31| Most Dangerous Mission

"It's gotten colder," Yuu stated as he and his friends are riding in a vehicle to head in their destinations.

The lilac girl chimed in. "I like the crisp, bracing air of cold days."

However, there was one girl who wasn't liking the ride one bit. She covered her mouth to resist her vomiting with her gloved hand.

"H-Hang in there, Shiro!" the blonde tied in twin tails panicked.

The brunette also panicked, "d-don't you have any medicines with you?"

Shiro shook her head while holding her vomit in, tears casted upon the corners of her eyes as she was almost in her limit of taking in.

"Drive faster, Kimizuki-san!" Shinoa stated as the pink haired girl rolled his eyes and huffed.

"Then tell me where we're heading to already, Shinoa." he said while holding the wheel. "it's tiring to drive with your ambiguous navigation."

"Whoops," she giggled while flipping her lilac hair. "well, if we keep going, we'll get to Hakone."

Then she snapped her head to the albino haired girl, "so until then, hold it down. Shiro-chan~"

"I-I'll try...my best." Shiro muffled through her gloves as Mitsuba massaged her back.

"Kimizuki, head to the Ebina Rest Stop." she calmly stated while glancing at Shiro.

"Ebina? Where is that?" Yuu asked.

"I'd rather go to Hakone though." Yoichi chimed in his suggestion.

"Same here, but we can't do that. We must go to Nagoya." Shinoa sighed.

Yuu looked towards the road with a nonchalant expression. "Nagoya, huh? I wonder if Mika'll be there..."

"I-I can't hold it...anymore!" Shiro cried as the passengers at the back panicked.

"Kimizuki-san, stop the car!" because of Shinoa's uproar, the pink haired boy stopped the gears.

Once they stopped, Shiro quickly ran away to puke as rainbows began spluttering everywhere.

After her crucial vomiting, she walked back to her friends, completely haggard. "I'm so not riding any moving vehicles anymore!"

"Then how are you going to get to Nagoya anyways?" Yuu smirked causing for Shiro to freeze.

"I'll run!"

"How about crossing an ocean?" Yuu asked again, teasing the girl.

"I'll swim!"

Then he flicked her forehead as she winced in the pain, "i-it hurts!"

He leaned towards her as both of their noses touched each other, causing for Shiro to slightly blushed.

"Stupid. You can't reach far places without using any rides." he said.

"He's right, Shiro-chan." Shinoa chimed in. "It's more faster to cover a distance with a vehicle."

"Whaat? No fair..." she pouted as Kimizuki beeped the car as they turned around to see him inside.

"Sorry to ruin your moment, but we're going now." he said as everyone climbed up the vehicle once again.

Suddenly, four horsemen of john came out of nowhere as it started surrounding the team in car.

"Shit, they've spotted us." Kimizuki cussed as he started the engine.

"Hit the break, Kimizuki!" Yuu yelled as he panicked. "I know that."

He started driving once again with great speed, then Mitsuba stood up as she pulled her cursed gear.

"Let's do this," she went to her stance and then swung the powerful axe.

"Come, Tenjiryu!" she yelled as blue lit flames came out of her axe and attacked the monsters after them.

Then the others began attacking as well while Kimizuki was still driving, during the outbreak of the short battle, for countless of reasons. They left Yuu behind on his own.

>>Time Skip>>

"We're late for sure," Yuu whined as he sat in the front seat.

"W-Will we be in trouble?" the brunette baffled, a little bit scared.

"If we are, I'm gonna sell Shinoa and Mitsuba out." the pink haired guy said.

"How dare you sell out your own comrades!" the blonde argued.

"Comrades my ass—you tried to leave me behind!" Yuu yelled.

"We picked you up, didn't we~?" the lilac coloured girl laughed.

"D-Don't be so angry, Yuu!" Shiro stated, trying to calm him down.

"How could I not be angry?!" then everyone laughed causing more fuel to the fire of Yuu's anger.


The six of them arrived late during the announcement of orders, they tip-toed their way through the crowds. Until the Lieutenant spotted them.

"Hold up there, you guys." they flinched from the tone of the speaker.

"You're late. Who do you think you are?" the lieutenant colonel, Ichinose Guren, asked the six late-comers.

The lilac haired girl turned to him, nervously. "well, Lieutenant Colonel, I actually realised that we're CEO level—"

"Shut up, kid!" Guren yelled making her stop in tracks, surprised from his sudden out-burst. "what...?"

"This mission isn't a game! Leave if you can't follow the army's rules!"

Then people started whispering about the snotty-kids that they thought were having all the fun, then Yuu waltzed up towards the crowd as he defended his own comrades,

"I apologise, Lieutenant Colonel. This is my fault..." he stated as he reached nearby the crowd. "we were late because I took it on myself to fight four horsemen of johns."

"Then are you going to leave?" Guren asked after hearing his reasons.

"No sir, please let me go! I'd like to take part in killing the vampires." he yelled as the lieutenant seems to changed his mind.

"Then line up, but you'll be punished later." he stated his conditions making Shinoa distressed.

"No way..." she whispered, regretting her previous foolish actions.

"Hey guys, listen up. During this mission, I won't tolerate anyone who breaks the army's rules. I also won't tolerate those fooling around."

"This mission will probably be the most dangerous of all, many will die. Everyone here is family, that means we'll lose many of our family members."

"But even then, the completion of this mission is worth it! Listen well, our goal isn't to come back alive, but to come back with victory! Got it?!"

Then everyone replied with pure determination in killing off vampires with vengeance and blood.


Yuu and the others waited for Guren's punishment outside, the meeting was over as everyone was chilling out. Shinoa walked towards the raven haired boy as he turned around to meet her depressed face.

Looking down, she apologised. "Um, I'm sorry. It was my fault."

He placed his hand on his hips, then he replied. "what? Don't sweat the small stuff...we're family, right?"

"B-But still, I—" she looked down as Yuu sighed, then he patted her head.

"It's fine, you helped Shiro earlier while I can't, right? That idiot can't control her sickness when riding any vehicles, so it's alright." he said.

'Yuu-san really cares for Shiro-chan so deeply, doesn't he...?' she thought.

"Special Private Hyakuya Yuichiro. Come." one of Guren's teammates called him.

"Okay, time for me to get an earful."

"Um, I should go tell the truth..."

"No, I fooled around a little too much, too. I'll go with you." Mitsuba stated as she walked towards them.

"Then this is a collective responsibility. I'll go, too." Kimizuki interjected as well.

"M-Me too!" Yoichi added.

Then someone clasped their hands once as the turned around and saw Shiro smiling, "well then, why don't all of us go together?"

"Nah, it's fine." Yuu stated, objecting her brilliant offer. "I'm used to getting scolded." he grinned.

He walked with Shigure as they entered the abandoned area, but before he could clearly come in, Shiro grabbed his wrist making him halt.

"I'm coming with you," she stated as Yuu flashed her his toothy grin.

"It's alright, I can go alone." he stated as her grip on his wrist loosened, then she grabbed her hand making him blush slightly.

"B-But, Yuu..." he smiled one last time as she finally lets go of him.

"This is Guren-san's punishment..."

To be Continued...

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