Chapter 15:Idris
The vast blue skys without a hint of clouds, green grass, children playing in the streets. This is my home. Idris. The war had ended, and everyone had settled down. Magnus convinced me to take a trip here. After I refused, he kept trying to get me to come. He told me that I could see friends and family-even though I have no blood family left besides Isabelle- and he wanted to see the place I grew up in. I finally said yes. The trip was long and everyone had brought their significant others. Jace and Clary, and Isabelle had been smitten by the stable boy, Simon. Jace had regained only recent memories. I'm not his best friend, but just his brother he gets along with. It's progress. Someday, he'll remember everything. Maybe this trip would be good for him too. It might help him regain some memory. Surprisingly, not much has changed besides the lack of a large castle. It must've been destroyed in the war, but the silver demon towers still stand tall. In Idris, not many people believe in a God, but in a good and evil side. Angels being the good, demons being the evil. The demon towers are supposed to protect Idris from demons. As long as they're around, no demons can enter.
We pass many people while in the coach. No faces I recognize, but they obviously recognize me. Some people gasp and tell their friends, while others look at me in awe. I have been gone for more than a year, and most people believed I was dead. I had instructed the coach driver to take me to one place in particular. Hopefully they still live there.
The coach stopped at a relatively new house, and quite large. I remember staying here as a kid. All the memories. Jace will benefit from it too. Magnus and I got out of the coach, Isabele and Jace's couch behind us. Isabelle had he arm hooked around Simon's and Jace was taking in the sights. "We've been here?" Jace asked.
"Yes, we spent quite a bit of time here," I replied. I walked up to the door with Magnus next to me. A knock. A second. I didn't have a chance for a third before the door opened. A young woman answered the door. The sleek black hair and Asian eyes were the signs of Aline Penhallow. "A-Alec?"
"It's me, Aline," I answered. She threw her arms around me, nearly making me fall to the ground.
"We thought you were dead. Everyone thought you were dead."
"I'm not. I fled during the war and left to the Dutch East Indies. It was selfish, yes, but I'm alive and so are you. And they only wanted us, and the followed us. So everyone is alright."
"I missed you. Jace? Isabelle?"
"They're right behind me." I gave me a smile and she gave them each a hug. Even Isabelle. They never had a perfect relationship. Jace stiffened a bit, but he seemed to remember her.
"About Jace, Aline. He had lost many memories, so don't be offended if he doesn't remember you."
"What happened?"
"We're not sure. We're guessing that Sebastian must've given him a drug and a few blows to the head. He remembers only recent things."
"I see. It's still great to see you all."
"Aline? Who's at the door?" Jia Penhallow came into view. She almost dropped her china tea cup when she saw us. "Alec, Isabelle, Jace. You're all alive."
"We are. We fled. It was selfish to flee, but we managed to survive and lead the enemy away from Idris."
"I don't care, you're alive. She gave us all hugs and thanked the Angel that we were alive and well. It felt nice to see someone we haven't seen in so long. She's always been motherly and a natural born leader. "Where did you flee to? You couldn't have told me? I was worried sick until I realized that you were probably dead."
"I'm not, none of us are. We are not leaving this world anytime soon."
"Thank the Angel. Who are your friends?"
"Ah, how rude of me. The small red-head is Clary Fairchild, Jace's girlfriend. The tall one with messy brown hair is Simon Lewis, Isabelle's boyfriend. And this is Magnus Bane." He looked at me. A look that said you don't have to, but I want to. "He's my boyfriend and I love him very much." Her expression was hard to read, but she was not angry, nor disappointed.
"It's okay, Alec. Aline is dating a lovely young lady named Helen. It's alright with me."
"Thank you," I breathed.
"Are you all hungry. I made supper, and afterwards we're going to the Accords Hall. They built it after you left and we had no ruler. It's a bit messy, there isn't really a ruler, but it's working. It's a lovely building, though."
"Of course. We'd love to stay for supper."
Super was superb. Who knew I'd miss her cooking so much. Afterwards, she got her horse ready, even after Simon offered to do it for her, and got her coach. It was a large coach, but we still had to use one of Magnus' to take us all to the Accords Hall.
It was a large building from the outside, and even more grand on the inside. Several benches line the walls. An Angel fountain standing proudly in the middle of it all. Many people noticed us. The royal Lightwood family. Alive and healthy. "Jia. How did you say the government worked now?"
"We have two people leading. The Consul and the Inquisitor. The Consul is the lead of it all. We usually take votes on what we should do. The Consul makes the final decision."
"Who is currently the Consul and Inquisitor?"
"Two men who go by the names Josiah Wayland and Victor Whitelaw. Josiah isn't quite right for the job, and he wishes to step down. Yet, we have no one to take his place."
"I see."
"See. It's Alec Lightwood! He's here!" I heard. There was also "Where had he been!" "Is he going to return as king?" Everyone really wanted to know where I was. Their heir did go missing, though. So it's reasonable. "Don't you think you should say a few words? Like to let everyone know that you're alive. You can resume position here if you would like. I wouldn't mind," Magnus said. Idris was the place where I grew up in. Where all my friends and family lived. I'm might have lived here, but it was no home. My home was with Magnus back in Asia. With the love of my life and siblings if they decide to come back with us. I wouldn't blame them if they wanted to stay. It would be good for Jace, and Isabelle has missed it here.
"I'll say a few words, but I won't be staying here. I'm going back home with the man I love." He smiled at me.
"I love you," he breathed. He didn't intend on kissing me right there, I know. He knows how less open minded Idris is than back in Asia, but I didn't care. My people were going to accept me for me. I put my hands on the side of his face and brought his lips to mine. I knew everyone was watching but I didn't care. When we pulled apart I muttered another "I love you." Jia looked at me with proud eyes. I walked over to her. "Is there anywhere I can say a few words? People keep on muttering that I should."
"Of course. Just go up on the dais and everyone will see and hear you."
"Thank you," I made my way to the dais and eventually all eyes were on me. "Everyone wants to know if I will resume position here. I will not." There were mutters from everyone. Some yelled out "why in the heavens not?" "I'm not staying because this isn't my home. My home is with Magnus Bane in Asia. Yet, I'm familiar with the concept that you do not like your current Consul, and he does not like being Consul. Well, I appoint Jia Penhallow to be the new Consul. She'll make an excellent Consul, I'm sure." I stepped down from the dais. As I passed people, some reactions were positive, some were negative. Many just didn't like the idea of being ruled by a woman, but she'll do great. Jia ran up to me as soon as she saw me. "Are you sure I'm good for the position?"
"Of course." I smiled at her.
"Thank you." She hugged me and when she let go, I went over to Magnus. "I think we should call it a night. We should head back to Jia's before we have to leave tomorrow.
"Yes. We should." I gathered everyone and we left to Jia's house. As soon as we stepped outside, Jace went up to me. "You're Alec," he said. "You're not just my brother. You're my best friend."
I'm sad and happy to say that next chapter will for sure be the last. I love you guys for all the support I got on this one. Vote, comment, and stay awesome.
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