•Chapter 26• (How...?)
•Candy• (While Louis & Marcel moment)
"I don't want to like him, he's so happy with Louis but he's so adorable, I can't help it. I've tried to ignore the feelings and I've done so well, they aren't as strong as before but...they're there. Zayn though he seems like such a mysterious person and I just want to get to know him, why won't he let me?" I snuffled into Niall's arms. He let me, his strong arms gripped me tightly.
"It'll be okay," he said in a hushed tone.
"No...it won't," I cried out.
"We are late to class aren't we?" I said pulling back. Niall shrugged.
"It's one tardy no big deal, you're more important," he said quietly, I ignored the comment and stared numbly out the window. The shining sun's rays beamed out at me, with the blue sky behind it.
It was May, and the weather was halfway between spring and summer either way it was beautiful.
"I know you guys say he's a horrible guy, but isn't that what you and Liam said about Louis? But he's made marcel so happy...so why can't Zayn be like that with me?" I cried out.
"What are they all hiding?" I said exasperated, and I sighed, my shoulders slumping.
"I think Marcel is hiding something from me, I think he's hiding something from all of us, I think everyone is hiding something," I mumbled, a little to myself.
"Isn't that it though? Everyone has secrets," Niall answered.
I rolled my eyes, opening my mouth to say something, then I heard it. The loud footsteps as they walked away. My face drained of color and I ran to the doorway and sure enough the back of a raven haired person was making their way around the corner.
I swore and slumped against the wall.
"Today is just not my day," I said quietly.
The bell for second hour rang, and I ran out of the room. Leaving a surprised Niall standing in the middle of a classroom.
I wasn't going to find Zayn, no I could get over him, I will get over him. I was going to class, and I was going to move on.
I hoped.
I walked out of my history class, and that's when I noticed the third thing.
Niall had that class with me? Was he still seeing to Candy? Immediately a wave of guilt rushed over me, I was her friend, I should have gone to her.
"Oops," a voice said quietly, and something brushed my shoulder, but a hand slid to intwine with mine.
"Hi," I said shyly. Quickly glancing down causing Louis to chuckle.
He had put on a grey beanie, and the bruises on his face still looked swelled and fresh, causing me to be wary about touching his face so I settled for squeezing his hand.
"How was class?" He asked brightly, brushing his thumb over my hand.
"It wa-" then something hard hit my back and I stumbled forward.
"Whoops, sorry- I mean I'm not sorry geek," a harsh voice said. I turned my head to see this kid named Michael, he was on the football team and he was a whole lot bigger then me. I swallowed and nodded, showing it was okay.
Louis however turned towards Michael. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" Louis shouted. Michaels eyes widened and his eyes fell to Louis' & I'd entwined hands, I felt Louis loosen his grip on my hand.
My face almost fell...would he let go? Show we were nothing?
But instead the grip tightened once again. "Say you're sorry!" Louis demanded. Michael's mouth opened to an "o" shape.
"M sorry, Marcel," he said almost confused.
"Now leave before I hurt your freaking face," Louis said angrily.
Michael rushed away without another word. I looked at Louis, whose face seemed to have turned a dark red, and eyes were flashing in anger.
"Thank you," I managed to say quietly.
Yet I couldn't forget to recall a similar situation...whereas Louis had been the one... To hurt me, except then no one came to save me.
Louis nuzzled his face against my neck, pressing his lips softly against it. "I'm here for you," he mumbled and he pressed his lips against it once again and he pulled back, biting his lower lip.
"Where's your next class?" He asked.
"Uh...It's, uhm Trigonometry," I told him. He nodded and we began walking.
"Have you-" I was about to ask him if he's seen Liam but then two familiar blonde haired girls came bounding toward us.
"No, Halle, he's going to ask me," Bree said her pink glossy lips pulling into a pout.
"As if, you're a whore he's gonna ask me & it's Holli you incompetent idiot," Holli claimed.
"Bitch please! He's going to ask me, aren't you Louis?" Bree said turning towards Louis a smile on her face, and she grabbed onto his other arm.
Holli grumbled and pushed me away, as she grabbed into Louis' other arm.
"Louis, tell her you're going to ask me!" Holli demanded.
"No, tell her you're going to ask me," Bree said in a shrilled voice.
I took a step back, and just watched the scene unfold.
"What is it that I'm supposed to be asking?" Louis exclaimed.
The two girls looked at each other, "Prom?" Bree said a little more quietly.
Louis snorted. "Get away from me you dumb hoes, prom is stupid, even if I was going I wouldn't be going with you," and he pushed them away and walked towards me, rolling his eyes at their guffaws and sending a wink towards me, causing me to blush.
Prom! I had completely forgotten all about it.
"Ugh! Whatever your dick is small anyways, Ashton's is so much bigger," and with that Bree left with not so much as another glance at us.
My mouth slightly fell. "What she said, it was so tiny, you dumb dick! Luke's is better," and then Holli left, flipping Louis the finger.
"Sluts," he muttered, I winced.
"That's not so nice," I mumbled.
His eyebrow arched, and his face softened. "You're too nice for your own good, you know that right?" He said, bringing his hand to cup my cheek, making me melt into his touch. His hand was soft but rough at the same time, his thumb grazed my cheek.
His fingers went up and pushed my glasses back, and I smiled. My clothes felt warm, and I realised that it was time to ditch the sweaters.
"Well, lets go then," he said.
"Yeah let's," I said, and he chuckled and pulled me towards my locker. Where I quickly changed books, and yet again I asked him where his stuff was.
"Zayn's locker...but I haven't seen him so," and he shrugged, as I shut my locker.
"You're not failing any classes are you?" I asked him. He didn't respond.
"Louis!" I told him. He sighed.
"Well, I'm sorry! I've been so busy these past weeks with other things, more important things, I can try though, it won't be much use though. I am pretty stupid," he muttered. I turned towards him, clutching my books in my hands.
"You're not stupid! Don't say that, you just need extra help is all!" I told him.
He looked at me, "how is it that you're the most caring person in the world? I really don't deserve you do i?" He said.
We stopped walking and I saw we were at my class. I didn't look away from him. "No, I just normally care is all. Have to make up for lost time don't we?" I told him. He grinned, and nodded.
"Yeah...we do. This time, it'll work out," he said, he leaned up and kissed my cheek.
"I'll see you," we both said.
I smiled all the way to my desk. I felt someone staring at me, I looked up and met familiar warm brown eyes.
"It's crazy you know," he said.
"What is?" I asked him.
"Louis..." He said.
"Yeah?" I questioned.
"He went from douchebag to Prince Charming in less then 4 days," he said. "For most people, that isn't possible you know? Makes you wonder..." He trailed off.
I flipped through my notebook. "We are just trying to make things work is all, we aren't even together so..." I told him.
He shook his light brown hair. "He always says he'll change...but maybe this time he means it you know?" He said.
"It's not a maybe, it's a "he will,"" I muttered.
Liam chuckled. "Whatever you say Marcel," he said, turning back to the warm up.
I didn't bother asking him where he was, I didn't bother saying anything in the rest of the class period.
I wasn't going to let anything ruin that happiness that I had just managed to get after so long.
I was curled up against the school building, by the west wing that only held the gymnasium and auditorium. I was alone.
It was already half day, I had just skipped all my morning classes for the first time in my life.
"Candy?" A voice murmured.
I looked up, through my puffy red eyes.
I had the emotional senses of a teenage girl!
Oh wait! I am!
My heart rate quickened, when the boy with amber eyes sat down beside me.
He didn't speak, just gently threw his head back to lean against the brick wall. His bandaged hand resting on his lap.
He flipped his hair, so the dark strands fell across his forehead.
"Why?" He asked out of nowhere.
"Why what?!" I demanded. He looked at me, really looked at me.
"Why are you so crazy to go for a guy that will only hurt you? I'm not like Louis...but I'm a good close second." He said.
"Because..." I said. "Why not?"
He didn't say anything, just a thoughtful look passed through his face. "I'm sorry," he said softly.
"No! I'm sorry, I'm sorry you don't understand anything! I'm sorry you're not willing to try! Look at Louis! He's fucked everything up but at least he's willing to try, you're not," I said indifferently.
He kept his eyes on me, I noticed him tense up.
"Know what? Whatever" I told him stiffly, seconds later I got up and walked away.
I haven't seen Candy all day, at least not after she ran away. I felt anguish and unuseful at the realisation, honestly what kind of friend was I? She helped me and I couldn't even help her!
Niall has been around but he's been brooding, and disinterested unlike his usual happy self, it seems that now the only happy people were Louis and I! That's a first!
Liam was a different story, he's more quiet and I always catch him giving Louis and I disapproving looks.
It's not like Lou and I were together...we weren't! We were working things out, and he's been so much more thoughtful towards me. His face is still bruised up, but he hasn't put much thought into it.
It makes me wonder what is it that he did? What happened? All the times I bring it up he just tells me not to worry about it.
It's not like I need to know, I'm just curious. I don't want to get him angry so soon.
It was the end of the day, and Louis was nowhere to be found.
"Marcel, have you seen Zayn or Candy?" Niall asked me, slinging his backpack onto his back.
I shook my head, he sighed. "Want a ride?" He asked me. I bit my lip, and looked around once more, where was Louis?!
"Yeah...sure, thanks," I said, quickly following him to his white truck, and slinging my messenger bag into the front seat.
He got into the drivers seat and we rode in silence. "Do you really think, things will work out between you and Louis?" He suddenly asked.
I sighed and rubbed my hands over my eyes. "I don't know...I hope so, only time can tell," I told him honestly.
He didn't speak after that. I didn't really want to talk, I glanced out into the bright passing neighbourhoods and no more then 5 minutes later we stopped in front of my house.
I started to get out and closed the door behind. I half expected Niall to follow seeing as we really haven't hung out in a while. However a minute later the white truck pulled out and I was left all alone.
I walked toward my house, opening the door and softly called out for my mom. I didn't find her, instead I found Candy sitting on my couch staring off into empty space.
"How can you do it Marcel?" I barely heard her ask.
"Do what?" I asked her.
"Fall in love with someone whose done nothing but hurt you?"
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