Chapter 29 - The world isn't big enough
As usual, there are several POVs in this chapter, sorry again but it's necessary!
"Power belongs to those who take it."
Nikolas's POV
"Maria, where did you get this from?" I grated out, the words scarping at my throat, and my fingers tightening over the small piece of paper, crumbling it in my grip as I tried to come in terms with what is actually happening.
"Uncle Nathan," She said, so innocently, so unaware. My blood boiled, the fire raged within my chest, stealing the oxygen feeding my lungs as the reality of everything ascended on me; He got near her, he was here, he could've...he probably has Nathan...No, no fucking way!
"He was here," Maria added, pointing at the opened back door and without thinking, I strode forward, my eyes taking notice of our surroundings, walking forward till my gaze fell on the three bodies laying on the ground, belonging to the security guards, not too far away from the house. He casually just killed them and walked into my house...
My fingers curled into the inside of my palm, my teeth grinding against each other as all types of dark thoughts raged my brain...I can't fucking wait to get my hands on him.
I rushed back in, ready to go and find my son when I saw Natalie crouching down by Maria's side, "What do you mean by...uncle?" She asked, so confused and clueless.
Maria smiled and pointed at her mother, "You have a brother Nathan, like me!" She said, an innocent excitement in her voice and I noticed how Natalie's fingers twitched over Maria's as she drank into the brand new information before her gaze lifted up, meeting mine.
Breathless, her chest heaved out, her eyes asking me for an explanation, for anything. The fear and terror tangled up with the realization and I just shook my head, dismissing the topic for now, "I need to find Nathan, and we can take care of the rest later," I stressed out, strictly before I picked up Maria and wrapped her in my embrace, "You are staying with me," I mumbled in her hair, thinking how close I let him get to her, how he could be getting near to wherever Nathan is now.
Not a chance, I am putting an end to this before it even starts.
My eyes found Natalie's again before I took off, I didn't let the tears gathering behind her eyes stop me, I didn't let them change my mind the slightest as I grabbed her hand in mine, my squeeze gentle and reassuring, that the only thing that matters now, is getting Nathan back. No more, no less.
Lilly's POV
I plastered myself to Max's side, not planning on letting him go anywhere away from me as I listened to Nikolas tell dad about what happened, as I watched more men walk around the house, more security gathering, another proof that Louis was here, he got close, so close.
Christian was right; I don't think we should take him lightly.
He was able to walk into one of the houses without any one us even noticing, he was even able to get to Maria's side, oh god, he could've hurt the little girl.
The thought alone had me tightening my hand over Max's arm, stopping him from walking forward, "Don't even think about it," I hissed beside him, already knowing what he is planning to do.
His gaze fell to mine, wild and raging, "If Nathan is outside now, it's because of me," He said, the pain and the anger darkening his eyes, "If anything happens to him..." He shook his head, refusing to say nor think about it as the guilt ate him alive.
"Nothing will happen," I said, giving his arm a tight squeeze, trying to convince us both, "They will find him, I mean look around you," I added, addressing the fact that despite all, Louis is still outnumbered. Many of these men had already left on the mission to find Nathan before Louis does. He could've not gotten that far. I am really hoping so.
"You're sure Louis isn't the one who took him?" Dad asked, the tension brewing all around us could be cut down with a knife. Everyone seemed to be on their nerves, worried and a bit terrified since we know nothing for sure.
Nikolas shook his head, "The guard at the front door saw Nathan leaving the house by himself around half an hour ago," His jaw tightened as he carried on, "Also, he could've not went all the way to his room unnoticed, he just walked into my house to deliver this," He pointed at the piece of paper, "He is playing a fucking game," He grated out, cursing something under his breath at the thought alone.
This wasn't any game. This was life or death from now on.
The nerves prickling under my skin almost had me gasping when I felt a hand rest over my lower back. Trying to calm down my breath, my eyes drifted to my right, looking up at Noah as he stuck to my side just like I stuck to Max's, "You're not leaving my sight, you get that," He whispered to me, worry in his gaze as he gently stroked his hand over my back.
I nodded my head. At this moment, I was terrified, for Nathan, who is alone and could be an easy target. My eyes went back to Max, I was terrified for him too, he was a target once before. I heaved out a stuttered breath and my eyes went beside Max, meeting Chase's for a very brief moment.
We broke our gaze almost immediately when they carried on talking, both of us trying to make sense of everything happening around us and I didn't even think how his eyes went to Noah for a quick moment, noticing how he had me all plastered against his side.
"I need to go and find him," Nikolas added, rushing a frustrated hand over his face, "I can't just wait here."
Dad nodded, "Yeah, I am coming as well," And uncle Ashton joined them, "I am coming too."
Uncle Roman and that man named Ronald has already went looking for him alongside many of these men that keep showing out of nowhere...god, I am still not used to this side of my family.
"I will stay here," Emma said, "In case that..." Her gaze drifted to Natalie for a brief second, "Louis or whatever decides to drop by."
Nikolas nodded, agreeing before he got ready to take off. Dad came to our sides, his eyes on Noah, "If she gets out of this house, I am gonna kill you," He warned him, ever so seriously, talking about me as if I am not right there standing by his side.
When will they trust me again?
Noah gave him a reassuring nod and dad's eyes flickered to me and Max, warning and strict, "You two, you will stay here," He said, "We are fixing this, not you, you get that?" He added, looking at Max, understanding whatever thoughts were running through his mind. Max kept silent and looked away, "Max?" Dad stressed out, forcing him to look back and Max gave up, nodding his head and agreeing.
His eyes went to me and his eyebrow raised. I immediately shook my head, "I am not going anywhere, I promise." I am really not planning to complicate this more than it already is.
Satisfied with our response, dad walked to mom's side, who looked better now that she had some rest, he said something to her before they all took off in hopes of finding Nathan before it's too late.
Natalie had a sleeping Maria in her arms, she kept stroking her hair but her eyes seemed to be lost somewhere else, probably the worry eating her alive now that her son is not by her side. Mom and auntie Katherine sat down beside her, talking and probably giving her some hope.
"Mom, is Nathan gonna be okay?" Wyatt asked his mother, the worry tightening his brows together. Emma nodded, "Yeah, of course he will, don't worry," She said as she wrapped her arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer and pressing a kiss to his head, her jaw tightening at the whole situation as she whispered to him, "Just stay by my side, okay?"
When I felt Max move from beside me, I whirled around so fast and he gave me a strange look, "I am just going to check on mom," He said, his eyebrow raising, indirectly asking me to stop worrying so damn much.
I gulped down, still pretty shaken-up after everything that's happened tonight, "So, I come for a vacation and the whole world crashes," Conner's voice shook me back and I looked up at him. He gave me a cheeky smile, his way of telling me it'll be okay before he tapped his hand over my shoulder. I gave him a light nod, unable to joke around at the moment, unable to make a conversation or ask him when did he even get here. But with everything happening, we all gathered in one house, one place to make it easier for our protection...or easier to kill us. Ugh, I really should stop with this pessimism.
"Don't worry Lilly, hopefully they'll find him," At her voice, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. As if she even understands the seriousness of the situation. My lips pressed into a thin line and I gave her a nod, the look in my eyes asking her to just never speak with me again.
Staying in one house also meant for Chase to drag his girlfriend here, god forbid she stays in the other house and have Louis takes her...god forbid.
Unable to make a normal conversation with anyone at the moment, "Excuse me," I mumbled, breathlessly and turned around, heading to another room, although I really needed a breath of fresh air but I won't even risk it or put anyone at risk at this stressful moment.
I felt Noah following me, really not planning on leaving my side but I didn't turn around. At the moment I was trying to just focus on my breathing, especially when my chest felt too tight, restricting the pathway feeding my lungs with a much-needed oxygen. I paused to a stop by the stairs, unable to move forward or even utter a single word when the tightness intensified.
I really couldn't breathe.
What the hell? My eyes pressed shut, wincing as I rubbed at my chest, my heart pounding, so loud it was the only thing I could hear. The hand I used to blunt the ache away was trembling...shaking. I gasped for one normal breath and even my legs shook, I was scared my knees will buckle and I would crash on the floor. I wanted to talk, to say something but...couldn't.
My mind raced, trying to...understand what physical barrier was causing me to hyperventilate at this moment but I couldn't...couldn't form one cohesive thought. I only felt pain, so much pain as I fought for one normal breath.
The hands that curled over my arms and turned me around were so strong, so protective. The same hands cupped my face, forcing it up, forcing my eyes to look into his as I struggled to pull air into my lungs and push some out. I never felt like this before. Am I going to die? I feel like I will...
Blue eyes held mine, they were soft, so soft and it took me a second to make sense of the words leaving his lips, "Lilly, listen to me," I heard him say, his voice warm, soothing, not panicked like my current state, "You're just scared, you can get through this," He whispered, encouraging me, his hand caressing my cheek, "You can, just try to breathe with me," He took my hand and pressed it to his chest, letting me feel his heart, beating, one at a time, his chest heaving up and down, up and down.
"Take a breath in," His voice penetrated through my thoughts, my gaze focused on my hand pressed over his chest as I took a breath in, "Now, let it out," He added, guiding me through it but I still felt suffocated, struggling to do a simple, normal task, gasping and struggling to keep myself standing.
His arm moved around my waist, steadying me, holding me, "Lilly, you are terrified at the moment, I get it," He said, his other hand on my cheek and tucking my hair away, "You are scared, it's normal, but I won't let anything happen to you," I looked up at him and he shook his head, "Nothing will happen to Max," He read the thoughts running through my pessimistic mind, "It will be okay, you are not alone here."
I let out that tight breath and a small smile lifted his lips, "Good," He said, encouraging me for more and it took me a couple of seconds to take control back over my lungs, to understand that whatever my body was going through was psychological and not physical. I could breathe again and the next breath that left my mouth took with it all of my energy.
It wasn't then that I felt the wetness over my cheeks, the tears left without my permission, reflecting my immense panic and fear, "How are you feeling now?" He asked and finally his voice didn't sound like it's coming from miles away.
"I feel like I am gonna crash on the ground," I mumbled, my voice a whisper, the ache ascended down to my legs, tightening my muscles and I felt Chase pull me closer to him, "It's okay, just hold into me," He said, tightening his arm around my waist and I didn't think any of this through as I wrapped my fingers over his arm, holding into him as he lead my way to the next room.
"I never felt like this before," I mumbled, using my other hand to wipe the wetness over my cheeks away.
"It's normal, what's happening now probably reminded you when Max was attacked before," He explained, and I didn't understand how he was the one to notice it, I thought Noah was the one behind me, "Getting panicked again is only an understatement."
I nodded and he finally released me to pull out my chair. I sat down and took a breath in and out, trying to quickly get back to myself. There is no time for me to panic, my mind needs to be a hundred percent sober if something was to happen. Out of everyone now, I am the only one who knew Louis, or thought I did.
Chase handed me a glass of water and I looked up at him, a small smile pulled the corner of my lips, appreciating how he always stands by my side and takes care of me, not as the boyfriend I had for very brief moments, but as the friend, and the member of my family I grew up with.
As I sipped on my water, I heard footsteps inching from behind me. I turned my head to meet Noah's eyes, "Are you okay?" He asked, resting a hand over my shoulder and I nodded, kicking that moment of weakness to the back of my mind, "You really aren't kidding about not leaving my side, huh?" I tried to joke around, to turn my tone playful and release some of the tension suffocating me.
He nodded, "Of course," The muscles of his jaw worked as his gaze flickered to Chase beside me, glaring, "But some people don't seem to understand that."
My eyebrows pulled closer and I turned to Chase on my other side, his jaw tightening as he held Noah with a smoldering glare and at the moment, I felt sandwiched between two grown men, fighting over who is going to protect me. I gulped down, I really do have so many men in my life, yet for some reason I can't seem to get any of them to stay. I sipped on my water, casually ignoring whatever was happening now, thinking how the abnormality is me, it's definitely me.
I wanted to sigh in relief when I saw Conner joining us in the kitchen, putting an end to the testosterone dripping on the floor but my mood flipped upside down again when my gaze fell on her beside Conner. Don't roll your eyes, Lilly. Don't. Don't kick her out of your house, it's dangerous; the wolfs could eat her alive outside...God, if only.
Conner took the seat in front of me, "So, should I call my work and tell them to start searching for a new employee since I am going to die here?" He asked, ever so seriously.
I shot him a playful glare, "No one is dying," I said, my eyes flickering to Aylin as she settled on the chair closest to Chase. I rolled my eyes, maybe a specific blondie could die, a collateral damage to this so-called war...I won't mind that. God, I really hate the girl. Not just for Chase, but her face alone plays on my nerves, how was I ever friends with her before?
"So, from what I understood, this...Louis, he's your friend?" Conner added, his eyebrows pulling closer in confusion.
I nodded, "Was," I corrected the tense of the verb. Louis and Christian really lied to me in the most creative way possible, I give them that. Both were smart enough and I was stupid enough; the best combination for a disaster.
"Lilly, no offense," Conner carried on, his eyebrow raising, "But beside me, you really have the worst taste in friends."
Huh, true that.
"So true," I nodded, forcing on a tight smile, "Some betray me," I pointed out, and I could see her rolling her eyes from my peripheral vision...get that you little bi...ugh never-mind. "Some lie to me and stalk me behind my back," I turned around, shooting a playful glare at Noah.
He looked dissatisfied at my words and pressed his hand over my eyes. I chuckled lowly and looked back at Conner, "And some play with me and my feelings in the most colorful ways," I added, addressing Louis and Christian.
I extended my hand forward, "I salute you," I said, giving him an amused respectful nod, "Over here, you are the only friend who didn't do anything bad to me," He smiled and shook my hand back, very happy at the declaration.
Noah took the seat beside me, Conner being unable to shut up opened up a conversation with him, getting to know him and all. I released a low sigh and leaned back in my seat, the back of my head pressed against the wood and I turned my head to my other side, my gaze falling on Chase. He leaned backward as well and inched his head closer to me, his eyes on mine as he playfully asked, his voice low, just for me to hear, "What about me?"
A smile lifted my lips, "Don't worry, in our friendship I was the bad one," I said, making my voice low as well, not wanting anyone else to hear us, "I broke the biggest rule," I gave him a fake terrified look as I whispered, "Kissed you and all."
He mirrored my silly smile and nodded his head, "Oh yeah, those good old days," He added and a weird sense of relief spread over my chest. I love it when we act like this, no tension, no awkwardness, no silly arguments, just two friends who care about one another and can't see the other in discomfort. Maybe it was good we had that closure, maybe.
A hand over Chase's arm took his attention away from me, Ms. blondie can't help it when the attention is not on her. I ignored her and turned to Conner and Noah, busying myself with their conversation, my gaze flickering to the living room every now and then, checking that Max is here and safe as I waited for this terrible day to reach an end.
Louis's POV (aka uncle Nathan xD)
I pulled the lighter from my pocket, inching it to the cigarette dangling in between my lips. Lighting it up, I let the tip touch the flames and I inhaled the smoke into my already tired lungs. My eyes closed for a brief second, taking it in before they glided open, focusing their sight on the kid sitting a few miles away from me. All alone.
He is really making it so easy. These people aren't even giving me a challenge.
Hitting send on the message on my phone, I shoved it back into my pocket. I pulled myself off the wall and strode forward to his side. I sat down by the bench, a few centimeters of concrete separating us now. Holding it between my forefinger, I placed the cigarette back to my lips, sucking the toxins out and filling my chest with them before I blew out the smoke.
My eyes flickered to my right, feeling his gaze on me, he had lifted his head from between his hands, his eyes looked so tired, so blue, and almost...innocent. He looked away from me, the muscle's of his jaw working, bothered by the stranger's intrusion at his little sob moment.
I looked ahead, at the waves of the sea clashing and crashing against each other below us, the hill looking over this beautiful city, every breathing living being so far away from us, no one would come for his aid even if he screamed bloody murder. A perfect setting. The kid really thought he could run away from home and be alone in here without the wolfs attacking.
"Isn't it a bit too late for someone your age to be outside all alone?" I asked, my eyebrow raising, grabbing his annoyed gaze back to me. He gave me a weirded-out look, and a low huffed breath parted his mouth, indirectly asking me to leave him the hell alone.
Haha, he has no clue; little innocent Nathan.
"Oh, mommy warned you not to talk with strangers," I added, a mocking smile lifting my lips and lines drew between his eyebrows, trying to understand why I was even making up a conversation with him.
I patted my pockets, "I don't have any candy though, you know to lure you in and all," I smiled, loving that pure confusion in his gaze. I gave him a light shrug, "Don't need the candy anyway," I added as I pulled the knife out of my pocket, tracing the sharp edge with my finger as the cigarette dangled on its own from between my lips, "I tend to be a bit more creative."
His eyes fell on the knife in my hand, he sensed that I am not just any stranger, his throat bobbed, a bit nervous before he got up to his feet, building distance away from me, "Oh come on little Nathan, we were just getting to know each other," I said, my simple words made him pause in his steps to meet me again.
Lines pulled at his forehead, "How do you know my name?"
I got up to my feet as well, "Why would you be wandering the city all alone," I ignored his question, asking this with fake worry as I took a step closer, "Don't you think mommy and daddy will be so worried about you?"
I stepped forward and he took one backward, his gaze flickered from the knife in my hand to my face, baby blue eyes held mine, glaring and not as weak I expected them to be, his fingers curling into a fist at the side, "Who the hell are you?"
I took the cigarette out of my lips with the same hand holding the knife, I blew off the smoke before I tossed the reminder to the ground, squishing in under my shoe, just like I am about to do to each and every one of them.
"How rude of me," I flashed a big smile as I extended my empty hand forward, "Nathaniel," I said, noticing the confusion wrap with the bit of anger in his eyes, "Nathaniel Viarchi."
"What bullshit is this?" He grated out, looking at my extended hand with pure distaste, as if I am playing some kind of trick on him.
"Bullshit? Not really," My eyebrow raised, "You see, I am the rightful owner of that name," I stated facts; he doesn't have what it takes to carry on the responsibility of our last name, "Not you."
His fist on the side tightened, fire darkened his eyes, his jaw clenching, "What the hell do you want?"
I stepped forward and he didn't move backward, he stood his ground as I spoke, "Simple, I want you dead," I said, my eyes on his neck, already imaging the blood spilling from between the wound I will artistically carve in there, "I want your sister dead, I want that half-brother of yours dead, I just want to break down this dysfunctional family of yours into pieces."
My words fed the anger in his eyes and I added, "I want to stand and watch a whole damn empire fall and crash," My jaw ticked, fire licked in my veins and my grip tightened over the knife, "I want to burn it down to ashes."
"You won't stand a chance," He shot back, triggered by my threat. Little Nathan had balls on him alright; I am kinda impressed.
"Really?" I mocked, "Who would stop me?" My threatening step forward should've had him running for the hills, especially when I raised my hand, placing the tip of the knife to his cheek, lightly tracing down the path, "You?" My eyebrow arched, "Or your daddy?"
His jaw tightened and he swallowed hard, I could smell the fear on him but he was trying not to feed me that, as if he sensed how much I enjoy it, the fear in my victim's eyes, the terror, it was such a nice tasteful drug, even better than spilling their blood. But no, I understood this one's motives, he was pulling the strong act only to distract me. The fucker.
My hand shot out to his, snatching the phone he was sneakily trying to use behind his back and I took a quick look at the screen, my jaw ticking, "Trying to send an alarm to them, huh," I grated out before I whirled the phone, throwing it off the cliff, "Such a smartass."
Before he could run away let alone move from my path, my hand grabbed his arm, harshly, I was done messing around as I threw a punch to his face, the impact of my force pushed him to the ground, "You're lucky I don't want to kill you yet," I grated out as my fingers wrapped around his neck, pulling his upper body up and slamming it against the bench, "I am not going to make it that much easy on your father," I spat the words in his face and his hand wrapped over mine, trying to move it as he struggled to breathe but he stood no fucking chance. I only tightened my grip over his neck, watching the blood dripping down the corner of his mouth.
"For each one of your deaths, I am gonna make him suffer more than he can imagine," I added, loosening my grip over his neck, wanting him alive still. He used that to his advantage, trying to fight my hold but my second punch had the side of his head slamming against the bench's concrete, this time the pain left his mouth as a whimper because I swear I heard the sound of bone cracking, "Don't waste your energy," I gave him an advice, you know from an uncle to his nephew, "I am strong enough to put your father down, you think small baby you can beat me?"
His eyes fell on mine, his chest heaving, blood dripping down his temple and mouth, one more punch and I could knock him unconscious, "Why are you doing this?" He asked, his voice low as the words struggled out of his throat.
I leaned closer, so close to his face, the tip of my knife pressed to his neck, drawing a bit of blood, "Because little one, the world isn't big enough for you and me," I answered.
I moved the knife over his skin, without pressing, just imagining for now, all will be due in its right time, "Also, can you imagine how fun it's gonna be," I smiled, "I am really wondering, if given a choice, who would your father save," My eyebrow raised, "You or Max?" My eyebrows pulled closer, "You or Lilly?" I asked, my lips curling up, "Max or Lilly?" I shook my head, "You see, it's a sea of endless possibilities, and I am going to have so much fun finding each one of them out."
I curled my fingers over his t-shirt, pulling him up, "But for now, let's start playing game number one."
Before I could move, two hands landed on my shoulders and with an angry growl, I heard Max's voice as he shot out, "Leave him alone!"
My smile only widened, they really know how to keep me entertained.
Max's POV
Sneaking out of the house wasn't an easy task, not with Lilly on my tail, and not with the many guards roaming around, but with Wyatt's help, he gave me a good distraction as I ran off from the back. I wasn't gonna sit down and wait for another bad news to drop on us. The kid was out there all alone because of me. If he would get hurt now, I won't be able to carry that guilt. I needed to find him. I needed to do something, anything but helplessly sit around and wait.
Was it dangerous? Maybe, but I didn't care. If Louis or whoever would find me first, it would keep him off Nathan's track for a short while.
Wyatt told me of the place's around here that Nathan knew from his previous visits to the city. It was a small probability, I knew that, but I had to at least give it a try. Halfway through my aimless search, I paused to a stop, my heart racing in my chest, the worry eating me up and I rushed a hand over the top of my head...what the hell am I supposed to do?
I pulled my phone out of my pocket when I felt it vibrate, I opened the new message, hoping it some kind of good news form anyone back at home but the words written on the screenwere the least I expected.
'If you want your brother safe, follow the instructions and come alone, immediately. If you bring someone along, and if you are really willing to bet on his life, just remember how I crushed your kidneys, I'd do the same to him. It's up to you and how much you care for this kid only.'
My pulse accelerated, my eyes wide as I read the few words and tried to decide on what to do next. I looked behind me, it was a very long way back home. I looked at the location and it seemed so close to me. Pushing out a strangled breath off my lungs, I did the one thing that felt logical, I sent my location to dad before I shoved the phone in my pocket and ran, faster than I've ran my entire life.
A couple of minutes later and I was climbing up the hill, trying to reach there before it's too late. If he sees me alone, he probably won't hurt him, I could be an enough distraction till they find us. I am really hoping so.
My eyes fell on him at a distance and I ran, the rage pulsing and pulling at my muscles, more than ready to push him off that cliff if I have to. My gaze couldn't make sense of anything but the blood I saw dripping over Nathan's face. All I felt after were my hands land on his shoulders, pulling him away from the kid, "Leave him alone!" I snapped and he turned around, his amused hazel eyes falling on mine.
I haven't forgotten his face, it wasn't possible to. He attacked me when I was at my lowest and his face is imprinted in every nightmare I had ever since. He was smiling, the smug bitch, he was actually amused at this; what fucked up game was he playing, for what reasons were he doing all of this?
My gaze went to Nathan one more time, snapping my sanity off again as I pushed my fist into Louis's face, "You son of a bitch," I grated out but he dodged my hit, stopping my arm and with his tight grip over it, he fucking pushed me backward, "Ouch," He said with mockery, "You wouldn't like it if I called your mother a bitch now, would you?"
A groan rumbled from my chest and I used my anger to push me forward at him but he did such a bitch move when he aimed for where he knew the wound form my surgery was and punched me so hard that I felt the pain pulsating through every part of my body, "You have one kidney now," He mocked, "Do you really want me to take it from you as well?"
I pressed my hand over where he punched, trying to keep the pain from eating at my insides, "Nathan, get out of here, now!" I shot out, needing him to get out before this son of a bitch gain more advantage on us.
"Aww," Louis inched closer to me, crouching down by my side, "Did the brotherly love arise?"
I shot him a hard glare, talking more and distracting him as I hoped Nathan was making a run for it, "What the hell do you want form us?"
He rolled his eyes, "Why does everyone keep asking me that?" He mumbled, "Can't a man have some fun around here these days or what?"
My jaw tightened, "You are sick!"
He gave me an appreciative look, "Yeah, thanks for your concern," He rubbed a hand over his chest before he nodded toward me, flashing me a pity look, "You're sick too, aren't you?" He was mocking every word I was saying and I couldn't fucking see behind him, I had to guess that Nathan hopefully listened to me and left, "I hear living with a kidney that's not yours isn't too easy."
The rest of his words were interrupted by the groan leaving his throat, my eyes widened when he fell forward beside me using his elbow to steady himself. My wide eyes flickered to Nathan, to the the very big rock in his hands, the one he just used to slam against the back of Louis's head.
"You little fucker!" Louis groaned, pressing his eyes shut as his hand went to the back of his head, where blood was visible.
I immediately got up to my feet, Nathan let the rock fall to the ground as I wrapped my hand over his arm, pulling him with me, "Come here," I stressed out, knowing it's second before Louis starts to follow us, "I need you to run back home so fast and get help," I kept running, pulling him along with me, "I will distract him for as long as I can-"
Nathan stopped and shook his head in bewilderment, his eyes wild and raging, blood still dripping from his temple, "No, no-"
I shot him a glare, trying to get him to move down the hill, "Nathan, we don't have time, go!"
Before we could even argue over this any more, I was pushed backward with so much force it had the back of my head hitting a rock on the ground...or something. The world blacked there for a second or two and when I glided my eyes open again, all I could see was Louis pushing the knife into Nathan's stomach.
"NO!" I shot out in panic as I struggled up to my feet.
"You really surpassed my expectations, little Nathan," He growled at his face and before I could reach him, he kicked the kid so hard, it had him falling down, his body knocked unconscious before it rolled down the hill.
"Nathan!" The whole situation ripped my inside apart as I tried to go after him but from the back he came at me and I felt a needle penetrate into the side of my neck, "Don't worry, I didn't hit very vital organs," He hissed in my ear as I dropped to my knees, whatever he injected in me threatening to strip my consciousness away, "I still need him alive for the time being."
I fought against it but it was a losing battle, I could feel it take over as I heard him hiss in my ear from the back, "But you two ruined my plan like this," He added before everything around me turned black, "Lucky for me, I always have plan B."
Lilly's POV
"Did you see Max?" I asked Noah, panic swirling in my tone and widening my eyes.
His eyebrows pulled closer, "No," He said, his expression shifting, sensing my immense worry, "Did you look all over the house?"
I nodded, "Yeah, yeah, I looked everywhere and he is not...he is not even answering his phone," I started to pace around, "Oh my god, did he get out?" My eyes widened as I faced Noah, "How did he sneak out when I specifically told him not to, why doesn't he ever listen to me...I need to go and find him before-"
Noah's hand over my arm paused my rambling and stopped me from getting out of the house, "Stay here," He warned, "I will go and look for him outside, just stay here and try to call him again," He added, picking up his phone, "I will tell your father too, okay?"
I nodded, the worry tightening my throat as I dailed him again and again, but still no answer.
Max, where did you go? Where?!
"Lilly!" Aylin's urgent voice had me whirling around so fast, I ignored all my hatred feelings toward her when I noticed the amount of worry in her eyes.
"What?" I shot out, my chest heaving for one normal breath, I was fucking panicking again.
"It''s Chase," She said, her eyes wide with fear and the phone slipped from my hold and into the ground, unable to make sense of what's happening.
"What happened?" I asked, more like screamed under the effect of everything crashing around us in span of seconds, "Aylin, what happened?!"
She shook her head, bewildered, "I...I don't know," She said, tears gathering in her eyes, "Come with me, quick," Her worry and panic had me rushing after her without thinking twice as she ran outside our house and headed toward the one next to us.
She circled her way around and when she suddenly paused to a stop, I did as well. I looked around us, trying to understand. Where is Chase? Why did she stop?
"Why did you sto-" Before I could finish my words, the hand that came over my mouth from the back had my eyes widening and I wanted to scream so loud but the cloth he pushed into my nose had something in it that had dizziness swarm my vision almost immediately. I groaned and tried to bite the inside of his palm, I still tried to struggle but with no use.
Seconds only and everything went pitch black.
Pain pulsed under my skull, throbbing and aching and I let out a low moan. It felt like someone hit me on the head with a shovel. I brought my hand up, rubbing at my eyes, needing the ache to go away so I can let them glide open again. I let out another low groan and felt myself moving. No, I wasn't moving...I was in a car?
Memories rushed back with a force and I snapped my eyes open, my upper body shooting forward in my seat and my eyes flickered to my right, falling into my driver slash kidnapper.
My eyes grew wider when Christian turned around, giving me a quick scan, "Where are we? Where are you taking me? What the hell do you want? Did you fucking kidnap me again you piece of shit?!"
He focused his gaze back on the road, a low annoyed sigh parted his mouth, "I was hoping that thing would knock you unconscious for more time," He grumbled under his breath.
"What the hell is the matter with you?" I screamed, so loud, how did he even get to me? Oh my god, Aylin...I am gonna kill the bitch. I struggled out of my seat, removing the stupid seatbelt, more than ready to jump off the moving car if necessary, "What the hell do you want from me?!"
His big hand landed over my chest, casually and effortlessly pushing me back in my seat, "Shut up and sit straight," He mumbled, so annoyed as his other hand tightened over the steering wheel, "I am saving your life."
Happy Halloween! 🎃
I hope the theme of this chapter matches Halloween *evil smirk*
So, whatcha ya think? Still crushing over Uncle Nathan? *rolls eyes*
Also, anyone else feels this "Uncle Nathan" word is so sexual. I guess Uncle is the new daddy, lmao xD
Any expectations? Any guess who will die and who will stay alive by the end of this book? xD
Chapter was a bit shorter than usual, but at least I gave you your Halloween treat, right? ;)
Anyways, see ya later!
Love y'all!
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