•Chapter 9• (Hidden Secrets)
Marcel was still in a daze as he walked inside his house. He didnt even stop to question as to why the front door didnt have a lock! However a long shout coming from the couch made him stop in his tracks, in from the the living room came Liam and Niall, both lads giving him disapproving looks.
"Erm...what are you doing in my house?" Marcel asked.
Liam ignored the question, "YOU SLEPT WITH LOUIS TOMLINSON," He shouted.
Marcel was shocked, where the hell did he get that idea?
"Yeah Marcel, why the hell would you do that? Don't you hate the guy? Honestly what did you think that he would just fall in love with you? You do realize how is right? He f.cks you then he leaves, he doesn't care," Liam continued.
Marcel felt his face flush up. And he couldn't have been more embarrassed. "I didnt sleep with anyone," he muttered. Swiftly taking a piece of paper out of his pocket and ripping it up into little pieces.
"What was that?" Liam asked. Marcel just shook his head.
"I didnt sleep with anyone," Marcel repeated.
"But Zayn said..." Niall finally spoke up. Marcel simply shook his head, he felt his heart breaking.
"Then what did you guys do?" Liam demanded.
Marcel couldn't help but blush, biting his lip he refused to meet their eyes.
"Just...things," he replied quietly.
Niall and Liam both noticed his flushed appearance and awkwardly coughed, Liam walked up and placed his hand on Marcel's shoulder. "Don't fall into his trap, please!" He earnestly begged. His big brown eyes widening.
Marcel looked up, green meeting brown and slowly nodded his head. He understood what they were saying, and he honestly couldn't have felt more stupid, he was a pathetic little nerd. Louis was the complete opposite, those type of people never fall in love with each other.
In real life.
Marcel could feel himself almost begin to cry, but he wouldn't. Louis Tomlinson was definitely not someone worth to cry over.
He saw Liam give a small smile.
"Now...how did you two get into my house?" Marcel asked.
"Your mum let us in...she left like 15 minutes ago though," Niall answered.
"Oh, okay," Marcel asked.
The three lads stood staring at each other in awkward silence.
A rapid knock on the door broke the silence.
Marcel walked towards it, but Liam beat him to it.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Liam demanded.
"What the f.ck are you here for?" Came the responding answer.
That sounded ALOT like.
What was he doing here? Marcel went a deep red, remembering exactly what they had done merely 2 hours ago.
"Tomlinson you can't just barge into someone's house you incompetent idiot,"
"And a big f.ck you to you too Payne," Louis's voice rung throughout the house. "I can do whatever the hell I want, now where's Curly?" He stopped mid footsteps when he saw Marcel, biting his lip and looking down.
"Hey," Louis said a quick smile flashing onto his face.
"Get the hell away from him!" Liam shouted. Louis just smirked as he went around and wrapped an arm around Marcel's torso. Marcel too frozen to do anything.
"Or what? Oh tell me, Liam what exactly are you going to do?" Louis said in a mocking tone.
Liam's eyes flickered from Louis and Marcel's face to where Louis' hand was located.
A flicker of pain and...something else that Marcel couldn't detect, but that made Louis just laugh, until finally anger settled across Liam's face.
"I am warning you Louis, if you don't just leave him alone...there is no one around to keep me from hurting that pathetic little face of yours," Liam said through his teeth.
"Oh come off it Payne, we all know why you don't want Louis anywhere near the nerd, cut the "it's for his own good," sh.t and tell the truth," Zayn said as he walked into the living room, a playful grin on his lips.
Liam froze. Louis was laughing, Niall was confused looking between all the lads, and Marcel felt the familiar feeling of being slightly uncomfortable as Louis' hand slipped a little lower on his waist.
"Yeah Payne, tell your friends the real reason," Louis said.
"Or should I?" Zayn asked.
"You promised you'd never repeat it ever again," Liam quietly said.
"Promises were meant to be broken," Louis answered back. Turning to Marcel he asked "Come on babe, lets get out of here," he tugged on Marcel's hand.
"Wait...what happened between you two?" Marcel asked
He had questioned why Liam hated Louis so, but he always put it off as just simply because Lou was an annoying prick.
Everyone was quiet for a second. Liam got this bitter smile.
"Go ahead, tell him," he said almost smugly.
Louis looked at Marcel, biting his lower lip. Zayn started to open his mouth. "Never mind, whatever f.ck you bye nerds," Louis said in a rushed tone, grabbing Zayns arm and quickly walking out of the room, not before pushing Liam out of the way.
Liam laughed softly.
"Wow, wonder why it scared him off," he said almost as if he was speaking to himself.
"Why what scared him off? Liam why do you hate Louis so much," Marcel asked again.
Liam looked up, as if noticing them for the first time in the past 15 minutes.
"Uh, nothing sorry Marcel just Louis being his idiotic self," Liam said, quickly.
Marcel wasn't buying it, but honestly at the moment he really didnt care. He was just tired and wanted to go up to his bed and rest.
But he couldn't help but wonder.
Why had Louis come back?
Where would they have gone?
Why did Louis run off?
What could possibly scare THE Louis Tomlinson?
"Hey Marcel I know we haven't really seen eye to eye these past few days, but I just wanted to tell you that I care about you, and I just don't want to see you get hurt. Don't give me the "I can take care of myself" bullshit because you obviously can't, so please just STAY away from Louis!" Liam repeated once again.
Marcel was silent for a minute. It was his life...they had no say in it, though he knew they were only looking out for him. Though, seeing Louis now after all they did (though it hadn't ended well) he couldn't help his heart beating harder.
"I can do whatever the hell I want, get out of my house," he said without hesitation.
Liam looked at him shocked.
Suddenly a booming voice from behind them started saying "No honestly, Grow the f.ck up, that little crush you have on Louis, that's screwed up, we are not watching out for you. But hey if you want to be someone's little f.ck toy go ahead, just when you're crying about your heart being broken once again don't come crawling to us!" Niall shouted, grabbing Liam's arm, and walking indignantly out of the house.
Marcel was stunned, but after a long while he shrugged.
What did they know? They didn't know anything?
Louis wasn't that bad of a guy.
Marcel felt it, deep down inside. He just knew there was much more to Louis then he let on.
Crawling into his bed, bathed and warm clothes on at 10 minutes past 7, feeling slightly stupid at the earliesness of the time, the same questions were still floating around in his mind.
But he did know one thing. He would try his best to be much more then an insignificant "little f.ck toy," .
•Louis• (yeah point of views coming back)
"Damnit Zayn why'd you bring it up?" I shouted at the raven haired lad.
"What do you mean why? You weren't exactly yelling at me about it when I said it at that time!" Was Zayns defense.
I bit my lip, Zayn had brought up something that he, Liam and I both said we would never bring up again.
Why did I let Zayn keep opening his stupid mouth? At any other situation and time, I would have gladly continued laughing at Liam's squirmy posture.
It wasn't until I heard Marcel's low voice beside me did the awful realization of the effects of what would happen if Zayn had continued on with what he had been about to say.
If Marcel had found out what had happened between me and Liam, he wouldn't dare look at me again. I had realized that around the same time Liam had, which is why I had just left with Zayn abruptly. I needed to talk to Liam privately, and arrange things. Or things would become worse
"I still don't even understand why we had to go to his house? You just saw him a few hours ago...didnt you get to shag him then?" Zayn muttered. i really didnt pay much attention to him.
I had a strange feeling in his stomach, I cared about what Marcel thought about him.
I cared.
I shook my head, I wasn't supposed to care. He is just supposed to be a meaningless little fuck to me. I'm not supposed to feel butterflies in my stomach when I look into his green eyes.
That's not supposed to happen. I regret giving him my number, what if he thinks I'm getting feelings for him? I mean...I probably am. But I'm no good for him.
He's innocent...or so he seems. I'm not.
All I'm looking for is a few meaningless fucks.
He's looking for true love.
I can't give him that.
I needed to stop thinking about him.
I had too.
Or things would end badly.
For the both of us.
"Whatever, I don't care anymore, let the geek think what he wants and do what he wants," I heard myself mutter.
So let Liam tell him what had happened.
Let things fall where they may.
I don't care.
"Lou...if you say so," Zayn said quietly.
I could feel his brown eyes on me, and I just shook my head and forced a grim smile, "Where's the next job at?" I said changing the subject.
He told me, & then we were on our way
Marcel dressed up in his normal attire, he wore his black glasses as usual, white t shirt with a thick black sweater as it was just barely over freezing temperature, with dark blue jeans. He slicked his hair back, brushing his teeth an picking up his school supplies ready to go.
He made some toast quickly waving goodbye to his mum, excited but nervous for school. How would Louis react? Good? Or treat him like he was the same old shit?
Marcel hadn't texted him...because of course he had ripped up the number and no matter how much he had tried over the weekend they were still unreadable so he had given up, in hopes that h could talk to Louis and get it again.
But when he walked through the double doors of Jefferson high, he knew that was the very last likely thing to happen.
Louis was full on making out with Bree, his hands on her waist, no space between them.
Marcel felt his heart break all over again.
Finally Louis broke apart from Bree, smirking at her, and wrapping an arm around her waist. He turned and high fived Zayn, laughing softly at what he had said.
Marcel caught Louis' eye, the laugh disappearing from his lips. A grin quickly replacing it.
"Hey look, the geek has arrived," Louis announced walking over to Marcel, Bree walking along laughing along.
"Well, don't we look extra nerdy today," Louis said.
Marcel felt his face heat up.
He wasn't the least surprised.
Everything had been too good to be true.
"What we did though.." Marcel heard himself speak out.
"Oh that? Awh did you think it meant something?" Louis said smirking.
"It meant nothing," Louis said, completely expressionless and with that Louis walked away, his group of friends laughing begin him.
Except for Zayn, who cast Marcel one last look before quickly catching up.
Louis will never change.
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