•Chapter 10• (Can't Help It)


To say Marcel was heartbroken was an understatement.

The little trust that Marcel had gotten for Louis was gone.


Marcel walked towards his first hour. Solemnly sliding into his seat.

Honestly though what did he think? That Louis would turn into an all star gentleman in the time of 2 days? That he would love Marcel unconditionally? That they would live happily forever and after.

Like that would ever happen.



Niall walked into the class, his eyes looked over the classroom, until they settled on my face. He walked closer and leaned down.

"Ya saw him didn't you?" He said. I just stared back and he shook his head.

"'M sorry," Niall whispered.

"Me too," I said back.

He took the seat beside me and the class started. Except for honestly the first time ever, not even after all those beatings, but after that Saturday detention, my heart and mind were only focused on one thing.

Louis Tomlinson.

Somewhere in the distant world I heard Mr. Roberts voice dismiss class. I felt myself stumble up out of my seat, quickly walking out of the door toward the loud hall.

I had trigonometry class next. The light of my day. I thought sarcastically. I quickly changed books at my locker, hesitantly making my way through the slightly deserted hall. No one took this hall, I had found it on my 3rd week of school, it was less crowded I liked it that way. Of course lockers lined the walls and some students strolled through it now and then, but for the most part it was empty compared to the noise full hall on the other side.

I liked it, except the past couple of months when Louis had seen me walk through it and made the mean less 2 minute walk into a walk full of snide remarks and touches that used to make me uncomfortable, until I stopped caring about what he did to me.

I had accepted it a while ago that with Louis any moments I had with him, would be sexual.

But for the first time since school started I didn't see Louis.

I didn't know whether to be glad or sad by that.

The class passed by in a blur.

So did Physics.

Still no sign of Louis.

Finally my other Maths class came, the one I had with Louis, same one in which I sat by him.

Usually, in any other normal day I would be flustered, and Louis would make inappropriate comments.

But today wasn't one of those normal days. I slid into my seat, trying to look anywhere then the fact that Louis was basically eating Bree's face.

His hands were in her shirt and she was sitting on his lap. I glanced at them in disgust.


The bell rang signaling the start of 4th hour.

"Miss. Smith as much as everyone enjoys the show I bid you to get the hell out of my room before I give you and Mr. Tomlinson one week detention for absurd behavior in my classroom," Ms. Moore said in distaste.

"And for the love of goodness get some jeans!" Ms. Moore said as she saw Bree's mini shorts.

Bree rolled her eyes and gave Louis one last kiss, as she strolled out of the room.

When she was out and the teacher turned back to the board. Louis high fived a few of the guys surrounding his seat.

"She's so hot,"

"What a babe,"

"Get some Lou!"

Louis laughed, saying "Of course, and she's easy too," causing all the other guys too laugh. I shook my head in disgust, the way he talked about this girl...sure she didnt really seem to have much respect for herself but he shouldn't be saying that!

When finally Ms. Moore turned from the board letting us see our assignment for the day.

'Partner Work, Problems 1-200 due by the end of the week'

"Okay class start working! I will expect equal amount of hard work put into it by the both of you," she said this while staring at Louis and I.

The class began to fill with the normal buzz of words being outspoken. I didnt move, or say anything.

"Okay Nerd, you get the problems done and I'll f.ck Bree until Friday," Louis said beside me.

I looked at him, a smirk was plastered on his lips. His eyes held a bit of mischief. He really didn't care that I just sat here, heartbroken.

"Whatever," I muttered, quickly looking at the questions. They weren't hard, I would get them done in a breeze.

"Unless you'd like to join and we just ditch the problems all together," Louis said, I looked up to see his smirk had just gotten larger.

"You're disgusting Louis," I told him.

"Or we could just ditch Bree...and be by ourselves," he said with a wink.

Oh so flirty, dirty minded Louis was back.

"Come off it Louis, like you said what happened in detention meant nothing," I said through my teeth.

His smirk flickered for a second, until he turned his seat come closer to me.

"Really Styles? I beg to differ," he said and he reached out his hand and touched my cheek. The touch was so soft and gentle it made me fall at ease, a slight blush creeping onto my cheeks.

I mentally cursed the fact that he could make me feel like this.

"You can say whatever you want, but we both know that you still want me no matter what," Louis said grinning.

I looked down, looking back up a minute later.

"Why?" I mumbled.

"Why what?" He said, confusion on his face.

"Why me? I mean, you can honestly have anyone else in the whole class, I gave you a blowjob, if you honestly think I will let you f.ck me," the last part I said through my teeth, "Then you must be crazy, I don't know whatever the hell it was that I was thinking Saturday, but I can assure as hell things won't get farther than that, now if you want why don't you go and f.ck another dirty whore, because that's probably all that you can get," I said.

He looked shocked, more shocked than all those other times I had spoken out against him. I don't know why I said what I did, but I don't regret it. Louis was a douchebag and he needed to know he needed to be a better person.

"I am done playing your little game, I'm done being your play toy, you can't just have me when you want to and drop me for the next nice f.ck that you see," I said.

"And Louis I am done with you," I said those last few words as the bell rang. I stuffed the problem packet into my bag, and walked out of the class, not even sparing a glance back.

"You're coming with me," a gruff voice said grabbing onto my arm tightly. I gasped in surprise, I found Louis' face glaring back at me.

"N-n-no," I said back just as angrily.

He shrugged and kept pulling me, no one spared us a second look, as he walked to the front doors of the school.

"Louis, let me go," I said earnestly.

He didnt listen, as he pulled me across the empty parking lot, into his black truck.

"Louis I don't want to-"

"DID I ASK YOU WHAT YOU WANTED!" He screamed back.

I shrank back into the seat.

This was very bad.

He started driving, his knuckles on the steering wheel were on the brink of pale to full on white, instead of his warm sun kissed golden skin.

I was silent as he drove.

We arrived at his house, I was assuming, where else would he have taken me?

"Louis we are going to get in so much trouble!" I exclaimed, he rolled his eyes.

"Get out," he ordered. I grabbed my bag, quickly opening the door and walking out.

He pulled on my arm harshly and we walked inside his house, it was empty. He pulled me up a couple of stairs, opening the door and pushing me inside it. I stumbled in trying not to lose my balance.

Before I could do anything, I felt a pair of strong arms push me onto the bed, as warm lips were crushed against mine. His lips trying to force a response from mine, tongue trailing across my bottom lip, I used up all my force to push him back.

Except his lips just continued to trail across my jaw. I felt his fingers on the hem of my shirt, his warm fingers touching the skin below it.

"Louis don't," I whispered. He looked up at me, his piercing blue-green eyes striking more against his appearance.

"You said that last time It meant nothing," I continued. I could sense he was thinking hard about something.

His lips were back on mine, but it wasn't a forced one, they were soft and warm, only lingering for less then a second.

"Marcel...I...I like you," he breathed against my lips.

My world froze, did he just say?

He liked me?

Immediately I started blushing.

"Everything about you, it just drives me crazy, you're so sweet, cute, adorable, dorky, and smart," he continued saying.

"I was a d.ck because I was scared of what I was feeling, I've never felt like this before," he said.

I was torn, "Then why did you hurt me?" I was implying on all those times he had punched me.

"I'm so sorry, you were always with Liam and Niall and I got jealous." He said, sitting on my waist.

"What about today?" I asked quietly.

"Bree? She's eh, she's too easy, who wants to be with someone who's been with everyone?" He said.

"That Saturday...you left me a note saying you...you loved me," I squeaked out.

"I wrote that in the heat of things, I like you, and maybe in time I will truly love you," he said a shy grin on his face.

Maybe...just maybe he was telling the truth.

Everything seemed logical, "o-okay," I mumbled. He smiled. "I-I like you too," I finally said it and I couldn't take it back.

He smiled, getting off of me. "Come on let's get this project done and over with!" He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because we can't do anything fun, without you worrying, so basically until it's over with!" He said picking up my bag from where it had fallen and taking out the packet.

"Oh," I simply said.

*A couple of hours later*

"Finally!" Louis exclaimed. I smiled.

"Now what?" I asked, putting the packet into my bag, and pushing the bag off the bed.

"Well we can always do this," he said pressing his lips onto mine, grabbing the back of my head pulling me closer to him. I felt his hands run through my hair. I pulled him closer by the waist, moving my lips along with his.

"LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON!" A woman's voice screamed.

"Sh.t," he mumbled scrambling off the bed. Too late the door slammed open a few seconds later.

"Louis! WHAT DO I HEAR-" a woman started saying, then her eyes flickered over to me.

"Who is this?" The woman demanded.

"Mum...this is my, uh boyfriend," Louis said, my heart fluttered when he said that.

Lou's mom didnt even try to cover up the surprise look on her face.

"Uh, wow....nonetheless WHY DO I HEAR YOU SKIPPED SCHOOL?" She shouted.

"Mum, I...we were both stressed out okay, we had like 200 problems to do and we just needed to be alone," Louis surprised...okay technically he wasn't lying.

"Fine! But do it again, or get expelled, or worse held back and I swear you are off to military school!" His mom said.

"Your name?" She said turning to me, a smile on her lips.

"Marcel," I said quietly.

"Oh, well I'm sorry but from this moment until next month Louis is grounded, which means no visitors, I'm sure you'll understand," she said kindly. I nodded, thinking to my own mother and how she'll be when she finds out i skipped out on the rest of the school day.

"And Louis when I come back up, I want this room clean! You should be ashamed bringing him in here," she said closing the door.

"Sorry Marcel," Louis said, looking at him he was looking down slightly embarrassed.

"It's okay, I guess I have to go," I said making my way towards the door.

"Wait," he called back, making me turn. He walked over and gently pressed his lips against mine one last time.

"Until tomorrow," he breathed against my lips.

I just smiled back, and he laughed and showed me out.

When I was home I realized I had probably just made a huge mistake.

Why was it so easy to fall for him? To be able to agree to anything.

After everything he's done...

But it didnt matter.

Louis William Tomlinson had my heart, and I honestly didnt want it back.

He said so himself, and he seemed so genuine, so he has changed.

I can feel it.


My pocket vibrated, as I finished cleaning up my room.

"Did it work?" - Z

"Yeah!" - Me

"Can't believe it!" - Z

"Yeah, I wasn't in acting class for nothing!" - Me

"Oh Lou...but won't you regret it?" -Z

"Don't give me the sh.t you were the one who gave me the idea!" - Me

"Yeah but, only because you were sad all weekend," - Z

"What I said was true, I'll only get into his pants and that's that," - Me

"Whatever, we have a job tonight, so I'll meet you outside your house at 1?" - Z

"Okay," - Me.

He didnt text back.

I shrugged tossing my phone on the bed. Remembering Zayn & I's conversation the earlier weekend:


"What do you mean!" I said for the millionth time.

"Get him to fall in love with you! He obviously isn't the one to just fuck and go," Zayn replied.

That was completely against the idea I planned on doing in arriving back from Marcel's house.

I planned on just getting him drunk and a quick fuck and that's it.

But no Mr. 'I have a huge plan' said not to do that.

"Look, I don't know, on Monday be all over Bree, he will see that and be sad and think he lost you, then out of no where just talk him up, be nice, and maybe he will do it more willingly. But knowing you and your anger issues, that probably won't happen," Zayn told me.

"So I be nice...date him, then we do that and then I never talk to him again?" I asked. He nodded.

"I like it, I'll do it," I said ignoring the twinge of guilt in my heart.


What I had said in the beginning of this was true.

To me it was only a simple game.

Where I would always win.

I groaned when I saw the time it was half past 7, I decided to sleep knowing I would be up for a bit latter tonight.


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