13: Sohbet Etmek (To Converse)

He thought of all the ways out possible but couldn't get one. The deadline Abbi had given him, had infant passed and now he knew that he had no choice but to be married to whoever it was Fatima brought. Maybe she got him someone from a village, whom she could control and that way, to her foolishness, she would be able to control his life.

And he knew, she might have tried to get someone that was good looking, funny. If only she knew that he couldn't even see the face she would try to seduce him with. He knew exactly what to do, he would never give a damn about the so called wife and he had to be extra careful with her, at all cost. He knew not to trust Fatima out of all the people in his life.

Hammad got out of the car and he stared at the hall they were about to do the meeting in. He knew, as the CEO, he shouldn't be the one that would come to this meeting. But apart from it being the Dangote group project, he wanted badly to meet Yusrah and give her a medicine of her own, he wouldn't miss a chance like this.

Stealthily, he walked inside, trying as much as he could to rake his brain. He prayed he wouldn't give away any hint that he had face blindness. He had to act as professional as he could, to the best of his ability. The meeting was going smoothly. The other companies had presented their works and while it was her turn, she was asked to come forward to make the presentation but it seemed like she wasn't together with them.

"Miss Bawa!" Someone called with a slightly high pitched tone and she was brought out of her reverie.

"I'm sorry, I was lost. I recently lost a loved one and I'm not in a good shape yet." She said as she stood up and Hammad, no matter his quest for professionalism in this meeting, didn't know when he grunted softly and threw the words at her.

"You aren't the only one battling with loss, Miss Bawa. The least we expect from you, since you've made yourself present in this meeting room is your professionalism. You could keep at bay whatever pain you're feeling and concentrate on your work. No one cares about whoever you lost here, one way or the other, we've all lost a loved one."

He could see her face staring at him, but he couldn't say a word about the expression on her face. He was in a foul mood, he knew. He was feeling helpless and resentful over the recent events in his life, and so, the bitterness he was feeling had stopped him from feeling any sort of guilt whatsoever.

She took her time staring at his face before she took her eyes away and he heard the way the women on the table whispered their 'I'm sorry for your loss' to her. But he didn't give a damn. She wanted him dead, remember? She wished not to see him on this table ever again because her aim was to become the winner and he was an obstacle she could never fairly get away from. She had to use some dirty tricks on him. And now, that trick had cost him his sight.

She got to the front and began with her presentation, but she was in the middle of it when she sighed and nearly lost her balance, one of the women had to rush to her. Her voice was barely a whisper, it cracked as she spoke, emanating that she badly wanted to cry but was restraining herself from doing so.

They all knew she was trying so hard to control herself from an outburst of tears and she had lost her sanity since. She stood and just stared at them with eyes that glistened with tears and the way Yusrah was feeling, she didn't give a damn if she was going to break down in the presence of these people, she just wanted this hurt to be out of her chest. For his words not to ache this much and for the mean time, for her to forget about all the trouble that was going on in her life.

She knew she couldn't make a good presentation, she would just tarnish her reputation with this. "I'm sorry," she began, palming her face. "I'm not in the good shape to continue this. I'll withdraw my application for this project." With her head hung low and her heart squeezing with so much agony, which was caused by his words and her loss, she began to walk back to her chair.

Yesterday at night, she slept in Abla's room and in the morning, she dreamt of her. She had since then, lost her shape and couldn't even voice out a word. She had missed her mother and she badly wanted to be hugged by her, maybe all these wouldn't pain as much.

"It's okay, Miss Bawa, we've heard of your professionalism and it's one thing to lose such a loved one, it pains a lot. May Allah make it easy on you." The Dangote group representative said and there was a chorus of Ameen from all the people around the table.

"Ameen, thank you. I really appreciate your kind words." Her voice was muffled, but she was trying as much as she could to act sturdy. But she knew, within, she was breaking into the tiniest pieces her body could never reform from.

"We may have to extend this meeting until next week, Insha Allah. I hope that we all could excuse her about this?" He asked and there was a chorus of yes and no one objected. But when her eyes slightly turned to where he had his eyes fixed on his phone, as he acted as though he wasn't listening to all that was going on the table, Yusrah wished there was a way she would bring an end to his life without a finger being pointed at her.

She stood up and one by one, the women on the table gently hugged her while extending their condolences again, she thanked them profoundly. The men shook her hand and did the same. "I'm so thankful, Ameen to all your prayers."

She waited, with Hannah by her side until the last of them vanished, but he was still seated. She turned to Hannah with a strange smile on her lips, "Let's go, Hannah. It's good to have an iota of humanity in you, but when you don't, happiness deserts you."

She began to walk away but heard his voice directed at her. "I believe we have something to talk about," he said, walking towards her and his eyes got to the usual ring she had always had on her finger, which was a gift given to her by Abla.

She hid her hand away from his sight and turned, fully facing him. "Will you please excuse us?" He asked Hannah that only slightly bowed, despite hating him too much as well, before she walked out of the meeting room. Leaving just the two of them.

"What is it that you have to discuss with me? I thought I made myself clear on the phone? That I don't gave a damn about your freaking life, Hammad Idi Labo, if you'd just excuse me. As I have over a ton of things to think through..."

"Wanting to kill me and having failed miserably included, right? So you ought to think of another way to kill me, am I right?" She chuckled at that, he looked so furious that it was rather funny to her.

"I believe we all know that if I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't stoop that low, Hammad. There are thousand of ways to kill a man, and hiring what? Trucks and following you to the hospital only to end up signing as your wife to save your filthy life certainly doesn't make sense to you, does it?" She waited for an answer but when she didn't get one, she added, "I expected you to at least be smarter than this. What I shame! I guess I overestimated you, then."

She turned to her heel and on reflex, Hammad stopped her by holding onto her wrist. "You can't walk out on me when I'm not done talking to you!" He yelled and she yanked her wrist forcefully out of his hold before she snarled at him.

"And because you're who?! Hello! Just like I've told you over the phone, not all the women in Lagos crush over you, just that I doubt if all those girls running at your feet knew that you're a beast within!"

She snarled and rolled her eyes at him, "Just get a hold of yourself and mind your filthy self. I'll make this clear to you, once and for all, I had no idea of whatever truck you're talking about and the need to kill you, damn you! If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't be so foolish to make it that obvious. You lack so much as a person, you obviously have so much enemies than you care to count."

"What brought you to the hospital then? How the hell did they have to find you out of all the people in my life..." He said and shook his head, "You aren't even someone in my life for them to find you. Explain why of all the people in this world, you were the one that signed and to foolishly sign as my wife? How brazen of you!"

She stomped her feet, causing her heel to make a sound. "Hammad, stop being so obsessed with yourself, will you? I could swear to you that there are actually women, living ones that think far beyond how to get to talk to you." She hissed softly and looked away, clearly annoyed at him. He was just so full of himself that it was sickening.

"I'll use myself as an example. We both know I hate you, right?" She was trying so hard to make him understand that it was making her feel dizzy, so she pulled the closest chair to her and sat down. "You could seat as well, because it's obviously going to take me longer than usual. I really thought you were a sharp person, turns out you're so dumb."

"Mind your words," he warned through gritted teeth but she waved at him dismissively. She wanted to over with him, his words today made her realize that no matter how much she'd try, she won't ever not hate Hammad, she will do that. But the least she wanted was him being on her end and accusing her of something she had no idea about.

"I'm only trying to make you understand this because I'd hate to have you running at my feet with your accusations." She palmed her face to control her anger, his words still echoing through her heart and aching more than she had imagined they would. "I hate you, Hammad, I do that with all the might in me and if there was a way to never see you again, I'd make sure I do that. Because no one ever says words to me that struck right into my heart but you. I'd love to keep my distance from you to be able to keep my sanity. Your words hurt, and you always aim at my weakness; my mother."

She was surprised at the way her voice got choked as though she was about to cry. She was surprised at how she felt the bitterness in her tongue and it was hard to swallow her saliva. "But I'd never stoop so low to kill you. Not because I don't want to, but because the only thing I'd want in life is to have someone's blood on my hands. But with the way you speak to me and the words you throw at me, I may be compelled to kill you one day, I really would, but I believe it hasn't gotten to that point and it wouldn't get to that point if I distance myself from you."

"You really think so high of yourself," he spoke, obviously irritated with how much she thought of herself and the kind of confidence she walked around with. "You make it seem as if when you want to kill me, killing a fly would be much harder for you than that."

She chuckled and stood up, "Since I've made myself clear and it's still the same, I'll leave you to your own understanding."

"I'll make sure I find an evidence that will point at you and get you locked behind bars."

"I'd love to see you do that." Those were her last words as she walked out of the meeting room and he didn't try to stop her this time. She met Hannah waiting for her and they began walking together.

"And what is it that he wants?" Hannah asked with a low tone.

"I've never seen someone that gets on my nerves the way that guy do, Hannah. And he's so full of himself that it's sickening. Next meeting, I won't be here, you'd be."

"Why?! I thought you were so excited to make sure he losses?"

"The accident I told you about?" Hannah nodded her head and Yusrah continued, "he foolishly thinks I was the one that caused it, that I wanted to kill him. If I wanted to do that, there are easier ways than that, Hannah!"

She was surprised when she heard Hannah laughing, "And what's so funny in this?"

"Sometimes, I really think you two are meant to be. It's always one drama after another, you're never at peace with each other." Yusrah hissed and walked ahead, forcing Hannah to run a bit until she fell into pace with her. "You both hate each other with all your mights, imagine this hatred turned to love!"

"Mind your words and know what to say when it concerns him, Hannah."

"I just said imagine, wouldn't it be sweet?"

"It will be the bitterest kind of love. We're not compatible and certainly not meant to be." She smiled softly, "at this rate, I won't doubt if someone said we were meant to be the end of each other."

Kulthum was there, trying all she could to make sure she made the atmosphere as lively as she should know. No one was supposed to know the kind of marriage she was supposed to embark on, only Hannah. They all thought that she had found love from one of Musa's acquaintances and they had a deal with the man to bring all that he collected back to her.

That was the story she told them and they were over the moon about it. Everything was back to normal as though Abla had never left. Or maybe, as though Abla had never been there. Today was supposed to be the wedding day, but she had a work she should end.

"I really need to go to the company, Kulthum." Before she answered her, Aisha walked in with a tray in her hands.

"I made you brunch, ma." She said and placed it beside her on the bed.

"Aisha, I've told you many times that you have to start calling me Yusrah, that's my name." Aisha could only smile before she nodded her head.

"It's your wedding day," Kulthum began, "the least you could do is stay in bed, if you aren't going to get ready like the bride you are, my dear."

"It makes no difference. I'll make sure I'll be back before the sun goes down, that way I will get ready to be conveyed to my matrimonial home. I really need to leave." She hadn't even closed her mouth when they heard Hannah's voice that boomed into the house and instantly, Kulthum grinned at her.

"No more work, I guess." She chuckled lovingly at her and Yusrah pouted her lips.

"Where's my beautiful bride? I bought you a gift." She heard as Hannah singsong in the house before she spoke to someone, "Please wait here, I'd go and bring the bride myself."

When she entered the room, she got her eyes on a pouty Yusrah that was still in her pajamas. "What am I seeing?" She gasped and turned to Kulthum, "I thought you'd make sure she's set before I come?"

"That's what I'm trying to do, but she says she want to go to the company, she had something to take care of."

"What to take care of? I've done all the work and now..." She pulled her to her feet, "Go and quickly have a shower, come and eat your breakfast, I came along with a makeup artist. The photographer will be here in two hours."

"What do you mean, Hannah? I thought you know everything about this?! What makeup artist and photographer? To do just what?"

She pushed her into the bathroom before she answered, "Yes, I know everything. But we only get married for the first time in our life once, I won't let this day go to waste. Hurry! Or I might even add with an event and invite the female employees of our company, mind you."

Yusrah knew she would do it and so she did what she was asked of. She got into the shower as she thought of who the husband was. What did he look like? At least she prayed he didn't look at an ogre. His wealth was different, and she was even there to make sure he went broke, but atleast he should be pleasing to look at.

She got out of the shower and Kulthum forced down the meal into her stomach and before she got to protest, the makeup artist was there to cake her face up and no matter how much she protested, she finally relented and when they were done with the makeup and she went to the mirror to check herself out, she had to close her eyes and open them to make sure she was staring back at the right person.

Hammad's responses to whenever someone asked if they were related because of how much they looked alike ran back to her and she thought of the most recent one. 'I don't know how y'all see our resemblance, is it because she's a woman that looks less than one and now she resembles a softer male version of myself?' Yusrah smiled and got more enchanted with her beauty, she didn't know what the hell got to her but she silently wished he would be able to see her with this makeup on, he'd never say that to her again. No woman would look more beautiful than her in his eyes. What a creature she was!

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