•Chapter 19• (Forgive Me?)

•Zayn• (a week earlier)

"Louis...Lou," I mumbled, he wouldn't get up, he was pissed out drunk. He had to go to school, he had already missed too many days to call it off as being sick. "Louis!" I mumbled again just a little more louder. He didn't even blink, he just rolled over and snored even louder.

However a couple of seconds later he started shaking and I heard him whimper. I froze and leaned in closer. "Lou?" I asked quietly.

"He's gone Zayn, I let him go, I fucked up," he managed to mumble in between gasps, and immediately I knew he was having a nightmare. "I fucked up," he mumbled again, yet with more breaths in between and more quietly.

I was about ready to slap him, and ask with who, but he stopped shaking and began to snore again, his cheeks flushed.

"Oh Lou " I said quietly, leaning back. What was I going to do?


"What?" I asked feeling Candy jump from my back.

"Lou! He's...he's not doing so good," Zayn said nervously.

I took in Zayn's appearance, he looked tired, his clothes were slightly messed up, and his hair was disheveled almost like he had run his hands through it nonstop. "Why are you telling me?" I said stiffly, crossing my arms in front of me.

"I know Lou is not one to show his feelings, and I don't know what officially went between the two of you, but I can honestly say for the some reason he really does care about you," Zayn said,"But right now, he really needs some sense in him, but he won't listen to me at all, I thought maybe he could listen to you," he finished off saying.

"Wait, what exactly is going on," Candy finally said, speaking up from where she was standing beside me.

"He's just in a horrible situation, I really don't know what to do, I have never seen him like this, ever since he saw this Jake guy some few weeks back he hasn't been himself,"

"I don't think I can be of much hell, he couldn't care less about me," I said indifferently. Then ever so not slightly I shut the door in Zayn's face. I heard a surprised gasp beside me.

"Marcel, what? Are you sure?" Candy asked quietly. I looked down at her, and sighed. Now would be the time to tell her exactly what happened between Louis and I, might as well she was going to have to find out sooner or later. Besides Candy and I had become close friends in the past couple of months, I know, well I hoped she wouldn't judge me on the fact I still had some slight feelings even after everything that went down. I know she had somewhat an idea of what had happened but still...I could trust her, I know I can.

So, before I could change my mind, I was looking right down into her brown eyes and saying everything that had happened. From meeting Louis and telling him off for smoking, to those few incidents, to detention, maybe I left some things out from what happened in detention...how Liam, and Niall and I's friendship hit a bump because they didnt agree on my feelings, to finding out Louis and Liam had slept together after I had refused Louis. Finally ending at confronting Louis on the truth and Louis lying to my face, and me yelling at him for everything and telling him to fuck. I told Candy everything, but what I didn't expect was her reaction.

"You are both idiots!" She exclaimed loudly. "Liam, oh boy when I get my hands on him!" She said shaking her small hands into fists. "Louis that freaking cheating dick head!" "You! He wanted...maybe he wanted to apologise and you just blew him off," she said, still writing her hands out, her eyes darkened in anger.

Still reeling from her reaction I shrugged and said "I kind of got over it a long time ago," and that was kind of the truth. So what if I had kind of noticed Louis' odd behaviour these last few weeks, that was only because he wasn't being as disruptive of a person in school as before. Anyways I was pretty sure the teachers had noticed a change in his behaviour as well.

I may not have known Louis that well in the biggening, or maybe I hadn't known him at all, but I at least knew enough to know when something was out of place. However, it shouldn't matter, I shouldn't care. I shouldn't find myself dozing off in class trying to figure out why Louis was so less unfocused on being loud and obnoxious and more focused on being quiet and only murmuring to his friends!

I was glad yet annoyed to know his behaviour with girls was still as strong as ever, seeing as I would glance at his car at the end of every school day to find either Bree or one of her friends with him, making out.

It disgusted me but still, even so with them he seemed distracted, I had thought on it, and Candy had noticed but I had refused to tell her about what was on my mind because it's simple I SHOULDN'T CARE.

But, I do.

I will always hate that.

I hate that somedays I still got the fuzzy feeling in my stomach, when I would glance up and catch his icy blue eyes looking in my direction, a thoughtful and sad look in them.

Yes, I had noticed almost everything that Zayn had been about to say or was saying. I had noticed it all. Everytime I wanted to so much as go up to him, and talk, talk like he had begged to talk all those weeks ago I remembered how he lied, how he had told me I meant nothing. With that thought I would back away and hide myself in my quiet, calm self.

"I don't want to care," I found myself saying quietly.

"But you do," Candy said, her eyebrow rising, she kept her brown eyes on me, but they were filled with a kind of sadness and acceptance. "You do care, face it Marcel, you care about Louis. You always have and you always will no matter what you say, or how hard you try to deny it, you do," she said.

I was going to argue with her, but instead I found myself nodding helplessly. It was spoken aloud, and I was accepting what she said. "I don't want to though," I said my voice pained, awkwardly brushing my hand along the brown, cotton, material of my sweater.

"The things he said, he sounded like he meant it," I said, grimacing, remembering the hatred that had been so clear in his voice remembering how I had screamed that his words would always mean nothing.

"Marcel, the last day you guys-"

"Hey you guys! the pizza is done, its on the table, I think I'm going to head out with some friends though, sorry I said I wasn't! Candy you're welcome to stay the night," my mom said, her voice sounding chirpy as she walked through the kitchen. I blushed darkly even though of Candy & I's situation, my mom barely knew her and she was already letting her spend the night!

I blanched then still blushed, Candy smiled warmly, had my mom heard everything I had just confessed?

"I heard the door ring, who was it?" She asked grabbing her bag, I noticed she was wearing a long skirt and a white blouse, she looked nice.

"Just, a friend," I replied back. She smiled warmly, "I will see you guys later okay? There's some left over food in the fridge!" She said, and then she walked out the front door, and a few minutes later I heard her car back out.

"Where does she go?" Candy asked, I shrugged, I had an idea but it wasn't my business.

"Anyways, that day, back in the bathroom, has it ever occurred to you that maybe he does care? He just maybe might now know how to express himself?" Candy said turning back to the subject at hand.

I frowned, maybe, but then again maybe not. Louis just seemed so...cold.

However, there was always that one day, when I had yelled at him and we had skipped school. He took me to his house, and I met his mom...and he said I was his boyfriend, he had said it so kindly like he hoped I would have said yes. I almost smiled at the memory, but it was soon shattered by the other memory of Liam telling me that he had Slept with Louis, just some days later.

I groaned in frustration, why was Louis so fucking confusing?!

"Look, I know his actions show something entirely different, and actions speak louder then words you know? But, maybe behind all the bullshit bad guy exterior, he's hiding something," Candy suggested.

I really wanted to make sense about what she was getting at, I really did, but I couldn't, my mind just wouldn't forget what he did. He hurt me so badly, I had never been hurt like that, given I had never had much contact with guys in the first place, I had forgiven him for physically hurting me, but mentally too?

"Maybe he really does need your help though? I mean by the looks of Zayn, he really looked like he needed your help. "And if he thinks you can be the only one to help you, it must be serious," she said. I let out an exasperated sigh, bribing my hands to my face.

"I think the best thing you could do is hell him with whatever it is he needs help with," she finished off saying ending with a quiet sigh.

"I think, maybe you should also sit down and let out all of your feelings," she said even more sadly looking away. I frowned again, why was she looking sad?

"Candy, what's wrong?" I asked quietly.

She looked up at me, her brown eyes watery, "Nothing, I just hope you're happy," she said with a small smile.

Why was she going to cry? "Lets just focus on the situation at hand okay?" She said.

I slowly nodded, she would tell me when she was ready. "I understand what you're getting at," I said truthfully. "Yet, what about me?" I said, placing my hands awkwardly by my side. "I don't see Liam or Niall going up to him to get him talk things out with me, even before you came here, he didn't come up and talk to me until after I found him out on the situation with Liam. I know I said I didn't care about him then but call me crazy but for a minute I actually thought he cared about me, and Liam? He...he's something else entirely, though I do see where he's coming from on with Louis." I told her, I didn't want to spill out Liam'a situation with Louis, that was his story to tell not mine. "LOUIS DOESN'T CARE! HE JUST WANTED MY DICK! Oh god, that's all he ever wanted! I told myself I wouldn't let him use me!but I did, I started caring I got hurt, I don't want to get hurt again," I found myself shaking, the rush of humiliation filling my cheeks.

"Marcel," Candy said in a warning like tone. I groaned, almost collapsing on the spot. I didn't want Louis to fill up my mind again, I had been doing so good, he still wasn't entirely gone from there it he wasn't a big part of my mind as before. He can't just...he can't just walk back into my life like nothing. Then it again, maybe it was my fault? Maybe he had been trying to apologise? I paled at the thought. What if I had been wrong?

"What if," Life was just a road full of chances. What if I had done this? What if he had done that? What if...

Chances I wasn't willing to take. What have I done, I thought angrily. Why can't I get you out of my head, I kept thinking,

"Marcel," Candy said and she stopped. "I...I think I should tell you something," she said quietly, I looked at her, my mind still reeling from all my jumbled thoughts. I hadn't realised I had moved around the room to the other side until I heard her footsteps and felt her presence behind me.

I turned towards her, she was staring down at the floor, her hands toying with loose strands of her hair.

"I don't know if this is the best time, I don't know if there ever will be a best time, but I do know that if I don't say it now, I'll never end up saying it all," she said quietly. I was about to tell her to cut the crap and just talk. I was sure that compared to my situation it wasn't anything too bad. She looked ready to break down, her brown eyes still looked watery and she looked even more sad then before, she opened her mouth.

"I," she started saying but suddenly there was a constant knocking at the door.

"What now!" I grumbled out loud, Candy froze and her shoulders dropped. I quickly walked towards the door, not even bothering to check who it was just quickly turning the knob and opening it. I did not expect to see who I saw standing behind it.

•Zayn• (While Candy & Marcel were talking)

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING," I shouted seeing Jake lounging on my couch like he owned the shit. I couldn't have been gone more then 10 minutes from going to Marcel's to try and fix the problem at hand but it had been to no use, he had refused to come and see Louis.

I despised Jake, I did not like him whatsoever, all this kid did was get drunk and do drugs. Normally I was into that, but daily? I wanted to have fun, not ruin my fucking life for good. I also wasn't about to let this kid bring Louis down with him!

"Alright get up," I said, running a hand through my hair for the 10th time in that hour. Louis looked up at me from his spot on the floor, his eyes red rimmed and puffy, his nose looked runny and red.

"What for?" He said angrily.

"We are going to visit a friend," I said angrily.

"Fuck off," Louis said angrily.

I glared at him, ready to knock the day lights out of him if he wasn't ready to go willingly.

"Yeah Z, fuck off," Jake said with a laugh. I turned towards him. Actually change my mind I was more ready to knock the daylights out of this little bitch.

"Lou, just come on," I said my voice breaking, as I stared down at my beaten friend.

Louis sighed, but shakily got up. "You stay," I said to Jake, who just laughed and followed us off the door.

Too bad my hands were busy with helping keep Louis steady or else I would have knocked the kid down. I put him in my car, and groaned seeing Jake get in too, Louis fell asleep a second later, as I pulled out the driveway. Maybe he would stay unconscious until we were in front of the house, so he wouldn't be able to back out.

Alright, Marcel didn't want to come here so I would just take Lou to him.


Zayn, Louis and some other guy were standing there. Zayn glaring at the strange guy, and Louis had his blue, red rimmed eyes staring at me.

"What?" I said confused.

Zayn walked in, his hands latched to Louis' arm pulling him alongside him. The stranger walked in to, giving me an icy glare. I was so confused, what was going on?

"We- well Louis is here to talk with you, whether you like it or not," Zayn said. I crossed my arms annoyed, refusing to meet Louis' gaze.

"Get out of my house," I said emotionless, my voice shaking.

"Marcel, just listen to him please," Candy spoke up, her voice still quiet, yet showing slight anger.

"No, they need to leave," I said still emotionless.

"Babe," Louis said, his voice breaking. I flinched at his voice and the nickname. I huffed and pushed my glasses up, brushing back my already slicked hair.

"Get out," I said.

"Marcel, please listen," Candy said a little louder.


FUCKING HELL! I was so fucking close! So close! Why can't I just tell him? Sure shit load of help that would be! He loves Louis! He doesn't see it but everyone else can, I can, so I need to fuck off but he should still know? I shouldn't ruin it. Now that they have a chance to talk, should I? Why can't I think straight? He should still know...shouldn't he? But when?! Should I? Is it worth it? Is it? No?! Maybe? It doesn't even matter it's obvious the team he plays for! Why do I have...I'm such a hypocrite.

"Marcel, please listen," I repeated just a little louder.

Marcel sighed, but didn't tell them to get out again.

Maybe now things would be resolved for good.

Maybe even my feelings would be resolved, but Marcel is who is important right now.

I stayed back, waiting for one of them to talk.

Finally Louis did.


Vote!(20+ votes for next update? Seems fair right?) Comment opinions? Fan? x

Seems to be confusion on Candy and Marcel's relationship, they are JUST FRIENDS! But who would ship them? ;)

Thoughts on Candy and what you think she is gonna say? Should Marcel listen to Louis? What about Jake? Comment thoughts!

Thank you for 11.7k reads!

Check out my other Larry fanfics please? Lots of love. x

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