•Chapter 2• (Not A Toy)


"Yes Marcel you are correct World War II ended because of that, excellent," Mr. Roberts said. I smiled feeling content with myself, this was going to be easy, I already knew half of this stuff anyways. "nerd," "geek," "loser," "no life," I lowered my head all those comments obviously aimed for me.

"Alright class that's ENOUGH!" Mr. Roberts said. The bell rang dismissing us, I quickly grabbed my books, and walked towards the door, I saw Liam standing a little ways glaring at something...or rather at someone. I was about to say hello to him...but I didn't know if we were exactly friends...I don't really have any friends. But when he smiled and walked towards me, a wave of relief washed through me.

I fixed my glasses on my nose. Suddenly Liam's smile was gone, and his cold glare was back. A force pushed me from behind, I stumbled but didn't fall, clutching my 2 books with one arm, I used the other for support against the locker.

"Hello again babe," a familiar voice said behind me. I slowly turned around to see, the Louis guy from earlier. His tattoos and peircings more prominent then before.

"Babe...?" I barely squeaked out. I wasn't gay...or was I? I never fancied anyone that was a guy but then again girls didn't show me much interest either.

Louis neared me, causing me to back up against the locker. A playful smirk growing on his lips. I felt a hand on my hip, I looked down and it was his, I could just barely make out a tattoo of a rope. Louis leaned down towards me, but I was uncomfortable, so I just leaned backwards as far as possible. I heard a soft chuckle from him.

"Again with the same game Tomlinson?" I heard Liam's cold hard voice say. The hand on my hip only tightened more.

"What game? Payne, just run along and read your little books." Louis replied.

Marcel isn't interested." Liam stood his ground.

"Speaking for the geek are you now?" Louis said, I could feel my face get warmer at the name.

"Tell him Marcel.'' Liam said staring straight at Louis. Louis' smirk had just gotten larger on his face, as if he was enjoying this.

"I- I'm not gay," I managed to say. Liam got a smug look on his face. Then I heard more and more people come through this hallway. The books were knocked out of my hand, and my glasses fell from my face.

"Whatever bye nerdboy," Louis said, as he walked away back to his dark haired friend.

Once again Liam was there with my books, "What does he want?" I asked.

"Nothing, its just Louis being Louis, him and his stupid games, whatever you do...don't believe him. got it Marcel?" Liam said handing me my books.

"Yeah I know..." I mumbled, picking up my glasses, thankfully they weren't broken, putting them back on.

"He'll leave you alone soon enough," Liam said quietly. "Now what's your next class?" He asked.

Off we were to complete the first day of hell. And hell sure it was.


"Bye Liam," I said as I walked out of the gates and went the opposite direction from where Liam had driven towards. After I declined his offer of driving me home, saying that it wasn't far and the walk home was probably the only excercise I was going to get, he didn't ask again and just said he would see me tomorrow. I loved walking home, I always reflected back on the day during the walk.


"I honestly don't think this is a good idea," Zayn said.

"Oh whatever, he's a nerd, he won't suspect anything, besides he's not willingly falling under my charm, and its kind of fun watching him squirm," I admitted.

"Just as long as he doesn't end up dead..." Zayn mumbled. I rolled my eyes, I wasn't going to get Marcel into "the business" I had with Zayn, just a good tease, who knows maybe a nice f*ck and then I wouldn't look at the geek ever again.

"Have to admit though," I said as I took in a long drag from the rolled up cigarrette inbetween my fingers.

"Yeah?" Zayn said as he glanced around making sure no adults were around.

"Geeks' got a nice butt," I said. Zayn looked at me in disbelief. After another minute or two, I was done, I put the smoke back in its container in my pocket, after I had made sure it was unlit of course.

"They want us at 5600 Henry Street at around 8," Zayn said. I nodded to show him I had heard him. "See ya then Lou," he said as he ran towards his car, again I just nodded. We weren't near the school, we always had a smoke in the alley that was 3 blocks from the school, no one else went there, at least the 6 months we've been doing it, we've never seen anyone else come through it.

Leaning casually against the wall, just thinking, wondering how big tonight's "job" was going to be. A quiet humming broke my train of thoughts, As it got closer I composed my position, lighting another smoke, but this one was a normal cigarette.

Someones shadow appeared mere feet away, a quiet gasp, I looked up and was met with those same green eyes behind those thick black rimmed glasses. His eyes flickered towards the ground then back up at me, he took one slow step back. I couldn't help but grin.

"Hey love," I said taking a step closer to him. I saw him gulp and take a deep breath, he was wearing his stupid geeky white sweater, and those brown slacks, his combed hair wasn't as combed as before, a little more messy. He had a stupid black satchel hanging from his shoulder, he practically screamed geek.


"You know you're actually kind of hot," I said taking one last step towards him and he took one.step back too.

"I need to go," He muttered. I reached out a hand and caught his.

"Leaving already?" I said pushing him against the building.

"Listen, I'm not gay, and I don't really know you, so could you please stop," he muttered quietly. His face was cast down, the view of his eyes gone.

"All I heard was please f*ck me Lou," I said. He went a light pink at my words. My other hand went up to brush against his cheek, he looked up meeting my eyes and I felt him shiver.

"You say you're not gay, yet you aren't exactly trying to stop me now are you babe?" I said, he squeaked as I pinched his bum. His glasses falling slightly down on his nose, his hair becoming less combed and neat looking.

He stared helplessly up at me, with his big green eyes. I leaned in and pressed my lips against his. Softly, just barely brushing against his full pink lips. They were warm and soft. I pressed harder, yet he didn't respond. I pulled back a small idea forming in my mind and noticed his eyes were shut and his hands were clenched by his sides.

"You're really beautiful you know that love?" I said trying for a different direction on approaching him. His eyes opened and they were full of surprise.

"Me?" He whispered. I smiled and leaned in nudging his head to the side and pressing my cheek against his.

"Quite stunning, your lips and your voice and your eyes." I said, I pressed a light kiss to his neck and I felt him shiver but he didn't push me away. I pulled back and smiled at him, he was a crimson red and he was looking down at the ground. I tilted his head up and let my thumb brush over his full bottom lip.

"Such pretty lips baby." I whispered and I leaned in, and though he seemed hesitant he didn't pull back. My eyes closed as my lips touched his. I ignored the fluttery feeling in my heart as they moved together. I licked his bottom lip and once again I felt him hesitate but slowly he opened up for me. The way he seemed shy on moving his lips made me realise that this was the first proper kiss he's ever had. And for some odd reason that made me happy. I was glad that we were a good spot that was almost hidden from any other newcomer.

I gripped his hips, pulling him closer against me. Our tongues and teeth clashing sloppily together because I needed more and he was new to this. Our tongues entangling with each other I heard him moan.

I smiled, but the need inside me was growing and my hand made its way to the front of his slacks. To distract him I pulled back and started placing small kisses alongside his jawline and down his neck. I locked eyes with him for a few seconds and I couldn't help but smirk.

His head was thrown back allowing me access to his milky white neck and he was panting. His eyes closed and his lips darkly swollen. "So beautiful babe. Look good like this." I whispered, and my hand brushed over the his length. I smile at the feeling that the clothes was tight around it. I grinded against his clothed cock and I felt him gasp and whimper.

His hands fell to my butt and I felt him grasp it hardly pushing me against him. I moaned in surprise and cocked my eyebrow at him. "Not as innocent as you look are you love?" I whispered softly. His eyes fluttered open and they were such a beautiful shade of dark, but I could tell he was over thinking this.

Conflict was seen clearly in those emerald green eyes. "Just let go." I whispered, and I grinded down harder against his cock and he moaned and his head fell to my shoulder. "I'm gonna suck you off okay?" I said. Just as I said that I felt a firm push to my chest and I was pushed back. He was looking at me, pain etched on his face and he was shaking his head roughly.

"N-no not like this. No." He said firmly. Distress clear in his voice.

I glanced down at my own reaction knowing I would now get nothing from him. I let anger control me as I walked up to him pushing him harder against the wall. He flinched and I knew all pretenses of kindness was gone from my face.

"Did you just say no to me?" I said through my teeth. One of my hands went to his head gripping onto his hair, pushing his head against the wall. He made a grimacing pain type of sound. "Stupid geek," I told him still not letting him go. He let out a whimper, and his eyes held fear. I carelessly ran a hand through his hair.

"I barely know you," he whispered. I ignored him and let my hands drop to my side, and I grinned.

"I'm not done though babe," I told him as I planted one last kiss on his cheek, and left the alley. He just seemed so...innocent...but now I realised that maybe, he wasn't as innocent as I would have thought. I chuckled as I thought of all the things I could do to get rid of all that innocence. I trick, I lie, I manipulate, but he'll want me, in the end they all do.


I sat up, my head was throbbing. I clumsily stood up, left the alley, continuing my way home. When I finally got there, I checked myself out. Just a huge bump on the back of my head and my lips were swollen.

I shivered remembering the kisses and the touches and everything and why was my heart fluttering? Why was my mind a mess? Why did everywhere he touch feel like it was on fire? Who the hell does this Louis guy think he is? I may be a geek, but I am not anybody's toy.


A/n is it going too fast? or...? vote! comment! :) make sure to check out my other fanfics please!

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