11: Phone Fight
Hammad stared heatedly at the woman he had just fired from work. He knew he had been so bitter since after he was dismissed from the hospital, but he had no other outlet from this so much rage he had from his heart. He couldn't forgive her, no matter how much he thought he should, there was a part of his heart that told him not to. That it would be a terrible mistake to even think about forgiving her.
Yesterday, he had fired ten employees from his company. And even though they tired so hard in working with him, he had known, long ago that they were the allies of Fatima, his father's wife. And since after this accident, knowing so well that he know couldn't see the faces of people which would help him in recognizing what people meant to him and if what they were telling was tallying with their expression, he became even more careful.
He knew she'd throw a fit, she had always done that. And he would await whatever stupidity she had stuck in there and burn it right back with his words. Abbi had noticed that he had been in a sour mood since then, and no matter how much he asked him, Hammad couldn't bring himself into telling him that he had prosopagnosia. This was enough to get him brought down from the CEO company by the stockholders and the directors of the company, because who would have a CEO that couldn't see faces?
And he knew if that happened, or even knowing that there was risk for that to happen in case of leakage of his sickness, despite making sure he had closed the door so tightly that no one will know, it would devastate Abbi. And he wanted him to die the happy man he had lived his entire life as. At least, he owed him that. Hence, no matter how much he wanted to cry in his arms, he had to appear so strong and answer his countless questions with 'Nothing is wrong, Abbi. I'm just tired, white skin chronicles.'
He was in his office when his secretary called, a bit worried. "Sir, I'm sorry for disturbing you at this hour, but there's a problem. The directors and stockholders of this company are having a meeting about you, because since you came back you've been firing employees and yesterday...."
He simply cut her off, "Get straight to the point. What are they discussing in the meeting?"
"That you're too young and careless to be the CEO of this company. They want you to be removed from your position. I heard one of them suggested that you get married, he believes that you'd become responsible after that, and most of them have agreed with that."
"What in the deuce! How dare them meddle in my personal life?! The way I'm currently carrying the company, is it done by the said wife or am I the one doing the work?!" He thundered and he could imagine her flinching at that!
"I'm sorry, sir. But doing this now wouldn't yield a good result. I suggest that you go and speak with your father, finding a solution will be better at this point. Because they want to invite the other directors and stockholders to a board meeting about this."
"I'll let you know if there is something." He got into his suit and walked out of the office, as though she wasn't the one that had just finished talking with him on the phone.
He drove directly to the hospital as he thought of what he would do. Getting married would never happen now. He had no desire for his name to be attached to that of another woman, he had no desire to get married to a woman with whom he would never see the face of. He had no desire of bringing a child into this world and only for him not to see his or her face. He just wanted to be left alone, to figure out this strange way he was forced to live with.
He met Dr Abdul in the room and after they exchanged a few pleasantries, he gave them some time to finish as he stepped out of the room. He was aware of Abbi's eyes on his while he spoke with Abbi. Dr Abdul walked out of the room and walked toward him, he instantly assumed that he was smiling at him, so he smiled without knowing if he was right or wrong.
"Hammad, I need to speak to you for a moment." He said with a low tone and instantly, Hammad's heart lost a beat.
"Is it something to be bothered with?" He gave him one of his innocent looks. Maybe he was going to tell him that Abbi had only a few days or even few hours, right?
He chuckled softly, "No, I just want to ask you, what's wrong with you, Hammad? You haven't been yourself since after you had that accident and I wonder what went wrong. Do you need to speak to someone? You should know that I'd always be here, okay? It worries your father too much, as well, learn how to act normal around him, will you?"
Hammad scratched his nape while he nodded his head. "Insha Allah, Dr. I'll make sure I heed to your advice, thank you." He waited until Dr Abdul walked away before he walked into the room and found that Abbi was seated on the bed, staring at the path he followed.
"Good afternoon, Abbi..." He began, and the cold and worried tone Abbi had used was enough to tell him that he had heard what was going on in the company.
"I've lived all my life for that company, Hammad. I can't imagine someone taking over the CEO seat without breaking down. My father worked so hard to build it and grow it, I merely continued from where he stopped." He sounded forlorn and Hammad took his hand in his with a soft and cajoling smile.
"I know, Abbi, and I promise you that I'd do all it takes to make sure the company stays as it is. We can't afford to make losses, so I'll find a good way, Insha Allah." He said in a soothing manner but saw the way his father was shaking his head weakly.
"That wouldn't work, you know how those directors are. I've never had a problem with them, but I don't know what's wrong with them whenever it comes to you. It's like there's someone among them that has a problem with you and he or she is insinuating them about everything. We need to act smartly."
"They were suggesting I get married, I can't do that, Abbi." He said, matter-of-factly. He heard the grunt that escaped Abbi and wondered what was wrong. If only he could see the expression of his face, he wouldn't have been so clueless about a lot of things.
"I've already sent them a message, that you've been engaged for a month now, we had just kept it to ourselves. Now, it's left for us to find a wife for you. Or do you have a girlfriend, boy? The marriage has to be done in a week, that's before the invitation for the board meeting is sent out..."
He had never thought that Abbi could do such a thing without consulting him first. Hell, he even knew that he had no one he loved. He had never told him about his girlfriend or whatsoever and that wasn't because he wanted to hide it, it was because he had never had any and simply desired to live alone, by himself.
"You know that I've never had a girlfriend in my life, Abbi. And also," he was gently cut off by the sound of Abbi's laughter and before he heard his words, he really thought the man was just joking to him about the marriage thing.
"I honestly thought you were just hiding it from me, my boy. What are we to do now? Shall we put up everything secretly on social media? Whoever knows it's you would definitely run to make sure she's your wife."
"Marriage isn't something we can joke around with this way, Abbi. I really have no desire to get married now, and I wouldn't do so because some stupid directors suggest that I do. I could leave the seat for them, honestly."
The soft gasp that escaped his father's mouth hadn't gone unnoticed by him, but he wasn't ready to compromise this for anything. He stood up and slightly bowed his head, instantly looking away from the position he knew certainly, Abbi had fixed his eyes on him.
"I need to get back to the company now, Abbi. We shall talk about this later in the evening. I'll try and come up with a most befitting solution to all this." He walked out of the room with painful strides. He had never so outwardly denied what his father had said until today, and to be truthful, it hurt him so much.
He knew Abbi was there, overwhelmed with nothing but surprise, he couldn't believe that it was just Hammad that had walked out of the room now. His Hammad was now full of bitterness that it was so hard to listen to. He steamed off hatred and all those evil feelings he had accommodated in his heart, solely for Yusrah, while waiting for the chance to meet with Yusrah so he could vent everything out on her.
He really wouldn't forgive her. Because it was due to her all this was happening, and if he ended up loosing the CEO seat, because he was really not going to get married to any damned girl, it was still because of her and he would make sure he made her lose whatever was most beloved to her, that was certain.
Yusrah had been staying in Hannah's house for two days now. Because after hearing what she had been going through, Hannah said she wouldn't allow her to leave. Not until they find a solution for what was going in her life. Not until she was certain that she could live on her own, financially. Either that, or she collected the money she offered to give her.
But Yusrah would rather the former, so she stayed and informed Kulthum about it, whom was rather sad but she knew Yusrah was better off at a more convenient house. She had cooked dinner for them, she made Gozleme for them and made sure there was a drink by side. Maybe Hannah would love Turkish meals just like herself or she may hate it like Musa, damn the man!
She heard her phone ringing immediately after she came out from the shower, chuckling at how big Hannah's clothes made her feel. She was taller than her, so it showed in all the dresses she had that she just had to settle for some, despite being small for her. Before she went to Kulthum's house to retrieve hers.
"Merhaba," she said, internally smacking herself for wanting to be using Türkçe at any given chance. "Hello, good evening," she rectified and sat on the vanity stool, staring at herself through the mirror.
Her illuminating skin is still there, she still looked beautiful to her eyes, but there were dark bags under her eyes and her skin looked a bit dull. She had a few sunburns on her face as well. She smiled at herself through the mirror, she used to be so obsessed with her skin, taking such a delicate care of it that if someone told her that her skin would look like this today, she would never believe it.
"My name is Hammad Idi Labo." She heard the hatred without him voicing it out, she also heard the disgust and whatever ill feelings he had gotten stacked in his heart for her. Yes, she knew they hated each other so much, but this was the least treatment she expected from him, she saved his freaking life!
She groaned outwardly, not caring about how unfeminine that was. She just was so annoyed and she even wondered where he got the habit of calling her, not that Hammad having her number was supposed to be a natural thing. "I really can't believe this, Hammad. What is it that you want from me? As you should know, I'm really not in the right condition for your babyish enmity, I really have things going on in my life that I have to focus on."
"What I want from you? Is to sue you and make sure you are sent to jail for what you did to me," he was speaking through gritted teeth and she really wanted to know what the hell was wrong with this man.
She hissed softly, "I really have no business with you. And if you think signing on those damn letters to save your freaking life was something to hate me for, by all means, you should continue to do that. Because you see, I've never hated anyone like I hate you, well--maybe after my stepdad but that's a different case." She wanted to slap herself, really. She had started talking like the sophisticated lady she was and then foolishly ended everything on such a childish way.
"As I was saying, you aren't the only one that hates me as I can hear it from your voice. I hate you as well, too much, even. And there are things I would never forgive you for. But for that, I'm sorry but I wouldn't apologize for saving your life, you're a muslim, at least that should be enough reason."
"I want us to meet, I can't talk about this on the phone. I need to see you while you claim to be innocent in this. While you claim that you aren't the one that sent those trucks to kill me and then came to the hospital to make sure I'm dead, only for you to be trapped into signing as my wife! Damn my wife! The least you could say is you're a relative whatsoever, a cousin would do, a sister--but wife?!" He scoffed and she wished she was standing beside him, nothing would have stopped her from throwing a punch at him.
"Or do you badly want to be one? Because I have a job offer for you. Pose as my wife for a week and you'd name your price, easy, right? I believe it wouldn't cost much if it's you, just for a day, it would be enough."
Anger made her rise on her feet as she began to pace through the room. "Whatever the hell you think you have, I also do. I want you to know that not every woman in Nigeria gushed over you, not every woman crushes on you and would die at this kind of opportunity." She hissed loudly and palmed her face, "Damn an opportunity! What the hell do you think of yourself. There are actual women, whom you'd never get even if you badly want, and I'm among those women. In fact, I'm the last person you could ever lay your hands on, damn you being Hammad Idi Labo and you should go to hell!" She thundered, her eyes blinded with rage.
"What..." She cut him off, enraged.
"And it would be such a pity if you think your chicken change could sway a woman like myself. Now, I want you to end this call and never call me again. And about hiring and killing...whatever nonsense you were saying, get a damn hold of yourself, mister. The world doesn't revolve around you, hello! I really don't have your time, you could die right at this moment and the least I could do is shrug, because I DON'T FREAKING CARE ABOUT YOUR FREAKING LIFE, DAMN YOU!" She screamed the words and angrily ended the call.
It took a whole lot of self control before she got ready, but still, anger was still simmering in her heart as she did that. She wanted to call him again, insult him and then end the call, but she couldn't stoop that low. She'd let him call her again because somehow, she knew he would. He was accusing her with such a huge thing, and knowing so well how unforgiving he was, he wouldn't rest until he told her all that he wanted to tell her today, because she obviously cut him off.
She heard the doorbell and walked to the door, wrapping her hair delicately in her veil as she still fumed in anger. She opened the door and stood on her track. There was Hannah, looking all fearful and when Yusrah thought, it was too early for Hannah to be back from work. And then there was Musa right behind her, waiting for the door to be opened so they could come in.
"What are you doing here?" She threw the words angrily at him. It might be Hammad that made her angry, but no-one had ever hurt her the way he did and it was only right if she vented out on him.
Hannah quickly walked into the house and held her hand. "You can have a seat please, Mr Musa." Hannah said with a soft smile as she dragged Yusrah to the nearest room.
Yusrah pulled her hand away and stared unbelievably at her. "What do you think you're doing, Hannah? Did you keep me at your house so that man could follow me here and do what? Kill me? Because that's the only thing he has obviously didn't do yet."
Hannah sighed and shook her head. "He looked remorseful when he asked me if I knew where you were, because he knew I would know. I asked what he wanted to do and immediately, he showed me your appointment letter, he's giving the job back to you, Yusrah. Maybe he figured no one would work for him the way you do."
"Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubbles, Aşkım, but it's a no. How dare him do that to me and think he could get me back?" She recoiled with anger, "He has to leave this house, now!" She yanked her hand away from Hannah's hold and stomped out of the room, fuming with rage.
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