Authors note and chapter one: The proposal & wedding

I do not own the story or the character Bluebeard.  This is an adaptation of the French fairy tale written by Charles Perrault. I thought it might make an interesting story if Bluebeard were to have a wife and a daughter and what would happen if the wife disobeys him. Will he spare her on account of their daughter or will she be doomed to die? What would happen if Bluebeard gives the same instructions to his daughter. Will she be obedient or will she suffer a cruel fate?

Many years ago longer now then it seems there lived a man named Arthur Azul. When Arthur was young he was a handsome man with no distinct features however, as he grew older something odd occurred. When he grew facial hair it became a deep heart of the ocean diamond color blue instead of the normal brown or yellow or red color like everyone else's. Thus he acquired the nickname Bluebeard. He was called this so often that eventually people started to believe that Bluebeard was his actual last name. Sighing Arthur decided that it was best if he legally change his last name to Bluebeard.

So in time he became known as Arthur Azul Bluebeard. Over the years he worked extremely hard and at a rather young age he became extremely rich and owned several huge estates. Yet, he longed for a wife so he married a local woman whom he had always had a crush on when he was younger.

Unfortunately, his young wife died and he was a wealthy widow. Over the years he married a total of 5 times however, it seemed that he was cursed as within a few months of being married his wife would disappear never to be seen or heard of ever again. However, no one thought the better of it. Everyone knew that most of  his wives had either only married him for his money or had been forced to marry him so that their families wouldn't starve. Even though they lacked for nothing none of them ever truly loved him.

Eventually, his young bride would disappear and it was believed by the locals that because of their hatred for his beard that all of his young brides had run off with other men. Curiosity would often fill those he met and when asked about what happened to his wives he'd reply sadly that they died mostly of diseases or in child birth and alas in the case of child birth the child also died.

"I'm afraid I just have had no luck when choosing a bride. All have fallen prey to medical issues. So now I am in search of a strong woman whom I might court and marry. With any luck perhaps the next woman I marry will be the one I was meant to be with." After hearing his sad story they'd wish him the best of luck.

One day it happened that he passed by a small farm where a beautiful young woman and her sister were planting roses. He smiled and became instantly enchanted at the sight of them and stopped to discuss with their father the possibility of one of them marrying him. "Your daughters are some of the most beautiful fair maidens in the region. Anyone would be a very wealthy and lucky man indeed to have one of those beautiful young maidens as his wife. Tell me sir, do either of them have suitors? If not, If it pleases you sir, I'd like to have the daughter of your choosing to be my bride."

"Sir I am honored that you'd want to marry one of my daughter's however, I must inform you that I can not provide you with a dowry."

"Did I say anything about desiring a dowry?"

"Well no but..."

"I need no dowry. Your daughter shall lack nothing and as her kinsmen neither shall you."

"I shall discuss this with my my two daughters and my sons and while I am sure my daughters will be flattered by your offer I'm not sure either will have a desire to marry. Please don't take any offense Sir, but the color of your beard is rather unsettling. In fact, it gave my youngest daughter such a fright that she refuses to come downstairs from her room for dinner." The father replied.

Arthur Azul Bluebeard sighed. "Then I shall take my leave and return tomorrow." He replied with a heavy heart.

"He wants to what??!!" The two girls exclaimed together in shock. When their father explained the situation to them. "Well I'm not certainly not going to marry him! Father did you see his beard? It's... It's... It's blue. How could you even consider asking either of us to marry such an ugly man?" Crystal whined and her sister Anna nodded in agreement.

"Besides father, have you not heard the rumors about this man?"Anna questioned.


"That he has been married five times already and each of his wives have disappeared mysteriously never to be seen again." What if he's some kind monster?"

"Nonsense. From what I've been told Arthur is a wonderful man. He is honest and fair and he treats everyone with respect despite their status. That is a quality highly lacking these days." Their father replied.

"I heard that he is a multimillionaire and that he lives like a king." One of the brothers replied.

Each day Bluebeard would come to court the young women. Each day they passed him off between each other for neither of them wanted to marry him. They were disgusted by the idea that he'd already been married several times and were equally disgusted by the thought of having a husband who had a blue beard.

Arthur sighed in disappointment and he knew he had to try and win these women's affections and so he offered them to come and join him at his summer castle "Please forgive me if I seem overly persistent but would  you do me the honor of having your family join me in my journey to one of my country mansions for the week? Your daughters are also free to bring a few of their friends along. It would mean a great deal to me." Arthur replied. It gets lonely at the summer castle and I'd be happy for the companionship."

"Unfortunately, my sons and I must stay here to work the fields however, my two daughters are welcome to go with you if they'd wish." Their father replied. The girls though uncomfortable with the idea at first realized that this was an opportunity for them to see the world outside of the farm and local village and they readily agreed to go with him.

The girls had a wonderful time at Bluebeard's cottage. The had great feasts, and balls they went on hunts and were treated like Princess. During the course of the week the farmer's youngest daughter Crystal started to see less and less of Arthur's blue beard and more and more of his charm.

"You know, if you look past his blue beard Arthur is a wonderful man don't you think?"

"I'm sorry Sis, but I just cannot bring myself to get past his blue beard." Anna replied. "While he may be a gentle man I just can't picture myself married to him."

"True, I know he doesn't look like price charming but there's just something in him that I simply didn't see. Or maybe I just didn't want to see it because I was judging him by his looks and not his heart. Do you remember the book of fairytales mother use to read to us when we were younger? It was filled with many romance stories where the Princes and Princesses must overcome many obstacles including evil curses. Perhaps Arthur's Bluebeard is a result of some evil faerie's curse. Perhaps he too must find true love in order for the spell to be broken. I think I should like to accept his offer of marriage."  Crystal told sister Anna on the last night of the trip.

Anna giggled "Crystal those were fairy tales mom use to tell us at bedtime. None of them were real. Things like that just don't happen in real life. I get a very bad feeling when I am around Him. I strongly recommend that you reconsider. I sense that he is hiding something from us." Anna replied.

In the morning as they gathered their things Crystal gathered up all her strength to ask Arthur for a second chance. "Arthur may I talk to you for a minute?"

"Of course. Why Crystal, your trembling and your pale as a sheet. Are you alright? Have I or anyone else done something to upset you?" Bluebeard asked in concern. "If I have I apologize sincerely."

"Oh, no, you've been a perfect gentleman. I wanted to talk to you about your proposal..."

At this Bluebeard cut her off. "You need not say anything. As promised I have returned you to your home and I will never darken your doorstep again. No longer will I search for something that will never be found." Arthur replied with a hint of tears in his eyes.

"No, wait!!! Please Don't go." Bluebeard hesitated and Crystal began to whimper slightly and her eyes filled with tears once more. "You've been nothing but kind to us since the day we met and all I've been is rude towards you. I was acting so childishly all because I couldn't see past the color of your beard. I'm am so sorry. I'm so very sorry."

"It is fine." Bluebeard replied turning to Crystal "I know my appearance leaves much to be desired. I know now that it is foolish to search for something that will never be found. I pray that you find a suitor worthy of you. Goodbye Crystal."

"But I don't want any other suitors." Crystal replied and Bluebeard paused once more.

At this Bluebeard paused and sighed knowing that he would regret asking this. "Why would that be?"

"Because my heart already belongs to someone. However, I am certain that due to my stubbornness and pride I may have already lost the chance to call him mine.." Crystal replied tearfully. Looking down at the ground in shame. "I am not worthy to be his bride."

At this Bluebeard got off his horse and lifted her head up towards his. "Nonsense. You are pure and innocent and everything a man could ever want. I only wish I knew who it was that stole your heart. So that I might congratulate him. For he is a very lucky man indeed." Crystal's next words completely shocked both him and the rest of her family.

"It is You my love." Crystal whispered.

"What did you say?" He demanded wondering if he had heard her right.

"You have stolen my heart. I know now that all I have ever wanted stands before me. You are a wonderful man with a heart of gold and if anybody doubts it they couldn't be more wrong." Crystal replied looking down once more in shame. "I do not deserve to be your wife. I shall return to my father's house where I will remain till the end of my days. For no man could ever be as wonderful as you. I only wish that I could have seem it before." Crystal replied heading towards her house.

"Now, where exactly are you going my love? We have a wedding to plan." Bluebeard replied opening his arms wide. Crystal looked at him in shock and then ran into his embrace.

"Do you realize what an honor it is for you to be marrying a great Lord such as Bluebeard?" her brothers asked Crystal who smiled and nodded. Some of her previous suitors frowned in jealousy as they watched the wedding ceremony. How could a man like him have stolen her heart?

"If anyone has any reason this man and woman should not be wed in holy matrimony let them speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest said.

There was a moment of silence and then a young man stood up. "I object." Everyone in the crowd gasped in shock and turned to face the voice who had dare interrupt these sacred proceedings. Bluebeard frowned the young man looked familiar but he couldn't pin point where he had seen him before.

"I'm sorry I have to go!" Crystal whispered tearfully grabbing the hem of her dress and running down the isle. Everyone turned and glared at the man who smiled in content before walking out of the church.

Bluebeard decided to address the confused crowd. "Please stay seated. My fiancé and I shall sort this out and will continue with the ceremony shortly. With that Bluebeard followed behind Crystal and the young man. Crystal sat outside the church steps sobbing. When she felt a hand on her shoulder she glanced up and frowned. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" This was supposed to be the happiest day of my life but it is quickly turning into the worst."

"I'm sorry. It's just that, Your making a big mistake. You can't marry him."

"Who are you to make that decision?" Crystal demanded angrily. "Are you a judge?"

"Well no..." The young man replied rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Are you a saint? Or some kind of messenger from God?" Crystal demanded.

The young man shifted his feet nervously as he replied once more "no."

"Are you a prince or a king of a distant land?"

Again the young man replied "no." Bluebeard couldn't help being amused by Crystal's questions. She really was a remarkable young woman.

"Then what gave you the right to interrupt the most important day of my life?" Crystal growled.

The young man sighed. "I couldn't let you make the same mistake my sister made."

At this revelation Bluebeard became slightly nervous. So that's where he had seen the young man before. He was one of his previous wives siblings. Before he could interrupt the conversation he heard Crystal's irritated reply.

"I'm sorry that your sister died but Bluebeard had nothing to do with her death. He deserves to be happy after a lifetime of grief."

"Is that what he told you? That she, like all the others died from natural causes? That is a lie. My sister was in perfect health. Oh and did you know that all the burial ceremonies were private? Not even the family members were allowed to attend. Not one. No one ever saw the bodies. Bluebeard holds some deep dark secret in his castle. It's as dark as the blue in that beard of his. One that he doesn't want anyone finding out. If your not careful that secret of his, whatever it is may one day cost you your life." The young man warned.

At this Bluebeard let out a low growl and was about to give this young man a piece of his mind. How dare he try to frighten his bride into backing out of their marriage.

At this Crystal shoved the young man away. "How dare you try and turn me against my love! If you came here to humiliate Arthur by getting me to break off the engagement then your plan failed. Arthur is the kindest man I have ever met! I grow tired of people judging him by his appearance! I love him and nothing you say will ever change that!" Crystal replied with a growl.

Bluebeard chuckled as he heard Crystal's words. She really was pure and innocent. If only she knew that the young man was telling the truth. He did have a dark secret and he would test her to see if she would be faithful or let temptation get the best of her as had all the others. "Crystal my love is everything alright?"

"This was supposed to be the best day of our lives and now it's ruined."

"Nonsense. The guests are still here as is the priest." Bluebeard replied.

"Did you overhear the conversation between that young man and myself?" Arthur nodded a stern look upon his face. "I want you to know that I didn't believe a word he said...."

"I know. He's lucky that I don't pummel him into the ground for ruining your special day." Bluebeard replied.

"Arthur please don't. He's still grieving the loss of his sister. He's dealing with his grief the only way he knows how."

"Blaming others is never a good way to deal with grief. It only makes you bitter."

"If only he could visit her grave for some closure..."

At this suggestion Bluebeard's face grew dark. "No." He replied sternly.

"But why?"

"Because I said no! Now drop it!" Bluebeard growled at Crystal grabbing her arm and leading her back into the church.

"Are we ready to continue with the ceremony?"

"Yes." Bluebeard replied before Crystal had a chance to reply.

"If anyone has a reason why these two should.."

"Excuse me but might we skip to the end. We've already had one disruption the last thing my bride needs today is another." Bluebeard replied looking at the priest with a frown.

"Do you take Arthur Azuel take Crystal to be your wife in sickness and in health till death do you part?"

"I do."

"Do you Crystal take Arthur Azuel to be your husband in sickness and in health till death do you part?"

"I d.." Before she could finish her sentence a man yelled from the back of the church.

"She does not."

The crowd began to murmur amongst themselves. "Not again." Someone whispered. "Maybe they are not meant to be." Whispered another. Crystal tried to hold back her sobs. Why was this happening to her?

Bluebeard let out an irritated growl. "Now what?" He demanded pushing Crystal behind him in a protective manor.

"You can't marry her!" The young man replied in a full of confidence manor walking up to the two. Upon seeing him Crystal let out a gasp. It couldn't be.

"Who might you be young man?" The priest asked with an irritated sigh.

"I'm her fiancé. We've been engaged since the day we were children. I've only now returned from my service in the king's royal army. When I heard of the wedding ceremony I came as fast as I could. Crystal I promised you that I'd come back for you. Why didn't you wait? How could you be so unfaithful to me?" The young man demanded.

At this Crystal's gaze grew dark momentarily  and then it returned to to her sweet smile. She smiled and stepping out from behind Arthur ran into the young man's open arms. She smiled up at him before replying "Well.... You were dead. I thought that I'd never see you again. My heart broke the day we received the letter informing us of your death."

"Nothing not even death can keep true love apart it can only post pone it for a while. I'm back to claim what's rightfully mine."

"Is he truly her fiancé?"

"That's complicated."

At this an evil 😈 glint shown in Crystal's eyes. "Your right as always." Crystal replied caressing his cheek in a loving manor. Bluebeard sighed sadly and turned to leave but he was held back by his father in law.

"Is he her faience or not?"

At this his father in law sighed "He was."

"Then I shall not stand in the way of her happiness. I shall take my leave." Bluebeard turned to go.

"Do you trust my daughter?"

"Excuse me?"

"My daughter told you that she loves you did she not?"


"Then the question you must ask yourself is do you trust that she truly loves you?"

"Yes. I am confident that she does love me but..."

"There should be no but. Yes it is true that this young man was once her faience. Yes it is true that at one point she did believe that she loved him. However, that was a long time ago. It's a complicated and long story one that is not mine to tell but know this, you've got nothing to be concerned about. Her heart belongs to you."

At this Bluebeard felt slightly reassured until Crystal allowed the young man to pull her into an embrace and kiss her passionately on the lips. He let out a deep growl and Crystal's smile deepened. She was enjoying seeing Arthur jealous. Her eyes sparkled in delight. She wanted to make him angry enough to want to kill the young man.

Once more his father in law held him back.
"I thought you said you trusted my daughter?" Bluebeard grumbled in reply. "There's something I should have mentioned about her before. Crystal has two sides of her. The sweet girl that you've come to love and.... well...." Before he could finish his sentence a loud slap echoed through the church. "Then there's her more devious size." His father in law replied with a slight wince. The young man stood there stunned as Crystal wiped her mouth off in disgust.

"Did you think that kiss was a promise of what you'll have? No my pompous one. It's to let you know what you will never have. I could never love two timing backstabbing snake like you!" Crystal hissed angrily at the young man who who stood there dazed.

"Ummm what are you talk about?" He asked seemingly confused.

"You think I didn't know about all the other women? All the women that you've slept with? All the women you had intend to continue seeing even after our marriage? I am no fool. You don't love me you never did. All you cared about was my dowery. If you truly loved me you'd have never slept with my ex-best friend even worse you slept with my sister!"

"That was a mistake. I was drunk."

"That's no excuse. It was a mistake that will cost you everything. Now get out your not welcome here! I have a real man that I love dearly and he would never break my heart the way you did!" Crystal replied walking up to Bluebeard and placing her head on his shoulder. Bluebeard sighed in content. Then he lifted up Crystal's face and kissed her. Her cheeks burning bright from embarrassment.

A second later Crystal found herself being pulled back into her ex's embrace. "You belong to me. That was the deal your father made in order to keep his land. Your going to marry me. Your going to be my loving completely devoted obedient wife weather you like it or not. Or I will ensure that your father looses everything. His land, what little money he has left. Perhaps even his life. I shall have your sister arrested on prostitution charges. No man will ever want her she'll die an old maid. Unwanted and unloved. As for your brothers I shall have them executed for abandoning their posts in the army."

"No please. I was the one who didn't wait for your return. Punish me but please don't punish my family." Crystal begged.

"Oh don't worry 😉 my dear. I have a special punishment planned for you."

At this Crystal began to whimper and Bluebeard's patience had run out. Pulling out his rapier he held it at the young man's throat. "I advise you to let go of my wife or your going to regret it."

"You dare threaten a member of the king's royal guard? I'll have your head for this!" The young man hissed.

Bluebeard only chuckled in response. "Your attempt to intimidate me is pathetic. Tell me boy, what is your rank?"

"Excuse me?"

"Your rank boy what is it? Are you a commander? No? Then A captain perhaps?" The young man did not reply. "Are you A hero?" Now it was Crystal's turn to be amused by the questions her fiancé asked. She smiled her eyes sparkling in amusement.

"I am a very important member of the royal guard."

"Is that So?" Bluebeard replied stroking his beard. "Humm. I'm sorry everyone, it seems that I've made a grave mistake. It seems that my beloved belongs to this very important member of the king's royal guard. Who am I to deny his claim?" At this Crystal looked hurt and Bluebeard just smiled at her and gave her a wink 😉 causing her to giggle.

"You are the man who holds her heart. The truth is that I made a deal with his late father because I was behind on my taxes. It was decided that we should combine our households through marriage. After being told of their betrothal his attitude towards her changed almost overnight. He resented being forced into marriage even if it was to his childhood sweetheart."

"We never were sweethearts. I only treated her kindly because I knew that was what was expected of me. In truth, your daughter was a spoiled brat who I despised. However, I wasn't about to loose my inheritance by refusing a match made for me by my father."

"I see."

"Despite knowing that he was betrothed to Crystal he chose to pursue relationships with other women throughout their childhood. It seemed as if he delighted in causing her pain. He even went so far as to sleep with her best friend and I recently found out he slept with her older sister we as well. Which I will deal with later. As far as I'm concerned he doesn't deserve her."


"Wether I deserve her or not does not matter. The deal you made with my Father is unbreakable. If you want to be dragged off to jail and your property seized then by all means allow her to marry this man."

"Enough! Crystal is my wife and it's time we were on our honeymoon."

"Umm. Honey. We haven't exactly finished the ceremony..." Crystal replied her cheeks beginning to redden.

"Humm. I guess we have to fix that." Arthur replied giving Crystal a mischievous smile.

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