Strangers In The Night

"Jimin," Jungkook said, the strength slowly returning to his voice. When Jimin finished wrapping the guaze around Jungkook's waist he had helped Jungkook up from the floor and brought him to the bed in his room. Despite lacking the energy to care about the mess, Jimin tossed a worried glance at the shoe box, visible underneath his bed, where he stored Jungkook's letters. It was strange Jungkook never mentioned them.

"I should go, I've already caused you so much trouble." Jungkook complained, though in his current state, Jimin would be surprised if Jungkook could make it two steps out the door before fainting again.

"Kook, maybe we should call 911. Get a doctor to check your injuries out."

"No -"

"Or I can text Tae to call Yoongi-"

"Jimin no -"

Jimin swallowed, trying to keep his eyes from Jungkook's bare chest. "Then stay here and rest or I'm going to call 911 the moment you step out of the door. If it's Taehyung you're worried about, Tae texted me that he's crashing at Hoseok's tonight. They went clubbing with Namjoon earlier and Hoseok doesn't trust that Taehyung can make it back without his drunk ass becoming the leader of a raccoon cult. You laugh, but it's happened before. People were calling him Master Claws on the streets for weeks."

"You're rambling." Jungkook pointed out fondly, a playful smile dancing on his lips. His hand rested over his wound, no longer wincing as much as he had before, but Jimin could tell laughing still strained it. Jimin's face fell but he hung back by his door, his hand awkwardly rubbing his forearm up and down before his cheeks turned red, remembering how Jungkook's own had traced the same pattern back at the bonfire.

"I'll sleep in Tae's bed, so you don't have to worry about anything ... fishy."

"Fishy? What? Were you going to blow bubbles at me while I sleep?"

"I see your sarcasm's back." Jimin noted, but a grin started to form on his own lips. The look fell when he looked at Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook caught his stare and Jimin blushed. "Did you see attacked you? Did someone attack you?"

Jungkook drew his knees up and rested his elbows on them, frowning in thought. "No, I couldn't get a good view of their face, it was too dark out. And yes, I was ... taken off guard. Attacked makes me sound like I have tiny Jimin fists."

Jimin let that once slide; painfully. "Where did it happen?"

"The park," Jungkook said and an actual blush formed on his cheeks. "I was um- I mean I guess the best way to put it was moping. I couldn't get you off my mind, I can never get you off my mind Jimin." Jungkook said, the gold in his eyes blazed like a million bright stars as he looked at him. Then, after the air turned thick and the only sound in the room were Jimin's drapes fluttering against the open window, Jungkook cleared his throat and looked away.

"I was laying down in the spot we had our date when suddenly a guy jumped me. I barely had time to react before he landed a punch. Obviously, because I'm me, I fought back amazingly well." Jungkook said, a grin on his lips. For some reason, Jimin believed him. "But God, he just wouldn't stop. What's even weirder is he never searched for a wallet. It was like he was aiming for me."

"You're very punchable." Jimin agreed.

"Haha, very funny. You try landing one with those-"

"Jimin has tiny hands! Yes! We all know." Jimin rolled his eyes, wiggling his fingers flamboyantly. "Go on, finish your very original joke Jungkook so that you can avoid any real or personal conversation you ever have."

Jungkook shut up at that, tilting his head like he was amused by something. Jimin, defeated, felt himself slump against the door frame. "Look, just rest up and I'll take you to the hospital tomorrow, okay?" Jimin said, trying not to let go of the last strand of control left in him. He was fighting every impulse to run to Jungkook's side, to hold him in his hands, to kiss him until his pain was blinded by something sweeter. But he wouldn't.

"I can't Jimin, they might ask questions."

"And that's bad because?"

Jungkook didn't answer. He didn't need to. Jimin scowled, "Jieun." He answered, starting to pace, the shoebox glaring at him. "You can't go to the hospital because you think maybe this has something to do with her, right?"

Jungkook was silent. Jimin could feel his heart pounding so loud it was deafening. The pace got faster and he could feel the tears pouring from his already puff cheeks. He could feel himself start to shake. "Why are you so afraid of her?"

"Jimin, please. Drop it."

"Why did you show up here, Jungkook?" Jimin said, his voice now shaking and he could feel something like a knife twist in his heart. "You told me to trust you, but how am I supposed to do that if you don't even trust me? Something is wrong, really wrong, and protecting me from the truth doesn't solve anything. You could go to the police if she has something over you or -"

"Mini, please." Jungkook said desperately. "Please stop pushing."

Jimin was crying now, hard, "Stop? You showed up at my door. What did you think would happen? Showing up like you lost a fight with a particularly evil bouncy castle and I'd what? Look the other way?" Jimin bit his lip, tasting the salt on them. "I care about you too much to do that, you know I do."

Jungkook looked like he wanted to run and wrap his arms around Jimin the way he did when he found him whimpering under the storm, but Jimin stopped him by continuing to pace. "The most blood I've ever seen was when Taehyung cut the tip of his finger off and I thought he might die then. But that, that was nothing compared to you falling in and out of consciousness while you bled out on the Seokjin's carpet. Which, by the way, he will kill you for ruining - and don't say that he can't do any worse because trust me, he can."

Jimin's ran a hand through his hair. "I thought you might die on me, Jungkook. Which is stupid and silly and unrealistic because it's not like your injuries were that bad, but there was just so much blood. I can still smell it on my skin."

Jimin swallowed after a long moment, hugging his elbows into his chest as Jungkook stared at him. He wanted Jungkook to hold him, to kiss away the fear, but he couldn't until he knew the truth.

"Jungkook, What am I to you?" Jimin asked as he felt the burst of energy start to leave his muscles, leaving a numb buzz in its place. Jungkook was quiet, the only sound between them were Jimin's heavy breaths. Then, Jungkook shifted so that his legs were down the side of the bed, his feet on the floor. He reached a long, strong arm towards Jimin.

"Come here," he said tenderly, the words slipped off his tongue like honey, delicately woven in the air. Jimin narrowed his eyes but did as he was told, each step like walking through cement. Jungkook then looked up and Jimin thought he could see an entire night sky relflected in his deep, dark eyes. Jungkook lifted his hand, gently pushing Jimin's blond hair from his face. His other palm found it's way on Jimin's hip and pulled him closer so that Jimin was in between Jungkook's legs.

Jungkook didn't look away, his gaze was too strong, filled with a storm of emotions Jimin couldn't even begin to decipher. He stared at Jimin as he always did, like he couldn't believe his own eyes.

"I came to you," Jungkook started, "because when I managed to get away, all I could feel was the pain. I couldn't think," he said softly, his calloused fingers playing with the bottom of Jimin's sweater, sliding underneath the fabric. "I couldn't speak. I could barely move." His hands traveled up, Jimin's skin burning underneath the touch. Jungkook breathed deeply.

"All I could think about was I need to get somewhere safe. You are my safe, Jimin. You are where my heart goes. You are where the world stops crashing and the storms stop raging. You are where my heart goes; you will always be where my heart goes, whether I've lost a fight with a particularly evil bouncy castle or not." Jungkook said, eyes wide while a streak of moonlight illuminated their vulnerable shine.

"That is what you are to me, Jimin." Jimin's brows furrowed and Jungkook's hands slipped away from his body to cup Jimin's cheek instead. Jungkook's eyes searched for something reflected in Jimin's own for a good while before he spoke again. "I'll tell you about Jieun, Jimin, because you're right, you deserve to know, and after, you can make your decision of what I am to you."

A/N: Guys I promise it's not all angst for the rest of the fic. We just gotta push through this next bit - hang in there!!! I believe in you!!

I'll publish the Q&A answers later tonight!

- Violette

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