Five: In Which Alice Meets a Prince

Sleeping next to Xavier was a little like sleeping next to a statue.

It wasn't just the cold. It was also that his entire body seemed to be made of rock-hard muscle. Even the parts where a normal person should have had fat deposits of some kind were just... solid. It was a little unnatural, the polar opposite of everything that Alice knew about human and animal forms alike.

She thought for a moment that she should ask Ellie if this was an Other trait that went across the board. Ellie would at least know from her own experiences.

... And then she wondered if she'd ever see Ellie again.

Alice didn't sleep much that night, and not just because she was in an unfamiliar place sleeping next to someone who felt rather stiff. Xavier tried once more to entice her into sex after their return to their room, but Alice felt... almost a little nauseated thinking about it. She couldn't figure out exactly what was wrong or why she felt so uneasy around a man who was clearly affectionate towards her, but...

Stay alert, the bird had said. Alice didn't know the fae, but she knew animals. Birds didn't like to lie.

It might be best to do a little more investigating before she lost herself in married life... no matter how badly she wanted to embrace the idea of a royal marriage.

At least she wasn't entirely alone. Xavier was cold, but Missy's warm, furry little form stayed firmly tucked next to her all night. Possums were largely nocturnal creatures, but Missy hadn't moved, staying by Alice's side while she slept. It was possible that the little animal had decided to adjust her schedule to match a more human one, but she had yet to confirm it.

"Does that animal really need to accompany you everywhere?"

"Like I said, Missy goes where I go," Alice said, shrugging. The possum let out a huff of agreement from where she sat on Alice's bare shoulder.

She was wearing fae style clothing again, this time with shoes that matched. Instead of her old, short, leather boots, she wore knee-height, soft-soled shoes of smooth suede. They laced up her leg and fit like a glove, leaving her feeling like she was almost walking barefoot through the gardens.

Her dress was blue today, long and flowing, designed with a halter neckline and an open back that made her feel incredibly exposed. The fabric was beautiful and soft, and the sun was warm on her back, but she thought it might still take a while to get used to the looser style of fae clothing. As she walked through the gardens, Alice jumped every time leaves brushed the freckled skin of her upper arms, used to looking for poison ivy, spider webs, or other hanging hazards in the woods.

The place gardens could hardly be described as hazardous, though. Rather than familiar pine and birch trees, the walled space just outside the palace had a few large oaks and crepe myrtle trees, bushes growing six feet tall and laden with out of season flowers, and green ivy vines snaking up the outer walls, the coverage so thick that Alice couldn't see the stone at some places. There were even fruit-bearing plants dotted here and there, though Alice didn't recognize the fruits. They looked a little like mountain blackberries, but perhaps the magic around them has changed them.

It was a beautiful space, but... she couldn't help but notice that the few animals in sight seemed to veer away from them. Just when she'd catch sight of a bird or a squirrel, it seemed to look at her, look at Xavier, and immediately bolt in the opposite direction. A garden so laden with fruit and flowers would normally be an incredible attraction for animals. Instead, they seemed to be giving Alice and Xavier a wide berth.

"You are welcome to enjoy the gardens a little longer, if you'd like, but do not leave the walls," Xavier said as they rounded a corner taking them back towards the place. "I shall see you for our midday meal."

"Why can't I leave?" Alice asked, nose wrinkling. "And where are you goin'?"

"You know as well as I do that there are dangers in the woods. Between here and your home, plenty of Others, spirits, and creatures make their residence. Best to stay where it's safe," Xavier said, gently patting her head.

"Where you off to, though?" she pressed. "I could come with you."

"I assure you that it will be very boring business," Xavier said with a chuckle. "I will return soon, my treasure."


"Soon. Just enjoy your rest," he insisted, bending down to kiss her forehead.

And then he was off without giving Alice another chance to protest. If he was going to do political business, shouldn't she go with him? Even in the human world, queens went to political meetings, but maybe it was different for the fae?

Oh, well. At least she had a lush, entirely out of season and out of habitat garden to enjoy. Mountain flowers that bloomed in spring and ones that bloomed in late summer were right beside each other, and though it fascinated her to a degree, she missed the presence of chirping birds and rustling mice. The silence made her feel lonely.

Sighing, Alice plopped down on a patch of soft grass under one of the large oak trees. If she was stuck here for a while, she might as well find a shady place to sit and observe the garden. None of the animals had come back out from hiding, even now that Xavier was gone. There wasn't a bird or rabbit in sight, and that was highly disappointing.

There was a possum, though, and she looked around curiously from Alice's shoulder.

"Should'a asked if you were okay with me callin' ya Missy," Alice said, embarrassed. "Sorry 'bout that."

"I like it. I've never had a name in a human language before."

"What's your possum name?"

Missy made a noise that sounded something like a hiss, a scream, and a sneeze all together.

"Not sure I can pronounce that one too well," Alice said, smiling as she reached up to pet Missy.

"It's okay. Even some possums struggle with it."

"Where are all the other animals?" Alice asked as she gently ran her hands through Missy's fur.

"Oh, they'll come back in a few minutes. They'll make sure he's gone first, though."

Alice jumped at the sound of a voice in the garden. It was coming from the far side of the space, away from the palace doors, and it sounded... strangely familiar.

Turning towards the sound, she saw a tall figure languidly walking towards them, his posture relaxed and motions as fluid as water. He had crystal stag antlers, dark skin, and pale, pale eyes, and Alice had to look again to make sure of what she was seeing.

It was... Xavier?

"You..." Alice blinked, looking back towards the palace doors, in the direction the king had gone not long ago.

The man in front of her smiled softly.

There was no way Xavier could have gotten all the way to the other side of the gardens without her noticing. It was physically impossible, unless he'd somehow gained an ability to shadow travel that she hadn't been aware of before. Also, this man was... softer. She couldn't exactly put her finger on it, but his posture wasn't quite as stiff as usual, and the smile on his face crinkled the corners of his eyes in a way that she'd never quite seen it do for Xavier.

What was more, the animals that had seemed to clear the garden when Xavier walked through now peeked out from their hidey holes, sniffing and gradually approaching the tall man in front of her.

"You must be Lady Alice," he said with a slight bow. "I've heard a great deal about you."

"Are you... Xavier's twin...?" Alice asked slowly, squinting. They looked so alike it was uncanny.

The man in front of her shrugged.

"Most find it difficult to tell us apart," he said.

Alice tilted her head slightly as she looked the man up and down. Yes, they had the same glass-and-crystal antlers that seemed to catch the sunlight and hold it in shape. They had the same dark skin, the same eerie white irises, the same muscular build, but...

"It ain't all that hard," Alice murmured. "You're..." she trailed off, unsure how to articulate it.

He was softer. Where Xavier was all hard edges and cool calm, this man looked a little flustered, had a slight sheepish slump to his stance. He seemed more alive, more fluid, less like a statue than Xavier did. And, rather than scattering to their hidey holes, the animals slowly came out of their hiding places to sniff at him. Even Missy looked curious, shifting slightly around Alice's shoulders so she could get a better look.

A daring squirrel was the first to come close, tilting its head to sniff at him in a way that Alice had only ever seen animals act around herself. The squirrel calmed down, chittering at his feet, while a couple of raccoons came out from the trees to join him, moving slowly and looking a bit bleary-eyed. It investigated for a moment, seemed to deem him acceptable, and then moved back towards the shade, looking very much like it wanted to sleep after a night of activity.

"They like you better'n him," she mumbled, reaching out to pat one of the raccoons on the head as it settled in. The animal snuffed at her for a moment, then took a deep breath and yawned.

"Florian," he said softly. "I'm Florian."

The thought occurred to her that he must be a prince. If his brother was king, he was also royalty. However, every bit that his brother was cool and composed, calculating and distant, he seemed... something else.

"Nice to meet'cha," Alice said, giving a small wave. She trusted the animals, trusted their instincts even more than her own, and if they felt comfortable around Florian, she assumed it was safe enough for her to relax just a little.

"Where... are you from? I've never seen you here, and you look..." he trailed off, as though trying to figure out if it would be offensive to tell her.

"Human?" Alice offered.

"Indeed," he said, nodding. The sun caught his crystalline antlers as he did, and they flashed in the morning light.

"Other side'a the mountains," she said, but then frowned. "Why? You think I talk like I'm stupid, too?"

"Did someone say that?"

"Not... in so many words," she mumbled, unable to keep the bitterness out of her tone.

"It's like him to judge someone by an accent," Florian scoffed.

"'S'okay," Alice said with a shrug. "Ya get used to it." Missy crawled from her shoulder into her lap and turned over for belly rubs, chittering pleasantly.

"Well? Introduce me!" Missy insisted, nudging at Alice with her nose.

"This is Missy," Alice said, smiling. "She wanted to be introduced."

"It's very nice to meet you, Missy," Florian said with a small smile, holding out his hand so the possum could sniff it.

"He passes," she said, giving a hissing sound that did not seem like approval at all to anyone who didn't know possums. "He's pretty, too. Prettier than sour face back there, even if they have the same face."

"She says you pass," Alice said, laughing. She tried her best to ignore the rest of Missy's commentary, but it was a little difficult... especially when the possum was very, very right.

"You like animals, then?" Florian asked, walking a little closer. He took a seat beside her on the soft grass, letting Missy tentatively sniff at his fingertips. She didn't move to rub her head against his hand for pets, but she seemed to find nothing wrong with the smell, remaining calm and relaxed in Alice's lap.

"They're better'n a lotta people," Alice said with a smile. "Some people are okay, too, though."

"They are certainly worthy of respect," Florian said, nodding politely at the raccoon she'd previously petted. If Alice didn't know better, she could have sworn the raccoon bowed back. "They know this world well, and they live in harmony with it."

"Yeah," Alice agreed, smiling. "They're smart little boogers."

Florian gave a laugh that was half a snort. "That's one way of putting it for sure."

Alice glared, tensing and on the defensive. "You makin' fun of me?"

"Never," Florian insisted, shaking his head. "I find your speech refreshing."

"... I'm choosin' to believe you for now," she mumbled, still skeptical, and crossed her arms over her chest.

As she moved, the skin around the shallow cut on her forearm pulled painfully, and she winced. The wound didn't reopen, but it was enough to draw Florian's attention. Leaning in a little closer, he peered at Alice's arm, frowning.

"You're hurt?"

"Oh, it's okay. It's just from the weddin' yesterday. It'll heal soon," she fumbled, brushing him off. He was close enough that she could really get a good look at his face now, and... it was confusing how he could be so different from his twin. Even small changes in posture and expression made Alice's entire impression of him change.

And... she liked the impression. So far, at least.

"Why did you cut yourself for—" and then he paused, eyes going wide. "Xavier made you take blood vows?" he whispered, voice laced with abject horror.

"He... he didn't make me—" Alice stuttered, half defensive and half embarrassed.

"But he didn't tell you the truth of them."

"The truth?" she frowned, opening her mouth to ask for more information, but a call from across the garden

"My Lady? Are you here?" A feminine voice echoed through the gardens.

"Alice," Florian said slowly, "I know that you do not know me, and that you have no reason to trust me. Please, though, I'm begging you: do not consummate your marriage. Not under blood vows."

"Why?!" she hissed, reaching out for his hand, but Florian pulled away at the last second.

"Lady Alice?" the voice called again.

"I'm comin'!" she yelled back, turning towards the palace momentarily. She needed to get more information from Florian first, though—

But when Alice turned back to where he had been sitting, he was gone. It was almost like he'd disappeared entirely, if it wasn't for the crushed grass where he'd been sitting beside her.

An eerie chill ran down her spine, and Alice carefully traced her fingers across the cut from her wedding vows. Florian might not know everything. He might not be able to be trusted. Xavier loved her, he wanted her, he wouldn't do anything to hurt her...

Though, it couldn't be a bad idea to look for more information when she had the chance.

Xavier paced in circles around his bedroom, muttering to himself.

Three days, and she still wouldn't sleep with him.

Why, he wondered? This body wasn't unattractive by human standards. It was certainly attractive by fae standards, based on reactions of the other fae around him. Surely Alice found him lovely to look on.

Perhaps he needed to show her more attention? But he was a little afraid of stifling her. Humans didn't seem to like that, and Alice was just human enough to apply that logic.

He could try showering her with gifts, he supposed. That always seemed to work when he was trying to seduce someone in the past. Alice was... different, though. She was a bit of an enigma, and he wasn't certain that his usual strategies would work on her as they had worked on others.

Xavier knew, above all, that Alice wanted to be wanted. More than that, she wanted to be needed. However, he couldn't risk giving her too many responsibilities. It might compromise his hold on the Shadow Court, and that was the last thing he wanted.

The gaps in his memory were becoming more frequent. He was still able to maintain control, but there was more of a chance than ever that he might slip, and there was no telling what would happen if—

Xavier groaned in pain, raising his hand to his chest as it felt like a wave of fire burned through his blood. His natural affinity was for the cold and dark, which typically fit the Shadow Fae well, but some of them had magic that balanced shadows rather than controlled them. Light casters were uncommon among Shadow Fae, but not at all unheard of.

A pity he had to deal with this one. It was a particularly painful nuisance to have to shove away magic so different than his own. Not only did the moment steal his breath away when the pain came, it made it very obvious that something was wrong. The last thing that Xavier needed was for anyone to learn what he was struggling against.

Especially Alice.

"You get back in your place," he said through gritted teeth, mentally pushing away the overwhelming wave of fire and scorching sunlight.

The fire pressed back, but Xavier's magic crashed into it in a cold wave, smothering the flames and clouding the bright sun. He breathed slowly, carefully, waiting for the burning sensation in his chest to recede.

He wasn't sure how much longer he could hold his control. At this rate, it might be a couple of days at most before there was an incident. It would be best to cement the bond before then, and then he could finally be done with all this business, in full control of himself and his court.

The longer she was here, the longer Alice absorbed the magic of the Shadow Court. It was in her nature as a seventh of a seventh— she wouldn't have a conscious choice about it, not as oblivious to her power as she was. It would be necessary to keep her away from the other members of the court, after what happened with that meddling Willow girl, but it was a sacrifice worth making. Xavier would simply have to convince her that the only person she needed in her life was him.

He needed her, and desperately. The power she possessed was a lifeline, even if she seemed dense. No matter, though. Alice wanted someone to love her so badly that it should be a simple matter to get her to willingly come to his bed and complete the ceremony. He'd spent centuries perfecting the art of speech, the ins and outs of bargaining, the subtle ways of working his way into a person's heart and mind.

Alice wasn't even thirty years old, and the few interactions they'd had made it clear that she was desperate for attention, desperate to matter to someone. A little more wining and dining, and she would be putty in his hands. Xavier was sure of it.

This would be easy.

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