•Chapter 6• (Hurting)


For weeks following the one punch that Marcel had given Louis, Louis had returned with pain ten times as more painful towards him. Which just left Marcel more confused because why couldn't Louis just leave him alone? What happened to all those soft touches?

Marcel couldn't do anything about it, he just took it. Ignoring Liam's looks of pity and anger.

A few days into the abuse that Louis gave Marcel, Liam saw and he got so angry you could see a vein on his neck, his hands curled at his sides as he had pushed Louis off of where he had Marcel pressed against the locker.

Louis had simply laughed, sneering at the fact that Marcel needed his "boyfriend," to protect him. Marcel had just shakily looked at Louis and told Liam to back off and that he could look after himself. To which Liam had begun to argue that it was obvious that Marcel couldn't, but Marcel just got even more flushed and angry looking, yelling at Liam that he wasn't a baby. Louis all the while just smirking at the scene before him.

The bell ringing a few seconds later quickly dispersing the small group of kids who had gathered around. Including Marcel who stormed off in the opposite direction. Liam had turned to glare at Louis, whereas Louis just blew Liam a mocking kiss, running to catch up with Zayn. Needless to say, that was the last time Liam tried defending Marcel. Well that and the fact Liam never caught Louis in the action of hurting Marcel again.

He saw the bruises on Marcel's arms, every few days. He didn't question them however because Marcel didn't bring them up, not once. Marcel grew quieter, more distant, no longer his cheery, well almost cheery self like he had been at the beginning of the year. Niall the normally happy, preppy lad, couldn't help but feel sorry for the glasses wearing bloke. Marcel made it obvious he didn't want them to intervene, he didn't even tell his own mother. Making up excuses for the bruises by blaming them on soccer playing.

Liam never caught Louis in the action again because Louis began to be more discreet. Never doing it in-between classes, more when he found himself alone with Marcel. Which sadly seemed to be a lot of times.

Liam finally had enough 3 months into the school year. When Marcel showed up to school, with a black eye, usually it was just small bruises but this time Liam just wouldn't stand for it.

"WHAT THE F.CK MARCEL," Liam practically yelled at Marcel, who flinched and looked down.

Marcel kept quiet, he didn't look up, he still wore his glasses, the emerald eyes behind them, finding interest in his shoes.

"Marcel...this needs to stop," Liam said quietly. Niall came up seconds later, Marcel looked up at him, the sparkle of happiness that was in Niall immediately left when he saw Marcel's face. An angry glare replacing it.

"That's it, where's Louis," Niall said angrily. It was early in the morning, and they knew where Louis was, smoking in the back of the school with Zayn.

"Niall, don't its not even worth it," Marcel murmered, fixing his glasses.

"Not worth it? You have a f.cking black eye," Niall said angrily. Almost as if Louis had heard his name he appeared, smirking with a quiet Zayn beside him.

Liam shook his head, "Haven't you told him to leave you alone? Do you like what he does to you?"

Marcel was taken back an immediately shook his head. "No! He just won't."

"Well hello babe," Louis said smirking at Marcel. Marcel going a dark pink at the words.

"F.ck off, Louis, just leave him alone," Liam said.

Louis' face turned dark. He glared at Liam. "Don't speak for the nerd Payne, let him speak for himself," He said through his teeth. With that, Louis reached out and grabbed Marcel's wrists pulling the lad closer to him.

"We said Leave.Him.Alone," Niall said.

Louis' hand trailed from Marcel's arm down to his waist, gently squeezing his bum. Marcel letting out a surprised squeak sound, trying to pry Louis' hand from where it was with no luck. "Make me," Louis just said smirking.

Something snapped in the Irish lads face, because next thing you know Louis and Niall were rolling on the floor, grunts and shouts emitting from their lips. Marcel stood shocked, and seconds later Zayn went in to help Louis. Pulling Niall back against the locker and punching him in the gut. Niall letting out a loud groan of pain. Louis started standing up a dark smirk on his lips. Liam was standing baffled by what was happening, he didn't like getting violent, but it was one of his best friends. So when Louis turned to face Liam a laugh forming on his lips, it was completely validable of Liam's fist connecting with Louis cheek.

Louis staggered back slight shock on his face. Seconds later however he just smiled, "Nice move Payne," was all he said, before he brought his arm back and swung towards Liam. Liam quickly moving out of the way. Niall was fighting back against Zayn, and Marcel...he was just watching the scene unfold before him. He knew he should help his friends but he wasn't exactly muscular, like Liam or had the guts like Niall, he was more timid and scrawny, leaner.

After one certain punch to the stomach Liam was on the floor groaning holding his stomach, Louis reaching back ready to punch him again but Marcel reached out, a shaking hand onto Louis', causing Louis to freeze and look up at who had touched him. Meeting each others eyes, blue-grey behind a feathery fringe, meeting a emerald like green behind glasses.

"Enough! Liam Louis Niall Zayn....Marcel in my office now!" the school principle shouted a dark red vein in his forehead.

Marcel pulled his hand back, shocked at the slight tingling he had. Looking anywhere but the lads around him, walking nimbly behind the rest as the principle lead them to the office.

Soon they came into the enclosed room, Mr. Dean which was the principle's name rounded to his desk, glaring at the 5 students in front of him. Mr. Dean shook his head, walking towards the window.

"Who started it?" he asked angrily. Immediately Niall and Liam, Louis and Zayn started yelling out their side of the stories. Mr. Dean turned back around, his face silencing the others.

"Marcel....who started the fight?" Mr. Dean calmly asked, staring right at Marcel. Marcel was shaking, what was he going to do? If he said shit against Louis, Louis would make their 'private' encounters worse. Yet he couldn't exactly say shit against his only two friends? He was so confused, and feeling sick he couldn't bring to open his mouth.

"Sir," Liam spoke driving the attention of the principle of Zayn and Niall to him, Louis' eyes however remained on the shaking, lanky, lad with the glasses.

"Niall and I, we did it to help Marcel...Louis has been hurting him these past few months, he gave Marcel that black eye" Liam continued. That got both of Marcel's and Louis' attention.

Marcel went a dark red, Mr. Dean walked towards him. He hadn't questioned the black eye because he had assumed Marcel had gotten it while interfering in the fight.

"Is what Liam saying true?" Mr. Dean asked him.

Marcel was scared, he met Liam's eyes, only glancing away seconds later. Refusing to meet Niall's, the Irish lad had a busted lip and a huge swelling bump on the side of his head.

"N-n-no," Marcel finally startled. "I fell, yesterday, it was an accident, Louis has never hurt me," he continued quietly. He heard a sigh and the teacher retreading.

Marcel looked up to see Louis' smug look, Liam's face was expressionless, Niall's face just held dissapointment. Zayn was looking disinterested.

"Saturday Detention, for all of you, Louis and Zayn out of school suspension for the remainder of the week, Niall and Liam, detention after school. You're all lucky this wasn't any more serious or you would all have been expelled, now go to the nurses and get cleaned up, and head to second hour," Mr. Dean said before kicking us out of his room.

Zayn left without another word, Marcel turned to Liam, but Liam refused to meet his eyes, he just grabbed Nialls arm and.pulled him to the bathroom.

Marcel felt sad, he might have just lost his only friends. Now it was only him and Louis in the deserted hallway.

Marcel was pushed against the wall, looking down he met those blue grey eyes, a smug smirk on the owners lips. "See you on Saturday," Louis whispered, against Marcel's eyes. He brought his fingers against Marcel's cheeks, softly brushing the black eye.

There was a flash of regret in Louis' eyes before the same look of anger was back. He dropped his hands, and made his way to where Zayn had gone, leaving Marcel alone and confused more than ever.

Marcel walked around the lonesome halls, he came across a boys bathroom, but he was on a different hall so he knew he wouldn't find Niall or Liam, knowing they probably didn't want anything to do with them.

Marcel didn't want to lie, and he technically didn't lie. He was just confused, confused as to why Louis had started hurting him, he was books smart yes most definitely but when it come to real life people he was just as lost as someone beginning to learn a new language.

Why was Louis touching him everywhere and making him feel so wanted and then hurting him?

Splashing some water on his face, he heard the bell ring declaring 10 minutes until second hour. Marcel brought a hand to his still very prominent black eye, he winced feeling the pain. Remembering how he gotten it no more than 24 hours ago.

*Day Before*

"Hey Nerdboy," Louis said appearing beside Marcel wrapping a hand around the green eyed lad. Marcel blushed, trying to get away from Louis' arms. The action only causing Louis to tighten his grip, steering both lads across the almost empty parking lot.

"Need a ride?" Louis asked having to slightly look up at Marcel, Marcel began to shake his head, Louis just smirked, leading them toward his car. He opened the door, waiting for Marcel to get in, Marcel hesitated, no he didn't need a ride and no he didn't want to go anywhere with Louis. Louis let out an irritated sound before pushing Marcel in and closing the door. Coming into the car just a couple of minutes later.

"Where to babe?" Louis asked. Marcel blushed. Along the way Louis would sneak his hand over, touching Marcel's thigh, earning a surprised noise from the lad and a chuckle from Louis.

Finally they arrived to Marcel's home. Marcel quickly turning to open the door, muttering a quiet thank you, but a hand caught his turning him back. Louis face just inches from Marcel's.

"Why so fast?" Louis whispered leaning in towards Marcel. Marcel froze, as Louis' lips met his, softly at first then getting rougher by the second. Lips trying to force a response from Marcels non moving lips. Louis hands went back towards Marcel's neck pulling him closer, reaching up to run towards Marcel's slicked back hair. Ruffling at it, neat hair soon going messy, curls becoming more prominent.

Marcel reached up to push Louis back, he didn't like this, not one bit. Especially not after the fact that Louis had just hurt him for so long. But the motion only seemed to aggravate Louis even more. Louis' lips moving from Marcel's plump pink ones along his jawline toward his ear, "Come on babe, you know you want to," Louis breathed, softly nibbling on Marcel's ear. His cheeks flaming up in embarassment.

Louis brought his lips back against Marcel's, something grabbed against Marcel's crotch causing him to gasp, a chance for Louis to put his tongue into Marcel's, softly Marcel's lips began moving back against Louis'. Louis pulled back smirking.

"Can I go inside?" He whispered. Marcel hesitantly nodded. They both got out of the car and Marcel walked into the house first and then Louis followed just a second later.

"D-do you want s-something to drink?" Marcel asked nervousness fluttering in his stomach. Louis walked over to the couch and sat down shaking his head. He motioned for Marcel to sit by him, after a moment he did.

"Lets talk yeah?" Louis asked after a moment. Marcel let out a sigh of relief and nodded.

"What do you like to do?" Louis asked. Marcel smiled and started to talk.

A few sentences in, a hand gripped his thigh causing him to stutter. He glanced down at it. "Hey, it's okay ignore it. Keep talking." Louis whispered. So Marcel did.

The hand began to rub his thigh, and the fingers lightly danced across the surface of it as well. It caused Marcel to stumble over words. When Marcel finished talking he quietly asked Louis the same question.

Louis grinned and leaned into Marcel's ear. "I like to make pretty boys come." He whispered and after a second he bit down on the sensitive earlobe.

"Lou I-" Marcel said. Louis' eyebrow rose at the nickname. The hand on his thigh gripped it and Marcel gasped. Suddenly the hand disappeared and Marcel was still reeling from the fire that was making its way across his thigh after the touch. When he finally came back from the few moments of shock he was surprised to see that Louis was now shirtless and his eyes had grown darker. Marcel clasped his hands to his lap and looked at anywhere but Louis' toned chest.

"Touch me." Louis said. Marcel's cheeks reddened and he shook his head. Louis let out a sound of annoyance and grabbed Marcel's hand. He tried to pull back but Louis pressed it firmly against his stomach. The skin was soft but firm and even after Louis let his hand go, Marcel couldn't take it away. His eyes looked at all the black ink that ran across his arms and part of his chest up across his neck.

Louis grabbed Marcel's other hand and placed it ontop of his clothed cock which was already hard.

"See what you do to me?" Louis whispered. Marcel gasped and his eyes were wide, making him look younger and boyish and it caused Louis to moan and buck his hips into Marcel's touch.

Louis moved so that he was straddling Marcel's hips. He wasted no time in crushing their mouths together. His hands entangling themselves in Marcel's hair. He pushed Marcel down on the couch so that he was lying flat across it. Marcel was looking up at him doe-eyed his eyes darkening.

"This is so wrong." Louis heard Marcel whisper. Louis grinned sheepishly at Marcel as he grinded his hips against Marcel's.

"Then don't think about it." Louis replied. Marcel's hands shaking gripped into Louis' biceps. Louis' hands fluttered to Marcel's sweater and he began to slip it off. Finally it was off and Louis began to kiss down Marcel's firm chest.

"See it's easy. You're so good babe." Louis murmured.

Louis' hand moved across Marcel's crotch area, at the sound of a slight zipping sound Marcel pushed hard against Louis. Shock and fear clear on his face. Louis angry and sexually frustrated, glared at Marcel, who was flustered lips slightly swollen.

"I-I c-can't," Marcel said quietly. Louis wasnt taken any more of his shit. He was unbelievably turned on, so he grabbed onto Marcel's wrists bringing him closer, but Marcel leaned back from him. Something snapped in Louis, causing him to bring one of his arms back and he punched Marcel.

"You're f.cking joking right?" Louis said angrily. Marcel looked at him shocked, but what could he have done? That's all Louis had been treating him like for the past few months, trying to get Marcel but Marcel would refuse causing Louis to get angry and hurt him. Louis' wrists tightened around Marcel's, turning white.

"Babe, I'm so sorry." Louis breathed softly and he pressed soft kisses on Marcel's cheeks and on his neck. Marcel's breathing exhilarated but he pushed back and shook his head not meeting Louis' eyes.

Louis always got close but not close enough.

"Just go." Marcel said. Louis cussed, putting on his shirt, and Marcel hated himself for not being able to look away.

"You can't do better than me." Louis said in a taunting voice. Marcel didn't respond he touched his bruising eye, and looked away. Soon he heard the screeching as wheels left out his driveway. He went to his room hand still on his cheek, later in the afternoon his mother saw him. He never responded when she asked where the hell he got it from.

*Back in Bathroom*

Marcel winced in pain, as he brought his hand one last time across his cheek. He was not looking forward to Saturday detention, actually he just really wasn't looking forward to anything.

Why couldn't Louis leave him alone?

An even scarier thought crossed him.

Did he even want Louis to leave him alone?


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