Elizabeth Grace didn't know that night would be the last time she saw her parents.
"We're leaving!" Her mother, Lillian, had called from the kitchen downstairs. Elizabeth, who was seventeen at the time, made her way towards the sound of her mother's voice, followed closely by her two elder brothers.
The eldest Grace child pushed his way past his siblings so that he stood face to face with his mother. "Already? But I thought you were going to stay for dinner," Luke had protested.
On the kitchen table, five sets of plates were laid out neatly, barely visible under the dim lights. The roast chicken was slowly getting colder by the second. Elizabeth had taken a chair out from the table and sat herself in it.
Wyatt Grace walked into the kitchen, facing his kids apologetically. He fastened his watch on his wrist carefully before speaking. "I'm sorry guys, but you know-"
"Duty calls," all three of them finished in the same monotonous voice. To define duty in the Grace family was complicated to say the least. To put it straight they were practically the real life Incredibles.
Each one of them had their own unique abilities and powers. Whether it be fire, telepathy or super strength, they were all gifted in one way or another.
Since Elizabeth was the youngest in the family, she was the last one to gain her powers just a few years ago. Emotion and Energy Manipulation, that was the simplest way to put it. So she was still learning to control them fully, it was hard especially when you had a full house of feelings that constantly weighed on her shoulders.
Now back to the duty part, since her family was as gifted as it could get her parents decided to do something about it. So every now and then, they would go to whatever state or country needed their help. Her parents would be called in to help settle whatever problem needed solving and then they'd leave just as quickly as they came.
"How long are you guys gonna be gone again?" Leo, her elder brother asked as he tried to warm up the chicken with the heat emitting from his hands.
Elizabeth watched as her parents packed whatever equipment they needed into their duffel bags. "We'll be back within a week, just like usual." Her mother answered as Elizabeth propped her feet up on the chair opposite her.
"So you guys know the drill," her father announced as all three of them nodded their heads in silent agreement.
Leo shoved his sisters feet of the chair and sat down, "No parties." He repeated the rules that their parents had practically burned into their minds.
Elizabeth scoffed and muttered under her breath, "We don't even have any friends."
Luke swatted her shoulder slightly as he stood next to her. "That's only you, you dolt."
"Yeah?" She challenged as she straightened up in her seat ready to argue with her brother. "Well you-" Elizabeth quickly stopped herself when she saw the pointed look her mother gave the two.
"Number two?" Her father asked, waiting for their response.
"Don't burn the house down," Luke answered quickly. He sent a proud smirk to his sister who had opened her mouth to respond to their father. Glad that he had beat her by a millisecond.
Elizabeth rolled her eyes at him as Leo watched the two in amusement. "That's meant for you," she muttered to Leo who shoved her playfully and threatened her with a hand that was ablaze.
"This brings me to rule number three," her mother said as she zipped up the duffel bag before slinging over her shoulder that was clad in black.
"Don't start any fights," Elizabeth said at the same time her father did. Both her parents sent her a knowing look to which she put her hands up in acknowledgement. She could start a fight just as quickly as she could diffuse them with her powers. Having the ability to change other peoples emotions could really entertain you sometimes.
"We're legal adults, you don't have to do this every time you guys have to leave," Leo interjected with a supporting nod from Luke.
Casting a smirk to his younger sister, Luke added, "Well most of us."
"Just because you two are 19 and 21 doesn't mean you have actually grown up." Elizabeth scowled at the two. "Plus I turn 18 in two weeks."
Ignoring his children's bickering he turns to Elizabeth. "Lizzie," he caught her attention. "We'll be back just in time for your graduation."
"Don't stress about it, it's no big deal," she told her parents. "I don't have a ceremony or anything, you're just gonna watch me get handed my diploma." Being homeschooled had its perks, no annoying classmates and no graduation ceremony.
Plus her parents had decided that her and her brothers needed a lot of physical training more than education. Which to others may seem questionable, but that was the way it had been in her family for generations. Plus it got her out of trigonometry so she wasn't complaining.
So by the time she was 15 she was skilled in most forms of martial arts. And particularly great with knives, which her parents always said she wouldn't need since she had her powers. But Elizabeth liked to have at least one knife on her at all times, it made her feel safe and at ease. To know that if all else failed, she had that.
"That's true, but we were there for your brothers so it's only fair that we're there for you." Her mother replied with a smile.
Elizabeth watched as her parents double checked that they had everything they needed. It was true that her graduation was no big deal but it would be nice to have someone be there. The three Grace children got up from their seats and followed their parents to the front of the house to say their goodbyes.
"We'll see you soon," her mother said into her ear as she engulfed her only daughter in a tight hug. "Love you." Elizabeth felt the love from her mother and father, both through her abilities and how tightly they hugged her.
"Love you too," she replied with a smile as she watched both her parents leave out the door for the last time without knowing it.
"Who was on the phone?" Elizabeth asked her brothers as they both stood silently by the phone. The living room was cold despite all the lights that were turned on. She had just finished her studies for the night and couldn't wait till she'd graduate, it was just two more days away.
Leo put the phone back down onto the receiver slowly, almost as if he was scared to break it. Both of her brothers looked up at her warily, and immediately she knew something was wrong.
"Lizzie," Luke started slowly as he made his way over to her. He put his hand on her shoulder in a way that she guessed was meant to be comforting. Yet all she could feel from him was sadness and despair and a hint of something else. But she couldn't put her finger on it.
She pushed his hand away and walked pass him to Leo. Tapping into her powers she felt the same emotions from him that she did from Luke. "Leo," she started getting her brothers attention. "What's going on?"
Grabbing his arm out of hopes to get a response from him, she recoiled her hand back and cradled it to her chest. Leo's arm was hot enough that she could feel a burn mark searing itself into her skin. Sometimes when his emotions got the best of him he tends to over heat, like a laptop of sorts.
Suddenly a wave of emotions hit her like a truck. She nearly fell to her knees from the weight of them. Elizabeth had finally pin pointed the unknown emotion from her brothers. Grief. Nothing but grief upon grief upon grief. And that could only mean one thing in their family.
"No," she whispered sadly as she shook her head. "No, that can't be what's happening."
From the look on Luke's face, he had read her mind and saw what must've been true. There was no explanation, none of them knew anyone else. "Why don't you calm down," he sighed as he tried to take another step toward her.
With every step he took, Elizabeth took another one back. "Tell me it's not true," she insisted as she waited for him to say what she so desperately wanted to hear. "Tell me!" She raised her voice in desperation.
"Stop that," Leo said with his voice even. "Elizabeth, stop it." He took a step to stand next to Luke as they both stood facing her.
"What?" Balling up her fists she takes an angry step toward the two. It was when Luke stole a glance toward her clenched fist that she understood what they meant. Her fists were shaking and enveloped in a blue glow which could only mean one thing.
"You know what's gonna happen if you don't stop it," Luke tried to reason with her. "I understand how you're feeling-" He was cut short by a ball of energy bursting out from her left hand and splitting the nearby couch in half.
She ignored it and glared at her brother. Elizabeth let out a loud scoff at his words. "Yeah well try feeling three peoples worth of grief on top of it," she retorted. Lowering her eyes to the floor she tried to accept that her parents were dead. But she just couldn't.
"It's not true," she repeated to herself. "It's not true, it's not true, you're just lying, you're all liars." She said these things over and over, like some sort of sick mantra. Elizabeth closed her eyes as if when she opened them it'll all go away. But the smell of burnt fabric in the air proved otherwise.
She could hear someone take a step toward her and put an arm around her shoulder. "We'll be fine, it's gonna be okay." They said, and she recognised that voice as Leo. "It's alright."
"How could this happen?" She questioned sadly as she buried her head into his shoulder. "They were always so careful," she muttered as she felt some tears prick her eyes as she opened them.
"I know," he agreed softly. "But I'm sure they tried their best."
She knew that Leo felt the grief and pain just as much as she did but she couldn't help envy him, all he had was his own emotions. But she had his, Luke's and her own. "But they were supposed to be at my graduation," Elizabeth said meekly as she wiped at her eyes.
"I'm sorry," was all her brother could say before they pulled apart.
They both turned around, expecting to see Luke standing there only to be face with the empty living room and two halves of their burnt couch. Suddenly from above the sound of a door slamming could be heard throughout the empty house.
Turning 18 wasn't as great as Elizabeth thought it'd be. Especially since the people she wanted to be there the most weren't there. The day came and went like any other. The only thing that made her remember that it was in fact her birthday was when both her brothers came into her room early one morning with a box in their hands.
She felt that their emotions were a mix of sadness and anticipation. That was enough for her to deduce that it was a gift from her parents. They both said a quick 'Happy birthday,' before leaving her alone with the box.
It was nothing special, just a plain white box with a small blue bow on top. Just looking at it already made her feel sad and angry all at once. Deciding that it was no good just staring at the box with a furrowed brow, she opened it.
There was nothing inside except for a sleek black knife. It was sheathed with dark leather and the handle was cool as she gripped it tightly. She unsheathed the knife and watched as the metal gleamed under the sunlight that streamed in through her windows.
It felt light in her hands but not too light for her to feel like it was out of place. Upon closer examination, she saw that by the handle of the knife there were two small letters engraved into it. E.G. That was it.
There was no card or note of any kind. So obviously they had planned to be the ones it give it to her. 'Well, things don't really go according to plan, huh?' She thought to herself in the empty room.
No more than three days after her birthday, her brothers told her they were leaving.
"What do you mean you're leaving?" She had exclaimed when they told her the news.
Leo waited for Luke to answer her but when he realised the eldest Grace looked more interested in packing his bags, Leo sighed and ran a hand across his tired face. "We have to go," was all he said as if it'd explain everything.
"That's just you saying that you have to leave in a different way," she snapped at them as she stood in the middle of their weapons room. Elizabeth waited for someone to answer her but no one volunteered to do it. Growing tired of their evasiveness, she stalked up to Luke and grabbed his arm harshly. Stopping his movements he turned to look at his sister. "Answer me," she says exasperatedly.
Clenching his jaw, Luke turned to her with a calm expression despite his emotions saying that he was well beyond annoyed. "Mom and dad had a job to do, and we're gonna finish it." He said slowly as if talking to a child.
Elizabeth noticed how he looked toward Leo when he said the we part. "And I'm guessing you're not gonna let me go too?" Crossing her arms over her chest defensively, she already knew the answer to her question.
"Nope," he replied tightly as he continued to pack his bags. She turned to Leo in hopes of him being a bit more understanding but he was avoiding her eye contact at all costs.
Turning toward Luke with a glare she asked him, "Why not?"
"Cause we can't take a kid with us," Luke snapped back in annoyance as he shoved a dagger into one of his bags.
"A kid?" She spat out with a scoff. "I am not a kid."
"Even if you weren't we can't take you," Leo mumbled from an armchair with his head in his hands.
"He finally decides to speak," Luke mumbled but she ignored him.
Elizabeth stalked over to Leo and knelt in front of him so they were eye to eye. "Why?" She asked in a softer tone. "Come on," she urged as she patted his knee. It was never a secret in their family that Leo and Elizabeth got on much better than Luke and her.
Mainly because she hated how much she saw herself in him. Stubborn and arrogant, yet understanding and empathetic when needed. And right now he wasn't being either of those last two.
"It's cause you're unstable," Luke groaned out when he saw that his younger brother wasn't going to answer her. "You can't control your powers."
"Yes I can," she lied. Well, half-lied. She could, it just got out of hand a lot. Especially when it had to do with her emotions.
"No you can't," Luke declared without looking up from the gun he was examining. "You know it and I do too."
She was so annoyed and furious that she was so sure that she was probably projecting half of her emotions onto the other two in the room. "So you're just gonna leave me here?" She says through gritted teeth.
"Mom and dad left us a lot of money," Leo said to make her feel better. It was true, they weren't exactly rich but they were in that area where they didn't have to worry so much. "You won't have to worry about a thing till you're like 50."
"It'll only be for a month or two tops." Luke added. "Then we'll come right home."
She scoffed at his words, the words sounding all to familiar to her. "Yeah that's probably what mom and dad thought."
Luke's anger was rising and this was its peak. She quickly used her powers to calm him down to avoid another outburst. "Just let us go," he pleaded in a softer tone. "I don't want us to fight before we leave."
Leo walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Come on, Lizzie." He began with a hint of a smile. "What was rule number three?"
"No fighting," she answered him. She gave in and agreed, it was only a month or two, besides she's never been alone for that long. It might do her some good. So she let them go, on the agreement that they'd call or send letters at least twice a week.
And it worked for a while. The first two weeks that they left she kept herself busy with training and some studying, not sure if she was gonna attend college or not. They kept to their word, they'd call every two or three days. Sometimes even a letter if they didn't have access to a phone.
Yet it became a habit for her to spend hours sitting by the phone, just waiting for a call. Somedays she'd be lucky and get one. Others she'd just waste hours there not getting anything.
Then one day, the phone stopped ringing and the letters stopped coming in. At first she thought the worst, that the same thing had happened to them just as her parents. But when she turn on the news there'd be reports of strange personnel who had special abilities.
So she knew they were alright but that just made the silent house even worse. Elizabeth waited by the phone everyday for six months. Only to be met with nothing. Eventually she stopped waiting and stopped hoping.
She packed her things, sold the large house and moved out. Just like that. There wasn't much to leave behind anyways. She doubted that anyone would come back. Elizabeth moved from a large three story house in upstate New York to a small one bedroom apartment in Washington, D.C.
By the time she was 24 she had graduated college with a degree in chemistry. She had even gotten a small job down at the local coffee shop. However, she had to quit due to an incident. But that's not what made that year so important to her. It was important because that was the year that she met Sam Wilson.
Sam was everything Elizabeth wasn't. He was outgoing, spontaneous and didn't have a temper. She always felt his happiness and excitement whenever she was with him. But she also felt a pang of grief when he looked like he was thinking too hard about something. She never questioned him about it, she knew he would tell her when he was ready. It was the perfect friendship, at least that's what he said.
"You're neighbourhood is so dodgy, man." Sam told her when she had first invited him over to her apartment. "I swear I saw one guy ready to cook me on a stick."
"Relax," she replied amused. "Unless you're the one who killed that cat down the street then you're good." She took a bag of groceries that Sam had been kind enough to carry for her off his hands.
She kept the groceries into the refrigerator as he spoke. "What's up with the cat?" He asked as he handed her a carton of milk.
"Trust me," she began as she closed the refrigerator door. "You don't wanna know."
The two got along better than her and her actual brothers ever did. At first she felt guilty for somewhat replacing them. Then she remembers that they're the ones who left.
After a while, Sam knew everything about her, from her powers to her family. And she knew a lot about him, and even got to understand why she's get pang of guilts from him. It was safe to say they both lost people very close to them.
When Sam asked her to move in with him she was surprised to say the least. But at least she had understood why he was filled with anticipation the whole day.
"You want me to move in with you?" Elizabeth asked in shock as Sam sat on her couch.
"Yup," he confirmed with a nod of his head.
She struggled to find the words for a minute as her mind went blank. "Um, why?"
Sam paused whatever was playing on the tv and turned to face her. "Listen, you don't have to say yes-"
"Then I'm not gonna say yes," she interrupted.
He ignored her and continued on. "But I have the room and I just thought it'd be fun, plus when was the last time someone broke into the neighbours place?"
"Two weeks ago."
Sam raised his eyebrow at her, unconvinced. "Lizzie," he pried.
"Two days ago," she rolled her eyes at his triumphant grin. "But you know better than anyone that I can take care of myself." It was true, over the years her powers had just grown stronger the more she tried to control them.
"I do, but I worry," His words made her heart melt since she couldn't remember the last time someone worried about her. "Plus my place is a lot better than this shithole."
Sam waved her hurt expression away. "So what do you say?"
"I say that I have the money to move into a new place if I want. And I can't just drop myself into your place," Elizabeth said.
"Well since you've got a lot of money might as well buy our dinners," Sam started as she listened intently. "If you move in with me, you can buy dinners," he repeated slowly.
"And the groceries," she added as Sam nodded hesitantly.
"Deal?" He stuck out his hand for her to shake with a smile.
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