a trip in the past...
this is going into thoughts that you have then the past, which is important for you to know for the majority of the story.
You began to think how did this begin... how did all of this happen so fast, from elementary friends to being told I love you after not seeing each other in so long the days passed so quickly from innocent children to near the year of being an adult. You never once thought he would say such words to you. You still had thought about him and missed him before you had seen him this very day again. The first day you had both met he was sulking in his chair while eating some fruit snacks all by himself. You had gone over to him with your 12 Capri suns and dropped 2 on his desk while you smiled at him. "there you go!" you said and sat in the seat next to him. "go away" he said as he threw a gummy in his mouth "But you look lonely and sad all by your self" he scoffed as he said, "yeah I like it this way so go away." you were still determined even though he was acting the way he was so you came every day during snack time and recess to hang around him and gave him snacks so that way he would let you stay by him, day by day his attitude began to change and he began to talk to me more but at the same time he began to become more and more protective of me with others. My friends began to not hang out with me anymore saying he was "scary" and seems like he hated them but Carl still hung around me so I was fine with the way things were changing. He also began to draw but something about his drawings didn't seem right that at one point someone in our class had noticed, it was a substitute and she seemed panicked by this that she pulled him out of class. When she came back she looked relieved but Carl looked annoyed. When he sat back next to me he had said "I don't get why she would ask me if somethings going on. Everything that happens at home is normal just like here is normal." he said while clenching his fists you looked at him worryingly as you hugged him "are you sure your okay" he took a deep breath and nodded as starts to draw again "hey.. you know I've never hung out with you after school? My parents are gonna be at work and I won't be able to go home right away so instead of me going to the park can we maybe play together? I can bring my DS if you have one!" He smiled and jumped up out of his chair as he dropped his notebook onto the table then turned towards you to grab your hands and looked you in the eyes "I would be glad to have you come over so we can play on our DS!" you smiled back at him and saw so much excitement in his face it was so adorable "so cute!!" you said as you hugged him he hugged you back and giggled "and you look adorable, Like Zelda! You must be a princess, at that my princess" You giggled "my prince Carl!" he smiled and lifted you and twirled around and set you back down "Lets always be together y/n" you nodded as you smiled innocently. The bell soon after that soon rings and the substitute lets the class out and you and Carl walk out of school together and to his house. While walking there you both held hands and talked about little things like that old fish you used to have that your mom said needed to be free and she flushed it down the toilet with the other fishies. Carl and you laughed so much and learned so much about each other just by those little things you two talked about. Once you two got to his house Carl unlocked the door and took off his shoes once he got in and so did you. "wanna go to my room?" Carl smiles back at you as you nod and follow him up the stairs. Once he opened the door you were presented with a room filled with plushies and posters on the wall of the legend of Zelda and other Nintendo game posters. you shut the door behind you as you hear Carl say "come here kitty.." you look behind you to see Carl bent down next to his bed and a cat crawling out from under his bed and towards him. "this is kitty" you smiled and sat down on the floor next to him. "kitty!!" you said as you pet the cat and it lays on your lap "He seems to like you" you looked at him "kitty is a he?" Carl nodded as he pets the cat that was on your lap gently. "he's so lovely" you say as Carl looked up at you and picked the cat up from your lap and put his head where the cat once was. "can you instead pet me?" you laughed and began to pet his soft fluffy hair. "what game do you wanna play..?" he says as he snuggles into you "hmm... Mario Party?" he looked at you then poked your nose "you sure?" you nodded as you grabbed his and your DS from the side of you "here you go" you gave him his DS as you two began to play. He stayed in the same spot he was in the whole time while the cat kept meowing at you two for attention. "How are you so good at this" you said to him while he looked over his DS slightly at you then went back to paying attention to the game without even responding. You also went back to playing the game soon after he won and you lost. "you just got lucky!" you said to him as you look away from him. He lifts his arm and pulls your face to look down at him "don't pout.." he says and keeps his head on your lap "If you want I can help you out with the game sometime" you smile ear to ear and nod like crazy "hahaha alright not today though, so you have to promise me to come over more, okay?" you put down your DS and tickle him "WHY WOULDNT I?" he rolls off of your lap while laughing like crazy then the door opens slowly "Carl?" a man enters the room and sees Carl and I "oh? why didn't you tell me you had a visitor son?" you stared at the tall man who was in the front door then back at Carl who sat up and looked at the man "I didn't want mom to come in here.." The man walks over to Carl and chuckles "don't worry Carl your mom wouldn't do anything to make you feel embarrassed around this cute little girl" Carl's eyes went big as he looked up at the man I'm guessing is his father and got in front of you to block the fathers view of you "hey hey calm down? Hey, little one? What's your name? wanna stay over for dinner?" you began to get nervous by Carls actions but began to talk "I'm Carls friend, I don't think I can sorry..." Carl looked back at you then back at his father who sighed "alright I'll go downstairs but don't do anything dumb, okay?" he closed the door and walked away then you looked up at carl who then looked back at you. "what was wrong Carl, isn't that your dad?" he nodded "sort of, I'm adopted" you looked at him and began to feel bad as you hugged him tightly "I'm sorry..." you said to him as he hugged back "its okay." he then pulled himself away as he got up and looked around the room for something. "here.." he handed you a family photo of what looked like him and two other people that looked a lot like him. "is this your real family?" he sat down next to you and grabbed his legs "yeah" you stared at the photo some more and looked back at him "but this looks like it was just recently" he nodded "it was a year back before everything had happened" you scooted closer to him and grabbed his hand "what had happened?" he looked away for a few seconds then back at you "he did something to my mom that made him go to jail and my mom was put in a small little room to be put under dirt, then I was sent here" you looked at him and felt bad even more "don't you see your mom still or have they not unburied her to let you talk to her.." he began to tear up and squeeze your hand and look down "they said she couldn't come out that she was gone forever" you began to also cry feeling even more bad and you hugged him as tightly as you could, you both stayed like that for a while. You then woke up with his arms still around you. you two were laying on the floor asleep it seemed. "carl?" you poked his face as he just hugged you tighter "hey Carl wake up!!" you said as you shook him a bit. he slightly opened his eyes to see you in front of him "hi..." he rubbed one of his eyes and let you go "we fell asleep" you said to him as you sit up and look out his window to see it raining and it being night time "oh no..." he got up and looked outside from behind you to see the pouring rain and lightning "how long did we sleep.." he looked over to the clock and attempted to read it "I can't read the clock can you tell me the time..?" he tugged at your shirt and pointed at the clock on the wall in the room "I think its.. 11 pm? I don't know about the minutes.." He looked back at you "didn't you say you had to go home..?" you nodded as you began to shake "b-but I'm scared of lightning and it's way past the time my parents said I could walk outside... I don't know what to do" you began to cry as Carl quickly hugged you "maybe we can ask if you can call your parents to know your okay and ask them if you can stay here till morning?" you looked up at him and nodded as you wiped away your tears and sniffled "do you think they will be fine with that...?" He shrugged and lifted your face "I hope they will so that way you won't be scared" you agreed as he began to walk towards his door you followed behind and grabbed his hand. He took you downstairs and to a room that seemed to be the living room you saw the man you saw earlier and a lady sitting on a couch watching tv in a dark room with only the tv light lighting up the room. "Hey dad, can y/n use the phone? It's raining and late so we want to see if she can stay till morning time." his dad raised an eyebrow "aren't you in kindergarten, wow and your already asking to have girls stay over?" Carl growled "she's scared of lightning and we fell asleep." the lady snickered "You really are a boy, after all, you shouldn't have a girl stay the night here~" You spoke up "I don't get what's so wrong with me being here.. but if you don't want me to be here I could try to run home" Carl freaked out "nono don't! You don't have to do that!" you looked up at the two adults who were staring at you "just go home then." the lady said and Carl looked back at the lady angrily then back at you which was walking up to his room to grab your DS and school bag. Carl followed you and shut the door "h-hey please don't go... I can keep you here and tell them you left!" you continued to grab your stuff "but I'm sure they wouldn't like that.." Carl looked down as he began to think "hey.. how about I go with you and protect you from the rain?!?" you looked back at him as he gave off a warm smile "after all your my princess Zelda." you looked down at your bag then back at him "would they be okay with that?" he nodded "alright then" you continued to pack your stuff as he put his DS in your bag with yours. "huh?" he then zipped up your bag for you and put it on his back as he grabbed a large umbrella "let's go" he walked away as you followed. Once you two got to the door you put your shoes on and left the house without even saying goodbye. He opened the umbrella and covered himself and you as you two walked the streets. "so where do you live?" you looked around then back at him "here follow me I don't know the address but I remember how to get there" he followed you while holding you to him so you wouldn't get wet and nor would he. Once you two got there in front of a house with a bunch of trees and flowers. "this is it!" Carl was amazed as you both walked to the front door and you knocked "mommy? daddy? I'm home~" your mom then opened the door to see you two standing there "y/n?! where have you been? whos this other child you brought with you? Oh wait your father is still out, let me go call him and tell him your home! Come inside!" your mom ran deeper into the house and into the kitchen you looked back at Carl and pulled him inside and shut the door. He placed the umbrella down and you both took off your shoes. "I'm sorry" you looked over at Carl who was trembling "what's wrong?" he hugged you and mumbled "I didn't want my mom to do it again that's why I came with you.. I didn't wanna be alone nor did I wanna deal with that.. please let me stay here" you were confused but you could tell he was serious. "alright! come with me" you grabbed Carls hand and ran to the kitchen where your mom was she then saw you two "ah yeah just try to come home soon.. I love you too bye" you then yelled, "love you daddy!!" and your mother chuckled as she hung up "so what happened?" you looked at Carl who was just looking at you then back at your mom "we wanted to hang out after school so we played on our DS's at his house then fell asleep! but then it was pouring and so we ended up still walking here cause they seemed to not want me to stay and Carl wanted to come with" your mom looked over at Carl "Carl is it? Why did you want to come with my daughter? did something happen at home?" his eyes went large and he shook his head like crazy "I can't tell anyone she said" your mom looked worried "do you want to stay the night?" Carl nodded "Alright stay here I'll get the couch ready, is that okay?" you then ran over to your mom "no! let him sleep with me! I don't wanna leave him alone" your mom's eyes went large as she mumbled "you're growing up to fast for me;-;" she sighed "alright, you both are still in your school uniforms so go get changed. Carl.. hm I'll go see if I have anything you can change into." you looked back at Carl and smiled as you ran to your room "hey wait!" Carl yelled as he followed you to your room. "huh?" he looked you in the eyes "I wanna be with you!" you looked at his eyes making full eye contact "but mommy told me not to let boys see me change so wait out here!" you smiled and shut the door and began to get changed into your pajamas. Once you were done you opened the door to see him sitting on the floor in front of the door. "Carl why are you sitting there hehe" he stood up and tilted his head "I was waiting for you?" you giggled as your mom came around the corner holding clothes for Carl "here you go Carl you can get dressed in y/n room" he gently grabbed the clothes from your mom and went to the room to get dressed. your mom looked down at you "is that the kid you had been talking about?" you looked back up and nodded "I see.. is he the one you like?" you looked over with a huge smile and nodded "yep!" your mom patted your head "alright" the door then opened you saw Carl wearing a huge flannel and shorts. Soon after Carl and you fell asleep in your bed, when you woke up Carl was hugging you once again. you slipped out of his sleepy hug and got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to get some water. when you came back to your room you saw Carl crying in his sleep. "hey! Carl!" you shook him and he woke up to see you and he hugged you. "thank you y/n.." soon after he calmed down he wouldn't tell you what was wrong and a few days later went home and became more scared when we were at school it seemed, and he didn't want to ever tell me what was wrong and wouldn't let me go home with him or let me take him home anymore.. things had changed and when 5th grade hit we still hung out and I still liked him but I still wanted to find out what was wrong.. What did I do to make him not talk to me about something that made him so distant from me. soon after that, he didn't go to the same school as me and when I went to his house no one answered.
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