Scardead meet Undead

「It's Not My Fault」
〈I Won't Do It Again, Forgive Me〉
In the middle of an almost nearly clear highway bridge, with hardly any cars nearby, two certain individuals could be seen riding through the road bridge on a motorcycle. The one actually doing the driving was a man at his prime, in terms of looks, health and strong body, simple tattoos and markings, scars around his chest and over one of his blue eyes, he wore only pants and has a sword called “Kurikara” stabbed into his back, his names was Andy. As for the one sitting on the passenger seat of the motorcycle, she was a young girl, around 18 years more or less, with black blue hair, red brown eyes, and wore clothes meant to cover her entire body, like a jacket, pants, gloves, and even a red cap, with the words “Good Luck” on the side, plus body armor and helmet for extra protection, her name is Fuuko Izumo.

“Do you have any plans on where to go?”
Both Fuuko and her Undead were simply hitting the road, though she didn't know where specifically they were going, which is why she asked her friend about it.,

“Nope, since we're being hunted, going anywhere specific would be pointless because they would find us sooner or later.”
Though Andy's answer didn't really fill Izumo with confidence or excitement, something completely opposite on how he generally felt.

“So I guess that means we'll forever be on the run, huh?”
Fuuko could only sigh in defeat and disappointment on the matter, though in the end she couldn't do anything about it and just simply accepted her situation.

Andy laughed and was definitely ready for the wild adventures they were about to go on, no doubt it will be filled with danger and death, something he very much hoped for.

‘I don't know why I thought he had a real plan…’
Fuuko gave up with her desire for something more hopeful and just relaxed in her seat, though before she could feel like giving up on life, she looked up ahead and noticed a certain something, or specifically someone, standing in the center of the road.

“Huh? Why is that lady standing in the middle of the road-”
But before Fuuko could question it, the motorcycle that both her and her partner were on suddenly broke and shattered apart, forcing the Negator to rescue her and use his own body to cushion the fall without letting her get hurt, though at the cost of his own body and injuries, luckily it won't last long.

“〈Bout time you showed up, I've been waiting here for hours, trying to be cool and make a flashy entrance〉”
As the Undead were trying to heal up, and the Unluck trying to recover from the fall, the person who stood at the center of the road walked up to the two, and revealed herself to be none other than Shibuki Shibushi.

“〈I was even starting to get a sunburn from being in the sun to long〉”
And Shibuki wasted no time speaking nonsense that confused the two Negators in front of her.

“Is she part of the group from last time?”
Fuuko leans towards the Immortal Man, and whispers a question of whether or not he knew her or if she was a part of the group that attacked them.

“No, she's completely unrelated to them, she's not even wearing the signature emblem like the others.”
Andy, while wearing his signature carefree smile, did tense up a bit and cautiously reached for his unbreakable sword.

“U-Um excuse me miss-”

“〈My name is Shibuki Shibushi〉”
Fuuko, after getting the name of Shibuki, decided to ask her questions, in the hopes of knowing who she was and what she wanted.

“O-Oh, um, Shibuki-Chan, can you tell me why you're here?”
And once Fuuko finally asked her questions, Shibushi took a moment to think about the questions and let out a thoughtful hum.

“〈Should I tell you? Hmmmmm~〉”
Though before Shibuki could consider answering “Little Miss Fortune”, she was quickly cut off and interrupted by the Undead appearing before her with a burst of blood and quick speed, as he used the Kurikara blade to swing at her, which she was able to block with a metal bat she pulled out of her bag.

“〈Hey! I was about to tell you that Boss wanted the Unlucky Minus for himself!〉”
Shibuki then kicked the Immortal Man in the chest, with enough strength to send her flying back to his female friend, who didn't hesitate helping him up.

“〈But now I don't feel like telling you anymore, hmph!〉”
Shibuki puffs her cheeks and pouts, no doubt not entirely happy for being interrupted, and now refuses to answer any more questions from the Karma Girl.

“But, you already told us?...”

“〈Oh… Well, since I totally told you my master plan on purpose, can you hand over the Unlucky Minus please? I promise to only leave you mostly dead~〉”
Though once Fuuko pointed out how Shibuki already revealed everything to her, she refused to admit she made a slip up and pretended everything was intentional.

“Sorry, but I'm not letting anyone take this person.”
But despite this, even with the threat of near death, Andy refused the offer, standing in front of Izumo protectively and readying his sword again defensively.

“Not until we do it and she gives me the worst luck possible!~”

Though Andy was ready to attack the threat, while taking care of Fuuko, even if she didn't agree with the reason why. Which made the Delinquent Minus let out an amusing chuckle.

“〈That's to bad, for you I mean〉”
The simple mischievous smile that Shibuki had on her face suddenly turned into something much more wild and full of desire for pure violence.

“〈Because now I can really let loose and have fun with making you bleed!~〉”
Shibuki then charged at the Undead and swings her metal bat at him, which he was able to block with his unbreakable sword, and with this, the fight between Delinquent Minus and the Immortal Man has finally began, out of the two, it was clear that one of two had the advantage in most areas of the scuffle, while Shibushi had the speed and strength to keep up with her opponent, not to mention her unpredictable and very violent way of fighting definitively left more than a few painful hits of her bat, it was Andy who was more in control of the battle, he had more experience and training in terms of fighting, plus with him being unable to die, he was both able to take whatever hit he was given and give back something equally as devastating in terms of attacks, for example, after having a moment of equal dueling, clashing blades with a bat, Mr. Unkillable purposely let himself get hit by his opponent next attack, resulting in having his entire neck be snapped and spinned around, but this left an opening that he needed, quickly he sheathed the Kurikara blade in his arm before using his own blood to push the sword out with enough force and speed to cut his enemy's bat in half, leaving nothing but a useless handle.

“〈Huh, I guess a sword is better than a bat〉”
Shibuki tilted her head and let out a thoughtful hum when she held up and noticed how her own weapon had become completely useless to her.

“Now I got ya!~”
Though as the Delinquent Minus was distracted with her broken weapon, Andy took advantage of this moment of distraction, aiming and thrusting his sword at her, with the full intention of killing her here and now, without hesitation, he was very close in doing it.

But before the Kurikara blade could even touch Shibuki, in an instant, the entire body of the Undead suddenly burst almost instantly, as the entire area that both her and Unluck were was caught in the short reign of blood.

Fuuko was beyond shocked to see what just happened to the Immortal Man, who slowly reformed and healed up after a moment of receiving such an unexpected surprise attack.

“〈Ah, now I get your Undead title〉”
Shibuki though, didn't look too impressed by the level of regeneration she had witnessed, already reaching into her bag and getting ready to continue the fight after pulling up the next weapon to use.

‘Pain? I thought I learned to ignore it?’
Andy couldn't help but look at her completely nude body with a very shocked and confused expression, not only from what just happened to him, but how, “Painful”, it was, though he wasn't really given a chance to properly process all this, before suddenly getting interrupted by getting smacked in the face with a long pair of chains, before suddenly exploding in blood again.

“〈I guess you could consider me your worst matchup, Mr. Undead~〉”
Shibuki then swings her chain and hit Mr. Unkillable again once he finished regenerating, just to make him explode once again.

“〈Not because I can kill you, no〉”
Shibuki wasn't giving Undead any chance to do anything.

“〈Because with someone like you, a Immortal who did everything, who experience everything, who became everything〉”
Everytime that the Immortal Man would finish reforming a new body, Shibuki would not hesitate in making him burst in a shower of blood.

“〈And who suffered through everything…〉”
Not to mention getting smacked by Shibuki chains weren't helping with Mr. Unkillable to have a moment to think about to do anything before exploding.

“〈Well, let's just say that my “Scardead” will have a lot of fun with your very old body~〉”
It was an endless loop of dying, reviving, dying, reviving, dying, reviving, so on and so forth, and it seemed that Shibuki didn't plan on stopping this type of stalemate anytime soon, judging by her sadistic smug expression.

Clearly it was truly a horrible sight to behold, and Fuuko wanted to end such a painful fate for her Negator friend.

But Andy was quickly able to stop Misfortune, which made her flinch when he yelled at her and quickly took a step back when he bursted again.

“This lady's powers, it can reopen any injuries, no matter how much time has passed when you got them.”
Andy, after being given a chance to recover again before exploding, seemed to have completely grasped the understanding of how Scardead abilities work.

“And I don't want to risk what she might open up on your Unlucky body.”
And because Andy understood the fundamental functions of Shibushi abilities, he did not want to risk Izumo getting caught up in its attack range, though she couldn't help but blush when he mentioned “Protecting Her Unlucky Body”.

“〈My my, how noble of you, wanting to protect your Girlfriend like that, very heroic indeed~〉”
Unluck blushed even more brightly in embarrassment when Shibuki mentioned and teased her about being the Undead Girlfriend.

“〈If she wasn't important to my Boss, I would've killed her now, just to hurt you more than what I am already doing~〉”
Though embarrassment quickly turns into fear and disturbed when Shibuki bluntly admits the desire to make everyone fear, despair and death.

A feeling that turned more dark and unsettling when Fuuko noticed that Scardead mentioned that she had a Boss, it made her worry on who could be in charge of such a dangerous woman.

“〈But for now, I'll just settle with breaking you over and over and over again, at least until I get bored〉”
But Shibuki wasn't gonna explain anything, and just got ready to continue the wild violence.

“Crimson Bullet!”
But the Delinquent Minus talking and mocking gave Andy enough time to both recover and a chance to attack, quickly biting his finger before shooting it out with his blood, firing it with the same speed as a bullet coming out of a gun.

“〈Now then, what should I reopen next?~〉”
Though Shibuki just simply made the finger bullet burst and turned into nothing but useless bloody bits, doing nothing but staining her already blood-covered body.

“〈OH! I know!~〉”
And unfortunately for the Immortal Man, it would be the last time he made an effort to attack Shibuki, before she suddenly got up to his face and grabbed it roughly.

“〈How about any forgotten trauma and horrible memories?~〉”
Mr. Unkillable went eyes wide, as Shibuki forced his brain to unlock and unleashed all of his suppressed memories and traumatic past throughout his immortal life all at once, such overwhelming information he was forced to remember was enough to make his nose, eyes and ears to bleed because of his brain bursting several time from the overloading memories.

“Hey! Leave Him Alone!”
Seeing the Undead suffer such unique agony, Fuuko couldn't stand back and keep watching anymore, so despite what she was just told and warned about, she started running towards Shibushi, removing her gloves and was prepared to use her bad luck ability on the person hurting her Negator friend.

“〈I will experience your Unlucky Minus later once I'm done with playing with your Boyfriend, ok?~〉”
Sadly, Misfortune was immediately stopped when Shibuki chain’s were thrown and wrapped around her, now all tied up and unable to move.

“〈Hey, enjoying your fresh traum- Why is your hair long and black?〉”
But before Shibuki could continue to mock and hurt both Undead and Unluck, she was suddenly punched hard in the face with enough force to not only break her nose and front teeths, but also be sent flying into a nearby car, no doubt breaking her back as well.

“I guess I should thank you for bringing me back, being stuck in the subconscious of this fool was definitely annoying.”
This not only shocked Scardead, but surprised Izumo as well as, “Andy?”, suddenly stood back to his feet, and looked way more different than before, his muscles looking more bigger and thicker, he had more scars over his body, hair was long and black, and his face, the one that's usual filled with something carefree and cheerful was replaced with something more negative and serious, seeing such a expression, and knowing that he looked more dangerous than before, the Delinquent Minus did not hesitate to deal with him now and used her ability on him, unfortunately for her though, unlike before, instead of bursting in a shower of blood, any injuries that were reopened was instantly healed up just as fast.

Shibuki's horrifying realization was short-lived, as her thoughts were interrupted by being kicked by this “Andy?”, forcing her body to go through the car, breaking it half completely in the process, and crashed into a cement wall, cracking it but not breaking.

“But I can already feel myself going back becoming a forgotten memory again, so this is a temporary fix, how unfortunate.”
Shibushi, now knowing how dangerous her situation was, tried to crawl away and escape this “Andy?”, though was quickly stopped by him when he grabbed the back of her hair and pulled it up to himself roughly, making her whine and yelp in pain.

“Might as well make the most of it.”
“Andy?” continues to speak in his cold tone, and makes his intentions very clear to Scardead, before slamming her face into the road, cracking the ground in the process.

Fuuko, while she was happy to see “Andy?” finally take down the Delinquent Minus and stop her from doing anymore harm to him, they way he went about it, they way he dealing with the enemy, and the many bones breaking, skin ripping and blood splattering ways he dealt with her, it was to much for her to see and forced Misfortune to look away, unable to bare the brutal sight.

“I-I won't do it again, forgive me…”
And now, Shibuki was nothing more than a bloody and broken mess, almost unrecognizable and it was a miracle she was still alive and having enough strength to beg for her life.

“I know you won't.”
But “Andy?” didn't share any mercy or sympathy for Shibushi, he just continued to stare at her with the same cold expression he always had, as he then lifted up his leg and got ready to crush what remained of the broken girl.

“Since you will be dead.”

However, just as “Andy?” was about to put a end to Shibuki, and before Fuuko could do anything to stop him, a large screw suddenly came flying in out of nowhere and just stabbed into the Undead chest, who gasps in shock, no doubt wasn't expecting such a thing to happen to him, he tried to for the screw in his chest and attempted to pull it out, unfortunately for him though, not only was he unable to remove the screw, but all of his strength, was slowly going away, so much so that he could barely stay standing, falling to his hands and knees, could do nothing but watch his skin turn ghostly pale, hair returning back to its white color, and his eyes looking more dull and lifeless, such a sight was definitely surprising for most, specifically Izumo, who didn't know what was even happening, and would only be met with even more confusion very soon in her new life.

“「Good job Shibuki-Chan, you found the Unlucky Minus, now we can go to Karaoke early today~」”
I like to think Kumagawa would see Fuuko and Andy as fellow Minuses, what do you think?~
(I wonder if i should make Ajimu Najimi be the older brother to God or something like that)

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