seem to be at all.....

Bakugou P.O.V
God I fucked up.
I didn't even realise she was talking about Shitty Hair until she got all sappy and started fucking crying..Oh,this is why I don't get in a relationship...The worst part is Shitty Hair also wants to fucking be her boyfriend..
FUCk.Shitty Hair needs to get laid if I want to be in my awesome bod again..Screw this I've got to talk to Hair for Brains...
I ran to the cafeteria to see,Shitty Hair sitting wih Dunce Face and FuckTape.
"HEY SHITTY HA-I mean....Ayy Bakubro!!"

"Kirishima, What're you doing here?"

"*whispers*Stop being nice Shitty Hair...Or I'll kill you".
He nodded, and then I explained the whole hotchpotch to him..His eyes rolled back into his dumb hair and he almost shouted"
I pulled Hair for Brains out with me,and explained it to him again,

"It's not that,Shitty Hair.I think YOU should go check on her,she......sounded....very depressed...You know...You are her BEST Friend after all..."

"She's gonna think I'm an unmanly jerk...."

"Go and get laid.I want to have my body back Shitty"

He blushed like his hair-I mean MY hair and ran to find Ahili...

Kirishima P.O.V

I won't lose you Ahili..I'll make you mine..That's a promise...

Your P.O.V
I sat and cried like an idiot..I suddenly heard the bathroom stall open and I saw Momo and Jirou's shoes,so I assumed it wad them.Although it wasn't fair,but I still eavesdropped  on their convo-

M-"Oh Jirou,san that girl is a piece of work.She got rejected by Kirishima kun and she's acting fake depressed just to get attention from the other boys like Bakugou and Todoroki kun.

J-Are you sure of that?She seems pretty cool.

M-Appearances can be deceiving, Jirou San that girl's sluttier than Ms.Midnight.."

I had had enough,so I opened the stall with a pained smile and exclaimed-
"Momo san,you don't have to talk about me behind my back y'know..You could tell everybody,and you taught me a very important lesson..Now I see,that appearances CAN be decieving{I HATE Momo}

"I'm really so-

"Save it."
I went to the school rooftop.Now that I think about it,I don't have many friends here...I'd consider Todoroki kun,but he's drifting far from me,and...further in the 'Protect Cinnamon Roll  a.k.a. Midoriya kun,Squad'.And Kirishima kun turned out to be an entire another person.. I looked down from thw roof..If I jumped,I could die easily..But if I lived,no one would give two dandelion fucks about me..Yeah..I'm gonna jump off the roof and do the world a favour...

Kirishima P.O.V

I looked every nook and cranny,but there was no sign of Ahili Chan..I was about to go the roof  when I heard sobbing from.....the roof.
I scrambled up the stairs to see Ahili Chan at the edge of the roof.

"Oh hey Bakugou!"
"What happened??"

"I'm just doing the world a favour.Oh and could you please tell Kirishima kun that I'll never bother him.Ever again."


"Since when did you became such a softie,Katsuki kun?"Ha ha very funny.Well I could chitchat,but I have to end my pathetic excuse of a lofe.Bye Bye."
She tumbled over the edge gracefully before I could reach her.


"What happened, Kiri?"

"Mom...what....Was this just a dream???

"I don't know what you're talking 'bout sweetkins,but you need to get going,or else you'd be late for school."

"Yeah...Thanks Mom"

I got up and fot ready without wasting a second..No...I couldn't afford to lose her..It's now or never...And I'll make her mine...

I practically ran all the way to U.A. to see her standing in front of the class door with het hands behind her back.She was smiling from ear to ear.Without wasting a moment ,I ran upto her and grabbed her in a tight hug...She almost choked,but I let go of her..

"I love you,Ahili Chan"
"It's okay if-
She kissed me..





"You're so adorable and manly,Kirishima kun.I love you too"


Hey everybody,sorry for the slow ass updates.I really had a bad incident in my life {Mind:Go away,no one cares}Here's my problem-

My crush of five years confessed to me yesterday... I was super duper happy,but we didn't kiss tho.We had announced ourselves a couple,and I was going to post it on Wattpad too,but before that I scheduled a date with him today..I accidentally arrived a little too early,and I saw him pinning the waitress to the wall and like,passionately making out with her...My petty heart broke,but he doesn't know yet.I cancelled the date,but I'm gonna give it to him next week,when I see him again.You see ,out of rage I deleted his numbers that's why.Wish me luck....or not...And this is why I listen to BNHA X Listeners ASMR on YouTube.Because atleast THEY DON'T CHEAT ON ME..

~Jinia Chan

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