Chapter 1:Blue Eyed Prince

This is set in the medieval period.

I sat upon my luscious throne, and impatiently tapped my jeweled fingers against it. "When will they be here?" I asked Ragnor. The head of my army, and quite frankly the only friend I have. His green army uniform-that he wears when he doesn't have his armour on-sets him apart from the others. Also the fact that his hair is unnaturally white.

"Anytime soon, Bane." Ragnor is probably the only one who can get away with calling me Bane and still be allowed in my castle. Lightwoods. Always late. When my father died and I took up the throne at a young age, everyone here warned me of the Lightwoods. Always late, snobby attitudes, always put themselves above others, stubborn, and so many more things I could say, but that would be rude. If the Lightwoods don't get here soon I'll have my tiger sent out on them. He's a small tiger though. His name is Chairman Meow. As if on cue, the Lightwoods walk in. The king of Idris, Robert Lightwood, and his wife, Maryse. His children trail behind them. I've only heard about Robert and Maryse, not about their children, only their names. And that they've recently lost their youngest child to an assassin named Sebastian Morgenstern. The only girl there must be Isabelle in a stunning dress of the finest red silk, and two boys who I don't know which one is Alexander and which one is Jonathan Christopher. Isabelle and one of the boys with golden hair seem to radiate confidence, but the other one trails behind. In an ill-fitting black tunic with few decorations. He hand his head down, and was hiding his face and eyes behind black bangs. "Magnus the Great." At least Robert knows what I'm referred to here in Asia. He bowed to me and moved over to introduce his family. "My wife Maryse." She gave a quick curtsy. "My children. Isabelle." Isabelle also gave a curtsy. "And my sons. Jonathan Christopher." The one with with the golden hair gave a bow. He seemed to have a mischievous smirk permanently on his face. "And Alexander." The boy with the jet-black locks finally brought his head up, and seemed to be snapped our of a daze. He had the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. A bright cerulean blue. I swear I've had a scarf the same color, maybe even less bright. He gave an awkward bow, and put his head back down. He's cute, really. "So, are you ready to discuss the borders?" Boring.

"Yes. Come. The map room is this way. Ragnor. Take the other to their rooms." Ragnor is my most trusted friend, so he'll know where to take them. To my dismay, the Lightwoods would be staying a fortnight here. But not so bad when the blue-eyed Prince is here.


At some point my discussion with Robert had turned into a full out screaming match. Each of us screaming insults at each other. "Pretentious," I spat.




"Slut." Everyone had heard about his accusations of cheating on his wife with another woman.

"Bastard," he said with as much spite as physically possible.

"That's it! Out!" I almost yelled. Red-faced Robert stormed out of the room. If I see him again within the next fortnight, it'll be too soon. I allowed myself to calm down before I went to go find Ragnor. Probably either chatting with our top healer, Catarina, or in the weapons room. My guess went to the weapons room. I didn't even knock because one: this is a public area. Two: I'm the fucking king, and I can do what ever the fuck I want in my castle. I stalked into the room, still mad at Robert. "Ragnor. You will not believe what-" I was cut short when I saw what was going on. The oldest Lightwood child, Alexander, was on the ground with Ragnor's sword touching his chest. Ragnor looked clearly pleased with himself. As soon Ragnor saw me his sword fell to the floor with a loud clang. He looked surprised and then stuttered. "Bane. What are you doing here?"

"No offense Alexander, but Robert Lightwood is a bitch."

"None taken," Alexander said, still from the ground.

"What did Robert do?" Ragnor said.

"Called me spoiled, inconsiderate, and a bastard."

"Ohhh, shit."

"Oh shit is right. Alexander, you can get up you know." He blushed and pushed himself off the floor. Adorable. He no longer had on his ill-fitting tunic, but a black tank top that was tighter that left nothing to my imagination, and gray sweatpants that hung from his hips. Who knew a tunic could hide all of his defined muscles. And I'm certainly enjoying it. "What were you doing in here anyway?"

"Umm, well," he said awkwardly and tousled his beautiful jet-black hair.

"I'll leave you two alone," Ragnor announced. He gave me a sly grin while Alexander wasn't looking. Ragnor knows me all too well.

"You were saying," I said once Ragnor closed the door.

"Well, I'm not really one for this whole royalty and Prince thing. I'd much rather be a knight. My siblings and I used to train with them when we were younger. Even today we do, sometimes. We're not supposed to though. I have to take up the throne one day and they don't want me training with the knights."

"You've been training for how long and you let Ragnor disarm you?" I teased. He blushed once more. His entire face turning scarlet.

"I'm much better with a bow and arrow."

"Oh really. I'd like to see that." At this point I was right next to him. He went over to where to bows were held and raised in arrow. It hit a target across the room perfectly. He kept moving to different targets at different distances, each time he hit the target straight in the center. "Impressive. I might just have to kidnap you and put you in my army. But I'd much rather keep you around for other reasons. Those eyes of yours are beautiful." This is a huge risk, he might not even be gay. But the blush spreading across his face says otherwise.

"Umm, thank you. You have very pretty eyes too." He looked horrified for a second. "Forget I said that. Umm, Bane?" He must've of thought that's what everyone calls me since that's what Ragnor calls me.

"Call me Magnus."

"Magnus," he said. As of he was trying it out. "Well, I'd rather not be called Alexander. It's just Alec. My siblings have called me that since I was little."

"Alexander fits you so much better."

"T-Thank you, I guess."

"Alexander, stop being so adorable."

"I-I-I'm not adorable."

"I'd like to say otherwise." I kept getting closer to him, and he kept getting flustered. He tried to change the subject.

"Magnus, I apologize for what my father said. If you don't mind, what did he say exactly?"

"We were just discussing at first, then we came to a disagreement and went back and forth with insults. I kicked him out once he called me a bastard." He looked confused for a second. "You really don't know, do you?" He shook his head and I leaned against the wall next to him. "My father was the king of this place. Well one day he raped a servant, and she got pregnant. Thus I was born. I my early years with her and my step father. It wasn't a pleasant childhood. My mother hated me. I was just another mouth to feed when she could barely feed herself, and I reminded her of what happened. One day she just took her life. My step father blamed me for her death. He hated me even more. When I was ten he tried to drown me in a lake. It was raining and I guess he slipped or something because he let go. I ran into our barn, but he followed me. Determined to end my life. In the barn I threw one of the shovels at him. He fell down and I ran outside. Lightning struck the barn and it caught on fire. Burning him while still inside. When the previous king died and they found out he had a son, I was taken from the orphanage I lived in and took up the crown when I was sixteen. I've been ruling for the past six years. I hope you don't see me differently now, but that's very unlikely." He reached towards me and put a hand on my cheek. Bringing my eyes to his.

"Why would I ever see you differently?"

"It was my fault he died. I'm the reason he died." He brought me into a hug. He rested his head on my shoulder and I put my head above his. It feels as if I've known him years and not hours.

"It wasn't your fault. Don't ever believe anything else. What happened to your step father?"

"As soon as everyone else heard of what he did to me when I was a child, the royal court executed him."

"Magnus. I'm sorry for what happened to you."

"I'm over it. It's okay." He looked up at me. His blue eyes bright and full of emotion. One thing led to another and I was kissing him. I expected him to pull away, but he kissed me back. The Lightwood eldest son. Kissing the king of the Dutch East Indies. That is something I never thought I'd do. My hands moved to the small of his back and his wrapped around my neck. The kiss got more passionate, desperate. Then there were voices outside. Alec pulled away and looked at me. We stayed silent for a second and I said something. "Can I see you again soon?"

"Yes." He was about to leave so I opened the door and Ragnor and the Lightwood caught Isabelle, fell in. "Isabelle!" Alec exclaimed.

"Hey Alec," she replied, trying to look nonchalant.

"Ragnor. What were you doing leaning against the door?" I said.

"Bane. I was having a civilized conversation with miss Lightwood here," he said.

"Outside the weapons room? What an odd place to have a conversation with a princess."

"You caught me, Bane. Do you really think I'd leave you alone with the heir to the throne of Idris? Isabelle just decided to join me."

"Ragnor!" Isabelle shrieked.

"Trust me Isabelle. You can't get anything around Bane here."

"Get off the floor you idiot," I directed to Ragnor. Alec helped his sister up and when they thought I wasn't looking she wiggled her eyebrows at him. Alec tried to deny it, so he's still in the closet but Isabelle knows. Just to tease him, I kissed him on the cheek and sent him off on his way. He wasn't going to hear the end of this from his sister. She's clearly invested in his love life. As soon as they left I turned to Ragnor. "Send a message to Alexander saying to meet me in my chambers for dinner."

"Will do."

I've only been in two serious relationships with other royals. At some point I was a regular at the near by brothel. But maybe this blue-eyed Prince will change that.

Did you like it? If you want me to write it in Alec's POV I'll gladly do it. Vote, comment, and stay awesome.

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