
I've been in a lot of fights and I've faced a lot of enemies but nothing has ever come close to this.

It's unfortunate.

He's good at fighting. Probably better than me. There's something relentless about Kieran, almost obsessive in how he tries to drive me back.

We're on opposite sides but I'm sure in another life we could've fought together instead.

I slashed my spear down, aiming for his thigh.

He dodged effortlessly, almost as if he were dancing. He swung his blade, made of stone and ice, at my neck. It missed by inches but I could feel it as it cut through the air. I blocked, but the impact sent pain shooting up my arms.

I was already worn down.

I didn't know how much more of this I could take.

"What's the matter, Maya?" He leaned in. "Are you getting tired?"

This was supposed to be a quick fight. Kieran should be dead by now but here he is, yapping on and on about me like I'm his crush from grade school.

I can't wait to ram the tip of my spear into his throat.

Kieran smirked as he saw my eyes turn black. "You are prettier this way."

"Are you flirting or fighting?" I hissed.

"Why not both?"

"You talk too much," I say, twisting away from him.

"I'm just pointing out the obvious." He said, circling me like a vulture. "Face it. Maya. You're not strong enough. Never were, never have been. All you've done is fight people weaker than you and stupidly, you thought that was strength."

"I've faced much worse than you."

He jabbed his blade, aiming for my heart.

I felt myself get pushed back. I grit my teeth and hold the hilt of my spear firmly in front of me, anticipating his next attack.

"Who?" Kieran mocked. "Your father?! That fool!"

I grin. "You forget that I was the one to kill him."

"He's nothing." He bared down on me with all his strength, the metal screeching in protest. "I'm stronger than you. I'm better than you. Give up."

He sounds just like Amid.

I push him off, stumbling back.

Blood oozes from my arm from where the wolf raked its claws against my flesh. Slowly my skin knits itself back together, my healing factor kicking in sluggishly slow.

I gritted my teeth, forcing myself to move faster.

I had to buy time.

"You know nothing about me!" I yell at him.

"I know enough," he says. "Do you ever think about how loneliness haunts your very steps, how it seeps into your life like kerosine, how you ache without it?"

I dodge his next attack. "Loneliness can't kill you."

"Are you sure about that?"

I struck high, low, feinted left—he caught my wrist, twisting hard. I tried anything and everything. I hissed like a snake, coiling away. My fingers slackened, but I willed the blood from my wound to form a dagger in my palm and slashed upward.

He jerked back, a thin cut marring his cheek.

Kieran looked stunned that I had managed that.

I was surprised too.

I felt a dark satisfaction as he raised his finger to touch the blood. He looked at the crimson liquid on his fingers and laughed bone-chillingly. "You certainly stubborn. I'll give you that."

"One of my more charming traits, I assure you." I reel my fist back and punch him in the face.

Bone crunches underneath my fist.

Kieran hissed as he pulled away from me, clutching the side of his face.

"You bitch!" He growled.

I raise my spear, smirking. "That's not very nice of you."

Kieran summons water from the snow around him. I watch as the thin clear streams converge together to form a wicked and sharp curved blade.

He raises it, pointing at me. His nose is still bleeding. "I've heard so much about you. You disappoint me, Maya."

I snort. "Get used to it."

So that's his power. Water manipulation.


If we weren't literally mortal enemies, I would try to find out how it works. The only other person I've seen with those powers was Loki but he rarely used it. He was always ashamed of his heritage.

Kieran takes a step forward and swings his sword. I raise my spear, my arms shaking as I parry his strike.

He's strong. Ridiculously strong.

I underestimated him.

I've just barely scratched the surface of my abilities and my lineage while this guy has complete control over his.

But I'm a fighter. I am strong enough to fight without my powers. It's always been my greatest strength.

Amid and Miriam loved torturing me. Their favourite pastime, forbidding me to use my powers and beating the shit out of me if I retaliated in any way. All abusers are the same, they think they're the biggest and the baddest. Challenge their idea of perfection and they rip your face old like a vicious leopard.

"Getting tired?" I ask as we circle each other.

He spits, giving me a bloody smile. "Oh, no. I'm enjoying this."

"I'm not."


We fight under the moonlight.

The snow around us, which was once pristine and white, is covered in blood. Both his and mine.

Something howls in the woods, an unearthly sound.


This guy had been wasting my time on purpose.

The kids are out there all alone and I'm certain one of the shadow wolves is still chasing them.

I have to find them. I have to—

He moved like a shadow. Before I could react, his blade split through my spear, breaking it into two pieces as he plunged his sword into my chest.

At first, I didn't feel anything even though I knew I'd been stabbed. I see his blade sink further into my chest like heated metal through silk.

I look up at him, hating the smug tug of his lips. I fight the urge to rake my fingernails across his handsome face, to let him feel an ounce of what I'm feeling.

"Oh, my poor little Maya." He purrs. "Hubris doesn't suit you."

No sound comes out of my throat.

The pain comes slowly. An annoying burn and eventually crushing pain. Cold, sharp, unbearable pain. I seized and gasped, blood bubbling in the back of my throat.

Kieran's face was close, his breath warm against my cheek. "It's a shame. I wish we could've had more time."

This fucking piece of shit!

I growl, feeling my throat burn. "Fuck...you..."

"So crude," he remarks, grabbing my hand as I try to scratch his face with my nails.

He pins my hand to my side.

Kieran regards me for a moment, turning my head side to side. I don't know what he's looking for but he won't find it. He uses his thumb to wipe a stream of blood that drips from the corner of my mouth.

His touch makes my skin crawl.

Something is unnatural about him. Kieran is a predator, sleek and vicious but he pretends to play human because it validates his ego.

"As expected from the spawn of the Goddess of Love and War, beautiful and deadly. A thorn with roses." His fingers brush the shell of my ear. "I can see why he fell for you. With eyes like this, any man would. It's a real shame."


He grabs me by the back of my neck and kisses me. It's a gentle peck but he might as well have driven the tip of his blade deeper into my chest.

I struggle to pull away but he tightens his grip on my neck painfully drawing blood as his nails sink into my skin.

It hurts worse. So much worse.

It feels so wrong.

I can taste my own blood on his lips.

He pulls away, rubbing my bottom lip with his thumb. Like I'm his lover or something twisted.

I wrench myself away from his grip, glaring at him as the curses on my tongue slurring as I feel blood seeping out of me.

I'm like a boat with too many holes, sinking faster than anyone can save it.

I'm a smart woman. I know when I've reached my limit. I just didn't expect it to be this soon.

"You'll see my Goddess soon enough," Kieran says softly, kissing my forehead. "Wait for me, Maya."

He wrenched the blade free.

I staggered, my knees hitting the snow as blood poured from my wound and started to soak the front of my shirt at an alarming rate. My heart felt like a trapped bird in a cage, helplessly flapping its wings.

My hands pressed against the wound, but my healing—why wasn't it working?

Was it him? Could he negate my powers?

I hear a whining sound and slowly I realize that it's me who's making that sound, like a wounded animal.

My vision blurred. My body refused to move.

The spear drops to the floor and dissolves into a puddle of blood that paints the snow a stark crimson red.

My fingers trembled, slick and red.

Oh, man. I've really done it now.

I'm so cold. It feels like ice is churning in my veins.

Memories surged like a dam bursting open.

I once read that when you die, the neurons in your brain start firing off, pulling random memories and replaying them.

Happy memories.

My mother's voice, which was was gentle and strong. My siblings laugh as we gather around the fireplace. The Avengers, spending time in the tower and getting up to shenanigans when we had no missions.
And Loki—his touch, his smile, the way he looked at me like I was something more than just a weapon.

'Life flashing before your eyes.' It's nothing more than torture.

I watch as Kieran disappears into the woods, the smoke of his cigarettes trailing behind him like a wedding veil.

"F-fuck," I gasp as I drag myself forward.

I can't let him find the kids. I can't! He'll kill them! I know he will!

It feels like I'm swimming through cement.

"Ishtar, please!" I beg but I get no answer. The universe is a cold and dark place with no hope and I'm just an ember dying out. "Ishtar, help them! I can't—"

My arm gives out underneath me and I know I've reached the end. I lay on my side, watching the mountains in the distance, standing over the valley tall and proud.

They're really beautiful. There were times I wished I could've seen them up close.

'There's light in the darkness, you just have to find it.'

'Show them what you're made of, Maya.'

'You are my legacy, little bird.'

'I can't stop the nightmares but I promise that when you wake up I'll be here.'

I can hear their voices. They're just memories, nothing more. I must be reaching the end.

I didn't want it to be like this.

I promised Annette. I'm sorry.

Everything blurs as I squeeze my eyes shut. I opened them again just as the heavens shook and split with a thunderous boom. A bright light pours out of the sky, lighting up the air with a golden glow.

The Bifrost.

I let out a laugh, blood dripping from my mouth.

They did it. They fucking did it. My siblings... they were safe.

Relief washed over me, but it was fleeting. My body was failing.

I can hear the sounds of footsteps as the snow starts to fall gently around me.

My neurons are firing off and I'm dying.

I forced my eyes open as The fog parted momentarily, revealing a familiar figure.

Dark hair. Green eyes filled with something I couldn't name. A staff that glowed blue with power. I'd recognize that silhouette anywhere.


I want to laugh but my throat hurts. I'm such a liar. I'm not over him at all. It's the complete opposite—I love him with all of my cold, blackened heart.

He's just as beautiful as the day I let him go.

(I can't believe I'm hallucinating this. Stupid, love-struck, sentimental brain.)

A weak smile tugged at my lips. "Oh, it's you."

"Maya," he breathes my name like it's the oxygen in his lungs. "I'm here now, darling."

He kneels and gathers me in his arms, the corners of her eyes prickling with tears. He looks devastated.

This is the most vivid hallucination I've ever had. I guess my delusion finally caught up to me. It's ironic.

It's a small mercy.

I smile through the pain and raise my trembling hand to cup his cheek. His skin is as cold as ice and his tears drip down his face, landing on me. My blood leaves little red imprints on his face.

"If this... is the last thing I see... then—"

His expression hardened, his eyes glowing green. "You're not dying." Loki brushed my hair out my face, muttering a spell under his breath. "Please, Maya. Don't ask a god to beg. I'll do anything. Please. Just keep your eyes open, darling."

I wanted to believe him.

But gods, I was so tired. I want to sleep. Can't I please just sleep?

Darkness was pulling me under, tempting me with a mercy I didn't deserve. I closed my eyes, hearing the sound of him screaming as I slipped away.

A/N - Sorry not Sorry? That's all I can say. Here's your daily dose of angst.
At least Loki and Maya finally met after so long.
Also, my friend InkAndArtistry on Tumblr drew this for me. I love her work so much.
There's a hidden detail if you look closely.

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