Lance took a deep breath and pushed the door open, the cold metal made contact with his hot, sweaty palm: making him shiver. He glanced at Keith, who was breathing quickly and turning slight purple, must be terrified. Lance thought to himself. Keith must've noticed him staring because he gave him a slight nod, with that the door swing open, reviling the rest of the gang eating space goo. They all turned and faced the boys.

"H-Hey guys," Keith was the first to break the silence. Fear shrank in as everyone just stared at him, then all of a sudden Pidge let out a cheer which nearly gave the rest of the team a heart attack.
"KEITHS BACK!" The rest of the team clapped.
"O-Ok, guys seriously, I don't need all the attention." The two teenage boys made their way over to table and started to eat the goo that was already prepared for them.

"So Keith, ummm...." Alura started, "from what Shiro told me, you're part galra?" She seemed to be unnerved to be sitting right next to Keith.
"Yeah," Keith looked anywhere but at her.
"But he's still the same Keith!" Lance suddenly felt very protective over Keith,
"Yeah, nothing's changed." Pidge backed him up.
"And he'll always be part of the team." Shiro added,
"Besides we couldn't form Voltron with out him." Hunk finished. By the end of it's Keith wanted to hug them all, "t-thanks guys." He looked at Alura to see her reaction.
"Keith, it's alright. I'll just need to get used to the fact that you are part galra, so forgive me if I seem of."
"It's understandable, thanks Alura.

After they finished eating, Hunk helped Coran to take the bowls into the kitchen. Shiro turned to look at Keith, he felt his stomach turn as he knew what was to come.
"So Keith, I think we deserve an explanation."
"Ummm.... Well-"
"Keith doesn't have to say anything he doesn't want to!" Lance stood up, why was he suddenly like this, yes he has a crush on Keith, he even confessed to Shiro and Pidge had obviously caught on. But Keith isn't he boyfriend! But even still he took Keith by the arm and marched him out of the food hall and into his room.

"Thanks Lance." Keith muttered as Lance shut the door behind him.
"No problem, I just couldn't watch them put all that pressure on you."
"Yeah, but it could've been worse."
"True, Allura could of kicked you out or worse."
"Um hum. Lance?"
"How come your being so nice to me?"
"Uh, because you're my friend." He tried to think of an explanation that didn't include him revealing his feelings towards Keith. He seemed satisfied with Lance's answer.

They stayed in Lance's room for the rest of the day. Lance filled Keith in on everything thats happened and Keith would tell Lance about his rebellions during his time at the Garason. Then they searched YouTube for hours, (Pidge got tired of not able to take her online lessons, so she invented a space WiFi for the gang.) They eventually found a song called Only Exception, and both fell in love with it.

By the time they realised how late it was, Keith was more or less falling asleep where he sat,
"Hey, it's pretty late, wanna crash here for the night?"
"Y-You wouldn't mind?"
"No, I wouldn't offer it if I did."
"Heh, ok then." He stared to stand up and move some pillows and a blanket on the floor.
"If you want, we can share the double bed?"
"Yeah, if that's ok."
"Sure, come on."
"I'll go get changed."
"Ok." Keith nodded and left through the sliding doors. Lance did a weird victory dance, before going to get changed. He took off his shirt and put on some pj shorts. 

Keith knocked on the door and heard a mumbled 'come in.' He opened the door to see Lance in just a pair of bed shorts, he felt his face heat up, Lance isn't gay, get over yourself. It was true, Keith had a huge crush on Lance. It pained him to see him flirt with every girl that comes along. But, he couldn't say anything without sounding suspicious.
"Hey, Keith. Nice shirt." Lance commented, he looked down and saw that he had put his red shirt inside out.
"I'll have to take it off to change it."
"That's fine, it's just us, and look." Lance motioned to his chest. "Why don't you sleep without a shirt? It's really warm tonight. You'll boil in a shirt and tracksuit bottoms." Keith really didn't want to take his shirt of, that would reveal his childhood scars. But he didn't have a good reason not to so he pulled it of.

Lance could tell that Keith was self conscious, but he couldn't tell why. Sure, Keith had scars: a lot of them. But he didn't look horrible or out of place like most scars do. It was just another imperfection that Lance loves. Keith kept attempting and failing to subtly cover them.
"We ugh, we should probably get to bed." The red boy stammered.

The both lay in the bed next to each other. Keith soon heard heavy breathing and assumed that he was asleep.
"God, after everything I've been through, now I'm in love with a straight boy, ugh, I can't do anything right!" He voiced his thoughts. Then another voice chipped in.

"You love me?"

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