Extras: Family Travel 2

Tobin's POV

As I start to unpack my bag I hear somebody shout "Tobin!" I sigh and drop my clothes back on my bed before jogging down the steps to the main floor. We've been here less than twenty minutes and there's already yelling. I check the living room and kitchen and don't see anyone, but Carli and Hope putting food away. "Mami!" What the heck's wrong? I jog go down the steps into the basement which is where Mallory, Moe, and Julie are all staying. It's actually sort of cool. It has like eight bunk beds and is decorated with a super hero theme. 

"What is it Mal?" I ask looking around to try to spot the issue.

"Somebody took Monkey!" she exclaims angrily. "I put him on my bed. Then I went to get a snack from Honey. When I came back he was gone!" Monkey is her blanket. Let's just say if I don't find this thing this week is going to be very very bad. 

I pinch the bridge of my thumb and middle finger, "Do you happen to know where Moe is?" 

"She's outside with Aunt JJ."

"Alright then. I'll go get your blankie back." I go back up the stairs and go out the back door. "Morgan Paige!" I call from the deck getting her attention. "Where's Mallory's blanket?"

Her lips twist into a mischievous smirk before she quickly tries to change it to a serious one, "I don't know Toby! Did she bring it?"

"Yes I brought it!" replies Mal from behind me. I put my hand up to silence her not wanting to hear her at the moment. 

"I'm not going to ask again Morgan." I warn glaring sternly at her. 

"It's in my suitcase." she sighs giving in. 

"Thank you!" I yell back. Mallory sprints off back into the house. 

"Mallory Pugh walk!" shouts Carli after her. I laugh softly and plop down at the bar. "What do you think about tacos for dinner?"

"Sounds great." I smile. "Do you need any help with them?"

"No I think we're good." replies Hope digging in the refrigerator. "You can go get Julie for us though." I chuckles and go do as told. 

Hope's POV  

"They got into a fight on the plane." I state pulling out the skillet and setting it on the stove. 

She sighs, "Do I need to handle it?" She reaches into the vase on the counter and takes out a wooden spoon. "Chris knows better."

"No I think it's fine. They worked it out." The back door slides open so we stop our conversation.

"Hey Mommy!" cheerfully greets Julie coming and jumping up on the counter. Carli pops her leg. "Ouch Mama." she complains rubbing the spot but not moving.

"Get down or I'm going to give you something to 'ouch' about." threatens Carli narrowing her eyes at her. I pick her up and carry her to one of the bar stools making Car shoot me a look too. "Listen to me Babbles, you better get along with your sister this week. I'm not tolerating bad behavior while we're here. Clear?"

"Crystal!" cheekily answers JJ smiling big. "What's for supper?"

"Tacos." I reply dumping in the seasoning. "Will you please set the table for me please?" She happily jumps off her seat and starts to do it. "Thank you baby." Carli cuts up the lettuce and dices the tomatoes while I finish the meat. As soon as I finish we start to put all the shells and toppings on the bar like a buffet for everyone. "JJ stick your head out there and call Moe and Tobin in please." I let her do that while I get the other two. "Mally come on sweetheart! It's dinner time!" I yell down the stairs.


"Hey I'll go get Chris." says Carli already walking past me. "Make sure their hands are clean before touching everything." 

"Alright." I send the whole lot to the bathroom once they all come from there different places to make them wash up. Carli comes down a few minutes later with a still obviously very tired Christen clinging to her chest. Car gently places her down in a chair before making her plate. The rest of the crew joins us and we bless it before digging in. We manage to get everyone settled peacefully on the couch for a movie night afterwards.

-next day-


"Jules stop it!" snaps Christen annoyed. The family all decided to go to the beach for the day and Julie has been constantly splashing her big sister since they got there. "Julie I swear!" warns Christen covering her face. "Tobs don't let her go too far out!" she yells referring to Mallory. Tobin let her paddle around on her surf board while she fixed her wetsuit so she could actually surf.

"Chris I've got her! Relax!" assures the other tan player grabbing onto the back of the board and holding the youngest in place. "Moe don't shake her please!" Christen opens her mouth to say something else but Julie splashes her with more of the salty ocean spray making Christen completely furious. Chris jumps on top of her and forces her under the waves angrily. Julie scratches her side making her loosen her hold enough for Julie to get on top. Christen easily flips the two of them and continues to try to press her younger sister's face in the water as she kicks and screams in terror. Carli sees this from the sand and quickly runs to them. Hope catches what's happening too and follows her. 

"Christen Annemarie Press!" shouts Carli pulling her off the blonde who is quickly scooped up by Hope. "What has gotten into you?"

"Shh JJ you're okay baby girl. Shh." soothes Hope bouncing her youngest. She carefully examines her for any injuries and finds nothing. "Jules you're fine. Calm down baby Mommy's got you."

Christen watches her mother coddle her little sister making her sick inside, "She started it!" Carli lightly pops her daughter on the mouth and glares at her. "Ow Mama." she whimpers feeling her now stinging lips. "She wouldn't quit splashing me." she softly admits. 

"So you tried to kill her?" snaps Mom furiously. "I cannot believe you. Go sit. You're done for the day." Christen groans but doesn't even try to argue knowing her mothers won't change their minds. She goes and sulks on her red and white striped towel with her monogram in bright blue on the corner. 

"This is so unfair." she thinks to herself as she watches the rest of her family play. A little while later Carli comes and sits on her own towel not saying anything to the other girl. "Mama I didn't try to drown her."

"I don't really care." dismisses Car. "And neither does my belt." Christen's eyes fill with tears and her stomach drops. She shakily brings her knees to her chest and silently weeps. She just can't understand why neither of her moms will listen to her. She knows she shouldn't have jumped on her but Julie isn't all innocent like they think. The rest of the day Christen sits on her towel crying her heart out because of what's to come at home. Eventually the large group decides to leave and they pack up all their stuff. 

"Mama?" yawns Mallory lifting up her arms wanting to be carried. Christen sniffles and wipes her face off before gently lifting the tired girl up on to her hip. "Why were you mean to Aunt Jules?" she wonders. 

"Aunt Jules was mean to me too." answers Christen stiffly. When they get to the car she puts her back on the ground and tells her to get in the back. Christen goes to crawl after her but Carli catches the back of her cover up and pulls her to the side. She lets everyone else get in before forcing her on the front row. 

Hope's POV

"Chris go to your room. I'll be up in a few." directs Carli with a soft sigh. She silently nods her head and goes to do as told to. Nobody else in the car moves as she leaves. "Hopey why don't you guys go get pizza?"

"Yeah that sound like a good idea." I agree. "We'll bring you something back." She gets out and I slowly pull out of the drive way. "Where do you guys want to go?" Morgan climbs in the passenger seat next to me with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Can we go to the pier?" she asks hopefully. "We can eat and go to the arcade and shop some too! It'll be fun! Please Hope!"

"Isn't Tobin in charge of you?" I playfully asks looking through rear veiw at the other midfielder.

"That's actually not a bad idea." says Tobs flashing me her signature smile. 

"Mom can we?" asks Julie now excited too. 

"Guys I don't know-"

"Honey please?" pleads baby Mallory now sitting right behind me. "Pretty please?"

"Alright we'll go, but we're eating together before you guys go all over the place." I tell them turning the car back toward the beach. We get there and I park toward the back of the lot so it'll be easier to get out. We all pile out and I grab Julie's hand before she can get too far away. "Stay with me." Tobin already has Mal's hand and Moe is walking next to her. We go into a small seafood restaurant and eat fairly fast. I order Carli and Press some to go before we leave and walk out on the pier for some fun. "Jules you can go with Moe but stay together and meet back here in an hour. Okay?"

"Okay! Thanks Mom!" she kisses my cheek before running toward the big roller coaster at the end of the board walk. Tobin chuckles at Mallory's very visible pout on her face since she didn't get to go with them. 

"C'mon Little Bit," I smile putting my arm over her shoulder, "let's go to the arcade." 

Carli's POV

I frown as I try my best to soothe the sobbing girl in my arms. I gave her twenty-five licks and she obviously isn't taking it very well. She never really does though. She'll be okay before and not put up a fight like her sister does but afterwards the water works just never seem to end. I hold her tightly and rock her back and forth trying to get her calm down just a little bit so we can talk about it. "Chrissy look at me honey." I coax softly. She slowly looks up with her still pouring tears eyes making me even more sad. I hate punishing her. Chris is my little buddy. "Christen Annemarie what you did today was very mean." I scold with a pointed look. "The reason you got a spanking was because you could have really hurt JJ by doing what you did. I know that wasn't your intention but you never know what could've happened. You're supposed to be setting an example Press and that's not what you did today."

"Ma-ma" she hiccups trying to say something. "Why didn't Jules get in trouble too?"

"What do you mean buddy?" I ask confused. 

"J-Julie started i-t Mama." she tells me. "She was splashing me when I told her to stop. Mama she scratched me too!" She holds up her shirt to let me see the clear thin red line going down her ribs onto her stomach. 

"JJ did this?" I gasp tracing it with my finger. "When did this happen?"

"When we were fightin'" she mumbles pulling her top back down. 

"That wouldn't have happened if you didn't start it." I say. I stand her up in front of me before getting up myself. "Go take a shower baby. Mom will be back soon with dinner." I pull her in for a hug and kiss her forehead. "I love you Chrissy."

"I love you too Mama." I go downstairs to watch the news. Twenty minutes later she comes down with her freshly washed hair wrapped in a towel and her pajamas on. 

"Hey Lady Bug." I smile motioning for her to come sit with me. She gladly does and lays her head on my shoulder. "You smell good." I complement getting a wave of her strawberry scented shampoo.

"Thanks." she smiles keeping her gaze on the weather man. "What's for dinner?"

"Mom's bringing us something back. They should be here soon." I reply checking the time on my phone. It's nine o'clock they-

"We're back!" announces Moe slamming open the front door.

"Mama look what Mami got me!" exclaims Mal holding a huge unicorn up above her head. "Honey took us to the pier and Mami was really good at the basketball game!"

"That's great Princess." says CP enthusiastically. She sits up and takes Mal into her arms. "So you had fun?"

"Yeah!" happily answers my granddaughter. "I wish you were there though. Honey and Mami wouldn't let me go on the roller coaster."

"Oh they wouldn't?" She looks up at the two of them amusing Mal even more. "Well I'll have to go with you before we leave. How's that sound?"


"Okay it's a date." nods Chris planting a gentle kiss on Mallory's reddened nose. "You got a little burned today didn't you?" Mal shakes her head no because for some reason she hates aloe lotion and Tobs will make her put it on is she is. "Uh huh. Go get in the shower and we'll see how you feel after." She releases her and she quickly obeys. 

"Here's your plate baby." says Hope handing Christen hers. "And yours Car."

"Thanks." I gratefully accept it finally realising just how hungry I am. "Moe the xbox is in my room if you want to play Fifa." The younger middy's eyes brighten and she goes to get it. "It's in the black bag!"

"Kay!" She comes back and Tobin plugs it in and gets it all ready for a mini tournament. We all join in and rotate everyone through a shower finally finishing about eleven. The little three all go to watch a movie in their room and to go to sleep. Tobin claims she's sleeping on the couch so she can watch TV and Christen looks sheepishly at me.

"Oh I know that look." I tease as she sits in my lap. "What do you want Christen Annemarie Press?"

"Why do you think I want something?" she questions innocently.

"Because I know you." I tell her shifting my look to a more stern one.  "Now what is it? It's time to go to sleep so you better ask quick."

"Will you sleep with me tonight?" She pokes her bottom lip out just a little bit making my heart start to melt. "Please Mama?"

"Okay okay." I give in making her grin from ear to ear. "Go ahead and go up. I'll only be a minute." She jumps up beaming after giving me a kiss on the cheek. She does the same to Hope before skipping up the steps. Hope waits for her to be out of earshot before chuckling. "What?"

"Nothing." she smirks starting to go to our room. Tobin laughs too as she sets back up the cable.

"What are y'all laughing at?"

"Nothing Car! Nothing!" says Hope again clearly amused. I look at Tobin and raise an eyebrow.

"She's got you wrapped around her finger."

"She does not!" I argue. "Neither of my girls do!"

"Whatever you say Carlos."

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