•Chapter 36• (He's Mine)

A smile flitted across Louis' face, and he pulled Marcel closer to him. Marcel let out a sob like noise, but let Louis hug him.

"This is so wrong." Candy whispered.

"Oh shut up! Let them be." Zayn said.

Candy turned towards him, "Let them be? How? He's engaged! Do you not see the ring? What does Louis think he's doing? He's just hurting Marcel even more! He's probably confused right now and doesn't know what to do! Why can't Louis leave him alone?" She asked, biting her lip.

"Isn't it obvious?" Zayn said, fixing his jacket, though it was soaking wet so there really was no point. Candy shivered but still managed to raise her eyebrow questioningly.

"They still love each other." Zayn said.

"But he's with someone else! That's the thing, Louis can't just show up..." Candy said trailing off.

"They ar-oh." Zayn said, Candy eyed him suspiciously wondering what stopped his train of thought. Then a familiar boy appeared around the corner, Candy familiarised the new boy and turned towards Louis and Marcel.

They were still hugging, and Marcel was resting his head on Louis' shoulder.

Candy paled, "Marcel!" She hissed. He looked up, and gave her a "yeah?"

"Marcel?" The new boy called out. Marcel instantly pushed Louis away and looked at the new voice.

"J-James." He stammered out his face going a deep red.

The brown eyed, brown haired man smiled at Marcel and walked over to him, placing a kiss on his lips and wrapping an arm around him.

Zayn and Candy both had the wide eyed, apprehensive look in their face, eyes flying from James to Louis to Marcel back to Louis. Louis had his hands clenched to the sides, eyes blazing in anger watching Marcel smile awkwardly at James exposing dimples.

"Hi." Marcel said quietly. James finally noticed the others, confusion spread across his handsome features until they settled on Candy and a flicker of recognition came across him.

"You're that girl." He said.

"So I am." Candy said with a half smile. "And you're that boy." She said with a small chuckle. He laughed and turned towards the others.

"And you are?" James asked, his hand falling to Marcel's waist, bringing him closer nuzzling his face into the crook of Marcel's neck, brown eyes watching Louis.

Louis' eyes darkened in anger but no one noticed, except for Marcel. Marcel made a nervous noise and shifted on his feet, eyes cast down and nervously playing with his hands.

"These are my uh, friends." Candy said out of nowhere, realising that if Marcel were to tell James (or James were to find out who Louis was to Marcel) things would end badly and someone would get hurt. "They were walking with me, and I saw Marcel and I don't know if he's told you, but I used to know him a while back and I just stopped by to say hi, and they followed me." She babbled on.

James started to nod. "Oh, that's nice, OH! That's why you wanted to know what he looked like that one time. Well, cool how things worked out." He said his voice warm.

Candy grinned, and Marcel saw this and his heart lifted. At least those two were getting along.

"I saw Liam also." Marcel found himself saying. The name meant nothing to James but to Candy it brought a smile full of Memories.

"No, way! That's crazy," she said. James seemed to realise that Liam was connected to them in someway and he was hit with countless times when Marcel had brought his name up.

"Isn't that crazy babe? You met two of your old friends already, who's left that...Neil? Niall? Guy." James said throwing his head back and laughing.

Louis stared coldly at James, Zayn was looking at Louis prepared to jump in and stop his friend from being even more stupid.

"Anyways, it was so great seeing you Marcel! You too James, you guys are so cute together." Candy gushed, James smiled at her and Marcel gave her a grateful look. "Next time, we catch up bring Liam, definitely need to know what that boy's been up to. Last time I checked though Niall was in Ireland, but aw when's the uh wedding?" She asked.

At this point, Louis let out an unrecognisable noise. Zayn placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a "calm the fuck down or else" glare. Louis relaxed a little but his eyes couldn't have hardened faster when James smiled at Marcel and kissed him on the lips.

Marcel pulled away after a second and looked up at James a smile on his face, cheeks blushing a light pink. "Soon. That's for sure, I love him." James said quietly, eyes never leaving Marcel's eyes.

"Cute, well, I think we have to go don't we? I wanted to catch up with Marcel seeing as we just met an hour ago but he's busy with you so...bye?" Candy asked but her eyes still looked hopeful.

"Can I hang out with them for a bit?" Marcel asked. James half smiled.

"You know you don't have to ask permission! Of course you can, just text or call if you need me okay love?" He said. Ignoring the fact that three othe people were watching them, James pulled Marcel in and connected their lips together.

Marcel was frozen for a second but he kissed back, placing his hands on James' waist. James pulled back and placed a final kiss on Marcel's cheek. "I'll be working on some lyrics." He said and he turned around and walked up to the flat.

Candy took Marcel's hand, and pulled him along the sidewalk. The clouds and rain had disappeared, leaving just wet residue, and a disappearing sun into the horizon.

They had managed to walk around the corner before Louis, tugged Marcel away and pressed him against the wall.

"What. The. Hell. Was. That." Louis demanded, jealousy blazing in his eyes.

Marcel flushed a dark red, and tried to push Louis away. "He's my boyfriend, he's been my boyfriend for the past 2 years. Just because I said I missed you, doesn't mean things are going back to how they were." Marcel said defiantly.

Candy stayed by Marcel's side, ready to yell at Louis if he said something stupid, but knowing they needed to clear the air.

Zayn stood by Candy, also ready to jump in but also knowing Louis needed to talk to Marcel.

One thing though, both of the two friends were going for different endings. Candy just wanted them to clear the air and for Louis to accept that Marcel had moved on. Zayn, however, just wanted Louis to be happy and come out of his stupid slump, and only Marcel could help him.

"Boyfriend?" Louis demanded.

"Yes, boyfriend." Marcel said, he ran a hand through his curls, an act that meant he was nervous.

"What? Was it easier for you to open your legs for him?" Louis seethed.

"LOUIS!" Candy shouted, and she gave Zayn a glare and he grabbed Louis and pulled him away.

"You haven't changed at all have you?" Marcel said through his teeth. "And yes, it was easier because unlike with you, he hasn't hurt me." He said with a tight smile.

Louis pushed Zayn away, who fell in a puddle. "You're lying." Louis said simply. Marcel's smile faltered. "The two of you haven't done shit, because I-I bet everytime you're with him you think of me and you can't go through with it can you?" Louis said with a dark smirk.

"No. You're wrong." Marcel said, but his voice faltered and Louis laughed.

Louis grabbed Marcel's waist and pushed him against the building wall. He leaned in and pressed his face against Marcel's chest. He heard his heart racing, and he smirked. Lou brought up one of his hands to cup Marcel's cheek. Marcel shivered and stared down at Louis.

"Look this is cute and stuff but uh, Marcel I would like to remind you, that you're like engaged." Candy said.

"Shut up." Louis said glaring at her.

"She's right, I've moved on Louis. I can't do this." Marcel said, reaching to pull Louis away.

"Don't you get it? I'm not letting you go again. I fucked up, we fucked up. I'm sorry!" Louis said.


Marcel took a deep breath, turned to Candy and said in a more calming voice, "I think I want to go home now, give me your number and I will call you for another time to hang out."

"Y-yeah, okay." She said, Marcel realised he still had his backpack so he handed her paper and pencil.

"You.Cant.Just.Do.That." Louis said angrily.

"Here." Candy said with a small smile handing it back, knowing really Marcel wasn't going anywhere because Louis was a stubborn brat.

"I think I can. I just did didn't I?" Marcel said, a smirk plastered on his plump lips.

Louis' eyes were blazing, "no, I am not letting you go until we talk about this, about everything." He said.

"I think we are done actually, there is nothing that you have that I have to listen too." Marcel said.

"Yes there is." Louis said pain seeping in through his voice. "I-I love you. Don't you get it? I love you, and I have loved you for the past 5 years. My mind has only been about you, DAMN I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO FUCK ANYONE BECAUSE ALL I CAN SEE IS YOUR COCK....your eyes, your smile, your voice, your blush, your curls, you. I love you, hell I-I'm in love with you."

Candy had tears streaming down her face (always the one to be over emotional over the littlest things) Zayn, was leaning against the building, soaking even more after Louis pushing him but nonetheless glad that finally Louis was done lying to himself.

"I said I missed you, that doesn't mean shit though." Marcel said, not willing to back down, not willing to let the past some years go to waste.





"DAMNIT IT MARCEL." Louis shouted, he lunged forward grabbing Marcel's face. Marcel's eyes widened.


Too late, Louis connected his thin pink lips against Marcel's full ones. This was different then before because before Marcel was defiant and still angry and now his actions and thoughts were more jumbled. Slowly Louis moved his against Marcel's waiting for a reaction, he softly bit down causing him to gasp. Which allowed Louis to slip his tongue through, the feeling disconnected something in Marcel's brain (the last part that was screaming at him he shouldn't be doing this, he was happy with someone else), and Marcel kissed back feverishly. Tongues clashed against each other, and Louis pushed his hips against Marcel's, causing the curly haired man to let out a moan. A feeling of happiness and fluttering filled Louis while a feeling of pure anger mixed with other emotions were surging through Marcel.

"Marcel!" Candy said, she rushed forward, but Zayn caught her arm.

"Do you really want to ruin this?" He asked.

"He can't do that! You can't just kiss someone after so long." Candy said angrily.

"Oh really?" Zayn said sarcastically.

"You're no-" Candy started to say, but warm lips crashing on hers stopped her sentence, and for a second her heart froze. Zayn pulled away smirking. Candy shook her head, fighting down the blush and the fact that her heart was exhilarating, and that he still caused her heart to exhilarate after all this time.

Because now was definitely not the time.

She walked towards Zayn and pulled her hand back a loud slap ringing a few seconds later. She walked over to where Marcel and Louis was staring at each other intently, want in both of their eyes but also a look of conflict in Marcel's.

He knew it was wrong.

She grabbed his hand and pulled him away.

"Don't be like him, you have James." She said.

"To hell with James." Louis said.

"You think I'm just going to leave him? I can't Louis...it's not like before, I can't just drop my life for you. I-I lo-" Marcel stopped himself from saying anything further. Marcel shook his head, conflict still present in the emerald green. Until they glanced past Zayn, anger and betrayal taking over. "Oh..." He whispered.

Two girls dressed scantily appeared out of nowhere. "Hey Lou, Zayn what are you doing its still early for your rounds?" One girl purred, placing hand on Louis' arm. "Besides this is Jordan's turf, he'd kill you if he saw you guys hanging around."

"Yeah, what's going on babes?" The other girl asked, wrapping a skinny arm around Zayn's waist.

Marcel shook his head, wiping his mouth with his hand. "Your full of bullshit Lou." He turned and walked away, his head lowered, disgusted and humiliated.

"He's right, you haven't changed have you." Candy said, looking at them in disgust and running after Marcel.

Louis turned and gave the two girls (they were 'whores' (not to be unkind that was just there job) and they usually passed Louis and Zayn while they did there 'rounds' (selling weed or coke) in the streets) a steely glare. "Now is not the time." He said quietly, trying to keep calm.

"I suggest you two girls go." Zayn said, placing a hand on Louis shoulder. The two girls squeaked and walked away.

"Now what mate?" Zayn asked.

"Now I get back what's mine." Louis said.


"Marcel, what the hell was that?" Candy demanded.

Marcel sighed and ran a hand through his curls, he pushed his glasses further back on his nose and he bit his lip.

"I don't , I don't know okay?" He asked. The sun was gone now, and the stars and moon were shining creating a moonlit glow that was the only thing illuminating them.

"You still love him don't you?" Candy said.

"I-I don't know!" Marcel stammered.

"Are you going to tell James? That you kissed him? He has to know, you basically chea-"

"I KNOW THAT PART." Marcel said.

"I have to go okay? I have to walk through a bad part to get to my flat and I may as well do it now. Please tell James or the guilt will you eat you up okay?" She said, she gave him a small hug and made her way down the other street.

Marcel's heart was hammering against his chest, he was so confused, it was hard to believe it was still the same day. He definitely wouldn't have gotten up that morning if he had known was what to happen.

"Hey babe." James said with a sleepy grin, when he opened the door allowing Marcel to come in.

Marcel gave a timid smile and walked in, he threw his soaked bag in the corner. He realised he was still soaking wet, how had he not noticed before?

James walked away and came back with a towel and a change of clothes, all warm and soft. He handed it to Marcel, who without a second thought discarded his wet clothes. As he slipped on the new white t shirt, he felt arms wrapped around him and lips pressed softly against his neck. Marcel turned his head to see James head placed on his shoulders.

"I love you." James murmured against Marcel's shirt.

Marcel didn't say anything for a few seconds. Finally in the end, he said something that could truly change things for the worst.

"I-I kissed Louis." Marcel blurted out

The arms around him fell, and James stepped away. "Louis?" He muttered confused, Marcel turned around to look at him, and saw confusion and then recognition flicker across his face.

"That guy? That guy was Louis?" He whispered.

Marcel slowly nodded. "You kissed him?" James asked. Once again Marcel nodded.

A few moments of treacherous silence passed.

"Do you still love him?" James asked, eyebrows furrowed, watching Marcel's every move.

Marcel was silent, maybe for a second too long. James eyes widened.


Marcel sighed and his eyes fluttered shut for a moment, when he opened them James wasn't there.

He heard the door shut a few seconds later.

"I'm sorry." Marcel mumbled, to the open air, to maybe not even anyone in particular. He sat down, staring numbly at the darkening space.


Louis was leaning against a building, staring intently at anyone who walked by. Once in a while some person would walk up to him, say something and then walk away with a small Baggie with white crystals, or the familiar smell of weed.

After going home and changing, Zayn and him walked back to their streets. Zayn was currently on the other side, probably selling more seeing as Louis wasn't really intent on selling at the moment.

His mind was preoccupied with other more important things. He was now wearing black skinny jeans, that fit too tight for much comfort but he wasn't complaining. A black, tight fitting t shirt, that outlined his skinny, but toned stomach. His eyes were outlined with black eyeliner, a piercing on his lower lip was back on display. His hair was carelessly tousled, still slightly wet from the earlier days events, but it fell across his forehead.

His arms were folded across his chest, and a small smile was placed across his lips. He wanted this night to be over so he could go back and find Marcel and demand him to stop being so stupid and over dramatic and just listen!

He shifted on his feet, running a hand through his hair. His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he turned to take it out, still surprised at the fact that it still worked after being in the rain all day.

"Hey!" Someone shouted and the phone was knocked out of his hands straight to the ground where the screen shattered and, Zayn's message was lost.

"Stay away from Marcel got it?" Brown eyes hardened with anger and jealousy said.

Louis looked at the man in surprised appraisal, but he couldn't help but think he was stupid.

"No." Louis said smugly.

James hands shot out and they gripped tightly onto Louis' shirt. "Stay.Away." He said through his teeth.

"No." Louis said throwing in a laugh.

"You're going to do nothing but hurt him! Don't you think he's had enough? He's finally happy! It took him years to trust other people after what you did, can't you just leave him be? He's happy! We are happy! Stay the hell away from him." James shouted.

"NO! He's mine! He's always been mine." Louis said angrily.

"Really? Cause I didn't see you with him these past years holding him, kissing him. Being there for him " James said.

Louis' hand reached out and connected harshly with James' cheek. "Shut up! You know nothing, he was never yours to begin with." Louis said.

"You fucked it up, leave him be! Let him move on."

"He's mine! He will always be mine."



Is James really who he seems like he is?

Will Louis get back what's "his"?

What will Marcel do?

Will I ever get my Internet back?

Oh the suspense!

(Comment you & your crushes ship name! #riam (Liam & I obviously) & #misa (actual crush))

{ Candy is based off my best friend so she stays sorry x)

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