Victory deserves to be cheered up, may it even be in a game. The winning team set a condition for the team which had lost. The loser team had to arrange bonfire for winner team. That was decided especially by Subhadra and Rukmini who belonged to winning team.

"Bhratashri, put some woods into fire, and keep some more near. We may need it," Subhadra suppressed her chuckle hardly.

"Bhrata Nakul, did you hear?" Kanha turned towards Nakul who belonged to his team.

"Are we going to spend night here? This much wood is enough which we put into bonfire," Nakul turned to Subhadra with his question and confirmation to convince her.

"I think we should approach dau," Arjun spoke instead of Subhadra causing irritation in all nerves of Nakul.

"No need. We are arranging woods," Saying so Nakul got up from his place to help Kanha.

"The idea of bonfire is too nice," Sahdev complimented looking at Subhadra and Rukmini.

"Glad that it got your appreciation, Bhrata Sahdev!" Rukmini responded to the compliment.

"What's your opinion, Bhrata Arjun?" Rukmini asked Arjun eyeing at Subhadra.

"The same as Sahdev. Bonfire is always enjoyable in a jungle trip," Arjun answered with a smile.

"Guys, don't remain awake till late. Tomorrow is the last day here, and as per plan we all have to explore this place whole day. So, go to sleep soon," Dau reminded everyone while departing to his tent with Revati.

Next day everyone became ready to explore jungle packing some fruits and necessaries in their mini hand bag. Each couple became a group for the purpose. Arjun and Subhadra grouped with each other. It was decided that they would be back before evening.

Everyone went to different directions after being agreed to the rules set by dau.

"There's a waterfall. Let's go there, prince Arjun!" Subhadra was excited after figuring out a waterfall nearby.

"Sure, let's go, but don't get drench in water," Subhadra's excitement faded after hearing Arjun.

"If I can't get drench then let's not go there," Subhadra turned her face to other side.

"Ok, you can get drench, but not above your thighs. It's final," Subhadra nodded at Arjun unwillingly.

They both went near waterfall. As soon as they reached there Subhadra dragged Arjun with her into waterfall, and halted under heavy flow of waterfall. Arjun couldn't do anything to protest as he thought Subhadra wouldn't break the condition for which she agreed, but little did know about her mischievous self till then.

"Princess, what have you done? You accepted my condition, right?" Arjun asked a bit louder against the sound of waterfall.

"I accepted as that was the need of situation, simple!" Subhadra answered playing with water cheerfully.

"But we got drenched completely," He was siding his hairs which was coming in front of eyes due to water flow.

"I have extra pair of clothes for us," She was carefree near what she wanted.

"For us! Means!" He asked in confusion.

"I picked up one pair of your cloth when maids were settling those in your tent," She giggled making him smile.

Her answer reminded him about his Madhav who used to steal clothes of young ladies to tease them.

"So, you had planned this before!" He exclaimed making her turn with a narrow glare.

"You are questioning too much. Enjoy this occasion peacefully," Conveying this she turned again, and started to play with water.

After a pretty long time they both came out of waterfall, and dried themselves in sunlight. After changing into fresh clothes Arjun was ensuring Subhadra's security, and was waiting for her.

Suddenly his leg got stuck into a trap. When he was busy in escaping from that a tiger appeared out of blue. That tiger growled slowly to warn Arjun. Before Arjun could do something Subhadra came, and stood in between of him and tiger.

"Princess, why are you here? Move away," Arjun was worried with Subhadra's move.

"No, I won't move away leaving you in this trouble," In between their conversation tiger jumped once erasing the distance.

"Princess, listen to me. Please go," She turned back only to nod in negative at him.

The tiger jumped once more. She was standing still at her place. Arjun was trying hard to free himself.

"I don't have my Gandiv with me, because hunting is prohibited in Dwarka, and according to rule no royal member can take weapon into forest. No one of us has any weapon. If anyone comes to rescue us by chance then also it won't help," Amidst these thoughts of Arjun tiger jumped for the third time.

The tiger was few feets away from them. Noticing this Arjun applied his full force, and freed himself to fight, but before he could do so that tiger turned into a divine being. He narrated about his curse from sage due to being arrogant over his bravery. That sage told if any day anyone stands still against my three jumps I will be free from curse. Before leaving he thanked Arjun and Subhadra.

"Are you fine, prince Arjun?" Subhadra snapped her fingers in front of a lost Arjun.

"Yes, I am. Thank you for saving my life, princess. Let's go back," He urged politely.

"Don't reveal this incident to anyone, please. My brothers won't leave alone in any outing," She requested with a soft tone.

She side hugged him while walking when he agreed to her.

Not only the duo a new feeling was also walking with them sharing their path to be a delight after blooming the fullest.

So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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