Chapter 16 - Class Trial I: Chihiro Fujisaki

Hello my wonderful weebs! As you can see, I am not dead. And I have some things to announce before we dive right into the first class trial.

1. So, the class trials in my story will be written a bit differently than the rest of this book. So, instead of writing like:

"Blah blah blah," Blair said.

It'll be like

Blair: Blah blah blah

(Oml this example is so dumb lol. I'm sorry I don't know what this writing style is called, so yeah)

I've seen other DR fanfics and read mystery novels that are like this, and I think it helps the reader focus more on what's being said and less on everything else, which is why I'm doing it.

2. Sight spoiler for this chapter, but what Blair discovered about Chihiro's gender will not be mentioned. So because of this, they will continue to refer to him as a girl. I'm sorry if this upsets anyone.

3. There will be some non-canon backstory from one of the characters in this chapter and that will probably be true for a few other characters in future chapters.

4. For executions that are not canon, I will be using fan made ones on YouTube. This is because I think if I try to make my own and describe it, it won't be as interesting as with visuals. NONE OF THEM WILL BE MINE AND BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS.

Also apparently I've been spelling Yasuhiro's name with an 'a' instead of a 'u'. this whole time. I'm dumb sometimes. 😅

Anyway, hope you enjoy!

There was a dry taste in my mouth as the elevator descended toward the basement with heavy clunks.

The fifteen of us stayed a respective distance away from each other as we were carried to what, for one or more of us... would be our death place.

I noticed most of the hostile glances shot were directed toward Leon, who stood at the back of the elevator with his hands stuffed in his pockets trying not to make eye contact. The only exception was Sayaka, who gave the boy looks that were less harsh and suspicious but more fretful, like a dainty deer who saw a wolf in the shadows.

Trying to play victim, I expect, I thought while barely suppressing an eye roll.

It wasn't that I hated Sayaka. It was just that I hated the way she tried brushing all this off like it was nothing. She tried murdering Leon, for Christ's sake! And she only cared about her career and reputation! I mean, I wouldn't want something like that getting out either, especially if I was a well-known idol like she was, but I would still take responsibility for it!

Also, Judging by the way Leon was so quick to blame Sayaka when we found him near Chihiro's corpse, it was pretty evident that Sayaka hadn't even checked in with Leon to see if he was okay or make things at least semi-right with him. That proved that she wasn't remorseful at all!

She was just running away from her issues!

But I guess that's what I'm doing with Kyoko... the thought came involuntarily, and it shocked me for a second.

Wait, why am I comparing that to what Sayaka did? Kyoko has nothing to do with this.

I sighed, opening the palm of my hand to stare at the slip of paper Chihiro left for me for the millionth time. I tried to remember if Chihiro had used these numbers in any code. But I don't know why I bothered, since I didn't pay much attention to the girl's hacking strategy. Not that I could understand it anyway.

Stuffing the slip back into my pocket along with my e-handbook, I decided I would worry about it later. Then, as if in sync with my thoughts, the doors of the elevator slid open ceremoniously, leaving us gaping in awe at the grand room we were met with.

It was huge, with its intricate walls that towered so high the ceiling just looked like a little circle, and it's checkered flooring that made the room look more interesting.

In the center of the room, however, were seventeen golden stands that formed a circle facing toward the middle. They all looked identical except for two of them that had pictures placed beside them. It was a bit unnerving when I realized they were pictures of Junko and Chihiro, both xed out in what looked like blood. But it couldn't be... could it?

But the most eye-catching thing was a huge chair of the same color facing toward us from the opposite side of the space. It was elevated by steps and towered over us and the stands. Like a throne.

And Monokuma was sitting in it.

"Noyhoho! You've finally arrived!" The bear made a weird sound of joy and greeted us. At least I think that was a greeting.

"What do you think!? It's like a Hollywood movie set, right?" Monokuma asked. "Doesn't it feel like a real courtroom?"

As much as I hated the idea of all this, I couldn't argue with him there. It did give off the feel of a real courtroom. But I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of letting him know that.

"Just get to the point already! You didn't send us down here to chat." I reminded him.

"Okay, okay, everyone find your assigned podiums!" Monokuma ordered.

Once we were all in our places, Monokuma spoke in a voice one would use when talking to a little kid. "Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes at the end of the trial will determine the results. If you can figure out "whodunnit," then only the Blackened, or the killer, will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong person, I'll punish everyone besides the Blackened. And the Blackened will get to graduate!"

"The killer really is one of us, right?" Makoto interjected.

"Of course!" Monokuma responded in that same condescending voice.

"Okay, then, everyone, close your eyes, and whoever did it, raise your hand." Taka commanded.

"If it was that easy, I don't think we would be here." I responded, putting my hands on my hips.

"Before we go ahead and start the trial, can I ask a question real quick?" Kyoko stated. "What's up with... those pictures?"

I looked over from the picture of Junko to the one of Chihiro. They were pretty unnecessary. And just downright creepy.

"I'd feel awful if they got left out just because they died! Friendship penetrates even death's barrier."

That's cheap coming from you. Your whole goal was to turn us against each other. I thought.

"Friendship...penetrates!?" I felt like slapping Hifumi at that moment for being such a creep. And I probably would have if I weren't on the opposite side of the circle.

"Okay, but what about that other empty seat? There were only sixteen of us to begin with, so why are there seventeen seats?" Celeste asked.

"Oh, no reason. It's just that our little courtroom here can technically fit up to seventeen people.

"Okay, that about does it for the preamble. Get ready to get started! First up is the case summary. Now, let the class trial begin!"


Information collected so far:

✓ Information in the Monokuma file (killed by a blow to the head, died at 6:30 a.m.)
✓ Leon with the golden sword.
✓ Scattered Books about Hacking
✓ Footprints leading to vent (16 by 7 in)
✓ Dried blood in the vents
✓ Multiple forks in the vent the killer went down
✓ One fork leads to the trash room.
✓ Bloody shoe lace in trash room



{ = action
( = thought


Class Trial I - Chihiro Fujisaki

Toko: {pointing an accusing finger at Leon} W-why are we even doing this!? It's obvious b-basketball boy's the killer!

Leon: What!? I already told you, I'm not! {muttering the last part} And I play baseball, not basketball!

Mondo: Don't even try! You were standing over Chihiro's body when we found you. You were even holding a sword!

Leon: B-but I already told you it was probably Sayaka! She tried to kill me last night! If you want to blame anyone, blame her! In fact, I bet she has some beef with me and is trying to set me up!

Sayaka: {looking genuinely scared} W-what?! I would never do anything of the sort!

Leon: Yeah, that's what you want everyone to think! But unfortunately for you, I have a witness! {looking expectantly at Blair} Come on Blair, tell 'em what happened last night!

Blair: ... (What should I do? I don't want to defend Leon if he really did kill Chihiro. Then I would be doing the opposite of what I'm aiming toward. But then again, the others need to know about what happened between Sayaka and Leon... I'll keep quiet and see what happens. Sorry, Leon.)

{The others cast either dirty or confused looks at Leon when I don't respond.}

Leon: {face going red in embarrassment} Fine, I see how it is.

Yasuhiro: See! He's lying! Just trying to cover for himself!

Makoto: Actually, I'm not so sure about that...

Yasuhiro: Huh?

Makoto: When we found Leon in the library, there was no blood on the sword. Did you notice that?

Yasuhiro: So? He just washed it off!

Makoto: But that wouldn't make sense. He killed Chihiro, cleaned off the blood, and came back to the crime scene? Why would he put himself in a situation like that instead of running away? Besides, Chihiro was killed at 6:30. When we found Leon in the library, it was around 8:00.

Blair: (He's right! I guess Leon might not be the killer after all.)

Information Unlocked: The Golden Sword 🗡️

Mondo: Well, if Leon's not the killer, then who is?

Kyoko: Well, first let's review what we already know. Information from the Monokuma file, for instance. We know that Chihiro was killed in the library...

Sakura: ...and it was a blow to the head that killed her...

Taka: ... and she died at 6:30 a.m. That's all the Monokuma file covers.

Kyoko: Let's store that information away for later. Now, let's discuss alibis.

Hina: Alibis?

Kyoko: {looking a little annoyed to have to explain herself} Yes. What we were all doing this morning. Besides the killer, we were probably all asleep during the murder. But maybe revealing what we were all doing this morning will help.

Hina: Okay... well I guess I'll start then. I was in the dining room with Sakura, Taka... and let's see... who else was there? I think it was... Celeste, Hifumi, Yasuhiro, Toko, and Byakuya. Then Sayaka, Makoto, and Blair came in late.

Sayaka: Me and Makoto were late because we were talking in the hallway before heading to the dining room.

Makoto: Yes. That's right.

{After a few minutes of silence, everyone looks at Leon in curiosity for his alibi.}

Leon: Well... for everyone to believe me I'll have to explain what I was doing last night too. That night I was searching around for a weapon to protect myself after Sayaka tried to kill me. I found the golden sword, and headed back to my room to get some sleep after that. When Monokuma's announcement woke me up, I felt safer and headed to put the golden sword back where I found it. That was when I saw something red from the library window. Out of curiosity, I entered and found Chihiro's body. That was why I screamed. It was because I was scared, not because I killed her!

Toko: That's a c-crappy e-excuse!

Leon: {glaring at Toko} Well it's true, okay!?

{Nobody looks convinced.}

Leon: C'mon! You gotta believe me! Why would I have screamed if I killed her?! Beside, t-there are plenty of other people here who are suspicious! What about Blair?! Or-or Kyoko?! Neither of them have alibis!

Blair: {pissed} (He was begging for me to defend him two minutes ago and now he's throwing me under the bus?)

Kyoko: I for one was looking around the place to see if I could find any more hidden secrets.

Leon: Well that's really cryptic...

Sayaka: She's telling the truth though. I saw her in the hallways.

Leon: Okay... W- well then what about Blair!? Where was she?

Blair: {confident at first} I'll have you know that I was... uh... I slept in.... {chuckles nervously}

Leon: You slept in!? Seriously!? No one believes that!

Byakuya: Actually, the poor thing did sleep in. That's why we all woke up to the sight of Monokuma chasing her with a ruler this morning. Any person with decent memory should remember that.

Blair: (Poor...thing?)

Information Unlocked: Alibis 🛡️

Kyoko: Well, that takes care of that. Now, let's move on to any information we might have uncovered while searching.

Makoto: Well, for one thing, I think I discovered the way the killer escaped from the scene.

Taka: The way they escaped?

Makoto: Yes. When I investigated the body, I found bloody footprints leading from the body to a vent. It was dried blood, so it was a little hard to see.

Hina: Oh yeah! I do remember seeing that!

Sakura: As do I.

Mondo: But how do ya know they escaped through the vent?

Makoto: I know since there was dried blood staining the floor and walls of the vent as well. Plus, it's a pretty certified way for them to escape without risking being caught, don't you think? Just ask Blair, she was the one who actually crawled through them.

Taka: You crawled through the vents!? That is a very dangerous thing to do, Hiriyama! You could have ended up with a broken bone! Or worse!

Blair: {Dismissively} You underestimate me. Anyway, yes, I did. And do you know what I found?

Hina: What did you find, Blair?

Blair: {reaches into her pocket and dramatically pulls out the bloody shoelace} This!

{Everyone stares in confusion.}

Byakuya: A bloody shoelace? What does that have to do with anything?

Blair: You see, when I got to end of the passage, I found myself in the trash room.

Sayaka: The trash room? And you're sure that's where they went?

Blair: Yes, I'm sure. I followed the blood all the way there.

Toko: Y-you're point being...?

Blair: My point is that the killer must have incinerated their shoes after the murder. It would make sense since there would be blood on them, which would be hard to wash out, so they were getting rid of the evidence. We can't investigate the shoes to see whose they were, but Kyoko measured the footprints. They were... 16 inches in length, and 7 in width.

Hina: That's great! Now we just have to measure all our shoes and see whose shoes are that size!

Kyoko: But the problem is that no one here has that shoe size.

Hina: Oh, that's... weird...

Mondo: So then the killer wore shoes that weren't their size? Where does that get us!?

Taka: I think I have an idea. {unnecessarily loud} You see, I was up early and was patrolling the hallways from 5:00 a.m. until breakfast!

Blair: (Of course he was. Wow, he sure is an overachiever.)

Kyoko: Did you notice anything suspicious, Ishimaru?

Taka: I told you to call me Taka. And yes, I did, actually. In the middle of my patrol, I heard a sound coming from the laundry room. When I went to investigate, I saw a tile on the ceiling had fallen off. But there was no one in the room when I got there.

Blair: I did notice the tiles were pretty unstable...

Makoto: Wait, Taka, you said this was in the laundry room, right?

Taka: Yes.

Makoto: That's strange... the laundry room is on the other side of the school.. Did Blair really crawl all that way?

Blair: Actually, there were a lot of forks in the vent. The killer probably went through one of those other passageways as well.

Kyoko: So the killer went through multiple forks to get to the library...

Taka: On this matter, I think there is something else I should address.

Kyoko: What is it?

Taka: During my investigation, I met Chihiro in the hallways.

Blair: Wait, you actually saw her?!

Taka: Yes. And I talked to her. I asked her where she was going, and she told me she was going to the library to try and hack the systems to see if she could find out anything that way.

Blair: (So that's why we saw books about hacking all over the floor...)

Taka: Naturally, I though this was a noble cause and allowed her to go! I also noticed she was carrying a hammer her with her for emergency purposes...

Blair: (That must be the hammer we saw near her body!)

Mondo: And ya didn't find anything weird about that?

Taka: Well, naturally in a situation like this, you would want something to protect yourself with-

Mondo: But ya didn't even think that she might try to kill someone with it?!

Taka: That's-

Mondo: Also, how do we know you didn't kill her?

Taka: What?! That's absurd! I-

Hina: But the killer went through the vents, didn't they? If Taka actually saw her, he could have just followed her to the library.

Mondo: Well what if... {grumbles} I guess your right...

Kyoko: Alright, that's enough. Now we know that Chihiro went to the library with her own free will, and she brought the hammer with her to the scene. Thank you Taka.

Taka: {saluting} Of course!

Information Unlocked: Taka's 5:00 a.m. Patrol 🕔

Celeste: {Twirling a strand of her hair with her finger} There's something else that's bothering me... If the killer really did go through the vents, Chihiro would have seen them come in where she was working at, would she not have?

Makoto: ...that's true! She was working only a few yards away from the vent enterance.

Leon: How do we even know Chihiro was sitting there? She could have been anywhere in that big-ass library!

Byakuya: We know because there were multiple books about hacking scattered around the desk.

Hifumi: So if she was sitting there, naturally she would have found the situation suspicious. I mean, any normal person would have screamed or something if they saw someone looking to kill them coming out of a vent.

Byakuya: {Looking his nose up at Hifumi} The walls are soundproof, remember? The only reason we heard the scream this morning was because the doors were open.

Hina: Wait... hold on... speaking of the vent and Chihiro's workspace... how did the killer know Chihiro was in the library in the first place...?

{No one answers for a while.}

Blair: (That's a good question. How would they know that Chihiro was there?)

Yasuhiro: Maybe they were awake and saw her going into the library?

Sakura: But Taka would have seen them if they were out.

Sayaka: Then... how did they know?

Kyoko: The most likely explanation would be they knew Chihiro would be there in the first place. And if I'm being honest... the person most likely to know that would be Blair.

{Everyone turns their suspicious glances over to Blair.}

Blair: {shocked to be called out} Wait, what!? (Kyoko?! Why would you say that? I know we don't know each other all that well, but do you really believe I would kill someone?)

Hina: Wait! Hold on a second! Why Blair!? She and Chihiro were friends, remember? She has no reason to do that!

Kyoko: I'm just saying it makes sense. Chihiro slept in Blair's room every night, remember? If Chihiro left, Blair would know about it.

Blair: {at a loss for words} (What can I say that they will believe? It makes sense that I would be the killer, since I was close to Chihiro. But I'm not! How can I prove that?)

Toko: Y-you really have nothing to s-say to that?!

Byakuya: Ha. Killed her best friend in cold blood. What a tragic story.

Makoto: Actually, I don't think that's true. Blair was sleeping in front of Sayaka's room the night before, remember? And there was no indication that Chihiro was there with her.

Celeste: Oh yes, I do recall that.

Sayaka: {avoiding Blair's gaze}

Leon: But why was she even sleeping in front of Sayaka's room anyway?

Makoto: Well, that's... a good question. Why were you in front of Sayaka's room, Blair?

Blair: (Sayaka's room? So then I was sleeping in front of her room. But I still remember Junko saying that it was Makoto's room... whatever. She probably just remembered wrong.)

Toko: M-maybe they were sleep-sleeping together and had a l-lovers quarrel, so Blair got kicked out. {grins mischievously}

Blair: Oh shut up! For your information, Chihiro wanted to sleep in my room with me because she was scared! Then Sayaka needed me to help her move something. You know, modeling junk, and I accidentally locked myself out of my room. Chihiro was asleep and didn't hear me knocking, so I had no choice but to sleep on the floor. {a small smile forms on her face} (I'm surprised I thought up that lie so quickly!)

Sayaka: {looks as if she's about to say something}

Blair: {sending a cold stare her way} (I will not hesitate to out you. Unless you want your secret revealed, I suggest you keep quiet.)

Sayaka: {gets the hint and slowly closes her mouth, looking away} Yes... that's right.

Hina: So then how did they know?

Taka: It is possible they could have gotten past me... Though unlikely. I mean, they went through the vents anyway, so it's not like they would have been out for long.

Hina: Okay... so where does that put us now?

Kyoko: Well we already determined that the killer used the vents to enter and exit the crime scene. We know everyone's alibis and we know that Chihiro went to the library on her own and brought a hammer with her. So far, that's all.

{Silence filled the room for a couple seconds.}

Sakura: Since we all seem to be out of ideas... I think I'll mention a small detail I found at the scene. Though, I don't think it will amount to anything.

Kyoko: What is it?

Sakura: Along with the murder weapon, I noticed a patch of blood that was rather peculiar. It was like something had rolled through the pile of blood.

Taka: Rolled through it?

Sakura: Something round no doubt.

Information Unlocked: Round object 🎱

Mondo: Like Kuwata's baseball!

Toko: W-why would he have a b-baseball with him!? It would probably be f-fortune teller guy's crystal ball!

Yasuhiro: Leave my crystal ball out of this!

Makoto: Wait... I think Toko might be on to something...

Toko: {excited to be a part of the case} R-really? I mean-of course I am!

Makoto: If the killer entered through the vents, in Chihiro's plain sight, wouldn't the killer need something to distract her with?

Kyoko: What do you mean?

Makoto: Think about it. If someone crawled through the vents instead of opening a door, you would obviously find that suspicious. If they had something to distract you with that they could use as an excuse for why they were doing what they were doing, you would be more inclined to believe them, right?

Yasuhiro: Well that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! You're just making stuff up at this point.

Blair: Wait, no. I think he's on to something.

Yasuhiro: Not you too!

Blair: Think about it this way. When I was exploring the vents, I was able to kick open the vent door to the trash room because that area had more space. I wasn't able to do so with the vent near Chihiro's workspace because of how cramped it was.

Leon: So?

Blair: So the killer wouldn't have been able to get out of the vent! They would need someone from the outside to get them out! And what better to do that than with a hammer?

Celeste: So your saying Chihiro... Helped the killer?

Blair: I'm just saying they must have convinced her to let them out of the vent. They probably made up some weird excuse as to why they were in there.

Toko: T-then what would they-they say to c-convince Chihiro to let them out?

Blair: ...Going with your theory... Maybe they told them they would read her fortune. {glances at Yasuhiro}

Yasuhiro: Wait, wait, wait! Where is this going? You're actually going with this?!

Blair: I'm just saying... During the time I spent with Chihiro, I noticed she was constantly worried about her Dad. He was the person she saw in her video. I could tell from the look in her eyes she would do anything to confirm that her Dad was okay. If Yasuhiro is the killer, he could have told Chihiro that he could tell her about her Dad's condition through the magic ball.

Yasuhiro: That's ridiculous! You're just making stuff up!

Makoto: I wouldn't jump to conclusions yet. But it is a possibility.

Yasuhiro: B-but it could have been one of Leon's balls.

Makoto: Well... I don't think it was him. If it was him, he wouldn't have screamed this morning when he saw Chihiro's body. I don't think anyone's dumb enough to put themselves in that situation.

Leon: Are you sayin' I'm dumb?!

Sayaka: But all that's not nearly enough evidence! It's mostly just assumptions!

Blair: You're right... (Come on Blair, think! What evidence could reveal the killer to us?) Maybe... maybe the other forks in the vents could give us a hint?

Byakuya: What do you mean?

Blair: The other forks in the vents. I only had time to investigate one of them, remember? But the others might have led somewhere that could give us a clue.

Mondo: How do you expect us to investigate that?! We're stuck in this damn room, it's not like we can go and check.

Blair: Kyoko, you said you investigated a map of Hope's Peak, right? Did the map include the vent systems?

Kyoko: {thoughtfully} It did...

Blair: {rolling her eyes} (I guess I better ask the bear for a map.) Monokuma, can we see a map?

Monokuma: {smugly} So you need help from little ol' meeeeeee?

Blair: Just give me a damn map you freak of nature.

Monokuma: {disappointed} You're no fun...

{Monokuma hands Blair a map and she looks through it thoroughly.}

Blair: {muttering} So there was blood here and here...

Toko: W-why are you taking so long? Just tell us your p-point already!

Blair: {ignores Toko} So here was the path I went along... Then here are the other paths that lead to the library. {points to the areas she's talking about}

Celeste: The paths to the vent in question leads to three forks. One that starts at the cafeteria, one the trash room, and the other sections off into four other forks.

Makoto: It's unlikely that the killer crawled through the vent starting at the cafeteria. Taka probably would have heard them opening the vent door.

Taka: And they couldn't have started in the trash room. Only the person who's turn it is to empty the trash has access to that room.

Celeste: So the killer must have started out where the other path leads.

Leon: But then that path breaks out into four paths! This is all so confusing...

Kyoko: But those paths lead to four of our rooms...

{Blair's heartbeat speeds up.}

Makoto: That's right. Hifumi's, Yasuhiro's, Leon's, and Sakura's.

{Everyone is silent as they process this information.}

Sayaka: S-so your saying the killer is one of them?!

Makoto: {looking away in slight guilt} It seems like a logical explanation...

Sayaka: I-I think we can take Sakura and Hifumi out of the list of suspects. Their frames are too big to fit through the vents. {glancing back and forth between them} No offense.

Sakura: None taken.

Hifumi: {indignantly} Lots of offense taken here! Just because I'm a little round doesn't mean I can't squeeze into tight spaces!

Blair: Well do you want to be a suspect?

Hifumi: Well I uh.... Just forget I said that.

Sayaka: Then that leaves Leon and Yasuhiro.

Blair: (But how do we figure out which one of them did it? I know Makoto said he doesn't think Leon did it, but you never know...)

Mondo: It's obviously Leon! We did all this for nothing, that was obvious from the beginning!

Byakuya: Out of the two of them, I suspect Kuwata would be more capable of such a thing. Though they are both astronomical idiots.

Yasuhiro and Leon: Hey!

Sakura: So that's it then...

Sayaka: No!

{Everyone looks to her in surprise.}

Sayaka: I... I think I know who did it.

Blair: You do?

Sayaka: I do. Earlier, Makoto said something about a ball... I think Toko was right and it was Yasuhiro's magic ball.

Yasuhiro: {indignantly} It's called a crystal ball!

Celeste: What makes you think that, hon?

Sayaka: Well... I don't have much evidence but... Yasuhiro always had it with him before the murder... but after... I never saw him with it...

Blair: (Now that I think about it... she's right!)

Yasuhiro: Hey now, let's not get carried away-

Blair: Really now? Then tell us, Yasuhiro. Where is your crystal ball?

Yasuhiro: It's in my room obviously! I just got tired of carrying it around everywhere, that's all! I didn't use it to kill Chihiro or anything! Plus the murder weapon was the hammer anyway. We saw it at the scene, remember?

Kyoko: But the Monokuma file never specifically said that the hammer was the murder weapon. Monokuma told me that the file keeps out information that would easily give away the killer. The hammer could have just been used as nothing more than an emergency weapon for Chihiro.

Yasuhiro: That's stupid! Besides, how do we even know there was any sort of ball involved? That splotch could have just been a splotch!

Blair: ...

Byakuya: Is there something off about your appearance, Yasuhiro?

Yasuhiro: What?

Blair: (What's he going on about this time? Why change the subject so abruptly?)

Byakuya: It's just that I always remembered you having brown shoes...

Blair: {looking down at Yasuhiro's shoes} (Now that he mentions it... the shoes he's wearing now are black, and look newer. Didn't he always have those musty old brown ones?)

Leon: Now that you mention it... weren't the brown ones bigger too?

Yasuhiro: {worried} What, a guy can't change his shoes without being suspected of a murder? You've for it all wrong, I just-

Kyoko: {with sudden firmness} Wait. Hiriyama, let me see that map.

Blair: What?

Kyoko: The map. I need to check something.

Blair: {hands the map to Kyoko.} (For some reason, hearing her call me Hiriyama seems... wrong.)

Kyoko: {takes a quick look at the map} Of course.

Yasuhiro: {nervous} What is it?!

Kyoko: With the way this system is designed, Yasuhiro is the only person who would have had to go through the vent above the laundry room to get to the library from his room. The other three don't intersect across the laundry room.

Leon: Wait let me see that! {shocked} She's right.

Blair: (Wow... I can't believe she remembered something like that. That would definitely be something I would overlook.)

Makoto: So, Yasuhiro? All the evidence points towards you. What do you have to say for yourself?

{A bout of pointless arguing goes on for a long time between Yasuhiro and Makoto. Yasuhiro brings up "evidence' that has already been disproven, and Makoto uses the information collected to back him into a wall. Eventually, there's nowhere for Yasuhiro to go.}

Makoto: I'm sorry, Yasuhiro. There's just no doubt now that it's you.

Yasuhiro: I-I-I didn't! You have to believe me! You wouldn't really accuse me of that, would you?

Byakuya: There's no use trying to deny it. Makoto already explained everything.

Yasuhiro: But you still don't know for sure!

Makoto: Yes, we do. In fact, I can tell you exactly what happened:

This morning, the killer was so anxious about what they saw in their video. So much so that it drove them to play Monokuma's game and attempt a murder.

Having seen Chihiro walking toward the library, the killer was going to follow her, but their plan was quickly foiled as Taka, who was patrolling the halls, interrogated Chihiro. The killer saw this as their opportunity, but did not want to risk being caught. When they saw that Taka allowed Chihiro access to the library, the killer devised another plan.

After grabbing their supplies, the killers climbed through the vent systems. Somehow, they knew where they were going. Inevitably, they climbed over the laundry room, which was on the way to the library's closest vent system. However, the floor of the vent was unstable, and a tile came crashing to the floor, alerting Taka.

Making it to one of the libraries vents, the killer most likely scared their victim at first. However, probably due to Chihiro's trusting nature and some convincing from the killer, Chihiro used the hammer she brought for emergency purposes to pry out the screws from the vents' cover. Once out, the killer probably talked with Chihiro so they could gain her trust and fully convince her they meant no harm. This would prevent Chihiro from attempting to run away if she did suspect them of having the goal of killing her before. The conversation was most likely about what we had all seen in our videos.

The killer then used their Ultimate talent to their advantage. Taking out their crystal ball, they offered to tell Chihiro her fortune. They probably told her to look into the crystal ball, or to close her eyes.

While Chihiro was distracted with this, the killer managed to strick Chihiro in the head with either the crystal ball, or another weapon they might have had on their person.

You can imagine what happened next.

After the murder, the killer must have dropped their crystal ball, causing the smear spot on the ground Sakura saw, and step into the newfound blood drenching the carpet near the corpse.

With their oversized shoes, the killer left footprints in the ground and bloodstains in the vent systems. Apparently noticing this, the killer moved through the vents once again. Reaching the trash room, they must have kicked down the vent door to access the incinerator. After ridding of their bloodied shoes, they were able to retrace their steps and return to their room.

Later that same morning, Leon hesitantly carried his golden sword, which he had used as defense against his own paranoia. On his way to put the sword back where he found it, he caught a glimpse of something suspicious in the library.

Curious, he entered the library only to be met with a bloody corpse sprawled on the floor. Instinctually, he screamed, alerting the rest of us. We all rushed to the scene, having the same reaction as Leon. As we were freaking out, the killer was able to fake their shock, hiding within the midst of us.

Until now! Because now we've cracked the case! Isn't that right... Yasuhiro Hagakure!

Yasuhiro: {Seemingly at a loss for words. His face is pale and he's clutching forehead while avoiding our gazes.}

Celeste: {bored} So it was you.

Hina: But... why?

Yasuhiro: ...

Makoto: I don't want to do this. I really wish there were a different answer. I'm sorry Yasuhiro.

Blair: I'm not! How could you kill my friend?! What could possibly justify killing her?!

Monokuma: Aaaannnnndddd... time is up! Everyone vote for who you think the blackened is!

Blair: Tsh.


The room had a different aura to it now. It was always tense, but now it was uncomfortable in a way it hadn't been before. It was then that I noticed the buttons that were located conveniently on our podiums, the view of ours unaccessible to everyone else.

There were sixteen of them in four by four rows and columns. Underneath each one was a name. Sakura Ogami, Byakuya Togami, Kyoko Kirigiri... Finding the one that said "Yasuhiro Hagakure" I felt an odd, empty feeling as I pressed it.

High pitched pips echoed in our circle as the others voted as well.

Thirty seconds later, a projection showed at the front of the room. It was styled like the old arcade games where you had to match pictures. It whizzed past pictures of us until all three rows landed on one person.

It was right. We had guessed correctly.

Yasuhiro chuckled. Actually chuckled. He scratched the back of his neck. "Come on... you guys actually still believe this?! It's obviously some huge, big, messed up prank-"

Makoto interrupted him as we all slowly stepped off our podiums. "Why...? Why would you kill an innocent girl?!"

It was then that I noticed the others were backing away from Yasuhiro, isolating him.

"What exactly was in your video? I mean, I know those were a lot to handle but actually killing someone? Jesus dude." Leon looked down at Yasuhiro with an expression on his face that was the closest thing to sympathy that any of us had given him within the past few minutes.

"I-I didn't-"

"STOP DENYING IT!" I yelled, not being able to control my anger. My voice sounded a lot more like I was having a temper tantrum than experiencing actual anger at the moment, but I didn't care.

Yasuhiro lifted his head up to me. "FINE! You want to know why I did it? It's because of my sister, okay?!" Tears sprung in his eyes.

"My-my big sister's been sick for a couple years now. It's an extremely rare disease that she has, and everything needed to cure her costs thousands of dollars more than my family can afford. I was going to use the money I saved up to go to Hope's Peak to get it, but my sister wouldn't accept that. And even all that money wasn't enough!

"I tried selling my crystal ball, but no one else believed in its magic and thought it was a scam. That's when I started reading people's fortunes for a price. I gave hundreds of people their fortune but it still wasn't enough.

"I figured if I graduated from Hope's Peak and became a big-name clairvoyant, I could get the money I needed with ease! That was the plan... but in my video, Monokuma was going to kill not only my sister, but my whole family! I couldn't let that happen!

"When I saw Chihiro in the hallways, I saw my chance! You need to understand where I'm coming from here! Please, all of you, you understand, right? Won't you forgive me?! Let me live!"

"Unfortunately, that's not for them to decide," came Monokuma's slick voice.

I wasn't sure what else to say, so I voiced some of my other questions. "Wait. How did you know where to go in the vents? Did you have a map?"

"No. I just guessed. It took me forever, but I got there." His last sentence sounded almost like he was proud of his "accomplishment". I raised an eyebrow.

He just guessed? Okay, this guy's an actual dumbass. But my thoughts kept drifting to his story about his sister.

Would I have done something like Yasuhiro did for Kaji? Or Kaoru? I couldn't help but wonder. I mean, I freaked out when I saw my video... I shook my head. No. I couldn't even imagine killing someone over something that Monokuma could just be making up.

My emotions were all messed up now. I hated it. Why did things always have to be so complicated?

"I..." I started to say, but never got to finish my thought.

Several people gasped as Monokuma grabbed Yasuhiro by the collar of his shirt before any of us could blink. He gasped in surprise as the bear dragged him away from his podium despite the clairvoyant's protests.

The curtains surrounding us began to open. It would have been a grand sight if there weren't a ludicrously massive contraption [if you could even call it that.] looking right in front of us.

Without even a slight warning, Monokuma threw Yasuhiro over the chain link fence that separated whatever that thing was.

Then it began.

To say e were shocked would be an understatement. The blood pouring from Yasuhiro's corpse terrified me, almost as much as seeing Chihiro's body had terrified me.

I didn't care what Yasuhiro did. I mean, what he did was obviously wrong and every fiber of my being was angry at him, but I didn't want this! Nobody should want this!

Sayaka was the first to scream. Followed by Hina, Makoto, Leon... until almost everyone in the room was freaking out.

Now we were all certain what this game was. Even if Monokuma's threats and explanations weren't enough. Even if Chihiro's bloody body and the class trial wasn't enough... this was definitely enough to extinguish any doubts about what was happening.

I heard Monokuma's laughter echoing over our screams. And I knew that this was it.

None of us would nurture our talents enough to become big, wealthy stars. Because none of us would survive that long.

This was it.

This was our new reality.


AHHHHHHHHH IT'S BEEN A LOOOONNNNGGG TIME SINCE I LAST POSTEDDDD!!! Seriously, like how long has it been, 8 months or so? Geez a lot has changed since then.

I hope this is a good class trial! I tried to keep the flow and the way the characters talked mostly accurate to how they do in the game. It was a fun challenge and I look forward to writing more. Hopefully now that I've done it once the next ones will be easier. 😅

Idk when the next chapter will be but I'm in a WAYYYY better mental state now than I was 8 months ago so I guarantee you it won't be NEARLY as long as 8 months lol.

If y'all are still reading this thank you sooooo much I appreciate youuuu a lot! 😭💕

P.S. Sorry to all you Yasuhiro fans. I don't hate him or anything but he doesn't really contribute much so he was a good option for a first class trial.

On that note have a great day/night guys, ladies, and theydies!! 🌃🌞☀️

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