Chapter Five- Monsters?
so they are vampires and have learned a few things, they can't go in the sun they can only drink blood and sonic learned that he talks in his sleep, nothing out of the usual!! enjoy... BTW the thing Sonic, Shadow and Silver learnt in the fourth chapter I got from a vampire book i absolutly LOVE, it's the Blood of Eden series, The Immortal Rules and The Eternity Cure. And the third one is gonna be called The Forever Song, can't wait for it to come out!!!
"Okay so what do we do now?" Silver asked.
"That's easy, we find somewhere else to stay. Away from everyone." Shadow stated bluntly.
"But what about our friends! They must be worried sick!" Silver exclaimed.
"But Silver you don't understand, we can't go back and we can't tell ANYONE." Sonic explains sadly.
"So we're never going to see our friends again?" Silver asked.
"Hey don't look so down, we will see them again, just not now. Let this whole vampire thing settle down, so we can control it because you never if we might loose control, we NEED to learn to control that." Sonic explained.
"Okay i guess your right." Silver sighed.
"Now are we gonna go or what?" Shadow asked, annoyed.
"Yep lets get a new house." Sonic said.
"This will be interesting." Silver stated.
The three hedgies ran off to find a new home.
"So where are we gonna stay?" Sonic asked.
"I'm not sure."Shadow answered," But wherever we stay it better have a roof."
"Yeah, hey maybe we could like live in a cave or something!" Sonic continued," I have always wondered what it would be like to live in a cave."
"Well if we find one we might as well,"Shadow told him," It will have a roof and it will be dark.
"So you like the dark?" Silver asked.
"Well I'm gonna have to since I'm a vampire and we can't go in the sun." Shadow stated, matter-of-factly.
"Oh right, I keep forgetting." Silver looked at the ground.
"So why have we stopped?" Shadow asked Sonic.
"Cause I just found our new home." Sonic said pointing to a cave,"And it's in the mountains, but not to far up."
"Not to shabby Sonic." Shadow looked at the cave.
"So it's like our home sweet home now?" Silver asked.
"Yeah Silver, get use to it." Shadow replied.
"Shadow don't be mean, we've all had a rough day today." Sonic started telling him off.
"So with sleeping arrangements, I get the back of the cave."Shadow confirmed.
"Why should you get the back?" Silver questioned.
"Because i like my privacy and if someone ambushes us, they have to go through you two first." Shadow explained.
"Well aren't you the nice one?" Sonic teased.
Shadow just glared at him then saw dawn was coming," Dawns approaching, we better get inside."
Sonic and Silver looked at the rising sun," Na I will be in soon."Sonic told them," First I want to see the sunrise one last time."
"Me too." Silver agreed, "I'm sure gonna miss it."
"Okay well while you guys fry out here, I'm gonna go sleep." And with that, Shadow disappeared into the cave.
"Don't listen to him Silver." Sonic told him, "He just wants to scare us."
"Well mission accomplished, I've been scared all night."
"Why?" Sonic asked.
"I don't know, maybe because this is so new to me and new things can be scary."
"Well your right kiddo." Sonic told him," New things are scary."
The sun started rising, casting a beautiful yellow glow over the mountain,"Oh i'm sure gonna miss this sight."Silver said feeling sleepy.
"Yeah me too." Sonic agreed.
"Ahhhhhhhh!" Suddenly Sonic shot back into the shade of the cave,"Ow."
"Sonic are you okay?"Silver asked, a little worried.
"Yeah I'm fine, the sun just hit me, and it hurts!" Sonic complained.
"Yeah I can see that, your arm is completely red." Silver stated looking at Sonic's now red arm.
"You think it will heal?" Sonic asked.
"Yeah it should" Silver answered.
"Well we better get inside." Sonic told him, his eyes dropping down,"Before I fall over. Why are we so tired!"
"I don't know." Silver tried to stay awake," Guess we will have to ask the Doctor." And with that Silver was pulled into a deep sleep.
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