13 - The Fourth Life Was That Of A Blind Pianist
"Explain that to me in simple terms, please." Tubbo tilted his head, still not exactly understanding.
"If I- I just need to apologize, whether it b-be a dream o-or hallucination, and th-then... oh, no, but that'll take forever.! I'll be dead by then!" Techno whined. "I need to apologize to everyone, or I'll keep this hanahaki."
"Why don't you get surgery? What's a side effect to that?" Tommy tilted his head, "You're not in love with a literal person, platonic or romantic. So, what can death possibly take from you?"
"I don't know for certain, but if it's anything like real hanahaki..." Techno lowered his gaze, "I might never be able to be friends again, or-or worse. What if I can never talk again? They'll have to cut out this flower-," he gestured to the lime one in his throat, just under the skin, poking out of his mouth. "And surely it'd ruin my, uh, vocal cords and stuff, right?"
"Good point. But text to speech is always a thing." Tubbo joked, but frowned when he saw Techno curl into himself slightly. "Not the time, right."
"Well, we could try to..." Tommy trailed off, lost in thought. He stayed like that for a few moments, and Techno had a single spark of hope that he had an idea. That spark, however, died down as soon as Tommy spoke next. "Okay, nevermind. I don't know how to help with hanahaki that's caused by death."
"You guys are phrasing this so strangely. Just say I'm getting it from killing, you're making it sound like I go to graveyards and- yeah." Techno rolled his eyes, trying to lighten up the mood. Tommy and Tubbo faked offense, huffing and realizing they still had a game to play.
"Oh! Right!" Tubbo squeaked, "There's a thing we wanted to show you! Techno, watch the screen, we spent, like, a few hours on this!" The boy gripped a controller excitedly, his character running through a forest.
"How long have you been awake? Man." Techno smirked, watching the screen almost intently. They played around for awhile, eventually Techno joining the game, and the boys showed him their builds, trying to best each other.
Maybe thirty minutes passed, until the door opened, and Wilbur and Phil came inside. They held quite a few grocery bags, and Techno offered to help, going out to the car and getting the last of it. The younger helped put everything away, taking his spot on the couch again.
"What're you doing here?" Wilbur leaned over the couch, watching the three boys play.
"I'm looking for some, uh, ancient debris, and these two are..." Techno gave a confused look to their screens, "Doing something."
"I'm making my own base, because Tubbo keeps taking my stuff!" Tommy hissed, but there was a playful tone inside of it.
"Uh... I'm dyslexic?" Tubbo bit his tongue, trying to stop himself from laughing.
"Okay, George." Tommy rolled his eyes with a smirk.
"Gogy is colorblind, Tommy." Wilbur cut in. (if this convo is offensive, lmk :<)
"Same thing," Tommy scoffed, his screen betraying that he was hunting down Tubbo. The older had diamonds, and Techno assumed that's what Tommy was after.
"Oh what the- OH WHAT? WHAT?" Tubbo shouted when Tommy finally began to attack him, getting a few hits on the boy's avatar. Tubbo made an attempt to fight back, aggravated squeaks coming from his throat.
"Hey, Tech-," Phil froze. Techno turned his head, wincing at the shifting in his throat. Phil's eyes were settled on his thr- oh. Right, that just happened, so they didn't know. "What the hell, mate, are you okay? You have an entire flower in your throat!"
"Yeah, when you were gone, thought I'd decorate a bit." Techno attempted to make humor.
"It- What does it feel like?" Phil caught Wilbur's attention, who stood beside him in attempts to see what he was seeing. When he did see, he wore the same startled expression, and subconsciously reached up to his own throat, tracing the area.
"Uncomfortable." Techno shuddered, just to prove his point. Phil winced, making an 'euugh' sound, deciding that he should probably make something for lunch. He proceeded to argue with Wilbur over who would make the food, and ultimately Phil won, since he was older, and had alot more experience and recipes than Wilbur.
Techno fell asleep peacefully that night- well, until he had a dark cloud rolling through his dream. A group of men stood infront of him, each one darkened to pitch black, just as the previous visit had been. One trait they all shared, however, was white, yet bloodshot eyes. It was a milky color, not exactly white, but just a light, glossy version of their previous eye color.
Techno felt his heartbeat quicken, and his breath hitch, seeing the same thin, bloodied line dragged across what he could only assume were their faces. He remembered this night, plain as a beach. In the sense that it as meant to be perfect, clear, and empty, but instead was polluted with trash, and things that weren't meant to be there.
The shadows had smiles, though. Under the wound that killed them- that took their sight, were needle-like teeth, curled up in a smile. But somehow, the smile was wrong. It wasn't natural. Maybe it was too long, too big, too wide, too... unnatural...
The leader of them, Techno assumed, opened its mouth in a loud wail, a noise so high pitched, so toned, that it hurt his head and activated his fight-or-flight. But the only issue was, he couldn't.
The shadows ran up to him, and his vision darkened, each one staring at him with large, unfocused eyes. Their teeth were so sharp, and he felt them digging into his skin. The last thing he heard in that nightmare sent chills down his spine, and he woke up with a yelp.
"We forgive you."
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