Waking up surrounded by wolves isn't pleasant
Percy Jackson POV
My head hurt like a mother. I don't believe I have ever woken up with the ripe smell of wet dog and a monster of a headache.
I slowly peeked an eye open, only to find myself lying flat on the floor with my hands tied behind my back and my ankles tied as well. I used every ounce of self-control to not fidget or move. Instead, I focused my attention on listening and finding out what the hell happened.
"Marrisa! This was stupid! We're going to have the Winchesters on our asses now!" a voice growled, and I remembered the gnashing teeth before the unconsciousness.
"Shush Asher! We had no choice! We can use the halfling as bait to lure them away while we escape! If we're looking for revenge we can even turn the little asshole," the voice I assumed to be Marrisa growled back, there was a bite in it and I didn't care for it.
A new voice appeared, "It was still risky, far too risky. We've stayed in the shadows and hidden from hunters for years, Marrisa...now that Sheldon is gone you have us running rapid and attacking hunters,"
"See! Marcus gets it!" Asher shouted, and a loud whimper followed it.
"I am in charge! Not Sheldon! He's gone, and you all do better to remember that fact! Now, bring me the little shit," Marrisa's footsteps grew closer and I had to calm my breathing.
Arms wrapped around me and hauled me up as if I weighed nothing, I was tossed onto a shoulder, I had to bite my tongue to keep from grunting. The wolf carrying me dropped me very unceremoniously onto the floor this time I did make a noise.
Hands grabbed my face roughly and yanked me forward, "Open your eyes, I know you're awake," Marrisa snarled in my face, and I opened my eyes. "Oh look, the Winchester boy lives! Although, you're not really a Winchester are you? No, you're a halfling. A demi-god if you wish. Nothing more than the product of a horny god and waiting for abandonment issues,"
My breathing sped up, no one had ever really said anything like that to me. Sure, monsters threw harmful words around and said awful things, but this was aimed directly at my brothers and father, saying I was nothing to them.
"Oh is the sea prince gonna get all sad? Tough shit, brat. Get used to it, life isn't fair and no one wants you in it. Life is a survival game and if you can't handle some measly words you won't win.
"Go to hell," I spit out and Marrisa's eyes darkened.
"Keep that up, halfling, and just maybe you'll make me turn you before I send you back to your brothers,"
Annabeth Chase POV.
"What the Hades are you talking about?" I wasn't sure if I was understanding Dean and Sam correctly.
"Annabeth, werewolves had taken Percy and we don't know where..." Sam's voice came through the phone once more.
"It was an ambush, they knew we were coming. Sam and I think they have some idea to use Percy against us," Dean's gruff voice added.
I shared a look with Mary who looked just as sick as I felt. Percy was gone...again. This time with sadistic werewolves and I didn't know what to do.
"I'm on my way. Don't do anything till I get there," I hung the phone up and began to leave when Mary grabbed my arm.
"Annabeth, wait. I'm coming with you," Mary smiled, "I'm gonna call Cas too. We need everyone if we want to save Percy before it too late,"
I couldn't find words, so I simply nodded before going to grab a few things. My stomach flipped and spun as I shoved my clothes into my backpack.
"Annabeth?" Cas' gravelly voice shocked me from my task, I slowly spun around and found him giving me a sympathetic look. I didn't want his sympathy, I wanted his help in finding my boyfriend so I can kick his ass for scaring me again.
I shook my head and went back to get my things together. I shoved a last shirt in the bag before spinning around to Cas. He looked startled by my quick movements, "Let's go save my dumbass boyfriend, so I can kill him,"
Cas merely blinked at me as I moved past him swiftly, I didn't have time for poking about. Percy was in trouble and needed me to bail his ass out again. And I would. I would again and again and again. Percy was the best thing to come stumbling into my life with his weirdo personality and hidden little gems. I would find his stubborn ass and drag him home. Alive.
I took a deep breath, these people didn't want to see me if something had happened to Percy. Those wolves will regret the day they messed with Annabeth Chase if Percy is hurt, and I will make sure of it.
Percy Jackson POV.
I groaned as I slowly rolled onto my side. That Marrisa chick is a real peach. My ribs ached, my eye had its own pulse and I just wanted some water. My throat was scratchy, and I couldn't do much more than just lie there and pray Dean and Sam were on their way.
"Gods...I hate werewolves..." I gasped out before painfully curling up and falling into a fitful sleep filled with nightmares and horrors.
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