June 21st

Lucy arose from her bed, went up the stairs, and down the hall to check on Alice. She was still sleeping. Thank goodness.. She thought. Lucy continued down the hall to the kitchen and began to fix breakfast for herself and Alice. She ate her plate before going to give Alice hers. She opened the door and saw Alice sitting up in her bed lusting over the food.

Lucy: Morning Alice. I made you breakfast.

Alice: Thank you.. Thank you ever so much.

She said before she began to chow down on the breakfast meal.

Lucy: Alice.. I have been taking care of you for quite a while now and I only want one thing from you.

Alice: I thank you kindly for your compassion. What would you like?

Lucy: I would like to know an important detail and only you know the truth.

Alice: Tell me what you desire to know.

Lucy: Alright.. Who is the father of your baby?

Alice: The.. The father?

She said alarmed as she stammered.

Alice: Why?

Lucy: Alice. I have the right to know. You know we are not allowed to have any other person into the palace.

Alice: I brought no one here! He came to me!

Lucy: Who?

Alice: None of your business!

Lucy eyed her.

Lucy: I will see.. When I deliver this baby, I will know.

Alice: If I tell you, will you keep your mouth shut?

Lucy zipped her lips and crossed her heart.

Lucy: Not a word out of me.

Alice: Good..

She sighed and on the other side of the palace, Princess Dameta was just beginning to arise. She smiled and put on a blue dress. She went up the stairs and knocked on a door. She heard something move and then a groan.

Janet: Grace! Today is the day you start your training!

Grace opened her eyes and sighed.

Grace: Alright Janet.. I will be out in a minute..

Princess Dameta left and Grace put her head back on the pillow she had.

Janet: And do not lay back down!

Grace: Alright! Alright! I am up..

She sighed and sat up. She stretched and washed up. She put on her work clothes and went straight to Janet.

Janet: Lesson one. Always know what to wear.

Grace: Pick a dress?

Princess Dameta smiled and nodded.

Janet: You got it.

Grace: Alright.. I want to wear.. This one.

She picked out a yellow dress.

Janet: Great choice! Now, lesson two. Watch me.

She began to walk around the room with a straight back and with a book on her head.

Grace: How graceful.

Janet: Thank you. Now you try.

She gave Grace the book and placed it on top of her head after helping her posture herself correctly.

Grace: How am I doing?

Janet: Not bad for your first try. Not bad at all.

Grace: Alright.

Janet: Now I want you to walk like that as you serve breakfast to everyone.

Grace: I shall try.

Grace went into the kitchen and caught Lucy by surprise.

Lucy: Good morning Princess.. And just where did you get those clothes?

Grace: Princess Dameta gave them to me.

Lucy: Why are you wearing it?

Grace: I am receiving lessons from her to attend the ball!

Grace said as she smiled.

Lucy: Alright. Show me what you know.

Grace: watch me walk.

Grace took the tray and walked all the way to Prince Sigmund's room. Then came back after she delivered the tray to him.

Lucy: Very elegant, I must say.

Grace: Thank you.

Lucy came over to Grace and handed her another tray.

Lucy: You look beautiful.

Grace smiled.

Grace: Thank you.

Lucy: Now, deliver these before they get cold.

Grace went about her day and delivered the rest of the trays.. She had difficulties with serving Prince LaJune and Prince Michael. She fed Prince LaJune as he kept asking her to marry him and she only told him to eat. So, he did. Prince Michael was a scare. When she first walked in, no one was there. She set the tray down and then felt arms wrap around her once she stood.

Michael: Good morning Grace.

Grace: Morning Michael.

He turned her towards him and smiled before kissing her.

Michael: You look beautiful.

Grace: Thank you.. Listen, I have to.. I must deliver breakfast to your family.. Princess Dameta, the King & Queen.

Michael: Shall you return?

Grace: Yes.. Perhaps.. I do not know..

Michael: Speak to me.

He said as he sat down onto his bed.

Grace: I.. I do not wish to tell you.

Michael: Alright. Tell me why you are elegantly this morning.

Grace: I am practicing.

Michael: For?

Grace: I want to surprise you, so I cannot tell.

Michael: Oh Grace.. Please?

Grace: No. I do not wish to tell you.

Michael: Alright.. You look.. Beautiful.

Grace: I believe you have already complimented me.

He touched her face lightly and smiled.

Michael: I believe so.. But your face has such angelic features that I cannot help but to express your beauty..

Grace bit her lip after a time and then looked away from him.

Michael: Grace, what has your heart so heavy?

Grace: Michael.. I must ask myself.. Why do you love me? Weeks ago you never.. I was only your servant. Now..

She sighed.

Michael: Grace, I love you. I blocked love for my own sake. I had eyes for you but I wanted to block that too. I promised, only my servant. You were only my servant until Jermaine opened my eyes. He knew that deep within me, I loved you. He helped me..

Grace: But why? Why must your love aim for me?

Michael: Because.. You are sweet, beautiful and my friend. My only friend.

Grace: Michael.. If I shall ask one question, shall you tell the truth and let me go?

Michael: Go? Go where?

Grace: I have to deliver Princess Dameta's food.

He was silent for I while.

Michael: Ask your question.

Grace: Are you aware that Alice is with child?

Michael: Alice?

Grace: One of us servant girls..

Michael: I was not aware of her presence.

Grace: She is with child.. But please! I beg of you! Do not tell the King!

Michael: You have my word.. I plan a family in our future, what sense would it make?

Grace: Explain.

Michael: I believe you said you had to go.

Grace: Right.. Farewell.

She rushed down the hall and got Princess Dameta's tray. Then she rushed down the hall and raced into Princess Dameta's room.

Janet: Grace! Where on earth did you go? Wait.. No, do not tell me. It was Jermaine, was it not?

Grace: Part of it, but Janet-.

Janet: Michael perhaps?

Grace: Yes.. But Janet-.

Janet: Hush Grace. We mist begin with your time.

Grace: Time?

Princess Dameta nodded and took Grace by the hand.

Janet: You have the walk, you have the dress, but you must also have the talk, shoes and proper skills.

Grace: What about time?

Janet: Always be on time. There. Lesson done. Let us move on. Lesson three. Shoes!

Grace: Shoes? I have but only one pair.

Janet: You have more now. I have more than enough shoes. You may have the ones that match.

Grace: I am very grateful.

She bowed.

Janet: Grace? What on earth are you doing?

Grace: Thanking you.. Have I wronged you?

Janet: Very much so. A bow from you is the last thing I want. We are friends. Hug me, do not bow.

Grace: Yes Janet.

Janet: And for goodness sake! Put away your fancy words and speak to me like a human.

Grace: Alright Janet.

Janet: There you go.

She set shoes before Grace

Grace: Janet.. May I ask you something? Rather, tell you something?

Janet: But of course.

Grace: Alice is with child and I want to know who the father is.. Also. Michael.. Prince Michael..

Janet: I do not care, call him Michael.

Grace: Michael is terribly in love with me too.. Last night, he wanted to lay with me.. Literally. He said he wanted to hold me and..

Janet: Tell me.

Grace: He kissed me.. Last night and this morning.. That is what stopped me.

Janet: Wow.. I..

Grace: Forgive me.

She said as she put a pair of shoes on and turned away from Princess Dameta.

Janet: Grace.. Do not be ashamed. You have always loved him and now you have him. Love him back and if possible, marry him.

Grace: Really?

Janet: Really.

Grace: But.. Prince LaJune.

Janet: I shall speak to him.

Grace: How soon?

Janet: Perhaps tonight.

Grace: Alright.

Janet: Now, lesson four. The talk.

Grace: But I am but a servant.. There is no need-.

Janet: Nonsense! You look like a Princess, talk like one.

Grace: Janet.. I fail to see how my talk improves me at all.

Janet: Trust a Princess to be a Princess.

Grace: A Princess? But I do not wish to be a Princess!

Janet: Really?

Grace: Really.

Janet: Then let us skip a few lessons and go to serving.

Grace: I know how to serve.

Janet: But you need to learn to speak to royals.. Certain royals are very rude..

Grace: How shall I.. How must I speak to them?

Janet: Like this.. Would you prefer a drink or pastry miss? Would you like a drink to quench your thirst? How about a pastry to hold you over?

Grace: What if I replaced a word? Like champagne and drink, or caviar and pastry..

Janet: That would be excellent.

Grace smiled.

Grace: So.. if I were to marry Michael, you would not mind having a servant for a sister?

Janet: No.. You would be a Princess and my sister. No longer will you be a servant.

Grace: He wants a family.. That is what he said.

Princess Dameta's eyes widened as her mouth gaped open.

Grace: What is wrong Janet?

Janet: Michael wants.. Children?

She said in disbelief.

Grace: Why.. Yes. Yes he does.

Janet: Marry him. Ask him, beg him and force him. Marry him now! Marry him today! Do not let him change his mind.

Grace: Today? Now? Um.. That would be a bit too soon.

Janet: No.. I shall convince him to marry you now. Right now.

Grace: No! I mean.. Please, do not what you wish, for I wish not to rush love.

Janet: I wish to keep his mindset on children!

Grace: Janet please!

They looked at each other and then Princess Dameta looked down.

Janet: Alright.. But marry him.. You must marry him.

Grace: I have one month to go.

Janet: I wish it were soon.

Grace: What lesson is this?

Michael: Lesson one.

Grace turned around and saw Prince Michael looking at her.

Janet: I asked him to come since this is your last lesson..

Grace: That fast?

Janet: Yes. Let us go to the ballroom.

They all went and then Princess Janet joined hands with Prince Michael on the dance floor.

Janet: This is your last lesson..

Michael: To dance.

Grace: Janet.. May I have a word with you?

Janet: But of course.

They went into a small room and began to speak.

Grace: Why on earth did you tell him to dance with me?

Janet: He is the perfect one for you. He is the love of your life and you, his. Perfect chemistry and body language.

Grace: I cannot dance!

Janet: Nonsense! I have seen you dance, you are good.

Grace: Janet..

Janet: Please.. For me?

Grace: Alright.. But I refuse to dance at the ball.

Janet: Great!

She hugged Grace and dragged her to the ballroom.

Janet: Watch us.

They waltzed and how elegant they seemed. Perfect and swift with every motion.

Grace: How graceful..

She covered her mouth once she realized what she had said. They finished dancing and Prince Michael bowed. Then his eyes met Grace's and smiled.

Michael: Come.. It is your time.

Grace looked around, but she was the only other one there. Where was Princess Dameta?

Michael: Are you looking for a way out or scared?

He smiled. Grace nervously laughed and looked down as she began to come towards him.

Grace: A little of both I suppose..

He lifted up her chin and looked into her eyes.

Michael: Why be scared?

Grace: I.. I cannot say. I do not have an answer.

Michael: Dance with me.

He said after a moment of silence. Then he took her by the hand and they began to dance. They waltzed and Grace felt a bit weird.

Grace: This would be better with music.

She laughed nervously.

Michael: I had forgotten about that..

Grace: It is alright.

Michael: Just pretend.. The greatest romantic symphony plays as the only two lovers dance in the middle of the floor. I look at you and think, Wow.. She is my love and I, hers.. I love you Grace.

Grace: What a nice daydream..

He stared at her until she noticed his stare.

Grace: What?

She blushed.

Michael: I said I love you.

Grace: I have always loved you.. I love you too.

Michael: If I asked you a question,would you answer me.

Grace: But of course.

She said uneasily.

Michael: If by chance I were to have fallen deeper and want commit.. Would you be willing to commit with me?

Grace: Depends on what you want to commit to..

Michael: You..

Grace: I do not understand.

They stopped dancing and Prince Michael looked her into her eyes.

Michael: If I wanted you as my Queen, would you marry me?

Grace: Yes.

He sighed as he smiled..

Michael: Then it is settled. In early July, you shall become my wife.

Grace: What?

Michael: This is what you want, right?

Grace: Yes but.. What about marrying of Royal blood?

Michael: I shall change that law at my crowning or bargain with father.

Grace: But..

Michael: What love?

Grace: Forget about it..

Michael: Speak your mind darling.

Grace: All of this is so sudden! Why now? Can we not wait a while?

Michael: I have but a month to marry or I lose my crown.

Grace: Michael.. Do you really value your crown that much, or me?

Michael: I value both, but I only love you.

Grace: Am I only a way to get your crown?

Michael: No! You are my life! I love you. You are my heart and soul.. I wish we had more time but we do not. Please Grace.. Marry me and be my Queen.

Grace: But Prince LaJune..

Michael: Never mind my brother. This is about us and our love for one another.

Grace: I.. I am sorry!

She said as she ran away from him crying. He went after her and found her in Princess Dameta's room.

Janet: How did it go?

Grace: You put him up to it, did you not?

Janet: What on earth are you talking about?

Grace: The proposal! Asking me to marry him! What shall I do? Jermaine loves me and wants to marry me but I do not love him! Nor do I want to hurt his feelings! And now, this? I love Michael with all my heart but I am not the girl to break hearts.

Prince Michael heard her and then knew what had to be done. He went to Prince LaJune's room and softly closed the door. He leaned on the door with his head down.

Michael: Jermaine.. You were right..

Jermaine: Right about what?

Michael: Grace.. I love her..

He looked up slowly at his brother.

Michael: And she loves me.. I want to marry her so she will be my Queen.

Jermaine: Did you ask her?

Michael: Yes.. Tonight, actually

Jermaine: And her response?

Michael: She cried and went to Janet's room saying she wants to marry me more than anything but refuses to break your heart.

Jermaine: Heart? What heart? Oh, my heart.. You see brother, you must learn to control yourself. Women are no good.. Just like that servant girl whom I wooed into my room.. Grace is just another shot but she is very different too. Different techniques are required for her..

Michael: You selfish idiot! How dare you hurt her? I knew you were no good from the start!

Jermaine: If my plan fails, you can have her.

Michael: Plan? What plan?

Jermaine: You shall see.

Michael: Listen Jermaine! I may not like you, but I love you because you are my brother! But if you were not my flesh and blood, I would-.

Jermaine: Kill me? Brother.. How can you? I am but I helpless sick fool in love. I know not what I say.

He grinned.. Prince Michael was not pleased and went to his brother's bedside.

Michael: If you lay a hand on her, you shall suffer my wrath!

Jermaine: Why do you care? She is only your servant.

Michael: My wife to be.. It was you..

Jermaine: What?

Michael: The girl Grace told me about . What was her name?

Jermaine: Alice? Such a pretty girl. She took care of me every day and every day, I did the same.

Michael: You are a sick man that I hate to reveal as my brother!

He went to the door.

Michael: You stay away from her! And do not dare touch her!

He slammed the door behind him.

Jermaine: Am I supposed to be afraid of my younger brother?

He laughed.

Michael: Grace! Grace!

Grace: What is it Michael? Why are you so.. Red?

Michael: Jermaine.. He laid with Alice.. He is the father.

Grace: Oh no!

Michael: And he does not love you. He plans to use you like he did her!

Grace: Outrageous! He is sick!

Michael: No he is not, come with me.

He dragged her to Prince LaJune's door and made her wait for him.

Michael: If there is one thing I forgot, was to take my love back.

Jermaine: Do I look like I care? Brother, you are the saddest sight I have ever seen. Straightened out over one girl. There are plenty of fish in the sea.

Michael: Well, she is the only fish I see.

Jermaine: She is the only fish you will ever see if you do not back off.

Michael: Why must you insist on manipulating her? She is my love.. My life! I need her.

Jermaine: She is mine and when I am done, you can have the remains. Women are nothing but dumb humans who only cook, clean and are made to please their husbands. Even if that means children with her too.

Grace had had enough of this and bursted into the room in tears.

Grace: You wretched beast! I cannot believe you lied to me! You hurt my friend and now you aim for me? How cruel can you be? Your love was a lie from the start and I knew! I knew you were not the one I love and I knew it was only your sickness! How could you do this to me? Just because I woman makes me not dumb, but the mother of a nation! Since when has man ever birthed a child? And now you go and cheat my friend's heart for a desire, a sick desire you just had to quench! You should be ashamed! I hate men like you! Men like you killed the ones I love! They murdered my parents! Strangled my mother and slaughtered my father! I saw it! I watched them die! Why did your heart harden? Why did you give her a child? Why did you plan to hurt me? Were you plotting to give me a child too? To get me into your bed? You sicken me! What a royal pain you are to everyone that knows you because we do not love you! You are sick and the scum of this Kingdom! This place has no place for liars like you! And I would never marry you!

Grace was shaking badly and then she felt hands begin to rub her shoulders. She became angry again and turned to him.

Grace: And you.. Have you no shame? Am I only a game to you too? Are you like the menace you were raised with? Or do you truly love me?

Michael: Grace I-.

Grace put her hand up and silenced him before she walked past him and out the door.. The heavy wooden door that broke her heart. She skipped her lessons and dinner that night. She just cried in her room because of what just happened and the memory of her parents' death. It all haunted her and she wanted nothing to do with the world. She refused to leave her room for three whole days.

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