•Chapter 32• (Back Again)

•4 Years Later•


"You're going back to England?" My mom said, worry etched on her face.

"Of course mum, I need to finish my studies over there!" I told her.

"But, Marcel, where exactly?"

I rolled my eyes knowing what she was implying. "It's not exactly England it's closer to Bradford, I think?" I said, turning towards James who instantly nodded.

He knew of my past and he accepted me. His brown hair was straight and it long it covered part of his eyes in a fringe. He had a dimple that showed when he smiled or laughed an his voice was soft and warm, just like his brown eyes.

He had been my only friend up until 2 years ago, when he became my boyfriend. He had asked me after one year but that's when I had explained everything to him. When I explained Louis, and all that had happened between us.

I remember that day, and even though it made me sad remembering I don't regret the choice I made when I said yes.


"Hey," James said smiling brightly.

I looked away but a smile crept on m face. "Hi," I said softly.

I sat down beside him, and the wind rustled the trees behind us.

"Remember when I asked you if you would be my boyfriend?"

I tensed up. "I think I should go," I said abruptly standing up.

He grabbed my hand. "I know what happened with Louis was a horrible thing, but you can't keep holding on to that." He said. I didn't look up at him.

His hand grabbed my chin and he lightly tipped my head up. "I know he hurt you, I know he left you. He never deserved you in the first place, but you can't stop that from living your life." He continued.

I didn't say anything because I knew it was true, Louis never made any attempt to contact me. I haven't talked to Candy in two years...but if Louis really wanted to he could have gotten my whereabouts from her, but I guess he didn't care.

"I promise you that I will not be Louis, I will not hurt you," he said, the words sounding smooth coming from his pink lips.

"Everyone says that but everyone hurts me." I found myself saying.

"But I'm not like everyone else," he said, and he touched my cheek, and pulled me in. His lips hesitating before they touched mine, the happiness, cloche fireworks and light fullness that I felt when I kissed Louis wasn't there...a more type of light freedom was.

It's been two years, I need to move on.

He pulled away and his touch was soft. "Okay." I said quietly, and he smiled his eyes shining.

•End Of Flashback•

"Marcel...are you sure you want to do this?" My mum said, walking towards me. Reaching out her perfectly manicured hand, I was silent but then James iintwined his hand with mine.

"Yes mum, I'm positive," I told her.

She sighed but nodding. "When are you leaving?"

"Well, we still have the summer so by the end of it," I said. She smiled and hugged me.

"Just as long as you're sure," she said an she kissed my cheek and walked away.

"Are you going to tell her?" James asked.

"Not yet," I told him, his face fell but I kissed his cheek. "Soon okay?" I told him.



"Hey Lou, how much you make?" Zayn said coming up beside me.

"Not good, only got 500 pounds." I told him.

He sighed and leaned against the brick wall, it was true, business was slow.

I folded my tattooed arms in front of me, and scowled at anyone who passed by. Dark eyeliner lined my eyes, I bit on my lower lip where the piercing was. Catching sight of my arm I sighed, the swallow looking at me in defiance. It reminded me of something from the past I could never forget no matter how much I tried.

His lips, his eyes, his dimples, his voice, his blush, his soft skin, his everything.

My hands clenched at I let them drop to my side.

"Fuck life," I muttered angrily, Zayn heard me and he just sighed.

After that night all those years ago he's the only one left to put up with my incompetent attitude, he's the only friend I have.

Candy she...she's another story, she tried to talk to me but I didn't listen I finally told her one day 3 and a half years ago to fuck off and leave me alone. I haven't heard from her, Niall or Liam since.

Of course traveling all the way to the other side of England without notifying anyone didn't really help, but Zayn and I didn't take Sir's warning lightly when he told us he never wanted to see our faces in those streets.

I looked into the dark eerie roads in front of the building, nothing but drug addicts lining the alleyways and girls looking for money were around.

I payed back Sir, and he had looked at me pitifully and dismissed Zayn and I, telling us we were lucky to not have been brutally killed. I didn't care though, I stopped caring about a lot of things.

"Got a fag?" I said.

Zayn sighed but handed it over unlit, I took it and lit it up, leaning back against the wall. I let out a sigh and blissful smoke left my lips.

I felt myself fall down, I was 23, I sold drugs for a living and smoked and I didn't care.

"I think we should go home," Zayn said, I looked up at him blearily.

"Why are you still my friend," I asked him as he helped me up.

"I honestly don't know Lou," I said.

I always found Zayn giving me pitiful looks, ever since I woke up in the hospital due to severe blood loss and found all of them looking at me in pitiful stares. I remember asking politely where Marcel and Candy and Zayn looking at each other, Candy shaking her head slightly and she stepping into the shadows, finally Zayn telling me the undeniable truth.

Marcel had left to God knows where and no one seemed to know, everyone else seemed clueless. I really didn't care about them, my ears and body were shut to the whole world when I heard the news. All the walls that had crumbled with Marcel were slowly rebuilding leading to today.

I only trusted Zayn.

He grabbed my arm and helped me walk away. It was really dark and the only light was provided by the street lamps. My hands were still clenched into tight fists and the scowl hasn't left my lips. I glared at the other midnight strollers who quickly averted their eyes.

The wind blew a sharp cold gust of wind.

"Falls almost here," Zayn said quietly.

"Oh joy," I muttered back sarcastically. He looked at me and sighed.

"Things are going to change Lou." He said.

I didn't answer back, and we just continued walking.



I glanced at my surroundings, a fresh new start. I was going back to the university on the other side of London! Finally, no more cold stares from my parents when they found out I wasn't going to go to it as soon as I graduated from high school.

I smiled looking at my new flat, it was a small but cozy one room with a kitchen, bathroom, and living room. It was bare but that would soon change, though my parents weren't happy I was moving all the way to the other side of England they understood it was one of the few universities that would accept me with a scholarship from my high school years.

I couldn't stop smiling, my life was turning around, I missed my friends though.

I missed Marcel's curls and smile, I missed Niall's laugh, I even missed Liam's warm eyes. Even more so I missed Louis, and even more I missed Zayn. He just never bothered to listen to me, after I learned all the mistakes that were made on the hell filled day I decided it best he know where Marcel was but he just wouldn't listen...

So he disappeared off the face of England and I haven't heard from him in over 3 years...wherever he is I hope he is okay.

Niall, sweet, beautiful Niall. He wanted more from me then I could have given him, I just couldn't commit to him...I had begun to think I could never commit to anyone.

I had talked things out with him and we both understood where each other stands. He had left me in a final farewell, before he went back to his hometown in Dublin, Ireland to finish off his studies there.

That was exactly 2 years ago.

Besides the small conversations we had about Marcel and Louis, and casual "how you beens" I haven't heard or spoke to Liam in 2 years as well.

Zayn...I wasn't completely idiotic, I knew Zayn was with Louis. I just hoped Zayn had some sense in him to keep Louis safe. Only Zayn knew were Marcel was...no not the part about California but he knew he was in America. I had told him, right after Louis told me to fuck off all those years ago to not tell him...Zayn had said he wouldn't, I don't know if he kept that promise and I doubt I ever would.

It's been over 3 years since I've seen or talked to him.

I sighed and left the box that I was unpacking, I decided to head out. The part that I lived in wasn't exactly the greatest part. Still it was the only thing i could afford given the scholarship only counted for free classes and not room or board. Also given I was still only 5'2, I could probably get kidnapped or killed, but at the same time who would kidnap me?

No one. I wouldn't be of much use anyways, I had small hands!

I walked downstairs into the lobby, nodding towards the secretary and walking out into the cool autumn breeze.

I pulled my sweatshirt tighter around me, walking down an alleyway. Suddenly she heard shouting.

"You can't keep doing this," a man shouted.

"The hell do you mean, you're doing it as well," another man this time with his voice higher pitched.

"Only because I have to look after you make sure you don't end up dead!"

"Then leave!" The higher pitched man screamed.

I squealed and started to walk away faster, avoiding the place where the shouts were coming from.

I heard footsteps behind me and the better of me decided it was best if I ran.

So I did.

Except I wasn't looking where I was going and I collided with someone.

"Shit, sorry," I muttered.

"It's alright," a warm voice replied. I looked up and was met with warm brown eyes, straight brown hair and a dimpled smile.

"I-I'm Candy," I found myself saying. He laughed.

"Names James," he said.

"I'm really sorry," I repeated.

He grinned, "it's alright, but I can't stay I have my boyfriend waiting for me,"


They always end up being gay.

I smiled slightly, "Oh, that's nice, what's his name?" I asked him.

His smile widened and he replied, "Marcel,"

My blood was rushing, it couldn't be. There was more than one Marcel, stop freaking out!

"Cute name," I said.

"Yeah he's really cute and adorable,"

Oh it couldn't be...could it?

"Can I see a picture of him?" I said rushed.

His eyebrow raised and he just looked at me.

Right I just bumped into this guy and I'm asking him for a picture of his boyfriend. You're such a weirdo I swear!

"Oh gosh I'm sorry, well I hope it all works out for you guys, I'm sorry bye,"
I said and without waiting for a response I walked away.


James walked away, slightly weirded out. That girl was definitely weird. Except he didn't worry about it, because in just a few moments he would see Marcel.

Soon he got to where their flat was and he walked the flight of stairs that would take him to their room.

"Hey babe, guess what?" James called out as he opened and closed the door behind him.

"Yes?" Marcel asked, coming from the living room, in a white t shirt, and blue jeans, his curls slicked back because he had just been about to go to class.

"This girl bumped into me, she was really small, and she asked about you," James replied.

Marcel was surprised, "Really who?" He asked curiously.

"Some girl named Candy, weird name isn't it?" He said.

Marcel froze and he smiled tightly. "Yeah...weird," he said.

He couldn't believe it, not here not now. It couldn't be.

Meanwhile some blocks away a man with amber eyes and raven hair was looking into the direction of a smaller girl with long wavy brown hair as she disappeared into the distance.

It just couldn't be....


a/n I was too excited to wait! Thank you for almost 30k reads and 1k votes, crazy incredible! Please comment and share and vote :) .xx

20+ votes for next update.

Oh also, I have no idea where parts of England are, I should do some research about it but until then they are all on the other side of England. Sorry I live in America, and how their grading systems goes I have no clue, okay yeah, so don't hate on that I'll change it after I research.

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