14. Bond for life.

Rain lit her cigarette the moment they entered the car, without even asking. 


RM yelled and slammed the car's door as he took his place on the driver's seat.

"Stop talking for a moment" she leaned back at her seat and exhaled the smoke, her eyes closed. Her face looked calm, but her mind wasn't. 

The weirdest feeling had taken her over since that guy mentioned Suga. She wanted to fill in the blanks about what he meant. "Give my congratulations to Suga." 

What exactly happened that night? 

The only way to find out was to ask RM. The one sure thing was that now her theory about Suga being the one that took her was surprisingly confirmed. Her feeling was right.

"What happened the night you took me?" She opened her eyes to face the shift at RM's face from furious to troubled. 

"I'll tell you everything about it after you tell me exactly, and I mean it, with every little detail, how you know this guy."

"Oh my god, are we playing this again?" Rain sighed exasperatedly from impatience. 

"I thought that you trust me." He spoke with a serious tone, narrowing his dark brown eyes at her.

"I don't trust anyone," she cut him off, and his face mirrored the disappointment that overwhelmed him. 

"Then you can leave," he said bitterly while looking away.

"Great! I'm sure he is still somewhere around waiting for me... " 

Rain said while opening the car door. Instantly RM leaned and pulled the door inwards to slam it closed before she had the chance to move from her seat. 

He froze there, looking at her with wide serious eyes, in a breath's distance.

How can she leave so easily? 

She held eye contact while serving him her best resting bitch face with narrow eyes to frustrate him. 

"We met one night in a club in Stockholm, got drunk, and fucked in the bathroom," Rain said with one breath without blinking once. 

But RM didn't move an inch. Neither his expression on his face altered. Instead, he continued staring at her, totally serious.

"I've figured you out by now, Rain. I know you are lying to tease me." He smiled, satisfied, and continued, "tell me, or you will never find out." It took him a long to realize, but he started playing her game. 

Rain bit her lip and smirked seductively at him. 

"Look at you, trying to blackmail me. It suits you. Makes you look hot." Suddenly retaking the upper hand.

He knew what she was doing, but he couldn't resist her. She was making him feel weaker by every word. 

She was the one who was actually blackmailing him, and he couldn't stand it. 

He actually liked it. 

So before wasting another second, he grabbed her neck to pull her closer and bit her lower lip, a little bit too strong. 

She slightly moaned from the pain and the pleasure, and then he released it, only to lick it gently and kiss her softly after that. 

"Let's go," he whispered after releasing her. "We can talk at home." 

And he started the car to fulfill the excuse he found because he deeply knew that he could no longer keep his hands off her. At least at home, they wouldn't be alone.

When they arrived, the house looked empty, and no lights were on. The others were either asleep or maybe some of them out, working.

Rain made some coffee, and they decided to talk in the living room while relaxing on the couch, after changing to something comfortable, which was for RM  a black t-shirt and black sweatpants, and surprisingly for Rain the same. 

"I warn you I might sleep, so I'll start." She yawned while rubbing her forehead. 

"As you know from that shitty file -that I still don't know which one of your paranoids asses wrote- I was working at Alternativ tattoo shop in Stockholm for many years. Then about a month or so ago, a foreign guy came in asking for a traditional Japanese tattoo. An Irezumi. He had the design, and I was swamped, but he specifically requested me to do it." 

RM was looking at her with full interest without a blink as she was telling the story. 

"He surprisingly said he wanted it done by stick and poke, technique, which was rare... And I was the only artist in the shop who knew it." 

She took a sip from the mug between her hands and placed it on the wooden coffee table, starring it for a few seconds before speaking again. 

"So we made the arrangements and talked..., and that's all." she closed her eyes while laying back on the couch.

"Rain..." RM was getting impatient, but she actually looked cute laying there. 

"Mmmh," she opened her eyes and continued with a lower and soft voice. 

"I didn't know back then... who he was or what this tattoo meant."

"He is...let's say, the newest member of the other clan... " RM spoke like something was uncomfortable for him to explain. "Of your mother's family heritage clan. And you gave him his mark." He sighed, disappointed, looking at the floor. "Rain, that's a bond. For life." 

"I know... I suppose I should tell you that because this technique is so painful and long-lasting, it is as well a bonding procedure.  You spend countless hours giving pain to somebody while he opens his heart to you." 

"And what did he said when he opened his heart to you?" he scoffed. If anyone ever told me a month ago I would be asking what's inside Sakai's hear, I would have shot them between the eyes.

"... that he is going around the world to find someone from his family..." her eyes were closed, but there was a slight expression that RM had never seen before... Pain... Not even when she was sewing her own wound. 

" ...and that the tattoo is a vow that he will find that he will find that person and bring them back where they belong," she continued as her voice was getting lower and softer.

"RM?...," she whispered, half asleep. 

Somehow the song they danced at the club was still playing in her head and reminded her of something.

"Yes." He had moved closer to her and brushed her hair with his fingers, smiling at the sweet, unusual sight. Watching Rain falling asleep was exactly like watching a baby tiger. Cute, until she woke up and hunted any small animal in her vicinity. A dirty lullaby, inviting the victim to sink into her claws and nestle in her darkness.

"Please don't fall for me."  

Too late, he thought but didn't express it.

"Why would you say that?" He asked instead, pressing his lips bitterly.

"Because you changed the way you kiss me," Rain's soft voice showed that it was off now. 

He made sure she was in a deep sleep and carried her in his arms to her room. 

Before pulling the covers, he whispered, "Too late," and brushed her lips with his thumb before kissing her softly. 

He left and closed the door. 

Too bad, outside her room, leaning on the wall with crossed arms, was standing Suga. 

"You were too busy to check your phone?" Suga sneered as he scanned him from head to toe with an obnoxious stare.

"Why, what happened?" RM said, almost whispering, afraid that they will wake Rain up cause they were still standing outside her door, which made Suga roll his eyes with an unhealthy amount of arrogance.

"I just got back. I found out information from some low-rank rats... The others have a plan to take her from here soon. Probably break into..."

"That's impossible," RM scoffed. "They wouldn't do that. And after all, they can't break into here... the security is tight." 

"Whatever. I couldn't care less. To the point now. I wanted to tell you that Jungkook and V were jumped by four of them. There were some shots fired..."

"What? What the fuck? Where are they?" He suddenly started yelling.

"Calm down. Jimin, J-hope, and Jin went to get them. Jungkook was hurt, but nothing life-threatening." He sighed, annoyed. "They"ll be back anytime now. They tried to get in touch with you to help them, but you were too busy dancing and kissing the princess. A bounce man at RR told me..." Suga sneered with disapproval. 

But what hit RM right in the face was Suga's following question. 

"Why do you give orders that you cannot obey yourself?" he smiled fakely with contempt in his eyes.

This was bad. He wasn't there when the others needed him. He was supposed to be their leader. A temporary one, nevertheless. They clearly didn't obey him anymore; well, he didn't obey himself anymore, either. 

"You know Suga... when Rain runs this... well, if she accepts to get on board, you can become Saiko-komon. Her mother chose me, but that doesn't mean anything. She can choose whoever she wants. And I think you would be a suitable right hand since you are... you know, so unaffected by her." 

Suga laughed. Loudly, tilting his neck back, closing his eyes, full-blown, all the way laughing.

That happened super rarely. The last time RM saw him smiling, Nanami was still alive. And now that he thinks about it before they left when he complemented Rains outfit. He was smiling then too. 

Suga still hadn't told Rain that a connection in Sweden is sending a second bag with the rest of her stuff that he couldn't carry because he was carrying her.

He didn't comment on RM's idea, though.

"She asked me what happened the night you took her," RM said seriously, and Suga wasn't smiling anymore. 

In fact, his face froze. Petrified in terror, but he managed to hid it well.

"Why? Nothing important happened. Is it maybe because you also bumped onto Sakai? Or you think I wouldn't find out?" Suga gave him his signature, arrogant smirk.

"Probably it's because of that. She started acting weird after we met him. He told her something." 

"How the fuck..." Suga murmured while he pushed back his hair in frustration. 

He starred at RM, squinting his eyes for a moment before all hell broke loose. 

"How the fuck the one time you are responsible for giving her an introduction to this world, everything goes wrong? You disobey your own orders, you bump into the worst person possible,  you fail to attend when your own members need you." 

He shouted, pushing his finger on RM's chest. 

"Did you at least tell her about him? Did you warn her?" Suga was able to hide his worry behind his anger. 

RM took a long sigh before answering.

"No." Making Suga throw fire from his eyes. But what RM said after made the situation worse. 

"She met him about a month ago. He was in Stockholm. Rain didn't know who he was back then. Just a random dude," RM pressed his lips. "He went there to bring her back... The thing is, it was before Nanami died. I don't know how they found out about her before we even did." 

While Suga was trying to process the disastrous story, RM pressed his lips into the thinnest line possible and, while closing his eyes, said, "She gave him his clan mark."

"You are fucking kidding me." Suga clasped his hands over his head, clenching his jaw while looking at the ceiling.

"I wish I did."

"Fuck RM! She needs to know! Tell her!" Suga was now pointing at Rain's room while shouting.

"You tell her! Why is everything on me? You just said I couldn't do anything right. " 

"She needs to know. If she wants to stay, she will. We can't force her." Suga was flirting with the idea of Rain leaving since it could be the salvation to all of their problems. His, mostly.

"Tell her what exactly? How can I bring this up? Oh, hi Rain, remember the guy we met at the club, the one of the other yakuza clan, that you did his tattoo? Well, since you are the rightful heir and he is the oldest son of your mother's right hand on the other clan, you are supposed to get married and rule the mobs of Seoul together! Congratulations!" RM said, altering his voice to a mocking tone.

"It's her choice to make!" Suga shouted back at him. "Do you prefer her staying here and fucking around with everyone?" He smirked arrogantly again. 

After all, he already knew. That RM was in love with her. 

"Or you think that is safe again to leave her with J-Hope? Or Jin? Don't even get me started about you..." 

His eyebrows were raised to complete the arrogant chuckle that was escaping his mouth. 

"And Jimin was too close to cross the line... What do you think will happen if you leave her alone with Jungkook or V? Should we try it to find out?"

"Then why don't you stay with her for a change?" RM asked ironically.

Suga scoffed cockily while thinking of what to say, while two words -I failed- played on his head on repeat.

Then he took a long breath, which turned into strong short inhales from his nose.


He yelled as he rushed and opened Rain's door, which they forgot they were standing outside the whole time. Geniuses.

And there she was. She has just opened her window to go outside, leaning on the concrete, looking at the night skyline of Seoul. Typically smoking one of Jimin's cigarettes.

 She heard everything. 

They walked slowly towards her, a little bit afraid of her reaction. Then they looked at each other, while she was still looking out from the balcony. 

Like they mentally connected their minds, RM nodded to Suga, and for the first time ever, he directed himself to her.

"Rei," He said like it was unbearable for him to even be in the same space as her. Even if this was a big open place like he hated the idea of breathing the same air with her.

She liked that he called her Rei. But she didn't like that he didn't even look at her when he said it.

But like they say, karma is a bitch, and Rain completely ignored his presence for the first time. Instead, she turned and looked at RM.

"Sorry," she said with an apologetic smile while exhaling the smoke.

"For what?" RM looked at her troubled, although inside him, he felt thankful she wasn't mad. If she actually heard everything, which she seemed to, he expected some kind of... storm.

"For tricking you... I noticed that Suga was here and that you didn't, so I pretended I was asleep. I was sure that the two of you would talk after, and I wanted to find out. Even though the  only thing I didn't find out was the one I wanted to."

 She smiled cockily and bit her lip before turning back to look towards the city again and putting the cigarette on her full lips, sucking in and holding it for a moment, before letting the smoke out again. 

Suga felt surprised. First of all, she played all these kinds of games to get his attention, like all the underwear innuendos, which all the others failed to detect that were directed to him. Then the no-underwear parade on the couch while sitting exactly across him. Not even to mention the constant demeaning of herself while throwing herself to the others in front of him, just to see his reaction. Just to steal an emotion. Just to play. 

But what he was more curious about is how she sensed that he was there. He knew how good she was at tracking skills. He knew how good she was at fighting. 

Then suddenly, he remembered two words in her file that he knew by heart. 


A memory of him and Nanami talking in this specific room unraveled in his mind...

And the last thing that was perplexing in his mind was that she seemed different. Like another person. Has she, after all, realized how serious her position to be was and started acting responsibly?  All this only by hearing the two of them talking? 

Maybe it's time we find out. Suga smirked internally with curiosity before announcing his decision. 

"I'll stay with you tomorrow." 

Good thing that he was still facing her back, so he couldn't see the satisfactory smile of triumph that was taking over Rain's face. 

Her plan worked. 

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