•Chapter 38• (Zayn's Story)
This should actually be called Revealing Part 2
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Candy was staring at Zayn an untrusting look in her eyes and finally she spoke up.
"You gonna talk or what?" She asked.
He was slightly taken aback by the tone but he sighed and didn't comment for a bit.
"Here? I mean. Any other private place?" He asked meekly.
Candy shrugged and looked around. Everyone else was minding their own business no one was even looking at them.
"Tea? I know this really shitty tea place with great donuts." She said.
Zayn half smiled but nodded. "Yeah. Okay." He muttered. She softly grinned and began to take a turn towards the coffee place not bothering to see if Zayn was catching up.
She stopped in front of a small bakery. Other than an elderly couple and the workers it was empty. But the workers were mostly in the back rooms.
She walked to the counter and asked for 4 donuts and two cups of tea then she slipped into a booth in a far corner and Zayn followed suit to the other side.
The order came no more then five minutes (which were filled with silence between the two) with two cups of tea and a tray of large glazed donuts. Candy smiled appreciatively at the baker who was an elderly lady who returned the smile.
Candy looked at her tea (which was a murky brown) and pushed it to the side and grabbed a donut. She bit into it and moaned at the delicious sugary taste. She heard a loud chuckle and she glared at Zayn.
"Look, I was in class all day and I had to skip lunch to write a stupid report. Now are you gonna talk or am I wasting my time and money?" She retorted wiping her mouth with a napkin from a holster.
Zayn's eyebrow rose and a smile spread across his face and his fingers pushed back his raven coloured hair.
"Right. Do you remember how in high school...you had a crush on me?" Zayn asked saying the words deliberately slowly.
Candy blushed and picked at the glazed food. "Yes." She whispered not looking up.
"Remember how I behaved like a dick? I wanted to apologise for my behaviour; I know it's years late but I just wanted to say that. You were nothing but nice to me and I was nothing but absolute shit to you. And I'm sorry."
Candy was stunned and then she let out a fake gasp and grasped at her heart. "The Zayn Malik apologising to little old me? What has the world come to?" She said.
Zayn rolled his eyes. "Anyways. I didn't want anything to do with...someone like you-" he said.
"Someone like me?" Candy asked anger starting to rise inside her.
Zayn opened his mouth and then shut it seconds later confused on her sudden change of attitude. "Look, the girls I used to hook up with, they swore and wore make up and hooked up with any guy possible. You weren't-still aren't- like that. You're innocent in a way? You're a good person. You don't need to be mixing up with the wrong crowd. Like me. Those other girls were just a good fuck-" Candy winced at the words and Zayn ignored it. "You wanted a real relationship right? I'm guessing anyways. I was not ready to give in to that." He said. Then a moment later in a barely audible whisper he said "Again."
"So you were scared? Again?" Candy said in slight disbelief.
Zayn looked away and he picked at a donut of his own. "Yes."
When he looked back at Candy she was more then shocked to see his eyes were watery and his face was composed into sadness.
"Growing up, I didn't have as most people would say a 'normal' childhood. My parents were never there for me and I was basically alone all my life. My father was a drunk and he would come home and just yell at my mother. Hurt her sometimes. Wasn't until I was 9 that I finally intervened, he hurt me physically of course. My mother never stopped him. Then one day when I was 15 I brought this girl, this girl who was probably the nicest, sweetest girl anyone could ever meet, her name was Perrie. I had liked her for the longest of time and I brought her home." He stopped talking and a tear slipped from his face. "My dad...he was drunk, pissed flat out when he came home later that night. He wasn't supposed to be there which is the only reason I agreed to bring her. I didn't want her to see but I had to get her out. I begged her not to tell anyone about what went on in my house, and that's when I heard the first gunshot. I ran downstairs and I found her, my mom, bleeding. Perrie was behind me and I told her to go back, lock herself in my room. But it was too late. He saw her, the gun he had it was already aimed. And he shot at us. We were close-the two of us- but then she was falling. And the gun was falling from his hands, he had passed out. She was gone, the sweetest girl that I had known was gone because I had brought her to the shit that was my life. I didn't kill him if that's what you're thinking. I did however look in his pockets and take all the money, and drugs he had, I hid it. Later I called the police and let them take care of it. They were gone, she was gone, he was gone. And what little part of my normal sanity was gone. I did the drugs that my dad had to numb the pain to make me forget. I used the money to buy cigarettes and for three years I just moved from place to place. Never staying, the things I've seen. The things I've done. I've hurt people Candy. People who have tried to hurt me. I sold drugs even before Louis-he doesn't know that though he thinks he introduced me to the business- I drank almost every week. I smoked almost every day. And then one day I found myself enrolling back into high school. The drugs, the alcohol, I just wanted to forget. The sleeping around, everything I could do to numb the pain I did. Then Marcel came and I saw the change in Louis. I saw it so clearly no matter how much he tried to deny it. Then I saw you, and you seemed so good, and so innocent of anything bad in your perfect little life and I hated you for it because you reminded me so much of her. No matter how shitty I treated you, you always came back."
Candy was crying now, the tears falling freely and she was shaking. Zayn wiped his own cheek and looked at her, (it wasn't the first time he's seen her cry nor would it be the last)
He got up and walked over to her side and he placed a soothing arm around her. "Hey. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry, I just thought I owed you an apology and an explanation. Now you know." He whispered into her ear and she wrapped her arms around his waist and cried into his chest.
"You have been through so much. You're incredible." She whispered.
Zayn didn't say anything he just brushed back her hair and looked at her. The sadness and hope that filled her brown eyes and the face that matured and grew hard over what troubles the past years have brought her.
He cupped her cheek and started to lean in and her breath stopped but she didn't turn away.
Suddenly a loud "You need to try the donuts here. The tea is absolute shit but the donuts man. It's so good!"
Candy pulled back harshly and her eyes followed the sound to the man that it belonged to.
"N-Niall?" She whispered.
Blue eyes made contact with brown and everything seemed to stop.
Louis pulled Marcel closer against his chest, lips moving against lips. Marcel placed his hands on Louis' shoulders, pulling him closer so that just barely any place was in between them.
Louis slowly brushed his fingertips along the skin of Marcel's waistline. The action caused Marcel to pull back and give him a wry smile.
"I need to talk to James." He muttered as he pulled back, and he realised his actions and guilt made it to his face as he bit his lower lip.
Louis saw this and he grabbed Marcel's hand. "Do you regret that kiss?" He asked quietly, brushing a thumb over Marcel's swollen lips.
Marcel shivered but shook his head. Louis grinned and planted a chaste kiss to his lips.
"Good. I didn't either." He said. Marcel blushed and looked at his hands.
That's when he noticed that he was missing the thin silver band. The action of betrayal never hit him so hard as that moment. He scrambled up and started looking for it.
Louis crossed his arms as he watched Marcel look for the silver band.
"At the same time though I didn't mean for that to happen. I just wanted to talk to you. About everything." Louis found himself saying.
Marcel looked up for a moment, his face a slight pink and he ran a hand through his head. "I asked you to kiss me. Not the other way. I wanted to kiss you. Even...even after everything." He said, his voice low and raspy.
Louis' smile grew, and he felt the feeling of light and happiness overtake him. He hasn't felt that way in so long. Marcel was the only one to ever make him feel so...loved.
He walked forward and wrapped his arms around Marcel; taking him by surprise, but the action made Marcel see a sharp light bounce off of silver and he grabbed the silver band.
"Things are different aren't they?" Lou murmured.
"Yeah, but one thing that isn't." Marcel replied, his hand tightening over the silver band.
"What?" Louis whispered.
"I am in love with you...only you."
Louis smiled and he leaned down and pressed his lips against Marcel's cheeks.
"I've been in love with you for the longest of times. Nothing will ever change that." He whispered. Marcel relaxed against his hold.
"No secrets right?" Marcel asked quietly.
Louis tensed up, but he nodded. "No secrets." He agreed.
"Then tell me. Everything, from the very start to this day." Marcel asked, turning from Louis so that he was now looking at him full on.
Louis flinched. "I already told you."
Marcel shook his head. "Everything. No secrets right?" And he reached over and put the silver band on the table beside the couch. The action lightened Louis' heart and he nodded.
"Alright. The first day that I saw you, I thought you would just be another insignificant guy, but when I heard your voice and your blush my heart started to race. I know corny shit right? But it's true. From that moment I thought well it's probably something to do with wanting to get into your pants, so I thought of this little game to get into them. Zayn told me not to, but I never listened to him. I thought maybe if I just fucked you the stupid feelings would diminish, but they didn't they never did they just got worse and worse. Then it was the day of detention and I just couldn't take it anymore. You looked so perfect and innocent and pure and I just wanted to ruin you." Marcel looked down and Louis noticed a frown on his features. It caused Louis to frown and take Marcel's hands in his. "I'm sorry, I was such a dick I know." He muttered.
Marcel gave a grim smile, "I guess at the beginning I always knew that's the only thing you wanted."
"Yeah, at the biggening. But seeing you every day with Liam and Niall it burned jealousy right through me. Zayn even noticed and I tried to play it off as just being angry that you were taking longer to fool then I would have thought. Anyways day of detention happens and I lose it. Of course I was never going to force you into anything, but you...you just gave in, right in the moment you did. Your lips, your moans. You're not as innocent as you look are you?" Louis couldn't help but tease in the end, Marcel blushed darkly.
"And then you just left like it was nothing and for some reason that left me angry and confused. You, you the geekiest guy in the whole school was saying that you were done with me, when in reality I should have been the one saying that. Then I said that it didn't meant anything but I want you to know that it meant more then anything. You are the only person to ever make me feel so complete and utterly guilty after giving a blow. That was it I was a goner and I realised that, that's why I said what I said in the bathroom. Then it happened again and it was just because I was so angry at myself because I was letting you in, I was letting myself get feelings for you. I was confused and angry but I really wanted you and you let it happen again. Then I thought that'd be it. I wouldn't want anything to do with you. That I wasn't going to have anything to do with you, I wasn't going to get hurt. Jake really fucked me up, it made me fuck us up from the very start. Shit. After detention I left, I left that note which just showed how fucked up I really was. Then I talked to Zayn and I couldn't let him know that I was going weak so I just told him bare details how I was so close to fucking you but that you wanted a real relationship and h-he." Louis stopped at this suddenly remembering the other small detail that probably lead to a good memory for Marcel but was based on lies. Louis closed his eyes and took a deep breath, when they opened they shined with worry.
"Babe. You need to know I didn't mean it, I was screwed up okay? It was before I finally admitted my own feelings. Please love." Louis said quietly. Marcel didn't say anything, he was too into listening to Louis and he just nodded his head. Louis closed his eyes as he said the next few words. "Zayn gave me this plan, because we both knew you just wouldn't give it up. You'd want a real relationship, and he said for me to 'play nice' and treat you like a boyfriend and call you my boyfriend. The day I took you home and my mom found us and I told her you were my boyfriend was all part of the small plan. As soon as I'd fuck you I was just going to leave and laugh it off." At the last few words Louis opened his eyes, analysing Marcel's reaction.
"The one moment that I thought was true...was based on lies? But you're right I asked for it." Marcel whispered, and his eyes closed and opened in realisation. He yanked back his hands and Louis lost the familiar warmth.
"N-no you said no secrets right? This is me being honest, I love you. I love you now. Now is what matters not then. I'm here now. I didn't mean to, it was never supposed to end like that. You're so much more."
Marcel wasn't listening, he was shaking. "What have I done?" He whispered. He grabbed the silver band, that was now just a painful reminder of the betrayal he had done for someone that had built up their whole relationship on lies and against someone who had never hurt him in any way.
The one special moment he pathetically relived was built up on lies? That Louis never even meant?!
"Can't we just forget it? Forget the past?" Louis said his voice coming off tiny and small.
Marcel spared one look at him. And laughed shaking his head.
"You don't get it do you? The past four years have been hell for me! I couldn't hate you, I can't even hate you right now no matter how much I tried or if I was payed a million dollars to hate you I couldn't. One of the few moments that I thought was real that kept me happy for those depressed states I would get in, that moment that meant the world to me, meant shit to you and was just a plan to get into my pants?! And that it meant nothing? YOU JUST TALKED TO ME TO GET INTO MY PANTS OUR WHOLE FUCKED UP RELATIONSHIP HAS BEEN BUILT ON LIES. I always knew deep inside...but I thought you were at least better then that but you're right Louis. Forget the past." Marcel turned around gripping the silver band, biting back the tears.
"You know that's not what I meant. You said no lies, starting new right?" Louis said and he walked forward placing a hand on Marcel's shoulder. Marcel couldn't help but lean back into the touch.
"What else?" Marcel said quietly after a minute.
"Look at me." Louis begged, and Marcel turned around, and Louis was shocked to see anger and sadness in those green eyes of his.
How had everything gone wrong in so few moments?
"I agreed to do what Zayn said. And then we went on this run and he took some coke from the person we had to give it too and we just got high and drunk the next day. Then the whole thing with Liam happened and I swear it never meant anything. I was completely out of it, I don't even remember anything other then waking up with my arse hurting. And then I thought I lost everything. I felt like I lost everything anyways. You didn't want anything to do with me, and for some reason it felt more finalised then all the other times. I was the one thing that I had been preventing all that time. I was hurt, sad, broken. I didn't do anything for so long. All I ever thought of was you and how I fucked everything up. I loved you, I realised that, but I also realised that I had lost you." Louis told him. "Then Jake came into my life and believe me when I said we didn't do shit. All we ever did was get high and drunk which pissed Zayn off. You didn't want me so why even bother with anything else? You're all I wanted, you're all I've ever wanted. Sappy, but I don't care. Then Zayn-that little shit- got us to talk, and you, you were so beautiful. From the moment we fixed things, I didn't want to let you go. Not ever again. You were mine and fuck you were going to stay mine." Louis waited for any kind of reaction from Marcel, but all he got was a quiet look. "You know what happened after." Louis said more quietly thinking once again he was about to have Marcel run out on him. (Not that he was going to allow out.)
After another second of painful silence Marcel finally spoke up.
"I didn't tell that day because...well because I realised that I was getting feelings for you. Getting feelings for my own bully." He whispered the last part. Louis was confused until it hit him on what Marcel was confessing to. "You've hurt me, from day one. You've brought nothing but mostly pain and heartbreak into my life and the few moments that I thought were real I'm founding out were fake...so tell me why I can't walk out of this room and say goodbye."
Louis and Marcel looked at each other, no one spoke and Louis looked away. A second later he turned back and his eyes were watery. "I love you and I know you love me. Everything that has happened so far has made me believe that you were meant to be mine. It's hard to believe but I am a better person because of you."
Marcel looked at Louis and it was his turn to walk over and brush the tears away. "I love you, I am in love with you. But how can this possibly work out? Everything has been against us from the start, and I'm engaged..." His words died. Suddenly, " Do you believe in fate?" Came out in his low drawl.
Louis was taken aback and he didn't answer for a bit. "I believe in whatever it is that made you tell me off for smoking that day that brought you to my attention, I believe in what brought you back to me after all these years and I believe in what made you leave in the first place that only proved how truly shitty my life would be without you. I believe that I love you and only you. I believe that we...we were meant to be."
Marcel nodded and he leaned in and pressed his lips against Louis' softly. "I couldn't walk out of here without you even if I wanted to." He whispered staring deeply into Louis' eyes.
"Good. Because there is no way in hell I would let you."
Marcel chuckled softly but he bit his lip, and held up his hand. "This...I need to talk to him. He will understand."
"He will?" Louis said raising his eyebrow in disbelief.
Marcel nodded and he looked down. "You were right. I never did anything with him too...intimate." Louis couldn't help but be surprised, he had only said that in the heat of the moment at the time but he couldn't help but be glad.
Louis took Marcel's hand in his. "Lets go." He whispered.
Marcel looked at him for a second, with fear in his eyes but Louis didn't notice.
Marcel wasn't fearful on what James would do...but on what Louis would do if things got out of hand.
Not even twenty minutes later they found themselves knocking on James&Marcel's flat room. Marcel was shaking with anticipation but Louis squeezed his hand in assurance.
"Marcel what happened I've been tex-oh." James said as he opened the door. His brown eyes landing on Louis, then on Marcel, then on their intwined hands until it finally settled on Marcel's naked left hand.
"You're kidding right?" James said bitterly. Marcel shrunk back slightly but shook his head.
"I'm sorry." Marcel whispered and he reached out his other hand and dropped the ring expecting James to grab it but it fell letting out a taunting clatter sound.
Instead James grabbed Marcel's hand and pulled him inside away from Louis. Louis was quick to react and he pushed James against the wall away from Marcel.
"Don't fucking touch him like that again." Louis said through his teeth.
James let out a cold laugh. "Wow Marcel you sure know how to choose them. Fuck, I can't believe that after four years you're still listening to the bullshit this guy feeds you. What did he say now? That 'he won't hurt you' sorry love but how many times has he said that, and how many times has he hurt you?" James threw back.
Tension and jealousy began to build in the room. "You don't know anything." Louis said angrily.
"I know you hurt him. Badly. I know he was a shattered mess before I helped him. You have done nothing but hurt him. How is now any different?" James sneered.
Louis pulled his arm back and punched James. His head bounced and hit the wall. Louis felt hands pull him back, he turned to see Marcel looking at him shock and conflict clear in his face.
"Crap. Can't you see? He's nothing but a lowlife punk. You're not what I thought you to be. You're going to throw away a four year relationship over a guy who has done nothing but hurt you? You're not who I thought you were then. I hope you're happy with him." James said cupping his bruising cheek.
"Shut. Up." Louis said anger blazing in his eyes.
"James you know I love you, I will always love you. You have helped me through so much and I will never be able to repay you. Even if I had never found Louis again I wouldn't be happy. You wouldn't be happy and you know it. Sooner or later you would have gotten tired of me for crying over him, for still bringing him up. I have realised that no matter what he does, no matter what happens...he will always be the one." Marcel said his voice loud and clear.
Louis' heart broke because even after everything Marcel was still hurt on what had happened, it would take so long to make things truly right between them. But Louis will try and he will make it right, for them, for their future...together.
James wasn't looking at Louis anymore his eyes were soft and full of unspoken emotion looking at Marcel.
"You know I'd do anything for you right? He's not good enough for you. You deserve better. I-I would never hurt you like he has and will."
"Fuck you." Louis spat.
"Louis. Leave him alone." Marcel said quietly. Louis slowly stepped away and dropped his hands.
James ran forward and grabbed Marcel'a cheeks, cupping them and pressing his lips against Marcel's. catching both if them by surprise.
Anger blazed inside Louis when he saw the action he didn't hesitate to run forward and yank James back throwing him to the side. All Louis saw was red as he brought his hand back and swung at James. James grimaced and brought his hand back just as fast.
Louis felt himself being pushed and he shut his eyes at the sudden force.
He heard a loud thud.
His eyes snapped open.
James was lying on the floor holding his right cheek, staring up at the ceiling and Marcel was staring at his hand in shock.
"H-he was going to hurt you." Marcel whimpered out. His knuckles were bleeding.
Louis was shocked to say the least...Marcel protected him?
"James I-" Marcel started to say. James looked away.
"Leave." He said. Marcel's face broke into a flash of pain. "You're not the person I thought you were. Just go. I hope you are happy. But you will regret this."
Louis walked towards Marcel and grabbed his hand, and Marcel looked at him with sadness deep in his green irises.
"Goodbye James." Marcel whispered, the words sounding hazy and coming out so easily.
It wasn't until they were standing back in Louis' apartment because where else would Marcel stay? There Marcel finally broke down and cried into Louis' chest.
"I hurt him badly didn't I?" Marcel whimpered out, and he wasn't referring to the bloody cheek.
"I'm here, I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere." Louis responded ignoring Marcel's statement.
Marcel shivered and leaned into Louis' chest.
They were broken, but they were together.
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