•Chapter 41• (Beautiful)
It's been almost two months since Louis and Marcel were 'friends'. Please the way they looked at each other could have anyone blind know they were helplessly in love with each other.
Marcel's mother had screamed at him and told him he was making the biggest mistake of his life a little over a month ago. But she didn't understand Marcel.
Weeks full of tender touches and kisses and never going farther then a heated kiss. For some odd reason Marcel's shyness had returned and he blushed darkly at even the mention at other things.
Louis didn't care though, after years of not being able to touch and see Marcel he was perfectly happy with just having his arms wrapped lazily around the younger man's waist.
" If you think about it.
It was always meant to be.
Louis and Marcel.
Marcel and Louis.
From the first time Louis made Marcel blush and laugh to the first time they made love.
It would always be them, together.
So tell me why those boys haven't had their first dates?" Candy exclaimed one day in early December.
She was sitting in the booth with Niall right across from her and Liam pointlessly trying to flirt with the waiter boy.
At the mention of those words Liam's mouth fell open. "They haven't had their first date?" He asked quietly. The waiter boy seeming to realise he had lost the attention of the hot university man walked away mumbling about getting orders.
"Well, prom, but that was ages ago." Candy said.
Niall looked thoughtful. "I still can't believe Marcel took him back, and he was engaged wasn't he? Louis is such a lucky bastard. He doesn't deserve him." He muttered the last part but everyone at the table heard and they couldn't help but nod in agreement.
Though Louis and Marcel were honestly meant to be they were so different.
Bad met good.
Darkness met light.
Blue met green.
"It just goes to how that if you really care about someone, you can make it through anything. You just have to want it." Liam said quietly.
Niall and Candy nodded in agreement. The three of them had all gotten together a few times prior and it was now a weekly thing for them to come to the diner called "Ruby's Rose." It was completely retro but Niall found it amusing.
Liam had asked Marcel if they could all hang out together but Marcel always left him hanging, never giving a positive answer.
Same with Candy it's been a month since she last saw any of them. Though it made her sad to know they were all so close yet so far away.
"Louis and Marcel though..." She said quietly.
"Louis and Marcel what?" A low voice said behind her. All heads turned to snap in the direction of the voice.
Zayn, Louis and Marcel were standing awkwardly at the front of the diner. Marcel's eyes held nothing but warmth as he saw the three of them. Candy shrieked and ran up to him hugging his warm body. He laughed an hugged her back. Niall hung back as Liam walked up to Marcel and gave him a one arm hug.
Liam didn't look at Louis as all of them walked back to the booth. Niall gave Zayn and Louis a nod.
"Niall." Marcel said warmly. Niall's face broke into a smile, though they had not seen each other in years they still held that air of best mates because of what they've been through.
Candy slid in beside Niall. Liam slid in before Marcel and Louis sat by Marcel. Zayn slid in beside Candy.
"Wow..how long has it been?" Niall said softly.
"Ages." Liam replied.
"So you two?" Niall said pointing at Louis and Marcel.
Marcel smiled and nodded slowly, looking at Louis who smiled back as well and placed his hand on Marcel's thigh. Marcel blushed at the touch and looked down.
"Damn." Niall said not hiding his surprise.
"Yeah?" Marcel said biting his lip, Candy and Liam accepted his decision but would Niall? Or would he be under the other 90% that would call Marcel stupid.
"You! Bloody hell Marcel, you still blush when he looks at you. That's just wow."
"I know." Marcel said honestly. He's never been happier then these past few months. He's loved them, he loves Louis so much then anything in the world. He couldn't be more grateful for the past four years, which showed that honestly any time can pass but it would always come back to him wanting to be with Louis.
"So your first date huh?" Niall said.
Marcel frowned, first date? The hand on his thigh lifted and he turned to Louis.
"Wait. You haven't had your first date?" Niall asked.
"Niall." Candy said in a warning tone.
"Well it's true Candy. They've done everything except have a first date." Niall said, he didn't sound resentful just honestly curious.
"No you're right...we haven't." Marcel said and his face sounded almost sad.
Louis glared at Niall. "W-we can have one if you want love, I just didn't want to rush it or something." He said. He took Marcel's hand in his and relinquished in the familiar warmth.
Marcel shook his head and shrugged. "Honestly I don't care, as long as I'm with you, I'm happy." He said and he leaned over and kissed Louis' cheek. Louis' face filled with light and pink tinted his cheeks and he looked down.
The two got lost in their own little world of soft touches and meaningful whispers to each other, as they held hands tightly under the table.
The other four watched the pair in amusement. "So. How have you been Zayn?" Candy asked.
Niall and Liam looked at her in disbelief and she shrugged. "We can't let the past affect our future, what happened then happened and there's nothing we can do to change it. Why live on it and hate someone for it? Might as well move on and get over it." She said simply.
Niall and Liam seemed surprised at her choice of words but they nodded. It was true.
You shouldn't let something from the past control your present or have you worry about the future.
Zayn was silent for a second before he answered. "Good actually, I got a job as a mechanic." He said shyly.
"That's good." Niall said being the first one to respond.
"I've got a car and it needs a bit of work think you could help?" Liam said.
Zayn was shocked at the offer but he slowly nodded. The two of them began a conversation on cars.
Candy looked at her surroundings and sighed blissfully. Though she never did tell Marcel about her feelings she was perfectly happy for him and she got over the crush years ago. Zayn was a different story, she never forgot about him. Yet seeing him there, he brought back the same old feelings as before. Like they were never gone, just hiding away waiting for the right moment. She was looking at him now, noticing the way his lips curved as he spoke and the fleeting look of a smile on his face every few seconds.
Her thoughts were broken as she felt someone tap her shoulder. She laughed when she saw that it was Niall trying to get her attention. "Yeah?" She said.
"You know, I think if you tried again he won't be as cold as before." He said quietly but a smile placed clear on his face.
Candy's mouth slightly fell but she bent over and wrapped the blonde headed man in a big hug.
"You're the best you know." She whispered. He wrapped her up in a tight hug as well.
It's weird you know, how someone can watch the person they have feelings for get broken and still have feelings for someone else. It's sad knowing there's nothing you can do but let them go knowing they were never yours to begin with.
Yet, seeing Candy's face light up just because Zayn turned to her and put his arm around her while still talking to Liam, and seeing her smile grow it seemed to be worth it. Niall smiled and began a conversation with Zayn about what he had been up to the past few years. Though the conversation was awkward at the beginning they soon let the past go and realised they had more things in common then they had thought.
Liam was conversing with Candy about pointless information. They were all laughing and smiling and having fun.
"Hey." Someone said. Liam was the first to notice the new person who was standing in front of their table.
"Yes?" Liam asked the younger girl.
"I was wondering if I could take a picture? You guys just seem so happy and don't mean to be rude but very out of place, and I just thought it would be cool to show how anyone can become friends." She said brushing back her short black hair.
"Yeah of course." Candy said.
The three guys looked at her weirdly. "Memories you guys." She said simply and they broke out into a smile. Nobody turned to tell Louis and Marcel what was happening even now they seemed to lost in their soft spoken words. Candy was laughing tilting her head back, Liam and Niall were blushing and looking away a smile on their cheeks. Zayn was looking at the whole table a new light in his warm amber eyes. Louis and Marcel were looking at each other will all the love in the world.
There was a flash and two clicks. The young, but tall girl had an old fashioned camera and pulling out the developing film.
"Ah, here you go. Good isn't it?" She asked. Candy took it from her (the girl had two) and her heart warmed at the sight.
A guy dressed in black clothing but his smile seemed to indicate he was not who he dressed like, a girl with bright shirt and glasses laughing her head tilted back, another lad dressed in a grey sweatshirt, his cheeks tinted a dark pink, a boy with a red hoodie who was also blushing but smiling, and finally a couple, that looked at each other like they were afraid the other would disappear.
"It's beautiful." Candy murmured and she passed the pic around and everyone else nodded in agreement.
"Thanks. I'm going to call it, "Love can be found in the oddest of places." The strange girl said.
The name seemed to fit in perfectly, each of them were out of place and odd and they came together out of nowhere in the most oddest of ways.
Candy nodded in approval. The girl began to walk away.
"Wait what's your name?" Candy asked.
"Rose." The girl called back, before she disappeared out of the diner.
"This is unbelievable." Liam muttered.
"Yeah." Everyone else said for what must have been the twentieth time that night.
"I think we are going to go." Louis finally said.
He stood up and held out his hand to help Marcel. Marcel pushed his glasses farther up his nose, smiling contentedly.
"You coming?" Louis asked Zayn who shook his head in response. "Okay. Bye you guys." Louis said in response. They turned to walk away and barely managed to go two steps before they were stopped.
"Wait." Liam said before he too stood up. "It's nice to know you're finally doing good." He said before he enveloped Louis in an awkward one arm hug. "Take care of him okay?" Liam whispered in Louis' ears. Louis nodded in response and gave Liam a grateful long look before he and Marcel both left.
"They're going to make it this time." Niall said.
"If they want to, they will." Zayn said.
Louis pulled on my arm and we left the diner. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we just walked down the streets. Suddenly he stopped and his mouth parted open shocked.
"Well, I'll be damned." He said.
"What?" I asked worried.
"Look?" He said an he casually pointed a head of us to, two girls who were walking together one strolling a baby in a carrier. "Halle and Bree." He said.
"You're kidding." I said.
The two girls looked up and a flicker of recognition passed through them as they came in contact with us.
They looked at each other and started laughing. We had to walk past them to get through so we didn't make much of it.
"Well. Damn, if it isn't Tomlinson and geek boy." Bree said, though she wore no make up, and her derogatory clothing was gone she looked almost a different person. So then how did Louis know it was them.
"His name is Marcel." Louis said pointedly. Bree rolled her eyes. The girl beside her was staring intently at Marcel. Besides her tank top and shorts, she wore no make up, and her face almost resembled care had it not been for her brooding eyes.
"Halle." Louis said in recognition. The other girl snorted and rolled her eyes.
"It's Holli, you incompetent fool. Nice to see you haven't changed much." She said. The baby in the carrier started crying and Bree rushed to him. She cooed at him, and picked him up. Halle rushed to her side and helped with the baby.
"It's yours?" Louis said in disbelief.
Bree glared at him. "Yeah. Ashton's the dad. I married him last year." She said and then turned back to coddle the child.
"You got married?" Louis said.
"Yes. How is that so hard to believe? I'm not a child anymore. Come on Holli the babe needs a diaper changer." Bree said. Holli nodded and carried the child and they walked away without another look at that.
"Well, I'll be damned." Louis said.
I watched the girls walked away, still amazed at how far they have come.
He looked at me and grabbed my hand. "Hey, maybe one day that'll be us." He said.
My mouth fell. "Us, and a baby?"
He smiled lightly.
"Maybe someday." He said in a soft voice.
My heart jumped at the idea and he noticed my breath sharp intake and his smile grew.
We were still walking. He has been silent for the most of the way. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"Just what Niall said. We haven't had our first date." He said.
I frowned. "So?" I asked.
"We've been through alot and we still haven't had our first date." He said straining the words.
"I don't care, as long as I'm with you I'm happy nothing else matters." I said.
"But-" then he stopped talking and he stopped walking. "Will you go on a date with me?" He asked.
"Right now?" I asked surprised.
"Yeah!" He said.
"Where?" I asked.
He laughed an pulled me closer to him. "Anywhere." And then he pulled me away and we were running.
People looked at us weirdly but I didn't care, cause right now the only person I cared about was Louis who was right beside me.
I felt my curls fall down to my face but I didn't care about that either.
Suddenly he stopped and he pushed me against an empty building. Wordlessly he leaned up and kissed me. I kissed him back tasting his lips and smiling. He cupped my cheeks and I grabbed his waist pulling him closer.
He pulled away a light of mischief in his eyes. "Come on."
He pulled me by the waist and pressed one last kiss to my neck. He pulled on my hand, we turned the corner and came to a large amusement park. I had heard of this but I never thought to come here thinking it wouldn't really be Louis' scene.
Louis laughed at the expression on my face. "Come on babe." He whispered and they walked into the amausement park.
My face broke into a smile and I wrapped my arms around Louis and pressed a chaste kiss to the smaller man'a lips.
"I love you." I said.
"I love you so much." Louis replied.
We faced the amusement park and began to have our 'first date'.
We were siting on a Ferris wheel and I was looking around at everything around me. The air was cold and I shivered causing Louis to wrap his arms tighter around me.
I leaned into his touch and leaned my head on his shoulder.
"You, are the reason for my happiness. And I will never let you go again love. You are my everything I don't know what I would do if you hadnt come back." Louis said.
I looked at him and his eyes seemed to be wet with tears. I grabbed his chin and he looked at me.
"I don't want to know either." I whispered and I leaned in, pressing my lips softly against his. He caught on quickly and they moved in synch against each other.
"What's going to happen with us in the future." He asked almost sounding scared after he pulled away.
I sighed and grabbed his face inbetween my hands. "We have made it this far, we will make it. Just live in the moment." I said capturing his lips again.
"Lou, you don't have to get it for me." I said for the tenth time. We had been at the park for a few hours now and it was past 7. Louis was currently glaring at a game they had just cost him twenty dollars. He had just wanted to win a stuffed bear for me but he didn't think it would be so hard.
"No, you're going to get the bear and I'm going to win." Louis stated. He grabbed another ball and threw it at the target it missed by a few inches. Louis groaned in frustration and the person behind the counter would have laughed had it not been for Louis' menacing glare and his tattoos.
I had enough and grabbed him from behind pulling him to a secluded spot. I pressed myself against him and caught his lips with mine. His tension melted away as he kissed back. "Come on, it's okay. I don't need a stupid bear." I told him.
He pulled back and looked at me, starting to speak out. His eyes were darkening and I grinned shyly.
"All I need is you." I whispered back. I grabbed his waist and pulled him closer to me. Showing what I meant.
"A-are you sure?" He stuttered overwhelmed. I grabbed his bum and bit down on his lip causing him to let out a small moan.
"Never been more sure about anything in my life."
We stumbled into his apartment just twenty minutes later the time leading up to it filled with kissing.
To our relief Zayn wasn't home yet.
In just minutes Louis was opening up the door to his room and I was taking off my t shirt.
He took of his jacket and threw it to the side. He looked at me his eyes dark as he took in my body. I blushed self consciously and looked down. "You're so beautiful baby." He said and he pushed me down onto his bed crawling on top of me. I pulled him down and connected my lips with his.
Louis' hands trailed down feeling every inch of Marcel's toned body. Marcel let out a small moan when Louis' finger brushed against his nipple. Marcel hooked his fingers underneath Louis' t shirt whimpering and Louis realised what he was getting at.
He swiftly sat up, straddling Marcel's hips and took of his shirt. Marcel's eyes widened at the look of muscle and the tattoos lying across Louis' chest and arms. Louis bent down and kissed down Marcel's chest. His tongue licked at Marcel's nipple and Marcel moaned grabbing Louis' hair. Louis smirked and wrapped his mouth around the hardened nub. Louis heard Marcel cuss, he pulled away and stared intensely at Marcel.
"Now babe, you shouldn't be swearing now should you." Louis said teasing.
And yeah maybe Marcel never was innocent in the first place.
"Stop teasing." Marcel said.
Louis grinded down onto Marcel, seeing Marcel'a big green eyes, framed by his glasses and his thick eyelashes was getting to be too much.
"Want me to suck you off?" Louis asked Marcel blushed and shook his head.
"Just g-get in me." He whispered and he blushed darkly and looked away and the gesture was so innocent Louis leaned back and up roughly captured his lips. Their tongues and teeth clashed together hotly with Marcel's hands reaching down to grasp hardly at Louis' round bum.
Without a warning Marcel pulled down Louis' jeans down his thick thighs. A minute later he pulled down Louis' boxers and Louis' hard cock sprang out leaking precome.
"S-shit yeah okay." Louis moaned. "Take off your jeans." He said as he got up and walked to their drawer. He rummaged through it and finally he found the small bottle of lube. When he turned back around his knees almost gave way at the sight in front of him.
Marcel was lying on the bed his hand wrapped around his leaking cock, head tilted back, eyes wide open watching Louis' every move, mouth parted open as slight pants were let out from his full lips.
"Shit babe, I don't have a condom." Louis said.
"I trust you." Marcel moaned out. It caused Louis to basically run over and grab Marcel's legs pushing them open. "Back or front?" He asked.
"W-want to see you." Marcel whimpered out.
Louis wasted no time in coating his fingers with lube. He pressed kisses to Marcel's thighs, to distract him from the sure pain that was to come. "Tell me if it's too much okay babe?" Louis asked kissing down Marcel's inner thighs. One finger slipped in and Marcel whimpered out, Louis waited a second and then he slid it in. Three fingers later and a sharp jab to Marcel's prostate and Marcel was a squirming whimpering mess in front of him.
"Lou, I'm ready." Marcel panted out.
Louis looked up as e slid his fingers out of the slicked hole. "Look so beautiful baby I love you." Louis said and he pressed kisses against Marcel's and across his collarbones. He sucked on the skin and Marcel tugged on Louis' head and pushed him back down. Louis' eyebrow rose at the desperate look clear on Marcel's face. Louis kept eye contact on Marcel'a darkened, lustful eyes. He lines his cock and kept Marcel's legs apart. The tip of his dick slipped in and Marcel's breath hitched.
Louis soon bottomed out, and Marcel scrunched his eyebrows as pain and pleasure overwhelmed him. "I'm good." He moaned out. Louis started a slow rhythm, and kept saying nothing but sweet words to sooth Marcel out of his pain.
He knew it was hurting Marcel more then he let on. Louis fell so he was lying against Marcel's chest not stopping his movement. "So beautiful babe, doing so good. I love you." Louis whispered into Marcel's ear kissing across his neck and sucking on a spot.
Marcel moaned, and Louis knew he hit the right spot, he moved around so that he kept hitting the correct place. Louis kept himself up on his arms so that he was looking down at Marcel. Marcel wrapped his hands around Louis' waist. Marking his hips with finger like bruises. Marcel whimpered out, his eyes wet with tears. "LouisLouisLouis."
Marcel came with a shout of Louis' names. Louis didn't still his movements until he too came deep inside Marcel shouting out Marcel's name.
Louis fell down chest to chest with Marcel, Marcel's warm come pressed against both of their stomachs. They both breathed heavily and then Louis lazily kissed Marcel, tongues moving lazily against each other.
"I love you, more then you'll ever know." Marcel whispered.
"I love you and I'll show you how much I do until the day I die." Louis whispered, leaning his head against Marcel's chest.
Louis smiled his eyes shining with a newfound happiness. He looked around the room, noticing all the details in hopes of never forgetting it. The light glittering around his room showing off bright red and green. Zayn and Niall trying to beat each other on some pointless video game.
Candy and Liam in the kitchen fighting over which icing to put on the cookies (laughter coming from both of them when they realised they could just put half on some and half on others). And finally to the beautiful man that was leaning his curly haired head against Louis' shoulder. His heart skipped and his smile (if possible) got bigger, no matter how many times he saw those perfectly full lips, and those beautiful emerald eyes, hidden behind dark curls and thick, black framed glasses they always seem to give him wonderment and awe.
Marcel noticed him staring and he blushed, his cheeks going a dark red and he reached up and ran a hand through his dark curls.
"What?" Marcel mumbled. Louis tilted his head back and laughed because even after so long they still affected each other just as much as they did the first time they met. Louis cupped Marcel's blushing face, only making the younger man seem to blush harder.
Louis pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, as he leaned back he whispered.
"Still my favourite colour."
There story wasn't over in fact it was just beginning.
So blue met green and through lies, betrayal, secrets, hope and love they made it.
Sometimes if you think about it, love works in the most weirdest, unbelieving and most shocking ways.
But always remember, if it's meant to be it will.
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