Chapter 9 "There could be nothing yet something"

Finally, Adalyn thought, it's Friday.

Adalyn was at her locker taking out the books she needed for her next class. She appeared to be calm and steady. However, Adalyn couldn't help but remember last night. She saw her mother leaving again, being taken away by the cops. Her father, unlike her and Evan, was perfectly motionless. He didn't move a muscle or make a sound to help his wife. Adalyn recalled this morning. She practically interrogated him. Unfortunately, he didn't respond. He actually yelled back at her, saying that she wouldn't understand; that she will never understand. On time, Evan stepped in and alienated both father and daughter. Adalyn was absolutely lost in thought. They were going to break in the corporation tonight. They were going to help their mother. She was going to get out of prison. Everything can go back to normal. At least, that's what she hoped for. Slowly, a whisper entered her ear. She turned her head only to find Vincent staring at her with concern, "What?" She wondered clueless of what he was saying.

"Jackie, she's going to stay at her Dad's place, you know the whole Mom getting engaged to Rich Brat?" Vincent repeated.

Adalyn unknowingly drove off and stared into the beyond.

"Adalyn!" Vincent caught her attention.

"What?" Adalyn said again with the same expression and knowledge.

"Yep, you are definitely off." He confirmed. "What happened?"

Adalyn shook her head and forced a small laugh, "Nothing. I was just thinking you know?"

"Adalyn?" He asked, wanting to know what was wrong with her.

"Vince I'm fine." She said firmly.

Vincent, at first, didn't want to say anything yet the words slipped right through his mouth. "Jackie told me about your mom. She wanted to check on you but it seems the alcohol had more effect on her that she expected." He paused to see Lyn's reaction. Adalyn stared at the locker, all tensed and still shocked. "Is she all right? What was the interrogation about?"

Adalyn faced Vincent and questioned herself if she should tell him. She wanted to tell him, nevertheless, what would her think of her then? Would they still be best friends? Or will it all crumple to pieces? But he wouldn't...right? Adalyn doesn't know what her mother was accused of maybe it was a simple mistake. Vincent wouldn't think she's some thief...would he?

"She's fine. They just wanted to know if she knew anything about the stolen project on TV." Adalyn lied, dismissing the subject on the table. Vincent studied her. Adalyn hoped he believed her; she went back to her locker and closed it. Vincent still looked at her, deciding whether to believe her or not. "Well are we going to Math or not?" Adalyn said with the intent of demonstrating what she said was true. Vincent still observing Adalyn, nodded. "Yeah, let's go" And they both strolled to their next class. When Adalyn sat down all she could think of was: We are going to get Mom out of jail. We'll prove she's innocent.

However, the question still remained. How can you prove someone's innocent when you don't even know what he or she is guilty of?

I have no idea, she thought.

"Thanks for the ride Vince!" Adalyn called out as Vince drove away from her house. She followed the path outlined with pebbles, the led straight to the entrance of her home. She took out her keys and entered.

First, she checked her home to see if her father was there. No one appeared to be home. He must be at work, Adalyn thought. She exhaled with relief. While going upstairs, Adalyn took out her phone and sent a text to her brother: I'm home. She waited for his response. He didn't answer. She put down her phone and took out her Chemistry notebook and began her homework in her room.

Who the hell goes to work when their wife is in jail? Adalyn began to question. What kind of man does that? Adalyn distracted, started to rationalize everything about her father's behavior. Why won't he say anything? He acts like he... Adalyn interrupted her own thoughts. She was surprised to even reach to that conclusion. Adalyn pondered a bit more which got her worried and making her feel betrayed.

Adalyn shook her head quickly. She decided to focus on her homework and wait for her brother to arrive. She kicked the thought out of her head, leaving her in peace. However, she still couldn't concentrate. The water's knocks on her window made her stare. She glared out and distinguished an interesting picture. Adalyn turned her head upside down. It seemed as if someone was raising the raindrops. Adalyn blissfully straightened up and dashed for her camera. She placed herself in the same position as before and... CLICK! She took the picture. Adalyn went to the Study and printed the picture. Once it was printed she climbed upstairs to her bedroom. As she pinned the picture to the wall she gazed at the other ones, she was proud of her work. However, the pictures were so close together it looked like an abstract painting. For a moment, everything felt normal to her, like nothing changed. Her parents would come home after work and find her and Evan playing a video game, if he had the time, nowadays he's been busy. Then they would eat dinner and talk about their day. Evan would talk about his new project with John and her parents would laugh for every mistake he said he did. She, on the other hand, wouldn't laugh. Adalyn never understood what they chatted about. She always guessed it was because she wasn't a scientist like the rest, although she still found it a bit strange how she couldn't comprehend. They always said big, weird, hard-to-pronounce words, maybe that was it. It's amazing, she thought, how everything can change from one day to another. She was so focused on the pictures and the last few days that she jumped when her phone rang in her pocket. It was her brother.

Adalyn answered. She was about to speak but he cut her off.

"Adalyn! Withdraw from our home now. We've got to go" He ordered as if he were in a hurry. "Be swift!" He hanged up. Withdraw? She thought. Usingthose kinds of words reminded Adalyn of how she always believed her brother would become a writer or something similar for his choice of words. Until, he decided to be a scientist, which also made sense; though he did have a talent for writing, especially poetry. He used to write when he was in high school. Unfortunately, he never showed his work to anyone. She never knew why, she didn't want to ask since he also didn't tell her about his hidden talent. She found out on her own. Unexpectedly, the rain tapped the window harshly making Adalyn returned to reality.

First, Adalyn looked out her window and found her brother's car in the driveway. She rapidly put on a sweater and dashed outside. Evan was in the car waiting for her. However, she couldn't see Evan for he looked pitch black. She swung her hoodie up and jogged to the car carefully, she didn't want to slip. She opened the door and sat inside. Once she faced her brother, she stood bewildered and chuckled a bit, "Do you really want to get us caught or something?" Evan was practically a burglar. Evan drove away from their home. Adalyn found a black mask on the floor and picked it up. "Wouldn't you be exaggerating with the black mask?"

"No." He said firmly grasping the mask from Adalyn, "This will hide us from the infrared cameras. It won't detect us with this clothing. So put it on or else we will get caught again because of you."

"I only got us caught once and it was an accident."

"You call sneezing an accident?"

"You call surrendering an accident?" She talked back.

"I only did that once." Evan admitted.

"Yeah, one times five. Besides, you cannot prevent a sneeze; it's a part of human nature." Adalyn informed. Evan ignored her by returning to the main topic, "Alright, that doesn't matter, concentrate" He began, "We only have one hour to prowl in the lab, alright?" He explained.

"Got it." She told him. Evan took a turn to the right, heading outside of Downtown Columbus.

"Good. Now, I snatched the equipment from my lab," Adalyn looked at the backseat and found the material: a pair of space blankets, flashlights, an outfit, and other things she did not recognize. Evan continued, "Therefore, if they discover it absent from where it's expected to be after," He checked his watch, "the 20th hour, well I assume I'll be dismiss from my profession which probably will conclude the end of my career." Evan pointed out.

"Do this fast, perfect." Adalyn clarified for herself.

"Precisely," He confirmed. "Your outfit is in the back." He nodded his head to the backseats.

"Great, I'll get change." She said jumping to the backseat.


Evan parked behind the corporation where tall dark trees conveyed nervousness inside others even them, well Adalyn guessed, she wasn't sure about Evan. The rain was dropping hard on the ground, they could barely see. Luckily after visiting so many times, they knew there was a fence surrounding the corporation and cameras in every corner.

"You sure the infrared cameras won't detect us?" Adalyn asked. "Yes." Evan said. Adalyn with her black clothing, ponytail, and space blanket, jogged in a puddle of mud to the fence. Evan stepped out of the car and followed. She jumped on the fence and climbed over it. While Evan jumped over, she stared at the cameras hoping it didn't see her. Then, when Evan landed on the ground, Adalyn rushed to the back door and checked if there were any alarms attached to it. Fortunately, there appeared to be none. It's an old building, she acknowledged. All she did was take out her hair clip and twist and turn it inside the keyhole to unlock the door. Both brothers entered the corporation.

Once they entered, their footsteps echoed through the building. The rain tapped the windows millions of times but that didn't seem to take away the silence. Adalyn felt so tiny being in the corporation. There were in the storage room. Considering the size of the place, she felt something strange. There was something wrong in there; she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Evan took out his flashlight and strode forward. Adalyn went along with him. They were in the storage room where boxes, big, small, wide, short, were stacked on top of each other. After pacing through the corridor, they caught the glow of a light that was blocked by an entire shelf of boxes. "That must be the entrance to one of the labs." Evan inferred. Adalyn agreed, however, she wondered why there was a light glowing under the door and why was it blocked by boxes? Both brothers helped each other to move the shelf away. A door stood in front of them. Without hesitation, they entered.

Immediately, Adalyn felt the cold shiver up her spine as they traveled into the freezer, that's what she thought it was. Adalyn looked around and saw the transparent cabinets glow with a white light. Inside is where they kept organs, chemicals, and blood and.... more blood. She looked around and felt uncomfortable, why couldn't she remember or at least see the room familiar? Adalyn moved to a cabinet and saw this slimy round thing. It was pink, small, and gave the appearance of a ripped piece from its whole. Oddly, whatever it was, it looked fresh and new. Evan gazed at Adalyn when he noticed she wasn't behind him anymore. "Evan?" Adalyn glanced upwards and saw her brother staring at her. "I thought this place was closed." She asked.

He glanced at Adalyn's surroundings and didn't utter a response in return. He ordered later on, "Let's go. We have to continue our search for the project's files." Evan didn't seem at all curious as to why this room was still being used.

Adalyn nodded, though couldn't help but stare back at the thing in the cabinet. Why do you look like a brain? Adalyn wondered. Then, she went after her brother.

This place was really haunting her, her gut said she shouldn't be here, but why? She thought. Finally, both of them climbed up a staircase and found a room packed with old cabinets and hopefully with some old documents. "Alright, begin to search." Evan ordered.

Adalyn used the flashlight from her phone to see the names of the files and who were the people working on that project. She rummaged around the drawers, seeking a file with her parents' name and their assigned projects. Bingo, she thought. Adalyn found the drawer of the employees and their projects. She began to look for her parents' names.

First she fished around for the letter C, for her father: Christopher. Nothing.

Then she located the letter V, for her mother: Veronica. Nothing.

You're so stupid, she told herself. This time she scouted out for the letter S, their last name: Scott. Adalyn shrieked in triumph. There were two files: Scott, Christopher and Scott, Veronica.

Adalyn was about to look inside the folders until she felt a wave travel through her and around her mind making her at first feel dizzy, and then her eyes got blurry. She blinked a million times to get her senses back. Her instincts were telling her to leave. She looked up and hid the folders in her black thick sweater. She called out to Evan, although, he wasn't on the spot where she left him. She explored through the shelves and found her brother looking intently at one drawer. "Evan we have to go." She told him. Evan focused on a file, answered, "For what reason Adalyn? No one's here."

"I know it's just...someone's coming."

"I don't hear anything."

"I know. I'm not making any sense but trust me."

"Adalyn just keep looking for the documents and stop worrying. This was your idea remember?" Adalyn closed the drawer her brother was attached to and pierced through his eyes. "I already found the documents. We need to leave now." She ordered. Unexpectedly, Evan with just one glance at her eyes was startled. At first she didn't understand why he was looking at her like that, but then she ignored him when she heard a distant sound. She walked away from the file room, through another door. It led her to a corridor. She leaned on the handrail and could see the first floor and the main entrance. 

Adalyn looked out of the large windows that were visible from where she stood. Red, white, and blue lights were flashing. "Damn it.", she cursed. Adalyn went back in the room for her brother, "The cops are here." She told him. Evan was in a stiff position with his hand in his coat. He fixed his position and listened carefully. "We've got to vacate." He said and led the way back down the stairs. Unfortunately, they didn't notice they went down the wrong staircase.

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