Cruel King x Reader

I love Cruel King RAHHHHHH
Sorry if this chapter is kinda mid I always write at night when I'm tired idk why


Today was the day you finally visit your friend. You made sure to bring your travel bag you always carry and wear your usual clothes. You didn't mind the cold, you were kinda use to it at this point. The amount of weather you experienced doesn't affect you anymore.

In front of you, was a big large wooden gate blocking the pathway you want to enter. There were two guards standing by the gate in their usual post. You walk over the bridge and got close to the knights.

"Halt!" One said,"State your name and reason why you're here." They ordered in a demanding tone. Unbothered, you smiled,"Hi! My name is Y/N, and I'm here to visit Ic- er, Cruel King."

You got yourself lucky but not saying the wrong name. The knights froze in their spot for a second. They look at each other in some sort of communication. With their helmets on it's impossible to see their expressions.

They then turn back to you,"Prove it that you are Y/N." Prove that your Y/N? Well that was a silly request. You tilt your head,"How am I suppose to prove that I'm me?" You questioned.

The guard shrugged,"Don't know, figure it out." They demand. How rude. But you didn't focus on that, you instead tried to think of a way to prove that your you. You didn't really have anything to show.....well...maybe one thing.

You opened your bag and dig through your stuff. It was a small bag you always carry throughout your adventures. Despite the size, it holds crap tons of cards and weapons you collected.

How is that possible? Apparently the Kitchen Wizard knew someone who could expand your inventory. To you it's more like a 'magic bag' instead of any normal one. Now you can collect any items without a worry about the weight. Magic is such a cool mystery.

After digging through you felt a specific item you were finding. You grab the item and pulled it out,"Does this works?" You asked with a smile. The guards couldn't believe their eyes to see the ice dagger in front of them. It was actually YOU.

"H-holy crap! Uh, we will open the gate right away!" One said before the other pull the lever to get the gate open. The big wooden door has opened in a new view. You eagerly thanked the two guards and walk past them.

You put the sword away to not cause anymore attention towards it and look around the big plaza with people walking. Some others were just simply talking and enjoying theirselves.

It was a nice sight to see that the castle and town were getting better ever since you left. There weren't much blizzards as there was before.

You were then stopped by a couple of knights blocking your path,"Y/N! Please do let us take your belongings and guide you to the king!" Oh, you didn't really like the idea of giving your bag to someone, even if they are royal guards.

Almost every guard was outside swarming you. They keep on insisting to take your stuff or give you warmer clothes. Even one asked if my weapons should be cleaned. Which is an odd favor..

You try to keep your distance towards them but there wasn't any room left. Still, you kept a forced smile even though you're overwhelmed by this.

"I-I'm okay! I can just go there myself— Woah!" A yelp escape your throat as one of the knights pick you up in bridal style. You didn't want to fall off so you wrap your hands around their neck.

You look at the holder and frown,"Banished?" The knight then look down at you and this confirms your theory. "Hey Y/N, thought you might need some space away from them."

Banished walk up to the metal gate bars and look at the two guards standing there. They immediately recognized him and open the giant gate for us. After it was open he gave them a nod as thanks and walked inside.

Now that we finally made it in he gently put you down,"Sorry about them, they are instructed to treat you properly if you ever come by," he said. It was an order from the king? Well that was surprising.

You let your arms fall and stood up to your feet again,"Thats sweet. It's nice to see you again!" You glee at the taller one. Banished let out a pleased hum. He always finds you an adorable person that's worth protecting.

He nods,"It's great to see you again too. Not too rush but the king is waiting for you." Upon those words you were a little shock to hear that.

"He already knows I'm here?" You questioned. Banished nod again,"We give him every information as soon as we can. That'll way he can know what to expect soon." Banished explained.

You guessed that could make sense. There would be no surprised if he magically knows almost every little thing that happens in this castle.

"Well alright then, I'll see you later!" You waved at him as you walk to the giant wooden gate in front of you. Banished gave a small wave before leaving. His days at least felt better after seeing the little traveler.

Pushing the door open, you manage to walk in as if you own this place. There were a couple of people chattering around about anything. You decided not to disturb them and just walk past them to head upstairs.

You gently open the giant wooden door and walk in. After closing the door from behind your eyes wander around in the long hall room. The memories flooded in when the two of you fought for the first time. It was a chaotic back and forth fight but in the end, it managed to go well.

There he was..sitting on the throne. Cruel King. Or better known as; Icee! He was sitting there with a paper in his hand. His eyes were focused on whatever words to realized you were there.

The sight of him fills your heart with joy. You were excited to spend some time here with your ex-enemy and have some fun. The past few weekends were rough, so you decided taking a break here would be better.

You walk closer and stood there without the king still not recognizing you. Wow whatever is in that paper must be important. Eventually you got tired of waiting so you sneakily walk up to the throne and lean to the side more.

"Watcha reading?" You whispered.

The king then flinched and look to the side to see you there beside him. You couldn't help but crack up when you saw his surprised face staring back at you.

He then relaxed when he noticed it was just you,"Y/ clearly don't have manners, do you?" He said in an almost disappointed voice. You froze for a second before giving a nervous laugh,"Aha— sorry about that, you know how comfortable I am with friends."

You weren't lying on that part. King or not, you still wanted him to treat how you act with everyone else. Besides it feels only fair.

The king looked at you before shaking his head with a smile. He clearly didn't mind at all of how you act with him. Personally he wouldn't let it slide if someone didn't talk to him the way they supposed to, but for you, he lets it happen.

He puts the paper back into his pocket and stood up from his throne,"Care to feast with me?" He asked politely. Your mouth almost drooled at the thought of the food. Not to mention that the food was high quality as well.

Cruel King wanted to make sure you're all fed up. He knows traveling can make a stomach hungry. You stopped daydreaming about the food and eagerly nodded,"Hell yeah!"

The two of you entered a dining hall and you look around in awe. This place was very fancy, it almost makes you feel out of place to be here. You both reached the tables and before you could pull the chairs the knights was first to do that for you.

You blinked in confusion before you realized that it's part of their job. You muttered a 'thank you' and sat down on the wooden chair. Once you were pushed closer to the table you kick your feet around. Because you wanted to.

Cruel was sat in the middle at the end of the table and you were just next to him on the right. "While we wait, it's great to see you again dear Y/N. How do you do?" He had his full attention on you.

You smiled,"It's cool to see you too! And I'm doing fine so far," you answered honestly. Cruel nod, pleased to hear that you're doing well. "That's good. How are your adventures?"

Cruel was curious to know how they were doing after they saved Blackrock Kingdom. He knew they were strong and capable of doing what's right. He admires that about you.

You ponder on what to say,"'s pretty interesting. A lot has happened and lately I'm kinda beaten up from it. That's why I decided to visit you! And uh, ask if I can stay over for a while.." you whispered at the end.

Thankfully Cruel heard it and smiled,"You can stay as long as you want. I'll have the bed ready for you soon."

A grin appeared on your face,"Awesome! Maybe we should do something together! Have you had any breaks?" You asked with a raised brow. Cruel paused at your question. Now that he thinks about it, he hasn't really been able to do something on his own for a while.

He was always busy and stuck in the castle. It was his job anyway to be the role of a king, but it was getting a little tiring lately. He then shook his head,"I'm afraid not. I've been too caught up with important stuff."

You felt sorry for the poor man working hard. You at least wanted him to take a load while you're still here. "Well how about you put those duties down and focus on fun stuff that would make you feel young again!"

Cruel gave you a look,"What do you mean by 'make you feel young' again? Am I too OLD for you?" He spoke in a snarky tone.

You sat there with a smile on your face, but deep down you knew you fucked up. Keeping a happy face, you shook your head,"U-uh no no! I didn't mean it like that, you're still young! You look attractive no matter what! UH—"

You put your hands over your mouth to stop yourself from speaking anymore. What. Was. That!? Why would you say that in front of him?! What made you blurt out something like that?

At some point you could feel embarrassment flooding in like a tsunami. You feel like you just wanna jump out the window and take fall damage. That's how bad it was.

While you were screaming at yourself in your head, Cruel looked at you a bit taken back. He too, didn't expect that to from you. You had the charm and beauty that can pull anyone easily. Unfortunately, he fell for it.

He would feel a bit shy right now, but seeing you in a that state lead to curiosity. Maybe this time he can take control with your guard down.

" think an old man like me is... attractive?" His tone was low, almost chilly. The best of yet, it sounded flirty. You could be overthinking about it..but you were sure it does.

You still kept your eyes trained on the fancy sheets in front of you,"I uh..I-I mean...of course.." you admitted in the end. Your hands were fidgeting underneath the table. You hope to god Cruel wouldn't noticed.

Cruel was enjoying your reaction. He felt a little bad that he was teasing you a lot, but he couldn't stop wanting to see your adorable reactions. It wasn't everyday to see a confident person showing their submissive form.

He wished to see more.

"The food is prepared!" Said the Kitchen Wizard interrupting the moment. You let out a breath you didn't realized you were holding. You were glad your friend came in time. He placed the food on Cruels plate before turning to you as well and put down a piece of chicken.

In the other tray he placed the fancy looking cups down that was filed with grape juice. You were kinda hoping you'll get an apple juice instead.

"Bon appétit!" Wizard say before turning to you and give a wink before walking away. You watched him leave in confusion. They were probably mocking you...

No matter though, this chicken drum looks yummy as well! You didn't bother using the fork as you grab the bone and started to eat. You haven't ate in a while so you were pretty hungry as hell.

The king looked at you devouring your food. He expected this, so it didn't bothered him. He chuckled to himself and use the fork and knife to cut open his steak.

You enjoyed the sweet flavor melting in your mouth. You haven't ate anything high quality in a long time. All you been eating really is a bunch of mangos and burgers. It's not much to complain but it gets pretty old.

You enjoyed the moment you and Cruel shared. It was silent but not an awkward one. His presence made you feel comfortable and not alone, it was a nice feeling.

Just then, a guard barge in the room. Causing both of them to raise their attention to the guard,"My king! We are currently being under attacked by a snow bear! We are doing our best to defeat it!"

This information made Cruel sit up,"Evacuate the front. Keep everyone safe and defeat the bear. I'll be in watch." He said and left the room in a rush.

Both of them left as you sat there in silence. You quickly finished your chicken and wipe your hands with a napkin before leaving the dining room as fast as you could.

The guards walked outside as the king followed from behind. He looks to see the knights fighting off the big bear who looks to be in distress. He inspected that the wooden gate was knocked down by the bear. Guessing by the claw marks.

The people have ran away into a safer room or spot to get away from the dangerous area. A couple of stuff were knocked down and many swords were scattered on the snow.

"Everyone is evacuated sir, they went to the safety den as instructed." The knight told him. Cruel looked around and confirmed that only the knights were there defending off against the bear.

"When did this intruder come in?" He asked. The knight immediately knew the answer,"About five minutes ago. We are not sure what triggered the bear to act like this but it has gone chaotic."

Apparently today was snowing. There was also the wind picking up, it was more colder today than before. For now it was the knights jobs to get rid of the enemy. In the distance Banished was doing his best to dodge every attacks the bear does.

With its big giant claws it was very deadly to go against, their rough paws had a quick reflex to avoid any attacks from the knight's. What kind of bear has this much power? It's more bigger too.

Banished was struggling after he got hit. He knew he couldn't fail now and be defeated that easy because of some dumb bear. He trained very hard this time to last longer and show how much he has improved. And so far he is doing his best to take care of it alone.

As the king inspected the knight turned to him,"What should we do my king?" He asked. Cruel thought about it carefully for a moment to think of a solution.

He didn't get time to reply before he saw you run past him in a speed of light. "Y/N! Wait!" He yelled for you to stop, but you didn't listen. Or you most likely didn't hear him. You were too focused at the moment.

You saw Banished handling the bear by himself while the other knights were getting their weapons back from the ground or either recovering. You didn't like seeing Banished work alone so you decided to take his place.

You grab Banished by the shoulders and push him far away from the bear. He didn't have time to react before you turn around and pull out your sword from your bag. The bear noticed you and roared angrily before launching its fist into you.

This wasn't the first time you dealt with these guys so you manage to dodge it easily making the paw hit the ground. You took this opportunity to draw your sword and slice the living hell out of this animal.

The bear groaned and you took another attack by hitting their leg. The animal growled and rapidly slash their claws around to hit you. With your quick reflexes you step back and move to a different spot each time the claw gets closer to you.

Once the bear grew tired for a moment you quickly slide down under the bear with your already small body, you were now behind the bear instead of the front.

In battles you happen to glide past enemy's or underneath if they are larger, it sometimes can be a life saver. You reached into your bag and pulled out a rocket launcher and aim it steadily at the bear. The bear turned around and noticed you and started to rush towards you.

With the enemy targeted you shoot at the bear with full force. This cause an explosion to happen as smoke flow everywhere.

You panted a little and wait to see what happens next. As you waited the gray smoke finally cleared the vision of the bear. It was now on the ground in a rather...uncomfortable pose. It looks like it fell from the stairs or something.

No matter, you finally defeated the bear without a scratch! To be honest you were running low on some food so you might travel to get some more for future battles. You did your little victory dance until you felt a hand on your shoulder.

It was Banished. You turned around and stood there patiently for him to speak,"Y/N..thank you for helping me. Helping all of us. You truly are a hero." You knew he was smiling at you underneath that helmet of his.

"Just helping out but thanks!" You smiled. You weren't prepared being swarm again by knights talking to you,"Your amazing Y/N!" "Please train us!" "Are you single??"

Woahhh okay maybe this is getting out of hand REALLY quickly. You stood there not knowing what to do as you felt intimidated by the crowd throwing compliments at you.

At some point your head is started to grow dizzy from this. You can feel your anxiety rise so you could only mutter a couple of quiet 'thank you'.

"Enough." A rough voice called out. Every knights quickly moved away into straight lines on each side to give Cruel some room. They bowed each by each as he walk down towards you.

You didn't know what to do so you just stood there awkwardly waiting for your friend to get closer to you. You kinda hoped you weren't in trouble for some reason.

Cruel was now face to face in front of you. He stare down deep into your eyes as you stare back as well. Well this is something. "Y/N..." he stated. You gulped and waited for him to continue.

He definitely saw the battle clear between you and the bear. The way you dodge, the way you hit, the way you made Cruel fall even more for you.

At first he was really worried when he saw you run towards the bear out of no where. He didn't want you to be hurt at all and he wouldn't imagine if he did saw you injured. He forgot how really strong you are. Really strong.

It gives him more reason to admire your strength, and your beauty as well. He was charmed by this silly little person who has potential and great personality.

He then reached his hand out and gently pat on top of your head,"You did a good job. Thank you, truly." He smiled warmly at you. You could only stay frozen in your spot due to shock.

You didn't expect to get head patted from the king but at the same time you really liked it. Your head leaned into his touch and smile at his comfort. Cruel couldn't help but blush at you.

You were just so perfect, but he knew your probably off better finding someone adventurous as you. All he does in his life is just sit on a throne all day and command knights to do their job.

Sure he happens to join a battle whenever you call him but he wished he could just be with you a bit more longer. Cruel is never the type to be clingy or attached to anyone. He's been alone for so long he forgotten how to love someone again.

Maybe he should quit this foolish puppy love and let you focus. After the interaction the knights were instructed to get the gate fixed and clean up the mess.

The two were back into the kingdom and it was already night time. Everyone went to their homes and the guards stay active at night. You were sleeping in your bed, enjoying the warmth of the blanket. Cruel gave you a room just for you to sleep in.

For some reason, you felt...cold. Your body starts to tremble. But the blanket should warm you up still..right? You could see Cruel in the view, slowly turning into a pile of snow. You screamed for him but the damage has already been done.

He was gone. And so were your friends. You feel like you have no one by your side. Only yourself in the void.


Y o u r s e l f.

You gasped.

....again? You were getting tired of these nightmares that were recurring. Every night the dreams manage to make something creative that would make you quiver in fear. You don't know why this happens.

Well, maybe you do, but you feel too awake to get back to bed. You tried a couple of times to fall asleep but nothing worked. No matter how many attempts you try to drift to wonderland it doesn't work.

Maybe you just needed a nice cold water. You got up from the bed and put your slippers on. You gently open the door and peaked around to see guards patrolling the hallways.

You had a feeling that the guards would send you back into your room because the 'king says so'. So you quickly hid behind some statues and decorations that were in the hallway.

The destination was the dining hall. It leads to the kitchen where the Kitchen Wizard hangs out. Quiet as a mouse you manage to get past the guards without being caught.

You gently close the door from behind and look around. It was pretty dark so you couldn't see anything. It's possible if you were lucky to find a light switch somewhere.

You squint your eyes and walk around blindness. Where the heck could the light switch be? Or is there even is one? Frustrated, you wave your arms around to search for any kind of light source.

"Damn where in the— OOF!"  You accidentally ran into something hard. Your hands were holding onto something soft and possibly squishy.

Did you...ran into someone? With that question in your head, your guess was right. Your eyes slowly look up to the dark figure in front of you. A blue ice, glowed eyes stare down back at you in return.

You were both staring at each other almost in a stare down. None of you even blinked yet, that's how intense it was. Finally your brain was functioning again and you back away in a swift.

You LITERALLY had your hands placed on his chest. HIS chest. Oh god.

"I-Icee? What are you doing here?" You stuttered in shock. Out of anyone you were caught by him instead of the guards.

You could feel your heart race from the sudden encounter you didn't expect. Cruel was quiet for a moment before answering,"..I couldn't sleep. So I wandered around until I felt tired."

You felt your embarrassment turn into worry. His voice sounded..sad, dull, possibly depressed even. You couldn't see but you knew he probably looked very exhausted. You felt bad for that man.

Seeing your friends sad made you worry a lot. You couldn't stand there and just pity him,"Oh..are you okay?" You decided to ask.

The taller tried to think of something to say, but nothing came out. He didn't want to pressure his thoughts and feelings onto someone. Especially if it was with you.

His mind was filled with memories about the voices he has. He dreams about the same voices telling him unspeakable things he should do. It was tiring the hell out of him.

With the silence being your response you knew he didn't want to share anything. Maybe for now, at least.

You decided to take baby steps and gently grab his hand into yours. Cruel was a little startled when you hold his hand but quickly melt into your touch. "Hey, how about we try to get some sleep together? If..that's okay with you..."

Never in your life you thought you would ask a person to sleep with you. Maybe with close friends, but rarely. The main focus on your mind is trying to take care of your friend who is in a need of help.

Cruel thought about it for a moment. Is this okay? Will YOU feel okay with it? He would decline but...he really needed you.

"...please." He begged.

You let out a smile and nod. The two of you headed to Cruels room and entered inside. When the lights were turned on you observed his room. It was pretty big, and fancy of course. It has a nice baby blue them with royal blue being the darker color.

There was also a giant glass window to the side that has a balcony. You can see that it had a great view of the place and also the village too. You were amazed by this. You wish you can have this back at home.

While Cruel was getting the bed ready he noticed you admiring the view that lead outside. He chuckled,"Like the view?" He asked.

You give one last look through the glass and turn to him with a nod,"Yeah! You can see the whole town! It's so pretty!"

'Not as pretty as you' Cruel thought. He someday wish he could say that,"Glad you love it. Are you ready for bed?" He asked.

You shook your head and took your slipper off before jumping on the bed. It bounces and as expected, the kings bed felt AMAZING. There was so much space that it's impossible for you to fall off.

The other watched you play around in the bed in amazement. A smile appeared on his lips as you burry yourself in the blankets. The bed itself made you look smaller than you already are, it melts his heart.

Cruel then gently got in with you. It felt weird for him that he's getting in bed with someone beside him. He was not used to having someone by his side before.

He then clapped his hand two times making the light turn off. Again you were amazed by the light turning off by command.

The two of you got in positions and were prepared for bed. You snuggle into the blankets and hummed in satisfaction. Sleepiness was already slowly taking over. Thought before you can sleep you said your last words for the night,"Goodnight Icee, sleep well."

You then close your eyes and rest. As you were resting, a pair of arms gently grabbed your smaller form and drag your face into Cruels chest.

Your eyes shot open by the sudden touch. You looked up to see Cruel cuddling you with his eyes already closed. You felt your heart racing again and you hope to god he wouldn't be able to feel it.

His hard body was pressed against you. His arms wrapped around your back made you feel more...protected. You can feel his chest rise up and down with soft breathes releasing. This felt comfortable.

A faint of blush spread all over your face. Luckily it was dark so it wasn't visible on your appearance. You loved him, but not in a friend's way. Deep down you always wondered what it was like to be with him.

You figured it was impossible though. He was the king after all. And no king ever go with a commoner like you. So you just buried those feelings and hope Itl just go away at some point.

Right now wasn't helping at all. These feeling are coming back again and it's almost making you panic. But for now it's best to just let it pause for a while and feel comfortable with him.

You took your time to snuggle back and embrace his warm comforts. You think an ice king would feel cold, but he was a complete opposite of that. And you loved it.

Your eyes closed and your mind drifted off into slumber, knowing that you're safe in someone's arms.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

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