Chapter Fifteen- Lets Fight
Sonic's P.O.V
FINALLY, we get to learn how to use your vampire abilities, I've been waiting for what feels like an eternity, same with Shadow and Silver. Haven has been drilling us with vampire history and all this other stuff I can't remember.
"Okay guys, today your going to learn to fight." Haven stated, "You won't learn straight up, it will take some time, you will need to harness your control on your speed and your strength."
"Pfft, speed will be easy for me." I boasted, "I'm the fastest thing alive remember?"
"But, your not alive." Silver smiled.
"Well, he sort of is, remember the black and white, black being dead and white being life?" Haven asked.
"I think that is racist." Shadow crossed his arms.
"Anyway, there is a small grey part, vampires, we are dead AND alive, remember now?"
"Oh yeah, now I remember." Silver laughed, "Do vampires have bad memory?"
"No, they have really good memory actually, because we live for longer than normal beings, we can remember more." Haven smiled.
"Hehe oops." Silver scratched his head.
"Anyway, lets get to fighting, we will need to be prepared for anything!" I exclaimed.
"That's the spirit Sonic!" Haven fist pumped, "Now, I will fight you three one on one, no team ups."
"Okay, Sonic can go first! He is the fastest thing alive right?" Shadow mocked.
"Sure, I'm sure Haven wouldn't mind fighting me. Well I guess I should go easy on you right?" I asked.
"Whatever you think is best." She flashed her fangs, a glint of excitement in her eyes. She charged at me, and I was just able to duck under her fist, she was fast! Almost as fast as me. I took a step back and swung my leg into her ribs. She grabbed my leg and made me trip over, I hit my head on the ground.
I sat up a little dazed then I was lifted by Haven, she swung her fist into the side of my head, and the world started spinning. I tried to hit her but missed by a mile, she ducked under my arm and kicked me behind my knee. I fell over, defeated.
"Wow, she beat the fasted thing alive." Shadow smirked.
"Your not fast if you don't know what your doing." Haven dusted her hands. She offered me one and I took it, she helped me up and I swayed a little, but stood my ground.
"You better stay down." Haven advised. I nodded and walked over to a tree and leaned on it, sliding onto my butt.
"Okay, who is next?" Haven asked.
"Well we need to learn strength so why not me?" Shadow walked forward.
"Fair enough." Haven shrugged her shoulders. This time Shadow charged at her lightning speed, with his fist out ready to strike. Haven easily sidestepped it and pushed him into the ground. He shot up, spitting grass and dirt from his mouth,
"Chaos Control!" He disappeared, Haven started looking around for him. He appeared behind her and kicked her in the head. She hit the ground and didn't get up.
Shadow's P.O.V
I don't like my head being pushed into the ground, so I kicked her. She hasn't gotten up yet, and all is silent, I walked over to her to see if she was okay, I didn't really care, but I didn't want to look bad in front of everyone, even if it was only Sonic and Silver.
I was standing right over her, when she opened her eyes and kicked me in the stomach. I was momentarily winded, which was enough time for her to stand up and punch me in the jaw. I growled and bared my fangs at her, all she did was smile a predatory smile.
I lunged again, this time my fangs full length, and my arms outstretched. She grabbed both my arms and swung me around, somehow managing to pin my back against her side, her fangs only centimeters from my neck.
"And your dead." She let me go, and I shot her a death glare.
"Okay, go sit down, it's Silver's turn." She turned to him, giving him an evil smile. I sat next to Sonic.
"Hey, that was close, she almost ripped your throat out." He exclaimed.
"I know, it was like as if she was close to losing control." I agreed.
"How do you know?"
"The glint in her eyes before I fought her, she looked like she was going to enjoy beating me."
"Oh, yeah. I don't feel safe letting Silver fight her, I mean, he hasn't got the speed I have, or the strength you have. I'm not being mean, but if Haven snaps, she could snap Silver like a twig. you saw how she beat me, and you, I don't like this."
I have to admit, the Faker was right. She could snap Silver like a twig if she herself snaps, and I'm getting an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Silver's P.O.V
I was a little scared to be honest, she beat Sonic and Shadow, plus she almost killed Shadow. We stood there, no one moving, just staring at each other, waiting for someone to move. It felt like forever until she ran at me, exactly what I was expecting.
I stepped to the left and swung my fist at her side. I hit her and she hissed, something I wasn't expecting. She turned on me and pinned me to a nearby rock, flashing her fangs in my face.
I cringed as she gave me another evil smile, "It only hurts if I want it to. And right now, I want to hear you scream."
Her fang sunk into my throat and I started screaming. I tried to get out but she sank her fang deeper, making it hurt more, I screamed again. Shadow was already up and running, while Sonic took his time, still in a little pain obviously.
Haven was still biting my neck, and I was beginning to feel a little weak, a tried to say something,
"S-Stop." I rasped.
Haven stopped, her eyes going wide as Shadow come and tries to get her off me, only making it worse.
"Stop!" I yelled. He stopped and stepped away, while Haven pulled back as well.
She cleared her throat, "That was an example of what your 'Monsters' are like and what they can do. Be aware, once it is unleashed, it is almost impossible to control it, as in, you'll never be the same. Today's lesson is over, if you wish go clean yourself, and rest. I need to go for a walk."
She started walking towards the forest, while Shadow disappeared into the cave and sonic slowly edged to the water.
"Hey I need to find Haven, see if she can heal this." I shuddered as I pointed to my neck.
"Okay, you do that, while I... clean up." Sonic shuddered as he said 'clean up'. I nodded and walked in the direction Haven ran off. It took me five minutes, but I finally found her standing at the end of a cliff, the wind blowing her hair in her face.
"Uh, Haven?"
She turned at her name, her eyes red and puffy, "Yeah?"
"Why are you crying?" I asked.
She shook her head, "Don't you get it, I almost lost it, your lucky you could still speak, or you would be dead."
I swallowed, "I know, I was wondering if you could heal the bite, since you did it."
She closed her eyes and sighed, "Fine, but no more fighting. You guys will have to train with each other, tonight was to close, and I fear that I will become one with the 'Monster'."
With that she healed the bite, then faced the cliff again, "Soon you will learn everything I need to teach you, then I will be off, on my own, heading down my own road, while you three go down ours, either together or separated."
"What does that mean?"
"It mean when you guys are ready, I'm leaving."
"Oh, so you won't stay with us?"
She shook her head, "I take my own path, and so should you three, unless you guys want to stick together, I don't make that choice. As soon as I leave, you make your choice."
"Oh, when do you think we will be ready?"
"With the way you guys where fighting, Sonic should be done in a few weeks. Shadow might take two months, and you, about a year, because your younger, more vulnerable and more weak."
I narrowed my eyes, "I'm not weak."
"I could have killed you, I could have killed Shadow. Your young, you need to learn more, how old where you when you Turned?" She faced me.
"I was 14, why?"
"Then 14 you shall stay forever. I was 12 when my family was destroyed, then held in captivity, as their food source, then at 14 I to was changed."
"You where held in captivity?"
"Yes, I don't really like to remember my past."
"Neither does Shadow, but your past is worse yet you talk about it."
She smiled, "Really, well then, I guess you should go rest, you guys are going to fight again tomorrow and you will need all the rest you can get."
I yawned, "Yeah, I guess I should, you coming back to the cave?"
"No not yet, but I will be there soon."
I nodded and walked back, Sonic and Shadow where already asleep. I laid down and my eyes slowly closed, and the last thing I saw was Shadow sneaking into the cave.
Hmm, try and figure THAT out. If you can, I will dedicate the next chapter to YOU, now, should I give you guys a hint? Because I recall shadow walking into the cave when Silver went after to Haven... Oh ho ho, figure it out. I'm sure it's easy. Haven out!!
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