•Chapter 39• (Stubborness)
This should be called Revealing Part 3. Ehh.
*** (IMPORTANT) ***
As much as I love Ziam and Ziall, Niall and Zayn aren't gay in the story.
25+ votes 10 comments. :? FAN! & share...these updates are long a'f (makes up for long wait)
A couple hours of comfortable silence and just Louis holding Marcel on the couch passed before Louis spoke up.
Louis reached up and brushed his thumb over Marcel's cheek.
"You can stay here alright? For as long as you want. We'll go later to get your stuff." He said quietly.
Marcel looked at Louis in silence. "What if this isn't how things are supposed to be? He cared so much Louis. And I just left him. I feel so...sad."
Louis looked down in sadness. James had affected Marcel in so many ways. None of them being bad, all making him happy.
"If you want to go...you can. I'm not going to make you stay." Louis finally said.
The bright green eyes widened in shock and he immediately shook his dark curls. "No. That's not what I meant, I want to stay here...with you. I'm sad but it's not like when I lose you. When you leave I felt, I felt like something was being ripped from inside of me. I felt so empty, and everytime you left I just wanted to run after you and make you stay. With him, yeah I'm sad but I can deal with it. I know I can get over it. I'm going to stay here with you. Don't make me regret it. I care so much about you Louis. If you left again...I would not be able to take it. Please don't make me regret it. I'm in love with you. Only you."
Louis smiled sadly and shook his head and pressed a kiss down to Marcel's forehead. "Never again. I won't. I promise that no matter what, I will never leave you again. I love you more than anything and anyone in the world. I'm yours and only yours. And you're mine."
Marcel's face lit up and hit eyes shined with happiness replacing the sadness that they held at the beginning of the day. He pressed his face closer into Louis' chest. Louis held him, never wanting to let go.
"Louis...what are we?" Marcel asked after a bit.
"Whatever you want us to be love." Louis replied softly.
"I don't know...Friends?" Marcel responded. Louis was surprised and a little sad at the response. "I need to know, if you mean what you're saying. Also I don't think I'm ready to jump into anything with you yet. I love you and nothing will change that, but I can't be in anything right now. I'm still confused with James and you...and I don't mean in the sense that I want him because not at all, you're the one I want, but I still need time..." Marcel mumbled sleepily.
Louis nodded, right he couldn't expect Marcel to just jump into his arms (although retro speaking he kind of did) after so long. But at the same time he couldn't help but be hurt that Marcel had to think more things out. He loved Louis and Louis loved him what else was there to think about. "As long as you need. I'll be here okay?" He whispered. Marcel smiled gratefully but he saw the hurt in Louis' eyes and then he bit his lip.
"Stay with me?" Marcel asked.
"Always." Louis said. Marcel nuzzled closer against Lou's chest and he could feel the familiar rhythm of Lou's heartbeat.
When Louis realised Marcel was starting to fall asleep he realised how uncomfortable he would be on the couch. "Babe...do you want to sleep on my bed?" Louis asked.
Marcel was drowsy but he tensed up at the words and immediately shook his head. Louis couldn't help but chuckle. "I don't have to be on the same bed. I'll take the couch or Zayn's room and he can take the couch."
Marcel scrunched his eyebrows. "No. Just stay." He whispered and Louis tilted his head but nodded and Marcel fell asleep wrapped up in Louis' arms.
The now 21 year old had dark roots with blonde hair, but his blue eyes still shined with over cheeriness as his lips curled into a smile and he walked over to where Candy sat.
Candy grew uncomfortable she pushed Zayn away and sat up, her own lips pulling into a grin at the familiar boy-now man- walked over.
"Hey." Niall said.
"Hey." Zayn replied. Candy could feel the tension and she rolled her eyes. Aside from that small interaction, Niall focused on Candy and on her only.
"Do you want to sit? I mean it's been forever where have you been? What's up? I have doughnuts." She mused remembering the small obsession Niall used to have with food.
Niall chuckled. "Actually I came here with same old mates. Bit of a small place I remembered from when I was a kid. After we moved from Ireland and before we moved over to well you know." Candy smiled, for some reason happy with the information given. "And seeing as that is that color I'm assuming my words from earlier are correct?" Niall teased pointing to the tea and Candy laughed loudly and nodded.
Seeing as Candy was still seated next to Zayn who had not spoken a word throughout the whole transaction, she managed a small awkward wave of goodbye to Niall as he walked back toward where his group of friends were waiting for him patiently.
The tension was still present at the table though. When Candy looked at Zayn she was saddened to see that the cold wall was back on his emotionless face.
"Zayn?" She asked.
His eyes locked with hers but she could feel that however much he revealed to her, his broken side was backing back behind his cold exposure. "I have to go." He muttered. He got up, pulled some notes out of his pocket.
"Didn't mean to waste your money, or time."
"Zayn wait." Candy said in distress.
He didn't listen, he walked away his face covered with a mask of unreadable emotions.
Candy sank back into her seat. She heard the loud, boisterous laughs from Niall's table and her cheeks flamed with embarrassment at the fact that she was just ditched in front of him.
She looked down at the crumpled notes and saw it was more then enough to pay for the bill.
She sighed, looked at all the uneaten food, grabbed a "to-go" bag that were left on the left side of the table and placed the three other doughnuts in there.
She got up, and with slight annoyance walked out of the small bakery.
She just managed to see Zayn's dark hair disappear around the corner. She debated whether to follow him, what were the odds of them meeting again? Knowing Zayn he really didn't care for resolving things. So it would probably be a long time before they met again. She put the sugary goods into her book bag and started to jog.
The nonsense had to end somewhere.
Might as well be now.
"ZAYN." She called out as she finally caught up to him.
"What? What do you want?" He said through his teeth turning around to face her.
Not taken aback whatsoever by Zayn's tone in words (she was more than used to it by now) Candy replied, "We need to finish talking about that." She said.
"There is nothing left to talk about. Now you know what makes me so damn screwed up. Just drop it. Nothing that you say can change that, or change me. I will always be like this." He said angrily.
Candy shook her head. "No. You don't don't have to be like this. You weren't cold at the beginning and you still don't have to be. You can move on and start living, as a new person."
"No. I can't. It's too late." He pressed on.
"What about Louis?" Candy suddenly asked. "It was not too late for him, it's not too late for you too."
Zayn closed his eyes and when he opened them a second later they were dull, the anger was gone.
"Look. This was a mistake okay? Just forget I even said anything. Go back to blondie for all I care." He muttered.
Candy stood tall (which wasn't much) and walked closer so as she was only a few inches from his face. "I don't give a sh-t about that, and you know it. I care about your feelings and your well being, I got over that stupid crush years ago. Now, get the fuck over yourself and let me help you. Cause you do know I won't leave you like this not after everything. Please I can help. I'll be here for you, it's not too late."
Zayn shook his head. "No, it is." He simply said and he turned around. "Don't even follow got it?" He muttered.
Candy stared at Zayn's retreating figure. "Stubborn brat." She mumbled underneath her breath.
"Zayn," she called out. He stopped walking but didn't turn around. "Here's your food, and if you need me, you know where I'm at, I'm not going to beg you." she said. And she walked up to him, placed the bag of donuts by him and walked away without another glance towards him.
She was less then ten feet away when she heard a quiet barely there murmur. "Thank you."
And she knew he wasn't referring to the donuts.
Louis was woken up with a blunt statement.
"Well you moved fast."
He blinked several times his eyes trying to adjust to the lighting. When they finally did they found Zayn staring at him coldly as he leaned against the wall.
"Shut up." Louis said knowing that type of statement would make Marcel even more freaked out.
Zayn shrugged. "It's true." He muttered and he tossed a paper bag at Louis, it landed on the table in front of it.
"What is that?" Louis asked sleepily.
"Dinner. What else?" Zayn mumbled.
"What's gotten into your arse?" Louis asked. His eyes casted down and his heart fluttered at the pure innocent look Marcel had on his face as he slept.
"Nothing. Just forget It will you?" Zayn said.
"Mate, will you stop hiding? Tell me. I will listen." Louis said, his cheeks tinting a slight pink at the closeness of the words. The line of closeness between Louis and Zayn was a line they didn't really cross that often, but it was there (like when Zayn helped Louis with Marcel) it was there when Zayn was there the past four years for Louis. It was like an unspoken rule, they did not talk about their feelings much if any at all, but they both knew that they could if they wanted to. The ability to do so was there but they don't exactly go and spill their innermost thoughts and secrets. Even after six years they held things from each other. And both knew it.
"I was talking to erm-Candy. Just about things okay? Not a big deal." Zayn said but on the last syllable his voice broke.
"Zayn..." Louis said quietly. Zayn was looking down at the ground and his body was slightly shaking.
"I'm tired Lou. I'm so f-cking tired. I don't want to be like this anymore." At this point Zayn's head snapped up. His eyes were blazing with a new found emotion. "I'm tired of this. Of living in pain. Of this bullshit." Zayn walked over to one of the drawers on the other side of the living room and flung it open. His hand went in and came out with a bag full of white crystals, he threw it to the ground. Louis' eyes widened and he opened his mouth to speak out.
That bag was worth at least 3,000 pounds.
Zayn picked up the bag and he looked like he was about to rip it but instead he walked over to where Louis was still lying on the couch. Louis looked down to check if Marcel was still sleeping. Marcel was fidgeting around and his eyebrows were furrowed, but his eyes were still closed.
"Zayn. Stop." Louis managed to whisper in hopes of not waking up Marcel.
Zayn either didn't hear him or pretended he didn't. He opened and spilled some of the contents of the bag onto the table. He grabbed a thick white card and formed a thin line. He leaned in and snorted the line.
"Zayn!" Louis whispered harshly.
The last time Zayn had gotten high on coke was around last year. Usually he stuck to weed and even then it happened rarely.
Louis on the other hand, had switched between the two on and off for the past few months but that wasn't the point at this moment.
The point was Zayn was already on his third round and Louis knew if he kept going he would probably end up dead on overdose or something. He had to act quickly.
Marcel's eyes snapped open and he looked around until his eyes settled on the shaking mess that was Zayn.
Louis noticed that Marcel was up and the urge to help his best friend overtook him, so he quickly pulled Marcel off of him and dashed to his friend. He swiped the crystal contents off the table and grabbed Zayn by his collar.
"Are you insane?" Louis demanded anger and worry in his voice.
"I f'cked up Lou. I'm so stupid. Why can't I let go of it? Of her? Of them? Why? Make it stop. I don't want to be like this anymore." Zayn said his voice shaking.
"Of what?" Louis asked more calmly, his attention on the Bradford man in front of it.
In a blabbering mess, Zayn revealed it.
He revealed everything.
When he was done Zayn froze and he pushed a silent Louis away.
"Zayn I-" Lou started to say.
"Just forget it." Zayn spat and he got up walked to his room and slammed the door behind him.
"I had no idea." Louis whispered at the idea of the horrors Zayn had to live through. Yeah sure Louis had a shit of a father but he grew up in an 'okay' home. The idea of growin up with just drugs and no home and having that happen to you was just sick.
He felt an arm wrap around his waist. "At least he's not keeping things to himself anymore. It's a start." Marcel spoke in a low and raspy murmur.
"I'm such a crap friend. He's helped me through so much, he's been there for me through everything no matter what an I didn't even know."
"Go to him. He needs a friend right now." Marcel said in a soothing voice.
"Yeah, yeah you're right. I'm sorry." Louis said.
Louis planted a chaste kiss to Marcel's lips and got up and walked over to the shut door. He didn't knock he just opened the door, to reveal a shaking Zayn lying on the bed staring up at the ceiling.
"I said forget it." Zayn said emotionlessly.
"Zayn, you and I both know I'm a stubborn prick, now get over yourself and move over." Louis said. Zayn's head moved and he looked at Louis, his amber eyes cold and bloodshot.
"Just go." He muttered.
Louis fake sighed. "Didn't want to do this." He mumbled and he ran to the bed and started jumping up and down. "Now." jump "are" jump "you" jump "going" jump "to" jump "listen" jump "to me?" He jumped one last time and landed on his bum beside Zayn. And for a second a flicker of old (but rare) moments of their friendship came, until it was ripped away by the seriousness of the situation.
Zayn glared at him harder then ever but shuffled over to the side. "You're such a tosser." He muttered but Louis smiled contentedly and sat on the duvet leaving Zayn to have the duvet over him.
"I know things are tough right now. But you're right, haven't you been the one telling me all this time to forget everything and just live? That happened a long time ago, and I know it's not something you can just forget. It will take time and help, granted I've been horrible at trying to help you but I promise from now on I will be here for you. But you gotta let me okay? You're my best mate, without you who knows where I'd be. Probably lying dead in some alleyway. I owe you my life. And like you said, you're all I got and I'm all you got. But please we can't keep things away from each other. I'm here for anything that you need okay? No matter what. But you gotta let other people in. Who knows what might happen if you do. You could find someone that could make you forget about all the bad, someone who could make you happy." Louis said.
"Lou, I screw up everything good that comes my way. What makes anything that might be good in the future any different?"
"Well for one, we won't be stupid pricks about simple things. We won't be getting high every second and we-well I at least- am quitting the drug business." Louis said a thought dawning on him.
Zayn rolled his eyes and he groaned. "Damn, okay. You're right. New start for everything right?" He said shutting his eyes tightly. He was starting to get really hazy an he just had to go to sleep so he wouldn't do other things he'd regret.
"Yeah. New start." Louis said, the words sounding amazing on his tongue.
After a moment of silence Louis thought Zayn had fallen asleep. But then a soft spoken, "Lou. What happened to you? I mean new start right? No secrets."
Louis sighed, but he knew he couldn't hide it forever. And so for the second time that day (he thought it was the second, in all honesty who knows how many hours it's been) he retold his story, his eyes wondering over to Zayn who was listening intently.
Zayn was very philosophical and a good listener when he was high.
Louis brushed Zayn's hair away from his face and got up from the bed. It was past midnight when he stumbled back to where he left Marcel.
The couch was empty and so was the kitchen. Panic set into Louis' stomach, thoughts that maybe Marcel had left?
However soon he heard quiet snores coming from his bedroom so he tiptoed over to it. He opened the door and found Marcel lying pliant across the bed. He was too tall for the frame so part of his feet dangled off the edge. Every now and then his curls lifted at the air that flew from his nose. His mouth was parted open, and he was shirtless. Louis gaped at the muscle that ran across Marcel's broad back. He was only in his jeans from earlier, and Louis found the shirt that Marcel had been wearing across the room near the bathroom.
The room suddenly felt really hot and Louis couldn't tear his eyes away from Marcel's naked back even for a second. What made him angry is he couldn't even do anything about it, Marcel was his but he also told Louis that he couldn't be in anything at the moment so what was he supposed to do now? Stare like a creeper as dirty thoughts ran across head?
Marcel grunted in his sleep, and he moved around causing his jeans to ride down exposing the slight curve of his bum and his white boxers.
Suddenly Louis heard whimpers and whines, he froze where he stood.
"Louis." Was heard as a soft cry was emitted from the younger man's lips. The sound of his name made his heart break in a million pieces, it sounded so sad and so broken it made Louis feel like absolute crap.
"I'm sorry." Marcel whimpered out and he moved his head so that Louis could see a line of sweat on his forehead and his eyes were clenched shut.
"Don't go, don't go. No." Marcel cried out and he began to shake and fresh tears fell from his eyes and he looked so much in pain.
Louis finally unfroze and ran straight towards Marcel.
"I'm here, babe. Darling please I'm here." Louis spoke into Marcel's ear. Instantly Marcel melted into his touch and his shaking went down but it was still there. The whimpers died down.
Louis ran his hand softly through Marcel's curls until the shaking finally stopped. Then he walked over to the other side of the bed and immediately he noticed Marcel tense up. He quickly took off his shoes and shirt and crawled to Marcel. He wrapped a hand around his waist and the other hand landed on Marcel's thigh. Marcel shivered but once again instinctively he loosened up.
"I'm here baby. I'm here." Louis murmured soothingly into Marcel's ear.
He held Marcel in his arms, and he fell asleep soon after.
The next day started out with Louis and Marcel looking at each other in the dawn light. Marcel blushing darkly at the way Louis' eyes never left his.
"I heard you last night." Louis murmured.
"Heard me?" Marcel asked quietly sudden realisation dawning on him.
Louis nodded and he bit his lip. In one swift motion he was on top of Marcel. Supporting his weight with his hands which were on each side of Marcel'a hands. Louis stared intensely down at Marcel who was a dark crimson and refused to meet Louis' eyes.
Louis brought his hand up and lightly cupped Marcel's cheek. Marcel's eyes then landed on the swallow tattoo that was on that arm and he visibly shivered. "Night, after night after night. And you never came." Marcel mumbled quietly.
"Babe..." Louis said, Marcel locked eyes with Louis. Lou saw the hurt and pain so clearly in those green eyes he couldn't tear his eyes away.
"I'm here now. I'm not leaving." Louis whispered, the same promise. Marcel nodded because as pathetic as it seemed, he believed him. He still believed him, but now Louis had to follow through. Words mean nothing when it comes to what someone has done, and Marcel believes that Louis can make it better he can. And what scares him even more is that even if he doesn't Marcel won't leave him.
They could do this, they would do this.
"I'm not leaving you, no matter what." With a soft kiss to the cheek (he remembered what Marcel had said the day before) he brushed his thumb across the soft cheek.
It was a promise he was going to keep, no matter what. And he knew this.
The days passed by slowly, and Louis walked Marcel to class. They laughed and talked about many things. What they had been up to the past four years (drifting away from the James subject & drugs) to what step they wanted to take in their relationship.
Louis would sneak a hand around Marcel's waist, or shoulders causing the younger man to blush and smile but not move away. Basically almost all thoughts of James and their horrible past was being forgotten as better and happier moments occurred.
One day just a couple of days after everything was out in the open Marcel told everything to Liam who listened intently and in the end gave a heartwarming smile. "Told you you'd do the right thing."
Marcel was surprised. Liam laughed at the reaction and his eyebrow rose. "Come on Marcel, saw it the very first time Louis teased you. May not have showed my approval but we all knew you'd end up together in the end. No matter what."
Marcel couldn't help the grin that came across his face and he wrapped his arms around his best friend. "Thanks Liam. Means alot." He muttered. Liam laughed and just shook his head as they took their seats.
"Besides someone would have to be blind or deaf, or both to not see how deeply affective you are towards each other." Liam said.
"What do you mean?" Marcel asked.
"Come on Marcel! Even then your face lit up everytime you mention or talked about him no matter what, and it still lights up today. What you two have, it's special, it's kind of screwed up, but it's special."
And so what if Marcel was smiling at the ground softly, who was to blame him?
About five days after that conversation. Candy was knocking on the front door of Louis & Zayn's apartment. Marcel was definitely surprised to see her. After a second of looking at her he face palmed and she gave a knowing smile. "You never texted, and now I'm finding out that you're back with Louis?!" She said walking straight into the room.
"U-uh I-I, erm." Marcel stuttered.
"I'm so happy for you!" She said startling him.
"You are?"
"Of course. I always knew you would end up together, ever since that day I found you crying in the bathroom. The idea of the two of you not being together is completely unfathomable. You know I only care about you and what you want. So tell me are you truly happy?" She said.
Marcel was stunned by all the new information. Her eyes were a shining shade of brown and her smile was wide exposing the small dimple in her cheek.
"More then I've ever been in years." Marcel said truthfully.
"Oh that's so great to hear! I didn't even like James, he seemed sketchy. No one can be that nice. I know I seemed annoying the last time I just knew you were flustered and wanted to make them both happy and in doing so you would ignore your happiness but now I know you chose for yourself."
Marcel smiled sheepishly. "Where's Lou?" Candy asked her pink lips curling up into a small grin.
"He's out looking for work." Marcel replied.
Her mouth visibly dropped. "You're kidding?" It was true, after Zayn's meltdown and Marcel's visible look of discomfort every time a bag of stashed weed was found Louis figured it was time that what he said became true. Quitting the drug dealer business. (It would have become true either way but he hadn't thought that fast) "And Zayn?" She asked.
Marcel frowned, he didn't know. Zayn was around here in there in the apartment but besides a few teases to Louis he didn't speak up much so Marcel rarely noticed him. "What about me?" Zayn said walking into the room while fixing on his black t shirt over blue jeans and a red beanie. He gave a flitting smile to Candy (they had not had any contact since their little argument) and turned towards Marcel.
"Have you seen my shoes?" He asked. "The black boots?"
Marcel shook his head. "No I don't think so, why?"
"I'm going to get a new tattoo." Zayn said with a careless shrug.
Marcel eyed Zayn, his right arm was completely full of tattoos, the black ink creating beautiful patterns across his arm and down his shoulder. His left arm had just some scattered tattoos here and there but nonetheless the black ink contrasted slightly to his tanned olive skin. Zayn's eyebrow rose.
"I don't think Lou would appreciate all this staring Marcel." He teased. Marcel laughed nervously, lately they have been getting alot great to be honest. Zayn found his black boots and preceded to slip them on.
"Where's it gonna be?" Marcel asked instead.
"Dunno...maybe my arse cheek." Zayn said with a wink. Marcel blushed and looked away shaking his head. And maybe Zayn had also begun to act out a little cheeky, but it was always how he usually was, one of his hidden sides.
"That'll be a sight." Candy muttered. Zayn shrugged and he walked to the door. "Nice to see you're doing better." She said louder to Zayn.
He cocked his head to the side and slowly nodded. "In a way, I'm more open, I'll get there. Someday." Then he was leaving with a careless wave behind him. Candy nodded showing she understood and even though Marcel could only assume Zayn talking about what happened nights prior he didn't say anything, it wasn't his business.
"So...how did things go down with James?" Candy asked after a moment.
Marcel grimaced and he shook his head, his curls bouncing on his head. When he looked up his emerald eyes contrasted against the blackness of his glasses. "Bad. Everything was too sudden, I just went back after Louis and I talked and broke it off. And I know when I say I would have broken it off sooner or later whether Lou had come back or not. He reacted badly and so did Louis. Louis punched him and James almost punched him back but I stopped him. I hurt him Candy, I hurt him badly." Marcel's voice began to shake.
"So that's it?" She asked sounding surprised.
"Yeah." He said.
"I think you should go back to talk to him, settle things out. Things were probably rushed that last time, knowing you it still hurts you to remember that that was your last encounter with him." She said smiling warmly.
Marcel nodded because it was true.
"Yeah you're right."
She smiled kindly and shook her head, they chatted a bit after that and she left soon after leaving Marcel alone with his thoughts.
He didn't regret breaking it off with James.
How could he regret making a choice that brought undeniable happiness to him?
A week later and Marcel was back to his slicked back hair phase. He was tired of having his curly hair get into his eye vision and him having to push it back, and having it fall back into the front again just a few seconds later.
Liam was just telling him how the weekend went since he passed it with Niall trying to catch up. Marcel stopped Liam and demanded to know why he wasn't informed that Niall was back as well. Liam blushed and said he thought Marcel already knew. Marcel rolled his eyes, running his hand through his slicked back hair and he moved around in his desk. Marcel asked if they could all hang out together one day. Liam asked "they who?"
Marcel fidgeted with his hands and finally spoke saying "Us. All of us. You, Lou, Zayn, Niall and well Candy."
Liam looked deep in thought. "Niall still doesn't like Zayn and I doubt Lou wants anything to do with me, so I dunno. I will ask Niall though." Liam asked.
Still Marcel took it an he thanked Liam. Their marketing professor yelled at them for not paying attention and that really didn't bother Marcel.
Maybe because for once he wasn't solely focused on school.
It wasn't until later that week that Marcel decided he really should go and talk to James. Their story couldn't just end like that, just like Candy had said. At least that's what he told Louis.
Louis was hesitant and he tensed at even the mention. His arms were wrapped loosely around Marcel who had his head leaned against Louis' shoulder.
"Lou. I need to talk to him. By myself, please." I started off saying.
"Why Marcel? What could there possibly be left to say."
"I need him to forgive me. I made him waste four years of his life on me, and I just hurt him. I care about him, I still do. He's been there for me for so long. I need to fix what happened. He needs to understand how much exactly you mean to me and why even after so long him and I would not have worked out." I told him.
Louis glared at the table in front of us and he turned towards me. His eyes were dark with jealousy and something else...? And for some reason it made my heart rate quicken.
He connected his lips with mine and my breath hitched. I haven't kissed him in almost two weeks. He moved them almost hungrily against mine. I felt his tongue lick along my bottom lip and without hesitating I let him in. I didn't have to question on whether I wanted to kiss him, I didn't have to question anything when it came to being with Louis.
He was my drug and I was the addict that kept coming back for more.
"Tell me to stop and I will okay?" He whispered. I nodded, I trusted him. I didn't like how he just decided to avoid the subject but my mind was getting too fuzzy to care.
His lips left mine and he trailed kisses alongside my jaw and down my neck. He bit down softly and I couldn't hold back a moan.
I heard him whisper. "Mine." He said softly and he continued kissing down. His fingers fumbling with the buttons on my grey button down. I felt his warm fingers touch along my cool skin lighting it on fire.
His tender touches and kisses that made me feel so wanted. That even after so long he still wants me. I reached to take my glasses off and his hand reached out to stop me. "No. Keep them. Beautiful like this." He whispered and he kissed down my stomach his fingers reaching up towards my nipples and I gasped. I felt him smile. I reached down and grabbed his own shirt. He understood my actions and stopped himself to take it off. I just looked at his toned stomach, his tattoos never seeming to not surprise me.
I was almost too scared to touch him, it still seemed to good to be true. Him being here, him being so good to me. He noticed my hesitance, and he grabbed my hands. "Hey, it's okay. You don't have to do anything. We don't have to do anything." He said.
I shook my head. "It's not that." I said. I ran a hand through my slicked back hair, noticing that it was already coming undone. "It's just, how could you still want me. When you're you, and I'm me?"
"Is that it?" He asked. I nodded sadly looking down. He let out a breathy laugh and I glared at him muttering that it wasn't funny.
"It is though. Babe, you just left a relationship with someone who could have made you happy and someone who was sane for me. You're scared that you're going to lose me when in reality I'm terrified that you'll notice the mistake in choosing me and that you'll leave me." He said and he took my hand and placed it over his heart.
I felt the rhythmic beat of his heart.
"This. This is for you, only you." He whispered. I didn't respond instead I leaned in pressing the palms of my hands against his chest and kissing his lips.
I ran my fingers against his 'It Is What It Is' tattoo, and I felt him shiver. I heard him moan. "It's been so long." He whispered against my lips. I gave a small nod in agreement.
I felt his hands come up along my sides. He pushed me back so that he was on top of me, his eyes were dark with want. His fingers played along the hem of my jeans. He tilted his head an I nodded. He pulled my jeans down. He palmed me through my boxers I couldn't help but thrust into his touch. His breath fanned over the cloth of my boxers that was the only thing that kept his hand away. He looked at me again and I rolled my eyes, leaning up to kiss hard against his lips.
My own fingers traced along his tattoos until I felt his warm breath on the tip of my dick then I gasped and shivered grasping hardly onto his bicep. His warm mouth enveloped my length and I felt his tongue lick along it. I moaned and couldn't help but thrust into his mouth. He looked up at me, his blue eyes glistening with tears and we didn't look away as he just took more of me in. He pulled away and kissed my thighs, his hands grazing across my chest and one tweaked my nipple. "Louis." I said in a breathy tone.
He sucked on my inner thighs, and soothing the small pain with light kisses.
"LouisLouisLouis." I couldn't help it, his lips were wrapped around my length again. Just as soon as they were they they were gone and he was kissing up my stomach again. His lips connected feverishly with mine and I didn't hold back on letting him in, our tongues clashing agains each other. My hands fell to his bum and I whined when I noticed he was still wearing his jeans. He didn't hesitate in slipping them off so my hands fell to his plump ass again and I gripped it hardly causing his cock to press against mine.
"You never were innocent were you?" Louis said. I rolled my eyes again, an lightly slapped his ass and his eyes widened as his mouth let out a loud moan.
"Don't judge a book by it's cover." I said. One of my hands left his bum and trailed to his dick. I grasped it in my hand, and ran my fingers up and down and his head fell back with his mouth partly open as little breaths came out of it.
"BabeMarcelMarcelMarcel." And I just loved how he sounded and how he looked. The hard look on his face gone and his voice sounding wrecked. The tables had turned and I was in control and I couldn't help but smile at that.
He was already dripping precome and I smeared it alongside his length, not letting it slow me down. His head fell to my shoulder and he sucked on my neck, his tongue soothing over the marks after a second.
"F-ck O-oh." And then I felt him come and I turned to see his face and I pressed kisses alongside his neck as I still kept one hand wrapped around his length. He fell limp in my arms and I kissed his cheek finally letting go. Feeling his warm come dripping down my stomach.
"Oh and Lou." I breathed cheekily against his ear.
"Hmm?" He said.
"I'm going to talk to him tomorrow." I said and I pressed a kiss against the shell of his ear.
I felt him tense up and he abruptly pulled away. He grabbed his clothes and walked away, his naked bum still in plain view as his hips swayed back and forth. I saw him open and slam the door and I sighed. I grabbed my shirt and wiped away at my stomach. Pulling on my boxers and carrying the dirty shirt and jeans I walked into our room. He was lying on the bed staring up at the ceiling.
"I have to do it." I said.
He didn't look at me, "I know you do. I just wish you didn't. What if you really do go back to him? What would I do?" He said. I sighed and got closer to him.
"I just gave myself willingly to you and let you come close to me in a why that I couldn't do with him after a few years. Trust me when I say I don't want to be with anyone else but you." Finally he looked at me.
We just looked into each others eyes until...
Zayn slammed our door open, his eyes filled with anger while his cheeks were dark with embarrassment. He looked at us and in a sarcastic voice said something about privacy, and having our own room for a reason, and having to bleach his ears and the couch, before he grumbled and slammed it shut once again. We were breathless until we heard the front door open and slam shut indicating he was gone.
We glanced at the door and then at each other.
I couldn't help but laugh. Louis leaned up and pressed his lips against mine.
"Oops." He said a cheeky grin on his face.
I laughed and fell back beside him. He smiled at me and I closed my eyes and when I opened them he was still looking at me intensely.
"Hi." I whispered connecting my lips with his.
The kiss was slow and sloppy. When we finally pulled away, I was leaning against his chest.
Hearing the heartbeat that like he said only was for me.
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