Chapter 10


Redcliffe guard: Maker, help us!!

A guard screams out as she witnesses her fellow soldiers get cut down by giant axes and their throats ripped out by rabid dogs. She turns to run to the gate but screams in pain as a loud thunderous sound echoes through the land. She looks back at her leg to see it bleeding profusely, the wound inflicted being a giant hole in her leg.

She looks up in horror as a giant man towers over her and aims his rifle at her head.

Huntsman: Filthy beasts.

He says he goes to pull the trigger but stops as his head recoils forward and his blood splatters on the ground in front of the guard. The remaining huntsmen look at the source to see you standing at the end of the road with your gun raised.

Varric: Great, and here I was hoping that it'd be demons.

Varric says sarcastically as he loads an explosive bolt onto Bianca. You grunt and shoot at the huntsmen as they charge at you with pitchforks. The rabid dogs charge in as well but find step onto a blue glyph on the ground. The glyph explodes into ice, freezing the rabid dogs. Varric then takes aim and shoots the frozen dogs with the explosive bolt causing them to shatter into crystallised blood. As you walk past over the frozen body pieces, you look at the approaching huntsman with killing intent. You side step one wielding a pitchfork and then move your upper body back, dodging a swing from the second huntsman that was wielding a machete. You sheathe your short sword from your back and cut deeply into the machete wielding one's back then jump forward and slice off the head of the one wielding the pitchfork.

Cassandra: Not that I'm pleased to see a weapon I'm finally familiar with, but it does raise the question on what you can't use as a weapon.

You clean the blood off your short sword then sheathe it back into the giant great sword shaped holster.

(Y/n): Harsh language so bad it scares the enemy?

You answer.

Cassandra: Was that sarcasm?

She questions as you turn your head to look at her.

(Y/n): No. More of a question as I have never tried it before.

You simply answer back. Varric laughs at this as he places Bianca on his back.

Varric: I would pay good money to see that.

He says in an amused tone as you go to the soldier and put your hands out reassuringly.

(Y/n): It's okay, I just want to see your wound.

You say causing the soldier to ease up and relax as you crouch and look at the bullet wound on her leg.

Redcliffe Guard: A-Are you all apart of the inquisition?

Cassandra sheathes her sword and places her shield on her back.

Cassandra: We are. Are you one of the Redcliffe guards?

Cassandra questions. The guard nods and winces a little at your touch.

Redcliffe guard: I of the last of a few I'm afraid.

Vivienne: Last of a few? What does that mean my dear?

Redcliffe guard: We just lost a lot of people due to these...unknown foreigners.

The guard looks at you and notices your repeating pistol.

Redcliffe guard: Do you know who these foreigners are...? They have no banner and use the same kinds of weapons like the one you have on your hip there.

You look up from the guard's wound and at their face.

(Y/n): They're dangerous, that's all you need to know. You should also count yourself lucky that the projectile that hit you went straight through.

You say in a reassuring tone as you stand. Vivienne comes over and begins to heal the guard's leg.

Redcliffe guard: What was it that hit me...? It had the speed of an arrow but burned like fire when it struck me.

You wave off the question by asking another question.

(Y/n): Not important, can you tell me where these men and rabid dogs came from?

The guard stands up slowly after Vivienne finishes her healing and looks at you.

Redcliffe guard: I'm...not sure....they seem to have an interest in the rift, in front of the gate just further up. Even going to lengths to kill the demons that exit them.

This news...slightly alarmed you. Why would Huntsman be interested in the rifts.

Cassandra: We should get to this rift and see for ourselves. Just further up, you said?

The guard nods in response to her question. All five of you head up the road and look at the gate to see that there is indeed a rift in front of it. You see one huntsman left who is fighting the demons exiting the rift. You notice that he's slightly faster than the others. Not because he might be more experienced, but because he's firing his pistol then reloading with quick precision and speed. Not to mention that the demons that come close can barely touch him as he waves his machete around quickly.

(Y/n): Well...good news is he's taking care of the demons.

You point out as you start loading your repeating pistol. As you do this, the last demon falls and the rift bursts with energy, signalling that it needs to be closed.

Cassandra: Yes, but who will take care of hi-

A loud bang is heard as the huntsman goes flying back and lays in the floor motionless as blood seeps from the hole in his head. Cassandra looks at you as Varric sighs and puts his arrow back in its quiver.

Varric: Beat me by a second.

You start to approach the rift and hold your hand up to it. A green beam connects the energy from your hand and the rift as it starts to break away. As you do this you see a black arm reach out of the rift. Not wanting to chance something else coming through, you close the rift as it explodes and closes permanently. The black arm falls to the ground motionless. You walk towards the arm to see each of its fingers tipped with a talon.

Vivienne walks towards the area the huntsman stood his ground and kneels down to scan the ground. She traces her hands along the ground before picking up some dirt and rubbing it between her thumb and index finger. Doing so causes small yellow sparks to light up.

Vivienne: None of my reports indicated temporal distortions near these rifts. Interesting.

She says. Varric lets out a frustrated sigh and shakes his head as he fixes his gloves.

Varric: Just when you think things can't get any weirder.

The gates open and the group walks through the gates. They are greeted by an Inquisition scout.

Scout: We've spread word that the Inquisition was coming, but you should know no one here was expecting us.

Cassandra: No one? Not even Grand Enchanter Fiona?

Cassandra questions.

Scout: If she was, she hasn't told anyone. We've arranged use of the tavern for the negotiations.

The scout finishes her report and stands aside. Cassandra looks at you to see you staring at the ground still. She approaches and puts her hand on your shoulder which causes you to snap out of your trance.

Cassandra: Is everything okay?

You look at the arm.

(Y/n): Yeah...just looking at this arm that's all...

Cassandra looks at the ground but sees nothing but dirt and leafs.

Cassandra: I don't see anything....We should go see Grand Enchanter Fiona at once.

You look away from the arm to nod at Cassandra. She gets a head start as you look at the arm one last time before going with her and the others.

(Y/n): That's what I was afraid of...

Redcliffe village~

Entering the village, you pass a few mages praying as a preacher begins relaying her wisdom to them. Made you kind of nostalgic, in a bad way. Suddenly, an elf approaches.

???: Agents of the Inquisition, my apologies!Magister Alexius is in charge now, but hasn't yet arrived. He's expected shortly. You can speak with the former grand enchanter in the meantime.

She says as she then takes her leave.

You raise a brow at this and look at Vivienne and Cassandra.

(Y/n): Former...?

You questioned the sudden change in Fiona's title.

Vivienne: We must speak with Fiona at once.

Vivienne says with concern laced in her tone.
The party enters the Gull & Lantern. Fiona is there to greet them as they enter.

Fiona: Welcome, agents of the Inquisition.

Fiona then turns to Vivienne and greets her formally.

Fiona: First Enchanter Vivienne.

Vivienne: My dear Fiona. It's been so long since we last spoke. You look dreadful! Are you sleeping well?

Vivienne questions noticing the dark circles becoming known under Fiona's eyes. Fiona waves off the question and turns to you.

Fiona: What has brought you to Redcliffe?

You're taken back by her question and share a glance with Varric who shrugs in response.

(Y/n): You...called us here. In Val Royeaux....?

You explain. Fiona's expression turns from certainty to uncertainty.

Fiona: You must be mistaken. I haven't been to Val Royeaux since before the Conclave.

She explains.

Everyone shares a confused look, including yourself. You turn to Vivienne.

(Y/n): I'm not all too familiar with magic...Is there a way we somehow saw a fake Fiona?

Vivienne: Not that I know of. However, I know Fiona, she wouldn't trick us and force us to come all this way.

You then turn to Fiona

(Y/n): Okay. Then who did we meet...?

Fiona looks down as she tries to think. However nothing comes to mind as she brings her hand to her head.

Fiona: I... I don't know. Now that you say it, I feel strange...

Shaking the thought out of her head, she looks at you with a serious expression.

Fiona: Whoever... or whatever brought you here, the situation has changed. The free mages have already...pledged themselves to the service of the Tevinter Imperium.

You notice the concern spread across your allies' faces.

Vivienne: Fiona dear, your dementia is showing.

Vivienne says in a disapproving tone.

Cassandra: An alliance with Tevinter? Do you not fear all of Theda's turning against you?

Cassandra says letting her disbelief known to the former grand enchanter.

Varric: Andraste's ass... I'm trying to think of a single worse thing you could have done. And I've got nothing.

Varric says leaning against a wooden beam and shaking his head disapprovingly.

Fiona: As one indentured to a magister, I no longer have the authority to negotiate with you.

You sigh and cross your arms.

(Y/n): Can't say I'm not surprised that I'll be walking out empty handed...

You say. Fiona looks down sadly before speaking up again.

Fiona: You must understand. All hope of peace died with Justinia. This... bargain with Tevinter would not have been my first choice, but we had no choice. We are losing this war. I needed to save as many of my people as I could.

She pleads. Suddenly, the door to the tavern opens grabbing the attention of everyone. Two figures dressed in Tevinter garb approach from behind.

???: Welcome, my friends! I apologise for not greeting you earlier.

The man in the red robes says.The man stands in front of Fiona as she introduces him.

Fiona: Agents of the Inquisition, allow me to introduce Magister Gereon Alexius.

The man identified as Alexius bows.

Alexius: The southern mages are under my command. And you are the survivor, yes? The one from the fade? Interesting.

He says as he looks you up and down. Ignoring his odd glaring as he seemingly sizes you up, you decide to get straight to business. in case he too forgets about you as Fiona has.

(Y/n): We need mages to close the breach.

Alexius: Right to business! I understand, of course.

Alexius gestures for you to follow and takes a seat at a table, you join him. As you sit, you notice Fiona's look of distress.

Alexius: Felix, would you send for a scribe, please? Pardon my manners. My son Felix, friends.

Felix bows and leaves.

Alexius: I am not surprised you're here. Containing the Breach is not a feat that many could even attempt. There is no telling how many mages would be needed for such an endeavor. Ambitious, indeed.

You cross one leg over the other and shrug.

(Y/n): Time is a cruel, cruel thing. Haven't you noticed?

You say in a calm demeanour. Alexius appears taken back by your choice of words but swallows and clears his throat.

Alexius: Indeed. Now, there will have to be-

Suddenly, the door to the tavern opens again and Felix returns to the table, but appears unsteady.
Alexius and yourself rise and luckily enough for Felix, he stumbles and falls into you for support.

Alexius: Felix!

Alexius says alarmed by his son's current state.

Felix: My Lord, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.

You lift Felix up as Alexius walks up to his son with worry plastered on his face.

Alexius: Are you all right?

Alexius asks his ill son.

Felix: I'm fine, father.

Felix reassures Alexius. Alexius however looks at Felix with a sad expression and gestures for him to follow.

Alexius: Come, I'll get your powders. Please excuse me, friends. We will have to continue this another time.

You watch Felix and Alexius head for the taverns door.

Alexius: Fiona, I require your assistance back at the castle.

Felix follows after his father but stops and looks back at you from the corner of his eye.

Felix: I don't mean to trouble everyone.

He says before continuing on.

Alexius: I will send word to the Inquisition. We will conclude this business at a later date.

Alexius, Felix, and Fiona leave. In your right hand, you rub your fingers against your palm as you looks down at a note that Felix gave you when he stumbled.

(Y/n): "Come to the Chantry. You are in danger."

You read out loud once the magisters are out of hearing range.

Varric: Well, wasn't that a waste of time....

Varric mumbles to himself as Cassandra comes next to you and looks at the note.

Cassandra: A trap..?

You clench the note.

(Y/n): More like a warning.

You say dismissing her claims.

Cassandra: How can you be so sure?

She questions as you just smirk.

(Y/n): Call it intuition.

You reassure her as you pocket the note and head to the chantry in Redcliffe.

This book needed an update cause dragon age and bloodborne fans need at least one W this year. Bloodborne fans for not getting a pc port announcement and Dragon age fans for...Veilguard...

I played the game and immediately refunded it after finishing it and then seeing what it would be like on the hardest difficulty.

Put it this way. Changing the difficulty to the hardest makes your companions go from treating you like your watching Dora the Explorer to watching Go Diego Go.

Oh yeah, if it was a good game (which I was really hoping for) there would have been a sequel to this book
titled: Tarnished! Male reader x Dragon age: Veilguard.

Until next time :)

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