True Intention

YeonGi POV

I turned my head to see the guys get pulled into a van before it drove away.

"No.", I said before running after it.

Lanta and the girls were right behind me while I ripped the bottom half of my dress to help me run faster. I jumped onto the roof before pulling my pistol out aiming at the passenger. I pulled the trigger killing him instantly before I felt a sharp pain in my thigh. I let out a scream before falling backwards into Lanta.

Taehyung POV

The passenger fell limp as a bullet flew through his head. One of our captors cursed under his breath as he shoved a blade through the roof of the van. We heard a scream before Hoseok started freaking out. He kicked one of our captors in the face and I head butting another. Namjoon and Jimin broke through the door letting their bodies roll against the concrete. We all jumped out as the van continued to drive away.

"What the hell?", Jimin cursed.

"Everyone ok?", Namjoon asked all of us.

"Yeah.", I answered as each of us got up.

"Lets go before they come back.", Namjoon told us.

We all ran back down the street to see the girls huddled over someone. As we got closer my eyes widened when I spotted YeonGi lying on the ground with her veins turning purple.

"She's been poisoned.", Soo Jin said in panic.

"They were after you guys.", Bomi whispered.

My pack and I stood silent as Hoseok picked her up bridal style. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"We need to get back to the mansion to figure things out.", Bomi stated and we all nodded.

"The cars are back this way.", Chaelin said.

Soo Jin POV

I sat watching the trees go by as Namjoon drove past them. I looked back to see Hoseok cradling an unconscious YeonGi in his arms. As we pulled up I got out of the car and stomped to the door. I quickly pushed the door open scaring a few of my coven members but at this point I don't really care.

"Where is Daehyun?!", I shouted.

"I'm right here how'd......what the hell happened to you.", he said.

"We were attacked. These men came for them, using YeonGi as bait and she's been poisoned.", I told him.

"Get her to infirmary now. Hybrids get to your hanger. Section 2 come with me.", He ordered.

I looked at Jungkook and nodded before walking behind Daehyun. We walked to the lab where Tae Ki, Zelo, and Irene were to go over what happened.

"They're gonna need some of that poison running through YeonGi's veins. We need to know what we're dealing with.", Daehyun said as we walked through the door.

Bomi nodded before leaving out to retrieve a sample of YeonGi's blood. The rest of us stood silent before Chaelin let out a sigh.

"They must have been watching us. To attack at an event that housed over two hundred people!", She exclaimed.

"They picked the right time to strike. In silence. By that time everyone was too drunk to notice anything.", Lanta added.

"Well just have to figure out who is behind this.", Daehyun said quietly.

"Maybe the coven was behind it. I mean VIXX did host the ball.", Irene shrugged.

"What reason would they have to attack us. Last time I checked we were all on good terms.", I stated.

"Maybe we should run it by them.", Chaelin suggested.

"And then what? Obviously whoever attacked us have the weapons to poison and kill a vampire. Which means they know what they are dealing with.", I shouted.

"Who exactly could it be?", Eunmi asked as Bomi came back with a blood sample.

"Has to be lycans.", I said.

"We can't be too sure. We've had some bad run ins with vampires as well. Once the news of hybrids got out, enemies coming from all over.", Bomi said handing Tae Ki the vial.

"Let me test this.", Tae Ki said moving towards her computer.

"How long will this take?", I asked her.

"About an hour maybe two. I have to break down the components, see what the base of this poison is. Obviously it's strong enough to incapacitate us. Maybe even kill if we're too late.", she answered.

"So until then we need watch our backs.", Chaelin stated.

"I want you to go back to that prison. Maybe we can get some answers there. I'll go question the hybrids. See if they know anything.", Daehyun states walking out of the room and I looked back at everyone else.

"Let's gear up then. We have a fight on our hands."

Daehyun POV

Too many questions filled my mind as I cursed under my breath. I knew this was a bad idea from the start. Bringing them here. So much has went to shit since then. My team getting involved. The attack. I warned Yongguk about this.

"Shit." I muttered walking into their living area.

"Was there anyone back at the prison who wanted to hurt you?", I asked.

"Besides every one of those fuckers at the prison, no one at all.", Namjoon joked.

"Then that's where we fucking start.", I said and they all froze. "Surely there is someone who would want you dead. You said it yourself."

"Are we going alone?", Namjoon asked me and I shook my head.

"No I'm sending members of Section 2 with you.", I told them.

Just then Soo Jin, Kristyn, and Lanta walked in. I nodded to them and they understood.

"I need you three to go with them.", I told them. "See if anyone connected to the attack is still there."

"And then what?", Lanta shrugged.

"Bring them here for questioning. They hurt one of our own. It's personal.", I told her and they nodded before walking out with the hybrids.

"Something isn't right here.", I mumbled.

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