Chapter 7:Home

 I'm SO sorry this took so long. School just started and writers block and ugh.

As soon as he fell to the ground, I rushed to his side. He was paler than usual. "Catarina! Get your stuff ready in the infirmary. You two," I directed to Jace and Isabelle. "follow her. Others will tend to you." They did as I told them, and I carried Alec. The infirmity was stark white with curtains that cut off each bed. Healers in their red uniforms walked calmly around. Only Catarina wore a blue uniform, since she's the head. A  soon as I walked in the healers rushed to tend to the others. Healers tended to Jace and Isabelle, as they were in better shape than Alec. He had a cut above his right eyebrow and a bruise on his jaw. Catarina had to look for any more injuries, so she took his torn shirt off. On his chest and stomach there were scratches and a few bruises. But when she turned him over there were long whip marks that stretched across his back. Catarina's eyes widened at the sight. This is going to take more than just a salve. "Leave. Go help with the others. You know I don't like you breathing down my neck while I work." She pushed me out and pulled a curtain over his bed. While Jace and Isabelle are being healed, I should try to ask what happened. Isabelle seemed more friendly than Jace. "Isabelle. Please. Can you tell me what happened?" A healer was applying a salve to her arm where a large cut was. All of her hair was cut off. It used to be long and reached her waist, now it stops right above her ear.

  "When Valentine attacked, we ran out. We ran far away, and somehow managed to escape his knights. I'm the only one who carried a weapon because I have it with me at all times, so when we escaped I had it. I lost it though. My whip.

  "In Germany we ran into your friend, Ragnor. He helped us. He gave Alec a bow, which helped a lot. I don't know if you knew, but Alec can hit a target while blindfolded and upside down. Some point halfway here, we got ambushed

There were seven knights, and I  it wasn't for Ragnor we would've died. He took out four, but the fifth got to him. Stabbed him right through his forehead. It was horrifying, but Jace got his sword and fought. Me with my whip, and Alec with his bow. We managed to kill them all, but we didn't escape unscathed. We were all in pretty bad shape, and Ragnor's food didn't last us long. His money must've been stolen before he got to us because he didn't have any with him. We slept like street rats. On the floor, and that didn't go well with some of the knights of what ever country we were in. Alec decided to cut all of my hair off and covered me in filth when I almost got-"

  "You don't have to say it."

  "That's when I lost my whip. Sometimes, Alec would disappear at night and come back in the morning with food. We just assumed he stole it. But he got caught stealing more than once. That's where all the whip marks came from. Eventually, he got money. We also assumed it came from stealing. Luckily, he never got caught with that. Alec's first thought was to come here. He knew that we would be safe here. Here. We could start a new life. So we traveled here. Through rain and sun. We only got stopped a few times, and it was usually by knight who were checking if we had stolen anything. But when it was a knight coming for us, Alec was the one to fight them off. Alec was the one that tried the hardest to keep us safe. He the one that did the stealing, hunting, and fighting. That's why he passed out here. I don't even think I remember the last time he had a full nights sleep."

  "Thank you for letting me know. Once you two are all good, I'll take you to your new chambers. You'll be living here until you want to leave."

  "Thank you, Magnus. But I don't think we'll be leaving for a while. I'm not leaving without Alec, and I don't think he'll want to leave. He talked about you on the trip here. How you'll help us, how you're nice enough to let us stay, how much he missed you and felt bad for not writing. He'll be happy to see you when he wakes up."

  "That's really nice of you to say. I'll have one of the servants go into town later and buy you two clothes too. Tell her what you like and tell the servant to go to Clary. One of the best designers I know. (she's a designer now since I don't think there's royal painters)."

  "I will. I'll have Jace know." I smiled at her and left. When Alec wake up I'm going to ask him his side of the story. Something tells me that he didn't steal that money, and I want to know how he got it. But I'm glad to know he just passes out from exhaustion and not something more serious. "Magnus!" someone called. Running to catch up to me was Jace. He held a sword in his hands. Ragnor's sword. "I thought you might want to have this." He placed it in my hands. It was stained with old blood, but it was his sword. The hilt was embroidered with a single emerald.

  "Thank you, Jace." He went back to the infirmary. A servant was walking to another room, but I caught him before he left. "Can you have this displayed in the throne room? It was Ragnor's." He took the sword from my hands and looked it over.

  "Yes. I'll have this put up as soon as possible."

  "Thank you." The servant left and I stood alone. Alec is alive. I can't get over that he's okay. The love of my life is okay.


  Catarina did everything she could. She bandaged up his whole torso and put a salve in the cut above his eyebrow. There were also bandages going around on his calf. She said that the bandages around his torso will have to be changed ever few hours. Either by her or me. I took up the job to take care of him. He lay on my bed. Isabelle stood by my side and I held his hand. Jace found out about Clary and is currently trying to chat her up. Isabelle never saw it coming.

  Alec looked at peace. He looked beautiful. If he could hear my thoughts he probably would've blushed and lightly punch my arm. At the foot of the bed was a pile of clothing Clary had gotten him. Isabelle used this to her advantage and buy him clothes that actually fit and weren't two sizes too big, and I agreed. It was black, though. He stired a but in his sleep, and in a few minutes His eyes fluttered open. "Isabelle," he croaked. "Are we there yet?" He rubbed his eyes and kept his hands there for a second.

  "You're here, love," I said. 

  "Magnus." He took his hands away from his eyes and smiled. "Magnus," he said a bit more gleefully.

  "The one and only. Are you feeling okay?"

  "A little sore, but that's it."

  "Hey, brother," Isabelle said.

  "Hey. Where's Jace?"

  "He's flirting with one the girls from town."


  "I'll leave now. I think you'd like to catch up with your Magnus." He threw a pillow at her and didn't miss. She laughed it off and pranced out the room. I got on the bed and curled up at his side. "It's still the same since last time I was here. It feels like home."

  "You're welcome here for as long as you like. But if you decide to leave one day, don't think I'll let you go so easily."

  "I'm not leaving you ever again." He leaned over and gave me a kiss. I count help buy smile into it. It's been so long since I felt his lips on mine.

  "I missed you so much. So many times I thought you were dead."

  "I'm not," he said. Something was written on his features that I couldn't tell what it was.

  "I can see that. Get up. Catarina said I had to change your bandages every few hours. You can change into some real clothes after." He seemed to just notice the bandages covering his torso, but he got up anyway. Swiftly, I got a bowl of water and and rag to clean his back before I wrapped new bandages around him. As carefully as I could, I took off his bandages to expose his raw back. He winced. "Don't worry. This'll never happen to you ever again." I gently placed the rag to his back. He mostly stayed silent, but winced every once in a while. "So, we're there anymore survivors?"

  "They died knowing."

  "Who, darling?"

  "My parents. They didn't make it out of the raid. I told them, but they didn't have much time to react to it because seconds later they attacked. My father look mad, but that could've been from the attack, and my mother hugged me before leaving. So I guessed she was okay with it. The knights got to us, and we managed to escape. We ran into Ragnor on Germany-"

  "I know. Isabelle told me the rest of the story."

  "Oh. Okay. Well, that's basically all that happened." He cleared his throat. "There isn't much to it."

  "I see. I'm done. Lift your arms. Tell me if I accidentally hurt you." He lifted his arms and wrapped clean bandages around him. When I was done I put my arms around him and brought him close to me. "Magnus, I have to change," he said.

  "You can do that later. You're too comfey." When I started losing his neck he tried to push me away. "What's wrong?"  He got up and sat at the edge of the bed. He body stared to shake, and do the last thing I thought he'd to. He started to cry. "Baby, what's wrong?"

  "Why are you so gentle with me?"

  "Because you're my boyfriend and I care for you." He started to cry harder and I tried to comfort him. I held him in my arms like one would to comfort a child.

  "Why, why, why?" He said it like a chant. Over and over again. "Why me? I'm so broken."

  "You're not broken. You're beautiful."

  "Magnus, you don't understand. You don't know what happened."

  "Darling, tell me what happened."

  "It's horrible. You'll hate me."

  "I couldn't hate you even if I tried. Tell me. Nothing can make me hate you."

  "I-I. When I got money for food so I wouldn't keep getting whipped, I-I-I," he choked each word out. Like it was poison.

  "It's okay. Take your time." As a comforting gesture, I ran my hand through his dark locks.

  "I. I had to sell myself." My whole world came crashing down..My poor, innocent, loving Alec. Sold himself so him and his siblings could survive. "I'm so sorry. If I didn't, then the whipings would've killed me. They hurt so much. I lost so much blood. So many times I thought I was going to die. Afterwards they would just throw me on the street bloody until my siblings found me. That's when I started. I've never felt so used and neglected in my entire life. I hated it. I hated myself. I wanted to die. It was all too much for me, but I kept going because you were the light at the end of a very long, very dark tunnel. You were my stars in the night sky. You-You are the only one that would take me in after all of this. And I can't thank you enough for that." 

  "I still care for you. I'll never let you go. No matter what happens to you. This is your home now, and I can't make you leave your home."

  "Thank you." He calmed down and laid next to me. My hand was tangled in his hair. Messing with the dark lock. "There's been something I've been wanting to tell you. Something I've felt for so long, but it was too special to say in letters." He placed a kiss to my cheek. "I love you." I brought him closer to me until he was flush against me. My lips met his is a long kiss. "Does that mean you love me too?"

  "Yes. I love you so God damn much."


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