Epilogue /Happy Birthday/
Everything in bold is a flashback. I wrote this at 3 in the morning and I am sobbing.
The songs of this update are Look After You cover by Louis Tomlinson & Don't Let Me Go by Harry Styles.
A final goodbye, from Blue Meets Green
"You proposed to me on February 1st 2018, you were 27 and I was 24. It took you another four years to finally drop the question but I didn't complain."
"Happy Birthday Babe!" Louis shouted, all around him were there closest friends laughing and shouting out the exact words just a few moments later. I grinned and ran over to him placing a kiss on his lips.
The house was dressed in steamers of blue, red, and gold. Cake and food lined one wall while a music set lined the other. It looked completely sloppy like it was done at last minute and knowing Louis it probably was, but I didn't care, I just cared that he was here and he had the small thought of it. He blushed sheepishly and ducked his head. He realised I knew it was last minute and he was ashamed. I leaned down and kissed him and everyone cheered.
"I love you." I told him he perked up and kissed my cheek and dragged me to the middle of the floor. Liam handed me a drink and shouted happy birthday before he walked away with another girl. I heard a shout and turned to see Candy right before she jumped into me. She had tears in her eyes and was shaking, I frowned why was she crying?
"Happy Birthday Marcel!" She shouted still crying, but she was smiling so happy tears? Zayn came along just behind her, he told me the same words before he pulled her away.
Suddenly the music stopped, I kept frowning, turning around to ask Louis what was wrong. Except Louis wasn't standing up, he was kneeling down on one knee, holding out a ring. It took a moment for me to understand but when I did the drink fell from my hand and I gasped.
"Marcel Harry Styles, I love you more then you will ever know. I love you more then I did yesterday and less then I will tomorrow. You are the most beautiful boy in the world, the light in my life, the one to make me realise that my life isn't a piece of shit. I know at the beginning I was never the greatest guy, but I am here now and I promise I will never leave your side. Will you do me the honours of marrying me?" He said and tears brimmed his eyes.
Everyone was silent around me I was freely crying now.
"We got married on August 9, 2018. And I remember, I never told you this but that day I was panicking and just freaking out thinking what if something went wrong? What if even after all that time it hadn't been meant to be? Liam told me to stop being pessimistic and just be happy and live in the moment that you were there, and we were happy. We didn't need to be married to show how much we loved each other. "
"I promise that no matter what the world throws at us, that no matter what happens. I will love you and care for you through sickness and in health, through pain and prosperity, through anything that may ever come our way. You are the man that made me realise there was more to life then books and smarts, you made me realise what it was to actually live. You are my best friend, my love, my soulmate. I love you, words will never truly explain how much I love you." I told him.
He grabbed my hands, and we just looked at each other deeply. For me it was just us in the room, I only ever saw him.
"I promise that if a day ever comes when I'm not by your side that day would be the day I died for I will never leave your side ever again, I will stick by you through the good and bad that is to come. You, the boy with the glasses are my true love and I will never be happier with anyone else. You could have chosen anyone else, anyone else could have brought you happiness and not pain like how I did. You could have chosen not to forgive me, but you did, and I could not ask for more from you. I will take care of you, and love you until the day I die." Louis said.
The clergy said some other words but I wasn't paying attention it wasn't until Louis leaned up and pressed his lips to mine did it finally hit.
We were married.
"Remember when I got my first and only tattoo? It was just a surprise for you. You loved it though."
"Marcel where have you been?" Louis demanded when he opened the door. "You never texted or called I was so worried!" He said his tone softening.
I just smiled at him and quickly walked to our room.
"Look." I said softly, and began to take off my grey shirt.
"Wh-" his words died on his mouth. I looked up and saw his mouth was open and his eyes were darkening.
"This ones you, and this ones me." I whispered, I grabbed his hand and place it gently on my chest so he can feel the imprint. It hurt but I didn't care.
"You got tattoos?" He asked.
"Yeah, they represent us, they'll never go away just like my love for you." I told him. His smile grew and he leaned up to kiss me.
"You're so perfect." He said. I blushed and kissed him back. I felt his fingers trace over the bird tattoos that were on my chest.
He had one that represented me, and I had two that represented us.
"We didn't get Daisy until 15 years later, not until we were ready. I remember your smile that day, when we first saw her. Her little curls and bright blue eyes just like yours. She was the most precious thing in the world, and we loved her and she grew up fine. She still is fine, married now, with two babies of her own. You kept your promise though, did I ever tell you that if there was one thing I always loved about you even after those first few encounters all those years ago? Well it was your eyes, the beautiful ocean hues that shined with light and life. I never did get enough of them, when you laughed they brightened and crinkled at the side. They never seemed to dull out, not even when you got sick. So when they didn't open back up and shine for me that last day, a part of me died with you."
"Lou, please. You're going to get better." I said in a choking voice. Louis grinned softly his eyes never losing their shine even if his grip on me softened every few hours.
They said there wasn't any hope, it was too late.
"No, it's okay babe." He whispered. I bit back a sob, it's been 30 years and he still calls me that. "I deserve it, I was so bad early in life it's only fair." He said.
"Don't ever say that! You can't let me go, you can't leave!" I begged him.
He smiled warmly, "Don't worry, I'll always look after you, even if I'm not here."
I shook my head. "No! You can't leave me, who's going to make me laugh? What about Daisy? Please you're not going to leave not now." I told him. He touched my face with his gentle features and for a second I saw the younger part of him, the mischievous part that never died.
At the mention of her name our daughter looked up, she understood what was happening, she was fifteen. "Daddy?" She whispered. At the sound of her voice Louis looked around and found her sitting on a chair.
"Honey, it's okay." He said softly, that was the only way he spoke now, her blue eyes shined with tears and she sobbed into her hands. He frowned seeing her like that. "Honey, don't cry. It's okay, I'm okay. You gotta promise me one thing okay sweety?" He asked. She nodded wiping her tears.
"You gotta take care of daddy for me okay?" He said. She nodded understanding, my heart shattered once again.
"No, Lou you are going to take care of me. You will make it." I said harshly.
"Come on Lou, you're going to get better okay?" Zayn said behind me, Candy was sobbing into his shoulder, Liam and Niall were wiping away tears. Louis shook his head and he pulled me closer to him. He pressed his soft lips to mine and I finally let out a broken sob as I kissed him. When he pulled back he brushed his thumb against my lips.
I smiled ever so softly at him, through my tears and heartache he still managed to make me smile, I squeezed his hand. "Oops."
He smiled dreamily, and he didn't speak until a second later. So softly that I barely heard it.
And he sighed, ever so softly and he seemed to be more at ease. His grip on my hand loosened and I saw his eyes close, the ocean hues leaving with them. I grabbed his hand, and when he didn't move that's when I screamed.
Zayn and Liam had to drag me back as doctors rushed in.
But I knew the moment you closed your eyes, you were gone.
"It's been twenty years Lou, and there's not a day that goes by that I don't miss you. That I don't think of you and that first day we met. I came here every day the first year, and then they told me to stop. They said it wasn't healthy, I told them they didn't understand. Then I stopped coming for a bit because I realised no matter how much I begged and wish this was a dream it wasn't, you weren't coming back. I guess I didn't want to be hit with the realisation of it. Theres so many things I want to tell you about, so many events that have happened. But I can't seem to bring myself to tell you and live through the fact that you were not there when they happened, except this; I'm the last one of our little group. Zayn and Candy died a few years ago in a car crash. Liam died ten years ago after his heart faltered, on his deathbed he told me that he forgave you for what you did long ago, before we even got back together. Niall he died five years ago, he went in his sleep so nothing dramatic there. They were all happy Lou, they lived their lives and they were happy, I was done being happy the day you died but I had to live for Daisy. I wish you were there when she got married, when she had her baby just a few years ago. I wish you were there to say goodbye to Liam, though probably by now you two have probably caught up, actually you all have caught up. I hope you are waiting for me and didn't get with another angel. I wish you had been here the past twenty years. We miss you, we love you. I love you baby, and I miss you so much. You were and still are the best thing to ever happen to me. Here comes Daisy, oh and Lou. Happy Birthday."
An old man with just wisps of grey curls was looking down at a worn out gravestone, tears were falling from his sad green eyes. He was wearing a thick winter jacket but he didn't care about the white snowflakes that tumbled around him. A young lady with vibrant brown curls, and a warm jacket on as well walked up to the man with a little child placed in her arms. The child immediately extended her hands and the older man smiled and took her.
"Who's that?" The three year old said dimples poking out as she pointed at the grey old headstone.
"That, was the only man I ever truly loved." Marcel Tomlinson replied.
"Even after all this time?"
And yeah you know? Maybe it was meant to be from the beginning, maybe they were made to love even through the pain and barriers that came with it.
Yet even through that they made it.
So maybe as Marcel walked away he couldn't help but smile because for some odd reason he knew they were all there, watching him. All they wanted was for him to be happy and he was, and so Louis was looking down on him fondly. Marcel stopped and looked up and he could faintly hear Louis tell him he loves him.
And maybe just maybe Marcel never did get over Louis, never will get over Louis. Not until the day he died. Maybe not even after that.
Maybe if there is a heaven that's where he will meet him once again.
Maybe in heaven blue will meet green once again.
Just maybe...
Marcel grew sick not even two weeks later. He was lying on his bed, in his home, after having absolutely refused going to the hospital.
He knew it was time.
Daisy held onto her fathers hand, tears falling, though Marcel felt sadness at having to leave his daughter, he also felt a new source of happiness.
"Don't cry honey, at least now I'll be with him." Marcel whispered.
He closed his eyes, for one moment, just one.
"Don't you dare give up Marcel." An agonizingly familiar voice spoke out, not even higher than a whisper, as if it were like the wind.
"Lou?" Marcel said quietly.
Daisy cried harder than ever, she had heard nothing, it was just Marcel's mind loosing itself in disorientation.
"Don't you dare die today."
Marcel was young, just a mere 70 years of age, in their society he should at least have another twenty years in him. Medicine and technology has sure gotten farther since Louis died. Marcel resented that, if the technology had been there the day Louis had realized he had gotten sick, he would still be alive today, well maybe. So Marcel resented that, refusing to use any of the newly discovered medicine, technically still young, he wanted to go the way Louis did, surrounded by loved ones. But unlike Louis he wasn't hooked up to any machines, he was on his bed.
And he was ready.
"I'm going to be with you." Marcel simply thought.
Daisy wiped away her tears and felt her father loosen his grip. Her husband took her other hand, he was a doctor and already knew Marcel, was gone, but he gave her a few more minutes.
After so long he leaned down and whispered, "He's gone honey." Daisy just nodded and wiped away her tears, the tiniest of smiles appearing on her lips.
"He's finally happy." was all she said, and she kissed Marcel's forehead and pulled up the sheet, but she could have sworn there was a hint of his old smile on his lips.
Marcel opened his eyes, and was immediately hit with a strong white light. He ducked his head before a shadow blocked it in front him.
"I told you not to give up you idiot." a warm voice said.
"Louis?" Marcel gasped out.
He looked up and was met with, Louis, his Louis. Young, vibrant, beautiful Louis, wearing a white shirt and white jeans, but with tattoos that contrasted forever against his beautiful skin. Whose eyes still held the beautiful ocean hues as always, the ones Marcel never forgot. Marcel looked down and frowned, he was old, still old. His hands were wrinkly and he touched his face which too was wrinkly.
Louis smiled at him and walked closer, but he himself took a step back.
When you died, do you go to heaven the age you died?
Does that mean he was going to stay old, and Louis young?
"What's wrong?" Louis asked reaching out for Marcel.
"I'm old." He simply replied.
Louis got a small smile, "I know, you're so beautiful babe."
And Marcel blushed, he blushed. Louis' fingers brushed his cheek, and he leaned in. "My favourite color, on my favourite babe." and before Marcel could say something, Louis pressed his lips softly against Marcel's.
Just as fast he pulled back. Marcel felt weird, he felt an almost light sensation inside him.
His eyes closed and when he opened them Louis was looking at him with fascination, adoringly, so full of love. Marcel looked at himself and saw he was wearing white as well, and he looked at his hands and they were soft and smooth. He ran a hand through his hair, his curls, his face, he was young.
Louis took Marcel's hand. "I love you, always have always will."
"I never stopped, I've missed you so much Lou. So so much. Daisy is amazing, Ana, is too. We missed you so much, I love you. I love you." and Marcel could say that and never get tired of it.
"I know baby I know, now come on, they miss you as well."
And with that Louis pulled Marcel closer to the white light, surprisingly as they got closer the light didn't seem to hurt their eyes, it was warm and glowing, it was welcoming them.
"Marcel!" voices said and just as he stepped through the light, they were there.
Zayn, Liam, Niall, Candy.
Zayn and Candy holding hands, Niall with a goofy smile on his face, Liam with a smile as well. All young all welcoming.
And yeah Marcel was finally truly happy.
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