•Chapter 37• (One Last Time)

The next day started with Zayn and Louis leaning against the counter, Louis staring at his bowl of cereal and Zayn scowling with a cup of tea.

"What's your big plan now?" Zayn asked. Louis tilted his head, contemplating a reply.

"You're a prick and what plan? He won't trust any plans he will see right through them." He said.

Zayn cocked an eyebrow and said "yeah I guess you're right." He mumbled the last part.

Louis sighed, "Look, I don't want to Fuck things up more then they are right now. It's been what 4 years, and yes I understand he is confused, but I know he still loves me and wants me just as much as I do. I'm not gonna force him into anything, he's going to get his head out of the gutter soon enough and realise he's mine, he belongs with me and not with that other guy."

"But they're engaged." Zayn said.

"Yeah well he was a virgin before he met me. Things change." Louis said with the beginnings of a smirk.

Zayn didn't return the smirk instead he shrugged. "As long as you're not getting high or drunk every day from now on I'm good." He said.

"Hey, just because he's back doesn't mean I'm going completely prude." Louis said.

"Yeah but, it's Marcel and James now. Not Marcel and Louis. He's changed most definitely, he's not the little teenager you met four years ago."

And Louis cursed the fact that Zayn could do this, he made Louis think and realise and see the flaws of many things.

"Yeah well I'm not the same teenager as I was either okay. I know, I get it. I'm not gonna fuck this up."

"You've said that before. Besides how are you going to say that to Marcel? That in four years you've changed into something better, he may be a slight fool for you but I doubt he's that stupid, and also how about last night? You saw how he turned away when those girls showed up, he thinks you haven't changed even the slightest." Zayn said.

"DAMNIT ZAYN." Louis shouted.

Zayn didn't flinch, "just saying." He said.

"Trial and error right, with every mistake, I learn. I've learned, I'm not gonna fuck this up just trust me."

Zayn looked like he was going to add more to the matter but he shrugged. "James looks familiar. Marcel is back. Candy and Liam...and Niall." He said a dark grin on his face.

"Shut up." Louis mumbled because even though Zayn hadn't brought up what was still on his mind, Louis still knew what he meant.

It wasn't said out loud, but this was Louis' last chance. It was all or nothing.



"I just don't see how this will work out, in anyone's favour to be honest. Marcel goes with Louis, he'll hurt James. And don't tell him I said this, but he can't handle hurting people. The thought of Louis and Marcel not being together is completely unfathomable, after all the bull they've been through, they need to be together. But then I just...I just want him to be happy. It's been so long..."

The girl in front of me looked at me wide eyed. "I just came here for the coffee..." She mumbled.

I gave her a tight smile and grabbed my own cup of tea and book. "It's not even that good." I told her and I walked away.

But I couldn't help but think it was true, this couldn't possibly work out for anyone. Could it?


Marcel woke up alone. That was his first realisation anyway.

The feeling of loneliness clutched his heart when he opened his eyes and his hands felt around for James, but he wasn't there.

He woke up in a sad mood, but began to change to go to class. He let his curls fall as they may, he had outgrown the slicked back phase a while back and only did it on days when he felt like it. He found his black, thick rimmed glasses (he never did get contacts they annoyed him to no end) and throwing on a white t shirt with blue jeans he was ready to go.

He opened his phone and texted James. "We need to talk."

"Yeah we do." James replied 2 minutes later.

Marcel threw his phone into his backpack and walked out of the building. Suddenly he remembered he still had to text Candy. He decided he'd do it after class, seeing as she had her own classes to go to.

Things were going to become great soon right?


If someone were to put themselves in Marcel's position, they'd be confused and scared as hell as well. Imagine having to choose between two people that mean a lot to you?

He knew he loved James, but he knew he would always love Louis. Yet, isn't there a difference in the two? Isn't love and in love two different things? One has the person in your heart while the other has your heart invested in the person. Which one could he not live without? Seeing the past four years he knew he could live without Louis...but the feeling Louis gave him was like no other.

The feeling of butterflies in ones stomach is too cliche to describe what he feels when he sees Louis. It's more like a complete and utter mess that goes on inside him, his heart flutters and speeds up and he can't seem to wipe the beginnings of a small smile sometimes even though he knows he has to.

And when Louis touches him, he can't help but blush and warm up at the simple contact of skin.

With James it's nice...but that's just it it's nice and Marcel knows he can be happy with him but he can't help but want more.

And he can't help but hate himself for that.


Midday brought an even crankier Louis and a more rational thinking Zayn.

"You can't be serious." Zayn said. Louis had described another plan to him, in his eyes it was simple, but effective. It involved smuggling Marcel in the back of a car though, to which Zayn freaked out.

"What?" Louis asked incredulous.

"When the hell have any of your plans worked? Lets see: 'Get the geek in bed', 'leave him alone so he won't get killed', 'buy the pounds of weed so we can sell it later.' 'Get drunk and high to forget the misery.' And how did they end up? Oh right; Fell in love with said geek, he leaves and your miserable for years, and all the weed gets stolen and we lose all our money, oh and my favourite almost end up dead in the damn street corners! Nothing ever works!" Zayn said.

Louis scoffed, "Stop being a twat, okay? This will work."

Zayn rolled his eyes. "Oh yes because 'Breaking him off from his engaged boyfriend,' yes that sounds perfect."

"Prick." Louis huffed.

"Ever thought, he could be happier without you? Look, for now I'm leaning towards you, he makes you happy-nope don't even deny it- I've seen the difference. But if the guy gets hurt again...how much more can he take? Everyone has their limits." He said.

Louis was silent for a second. "He's mine Zayn. Mine. I fight for what is mine. I am not the same stupid teenager I was before. Granted I fucked up in the past so many times and I damn sure know I don't deserve another chance but he's all I got. He's the last thing that means the world to me. The fact that he still means so...so freaking much scares me. If I lose him, what else do I have to lose? Nothing. It's him or nothing. He's mine. He's my Marcel."

Zayn stared at Louis intently, Louis stared at the wall, body rigid and breathing fast. "I'm not the person you should be telling this to." Was all he said.

"I know...I just don't know how." Louis replied.

"I have an idea, and this one will work! but you will just talk okay. If you touch him it'll just confuse him and make him hate you even more for being, well so confusing." Zayn said.

"Alright, talk." Louis said.

"Okay so...."

At the end Louis nodded in agreement. He hugged Zayn, who only pushed him away with a roll of his eyes.

"No, bro, just no." Zayn muttered as he walked away.

"I love you!" Louis called out to him.

He heard Zayn's loud laugh even from where he stood. But he said it back. Zayn always said it back, no matter what.


It was early afternoon and Zayn and Louis were making their way cross campus. Zayn was quietly murmuring something to Louis, and Louis was kind of paying attention. In reality they had talked through Zayn's idea all day and they were good to go. It's not every day that Louis listened to him anyways.

"I can't believe the two of you have a song." Zayn said.

"I can't believe you've hidden a guitar from me for 6 years. How did I not notice that?" Louis said.

"You were busy." Zayn mumbled.

"Right." Louis said tightening his hold on Zayn's old acoustic guitar.

"This may or may not work. If it doesn't then I'm out of ideas and you're on your own." Zayn said. He looked up and saw a familiar head of curls walk out of one of the doors with another person. "Go get him." He said and he pointed to Marcel and then he turned around and walked away.

Louis nodded and walked towards Marcel. He was nervous. This was it, his last shot.

He remembered Zayn's words:

"It's simple enough you know? He's still soft on the inside. It's obvious he cares for you so just try to recreate something that was a happy memory for the two of you guys."

"Lou?" Someone said quietly but it wasn't Marcel.

"Liam." Louis said in response with a curt nod, his eyebrows rising at the complete change the brown eyed mad had. He was no longer the lean, slightly toned man like before, his hair wasn't wavy dirty blonde anymore. Instead his muscled arms were almost trying to rip themselves off from his shirt, and his hair was shaved off in the sides being longer on the top, and completely brunette, his eyes weren't the warm chocolate brown, at least not when they settled on Louis. Except Louis' eyes were only diverged for a second, because a second later his eyes settled on the more strikingly beautiful man beside Liam.

Obviously at the voice Marcel turned around a pink tint to his cheeks. "Hey." Louis said.

"Hi." Marcel replied, and he noted the case that Louis held and the fact that Louis wasn't dressed in black for once.

"Can I talk to you?" Louis asked, he dropped the guitar case by his feet, keeping his eyes on Marcel and noting how he shifted his eyes immediately to Liam.

"I don't think that's best thing for the situation at this moment." Liam said. Louis still didn't look away when he replied coldly.

"Let him speak for himself."

"I-it's okay, I'll see you tomorrow." Marcel told Liam. Liam furrowed his eyebrows but nodded and walked away.

Louis couldn't help but admire the way Marcel's curls fell across his forehead and gave him a more boyish look even though he knew the curly haired man was twenty years old and not a boy anymore. Or the fact that his body got more toned and muscly then before, and his dimples still appeared even for the shortest while with a small sad smile, Louis promised he would make Marcel's dimples appear with a happy smile.

"First of all, I want to apologise for my actions yesterday. I guess I was overwhelmed with seeing you here after so long. And I know you're with someone else. But I at least think you need to know, you need to know why I acted so cruelly towards you all those years ago and why at the same time I had to have you. You deserve to know why I hurt you, and hear me out on the times I hurt you when in reality that was the very last thing I ever wanted to do. Please, will you listen to me?" Louis asked.

Marcel's face was expressionless for a few seconds but inside he was having a fight. Whatever Louis said it would make Marcel think and worry and stress out. Yet at the same time if they didn't talk Marcel would never know why the actions that happened long ago happen.

Why did Louis make Marcel feel loved and then break him down ?

Why does it matter now?

"The past is the past, there's no point in going back." Marcel said and he gave a small shake of his head and turned around.

"No, there is a point just hear me out." Louis said his voice on the verge of sounding desperate.

Marcel didn't even turn around. 'It's for the best.' Behind him he heard Louis move around but he still kept walking.

Suddenly out of the blue he hears the first few strums.

"I'm not a perfect person, there's many things I wished I didn't do, but I continue learning.

I never meant to do those things to you, and so I have to say before I go.

That I just want you to know, I found a reason for me. To change who I used to be, a reason to start over new.

And the reason is you.

I'm sorry that I hurt you, it's something I must live with everyday.

And all the pain I put you through, I wish that I could take it all away. And be the one who catches all your tears.

That's why I need you to hear, I found a reason for me to change who I used to be. A reason to start over new.

And the reason is you."

Marcel stopped in his tracks and he turned around. Louis was sitting on the steps out side of the doorway, the guitar in his lap as he sang.

People were turning to look where the music was coming from and some even walked up to give him money, but Louis didn't notice, his eyes were on Marcel, watching his facial expressions.

Marcel was torn, but he knew the song. It was the same song from all those years ago.

He knew it was wrong, he knew he should just turn around and leave it all behind him. But hearing his voice, hearing that song, it was too much.

"Okay." Marcel said walking back to Louis.

Louis finished the song and beamed up at Marcel. Marcel noticed there was no black eyeliner on him and just his bright blue eyes were shining with no cover.

"Will pretty boy get upset?" Louis mused as he put away the guitar.

'Yes.' Marcel thought on the inside but outside he shrugged. "He doesn't control my life, besides he trusts me, and we are only talking so it can't hurt can it."

"Right," Louis said. "Well, we are going back to my place, private and I don't want anyone else hearing what I have to say. Just you. Zayn won't be there and you can text pretty boy where you'll be." He finished off with a smirk.

Marcel rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile at the familiar teasing sense in Louis' tone. 'Dont freak out, going to Louis' just going to talk okay? I love you.' And it wasn't exactly lying, he loved James no doubt.

A few moments later he replied. 'I trust you.'

Three simple words.


Candy was hurrying home after a stressful day in class. She really wasn't looking where she was going.

"Hey." A voice called out that stopped her dead in her tracks.

Zayn ran up to her, dressed in a leather jacket and black skinny jeans.

"I guess. Hi? I mean. I'm going to take a leaf out of Louis' book and talk to you? I mean if you still care anyways. It's been a while." He said and he looked away and scratched his neck letting out a small cough. Candy reached into her bag and pulled out her cellphone.

No texts or phone calls. She was so popular....

"Candy?" Zayn said.

She looked up at him and sighed. "Yeah. Okay. Talk." She said.



I felt a light touch on my waist. "Lets go?" Louis asked looking at me, he was closer then before and I could make out the light freckles that were alongside his cheeks, just barely there. At loss for words I nodded and let him lead me.

"First off, last night and those girls. Zayn and I knew them, but only because they hung out on our streets. That's it. Nothing else." He said.

"Your streets?" I asked meekly.

His face contorted in confusion and he slammed his hand to his forehead. "Right you don't know about that." He looked around for a second and he leaned towards my ear. "Look, Zayn and I we grew up having to defend ourselves on our own. Remember Jake?" My blood ran cold at his name and I nodded. "About 6 years ago, he introduced me to selling drugs and shit. I was blinded okay? I loved him, alot but he broke me. It's just it's such a long story." He said shaking his head. I noticed that we had stopped walking and we were in front of a tattered old building.

He opened the door and pulled me inside. After walking up some stairs in silence we were outside what I presumed to be his flat door. He opened it and kept it open for me to walk in. After a few seconds I did. "I've got time." I said quietly, he gave me a weak smile and lead me to the couch. I sat down and he sat beside me, a good distance away but still.

"So six years ago, I was this quiet, shy person." He started out saying. Already I was apprehensive, I have never known a shy Louis. I have only known a bad tempered, sexual driven Louis with a bad mouth. I didn't say anything I just respectfully listened. "I guess it was because I didnt have a father figure growing up. I doubt it though, I mean even when that bastard was around he wasn't good for anything. He left my mum and I when I was 14, after I came out saying he wasn't going to be a father to no homosexual. Anyways he made my mom choose it being me or him. She choose me but I think she resents me for it a bit. I kept to myself after that though. Then I met a guy named Jake. He was older, dark, mysterious and I fell in love. Granted he was a senior and I was a freshman, but like I said I was blind. I thought he was perfect and for a bit he was. Then he introduced me to the business he had with a few mates. This was about 6 months into our relationship I think? If you could even call it that, it was more like plain sex and screaming at each other. He brought a few friends over and he told me about how he made money, and how if I still wanted to be with him I would have to be in it as well. Of course I told him no, but he kissed me and one thing lead to another and next thing I knew I was smoking weed and he was sucking me off." He said his voice tight.

"What d-" I started to say, but he held up his hand.

"I started selling weed when I was sixteen, and then one day after I came back from a round I found him sucking off some black haired kid in his fucking room. He said, he said I never meant anything to him, that I was just a fucking distraction and he laughed at me when I told him I loved him. He said it was fun doing things but that's all it was, he never meant it when he said he loved me. I screamed and cried, but he didn't care he just left me." At this his voice broke and for a second I saw the sad, broken Louis that was hidden behind tattoos and a hard exterior. At the same time I couldn't help but compare it to our situation it seemed so similar. "I told myself I would never get hurt like that again. I wouldn't allow it. It changed me I guess, I never went back to being the shy guy like before. I smoked and did drugs, even after Jake was long gone. I found another supplier and kept selling the shit. I got tattoos and just stopped giving a fuck about people. I started sleeping around and I just didn't care. I wasn't going to let anyone in, not then and not ever. Until I met Zayn."

My heart was breaking for him. "You don't hav-" I said but once again he shook his head.

"No I have to. You need to understand." Was all he said. "Around the middle of sophomore year, this tanned guy walks up to me and asks for a smoke. At this point no ones talking to me because they see me as an outcast, yes the occasional girl an guy come up and ask for a fuck but other then that I was always alone. So I see him come and immediately I think he just wants a fuck. But no, he asks for a smoke and when I hand him one he stands beside me and asks me one question. 'What happened?' Nothing else, just that question. I looked at him, looked for anything that showed he was a shit kid. But all I saw was a sad guy, I noticed his dark clothing and cold exterior and I realised that just like me something happened to him. People don't just become like this for no reason. For some minutes I didn't say anything and he didn't press on. I didn't tell him, and to this day he doesn't know why I am who I am."

"So then how did you guys...?" I couldn't help but ask.

He chuckled lowly. "When I didn't answer him and the bell rang, I left and so did he. But then the next day he did it again, he didn't talk this time he just asked for a smoke and once again I gave it to him. It went like that for a couple of weeks I think? He just asked for a smoke and never talked more than that, until one day after he came up to ask for the smoke did I finally speak up. I said. 'My names Louis. You?' He said. 'Zayn.' And so a fucked up friendship began. He's the only one that knows more than anyone, well except you. Granted he doesn't know about Jake, or my father but he's been a great friend. The past four years have shown for that. He didn't leave me, even in my worst moments. He's a good friend, he's cold but that's only because he doesn't trust anyone. Took the longest time for me to get out one personal story from him. I've always wondered what happened to him, but I guess he doesn't want to talk about it and I won't press him. Anyways moving from that he was there for me through every bullshit problem I had. I introduced him to the drug business but only because he asked, and we've been partners for years since."

I nodded but I didn't understand what this had to do with anything though I did see why he seemed so cold and cruel.

He took a deep sigh and took my hand in his, his fingers felt warm against my skin. I didn't retract it.

"When I first saw you, you and your stupid remark about how smoking was bad for me. You with your dorky clothes and geeky classes, and your beautiful green eyes, and cheeks that would blush with anything that I said. Your voice that made my heart race, I got scared. I got scared because I realised I could get feelings for you and I could get hurt just like with Jake. So in those few moments I realised I could only do two things, let myself fall and get hurt or hurt you so that I can get the stupid feelings away from me as possible. Hurting you hurt me, everytime I touched you in a mean way I wanted to hurt myself for being so cruel to someone like you. It didn't help, nothing helped. I kissed you and god. I was such a goner. With every kiss and every touch I was falling deeper and deeper. And I have had so many meaningless fucks and snogs, Liam included, but you, you were different and I was terrified more so then ever. My mind was in conflict with my heart, my actions betrayed my true thoughts. I just wanted to be with you, and hold you and kiss you. Not those other girls, but I knew I couldn't. I knew I couldn't get hurt. I couldn't break again, so I decided to break you. After the first few months of hurting you didn't seem to work, I thought maybe if you hated me it could work. But then you said you did. You said you hated me and for the first time in years I cried and I just wanted to be with you more then ever. Thats when Jake came in after a evening run with Zayn. If I couldn't have you then what chance did I have in deserving to be happy? Jake and drugs that was my life for a bit, until Zayn stepped in. And then I finally decided to just stop, I wanted you, I cared for you and a fucked up mistake from the past wasn't going to stop that. Those few days where we were okay where we were happy were the best days in my life. Until, another mistake from the past showed up."

I didn't dare say anything, Louis had pulled me closer to him, his arms were around me and I felt like breaking down in his arms. After so long he was now telling me everything? Why? Why now? Why?

"Zayn stole bits of coke -okay so did I not going to hide that fact- from our supplier and he found us out. We owed him money but Zayn and I were broke. He...he said if we didn't get the money then he was going to hurt you, that's why I came so bloody that day to school, he sent men out to kill us and when we beat them he threatened me with you. I realised you being with me would put you in danger and after a painful talk with Zayn we both realised that to keep you safe I had to pretend like you meant nothing to me. So you wouldn't get hurt. So I decided I would break up with you. But then prom happened and I realised that no matter what, I couldn't. I couldn't break up with you, I loved you. Shit. I love you, I love you so much. More then I did then, and I will love you more tomorrow. Prom. You. Me. Together. Words will never be able to describe what that night was to me. It wasn't a meaningless fuck, it was me making love to the one person in the world that I cared for. You." He said this and I couldn't hold in the few tears and they slipped down.

"Then Zayn called me that night, at that moment I thought it was him at least. He was gasping and then he screamed. I looked at you, sleeping so peacefully after letting me take the one thing that was left of your innocence. I couldn't wake you. I left you a note. I don't think you found it, but I did leave it. When I got there it was a trap, Zayn was on the verge of unconsciousness before someone attacked me and knocked me out. I didn't wake up until later that night but it was too late. You were gone. If I could go back, I would have woken you. If I could go back I wouldn't have been such a jerk. You mean the world to me, you are my world. You are my everything, I love you. I'm in love with you, have been for years now. These past four years have been pure shit without you. Your voice, your smile, your eyes. Just you. I've turned to drugs and alcohol, same old routine but it wasn't enough anymore it didn't numb the pain. I even tried to go back to sleeping around but nothing worked. All I ever saw was you. I got hurt I guess but it was my fault and I will never blame you for what's become of me. I just needed you to know. And now you do." He said the last few parts in a soft whisper.

I looked up at him, really looked at him. I saw the extra lines on his forehead that a person his age shouldn't have. The crinkles by his eyes were there now more due to stress and not laughter. I grabbed his chin with my fingers.

He looked at me sadly and his thumbs brushed my cheek. My hand went to cup his and we just looked at each other for a few moments. No one spoke.

"Kiss me." I whispered. His eyebrows rose for a second.

"A-are you sure?" He whispered. I nodded and I reached up and entangled my fingers in his hair, pulling him down.

"Just kiss me you fool." I whispered more softly, losing my self in those cerulean coloured eyes that I loved so much. I closed my eyes as I felt my lips come in contact with his.

Our lips moved in synch with one another. He pulled me closer but didn't deepen the kiss, and my hands pulled him closer as well. Slowly I pulled away slightly panting.

"I'm in love with you too."

His blue eyes shined with happiness and he lightly ran his hand through my curls and he pulled me in so that our lips were just barely touching. He grinned, "The most beautiful words to come out of your mouth." He said softly as he captured my lips with his.

And somewhere in between the third and fourth kiss, a small clattering sound was lost into the back of our minds as a thin silver band fell from my hand and onto the floor.


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