
(Somewhere in Atlas)
A scientist is currently working on a computer on the stats of what could become Atlas's greatest asset since the discovery of the maindens. He sees that the subject would be in possession of remarkable intellect along with immense strength, speed, durability and stamina while also possessing regeneration that renders it immune to any form of scarring or even overexertion but what truly surprised the scientist is that the subject has obtained a ability many believed can only be dreamt of: Immortality. He smirked at the power the subject will obtain once it is ready and can be controlled due to the possibility of random bouts of feral rage from the subject. Scientist* Leans Back in Chair*:" You will certainly make me a billionaire my lovely. Just a few more days and you will help end this war as well as make Atlas the hero in the eyes of the other kingdom's residents. *Check Time* Ah it is time for some personal business yes." The scientist got up and went for his "personal business" but while he was leaving he instructed two soldiers to watch over the subject with the soldiers looking weirded out at what they saw. Soldier #1:" Why the hell does it look like a damn baby?" Soldier#2:" I would rather want to know who the hell it's parents are to just have some stupid runt in a tube." The two men just continued examining the bizarre and outright creepy situation they were tasked to look over but then one of them looked over to his left to see a glass orb the size of a yoga ball with a ethereal looking dark sparkling mist slowing flowing like a living material inside. Soldier#2:" What the hell is that crap?" Soldier #1 didn't respond but did walk towards the orb for a closer look until seeing that there was a file folder next to it so feeling entitled and curious, he picked it up and tossed it to his partner. Soldier#2:" Dark energy? Extremely dangerous, handle with utmost and professional care but most importantly keep contained within bulletproof glass. The hell is dark energy? A new kind of dust?" Soldier 1# just looked at the orb before backing away slightly when a crack suddenly appeared. Soldier 1#:" The doc was right to call this shit dangerous if bulletproof glass this thick starts cracking. The doc better hurry up if he don't want this shit seeping out." The Soldier tried to walk back to his friend only to realize he was alone in the room. Soldier 1#:" Huh, hey where you go?" Watching the experiment should have been easy but now the now lone Soldier was missing his partner and was stuck in a room with some supposed incredibly dangerous substance. Soldier 1#:" This ain't funny douche breath now come out! We have a job to do!" Again no response but he wasn't scared since he was a armed and armored soldier so what could hurt him? Soldier 1#:" Listen up asshole! If you dare even think of scaring me you can kiss your dumbass goodbye!" Finally a silent response came when the soldier saw a silhouette of a masculine man. Soldier #1:" There you are dumbass! Where the hell were you?!" No response came but the silhouette moved a little forward to show the man how tall the owner of it was, seemingly around 6'5 while also not looking to be wearing a helmet judging from the hair standing up. Soldier 1#*Eyes Widen*:" Halt right there freak! You're under arrest for trespassing! Where the hell is my partner!?" The silhouette didn't respond verbally but with motion when he grabbed the soldier by the throat and violently slammed against the glass window giving a overview of the baby. Soldier 1#:" Ow! Damn you!" ???:" What are you Atlas scum doing to that baby?" Soldier 1#:" Tch, like I'd tell you motherfu-" The trespasser strengthen his hold on the man's throat then punched his side so hard you could hear a rib or two snap. The soldier tried to scream in pain but the man's grip on his throat prevented most of the sound from escaping. ???:" Mind your tongue before I sever it from you mouth boy. Now I'll ask one more time. WHAT.ARE YOU.BASTARDS.DOING.TO.THAT.BABY?" The soldier looked into the ice cold eyes of the man he was at the mercy of and all that looked back into his eyes was the fury of Hell itself. Soldier 1#:" Wait just please wait! I swear to Oum I don't know man. We just guard the place then we were told to temporarily guard the room till the next shift's guards show up!" The stranger's glare didn't let up in the slightest but instead just made the man bring out a twelve inch knife from his back pocket and place it near his eye. ???Cold and Emotionless:" Then who would know?" Soldier 1#*Panicking*:" T-The doctor in charge of all this! The head scientist of the facility! I swear to Oum he would know! If not him then General Ironwood would definitely know! Just please don't kill me!!!" ???:".... Where is this doctor of your's?" Soldier 1#:" He just went down the hall! I swear that's all I know!" ???:" Good...because that's all I need from you." The stranger then snapped the soldier's neck and went towards the door to confront the man who had the bright idea to do this to a seemingly new born child all the while walking past another corpse, which turned out to be the second soldier who had several stab marks in his torso and a deep slit cut into his throat. Down the hall the POV changes to that of a woman with long black hair, red eyes and wearing a long red cape holding a scythe-like weapon that had blood dripping from the tip of the blade. This was the stranger's closest friend Quill Branwen, the younger twin sister of Raven Branwen and a member of the legendary team TEAM STRQ but right now she was one half of a duo that was gonna find out what this new weapon Atlas had. Quill was walking down the hallway before coming across a door with a doctor's name on it guarded by a pair of soldiers but what caught her mind was that one seemed ready to pass out. Quill*Whispering*:" Perfect opportunity. " After about twenty seconds the soldier passed out with the other soldier giving a loud annoyed sigh but before they could attempt to wake them up, Quill sped over and stabbed them in the back of their chest then doing the same to the other. Quill:" Atlas assholes." She then kicked the door down to see that scientist was reading a book but now had his attention on Quill. Scientist:" Whatever you want, I can give it you! Do you desire money!? Weapons!?" Quill:" I desire to know what you assholes have been trying to hide since I've been hearing that you have some kind of new weapon." Scientist* Eyes Widen*:" W-Wait! I just can't show that to a normal civilian *Quill readies her scythe* b-b-but I suppose I can make a exception for you mam." The scientist smiles nervously and signals for her to follow him where after a few minutes they are confronted by a tall white haired man with a stoic expression. Quill*Smiles*:" Sup Vergil! Glad to see you managed to deal with those two. Find anything?" The man known as Vergil now grabbed the scientist by his collar and threw him into the room where he hit his desk that was now just splinters. Vergil:" I did find something and I want answers. NOW" Quill looked to a fairly large tank and to her shock, inside of it was a baby that looked to be new born with a mask covering it's mouth. Quill:' What the fuck kind of sick shit is this!?!?!?!? Is there any line you psychotic bastards won't cross!?!?!?" Scientist* Scared Shitless*:" Wait please! You have to understand that this could be our best and maybe even last hope against Salem! This being's powers can finally end her and we'll all be at peace after centuries of war!!!" Quill:" As good as that sounds, I'm not willing to have a child become a weapon of mass destruction and another lap dog for Ironwood." Quill turned her weapon into it's gun form and blasted the scientist to bits, leaving behind blood and pieces of flesh on the floor. Vergil:" I will enjoy seeing Atlas burn to the ground and when that day comes, Remnant will know half of the peace it deserves but then we won't have those sacrificing their lives for nothing but greed." Quill:" Amen to that but right now let's see what we can find out about this kid." Looking around Quill found a file with the words "Contingency 101" and opening it she saw that the child had no name, birth date or even information regarding any family members, all there was what the kid was capable of and Quill was shocked to see how strong the boy would be when he got older. Quill*Looking to Child*:" Where's your family little guy?" Meanwhile Vergil was looking around and saw another file with the same words on the front and when he opened it he saw information that shocked the hell out of him. Vergil": Quill, you might want to see this." Quill walked over to Vergil and was handed the file to where it read that the boy was a clone made from the DNA of two people that could make a powerful child and those DNA samples were of.... Quill and Vergil. Quill:" These bastards made a clone of us!?!?! Why the actual fuck would they do that!?!?" Vergil:" I swear on my mother's grave I will destroy this kingdom if it's the last damn thing I do." In a rage Quill turned her weapon into it's sword form and started to bash whatever part of the lab was in her sights. In within twenty five minutes, computer monitors were destroyed, filing cabinets were wrecked with the files torn to pieces but most notably was a glass orb that was nothing more but shattered pieces with Quill now letting out angry breaths through her teeth with perspiration going down her forehead. Vergil:" Well deserved destruction but Quill have you realized what this child is?" Quill:" Another innocent victim of Atlas's tyranny, a orphan child with no family or maybe even a child without a purpose?" Vergil:" No this child here is our son." Quill:" What!?!?!?!" Vergil:" He has our DNA Quill. That's makes him our son and I know that we are not gonna leave him here." Quill:" Your damn right but how do we get him out? And how do we explain that we are parents now to my family, your brother and your son?" Vergil:" Just find something that can be used as a blanket while I get him. Dante is gonna lose his damn marbles over this." Vergil walked over and smashed the tube open allowing the water to flow out before gently having the baby be placed into his arms and removing the air mask from his face. Vergil:" I swear child Atlas will pay tenfold for whatever they were planning to do with you." Vergil proceeded over to Quill who took off her cape and wrapped the boy up in it but there was no reaction from the said child. Quill:" When do you think he'll wake up?" Suddenly cute noises started originating from the boy with his eyes starting to open. Vergil*Chuckles*:" There's your answer." The boy started moving his little arms up towards Quill's face but couldn't reach her before looking to Vergil and giggling adorably, he reached out for him and managed to grab Vergil's hand with his tiny baby hands. Quill:" Oh we got to give this cute little dumpling a name!" Vergil:" What did you have in mind?" Quill:" Well since I never planned on having a kid I can't say. How about you?" Vergil:" I do actually have a suggestion." Quill:" Oh do you? Well you are always ready for any situation so lay it on me." Vergil:" I came up with the name Chris. A name a friend I fought alongside with had before I met you." Quill:" Hm Chris is a simple but good name. Alright then! From now on little guy your name is now Chris! Welcome to the family!" Little Chris just laughed in his new mother's arms before starting to babble like babies usually do. Vergil*Chuckles*:" Come on, we should get back before anymore of these damn cockroaches decide to make their worthless presence known." Quill:" Right but this is gonna be one hell of a talk to have with our family once this is all over." Vergil:" As true as that is they need to know so they can help us with this.... and Nero might like having a brother." Quill smiled warmly at that before pulling out her scroll to call someone. Quill:" Hello? Sup sis we're okay but we're bringing something back that you might like." A second later a red portal appeared in front of them and without hesitation they walked into the portal to end up in front of a house away from Atlas. Walking into the house they were met with six people, three adult woman and three children with one a boy and the other two girls but the boy was older than the girls. A woman with very long hair and red eyes like Quill with the difference being that she was significantly shorter than her. Raven:" I take it the mission was a success little sis." Quill:" Yep and look what we have now." Raven looked to Quill's arms and saw the adorable baby snuggling in her chest. Raven:" Well who's this lil cutie?" Quill*Nervous*:" Well he's my new son." ???:" WHAT?!?!?!?" The other two women in the room screamed out when that was announced since Quill wasn't seeing anyone nor were they aware of her going through the normal things of pregnancy but luckily the group's handsome diplomat managed to explain what Quill meant. Vergil:" Kids, can you please give us the room and go play outside?" Kids:" Sure Uncle Vergil/Dad." Vergil then turned back to the woman and took a deep breath to prepare to explain how they found the child. Vergil:" The boy wasn't made the same way Nero, Yang or Ruby were. He was cloned from the DNA of Quill and another man and judging from his age, he was very recently finished. Me and Quill found him after killing the bastard that made him to become a weapon." The trio of women were disgusted and pissed off to hear that Atlas was willing to stoop to the level of turning children into weapons which had the horrid consequence of making him nothing more than bloodthirsty yet obedient monster that will know nothing but war. ???:" Why the hell would they think of that as a good idea!?!?" This angry question came out of the blonde woman that serves as the reason both of the sisters were related in the first place known as Tea Xiao Long. Next to speak was the leader of TEAM STRQ, a woman known as Summer Rose. ???:" Yeah, what made them think they had ANY damn right to do something as immoral and as evil as this!?!?!" Vergil didn't have a answer but Chris apparently did when he reached his little arms out to him. Chris*Cute Baby Noises* Quill:" Hey! He wants you to hold him!" Quill handed the little boy to his new father all the while he snuggled into his chest and wrapping his arms into a kind of hug. Vergil:" Me the eldest son of Sparda and one of the most powerful beings on the planet of Remnant now being a father to not one but two sons and a uncle figure to not one but two nieces. This... is all I ever wanted and now I finally have it." ???:" Hello ladies and my dear older brother! What I miss?" Vergil turned to the man that looked identical with him beside his hair being longer and him wearing red rather than blue. This was Dante, Vergil's younger twin brother and the owner of the business known as Devil May Cry. Vergil:" Dante I have someone you need to meet." Dante:" Is it the prick that owes me a few dozen beers for kicking his ass in pool?" Vergil*Facepalms*:" No you moron, it's this little guy." Dante looked to Vergil's arms and saw a child nuzzled into his chest before turning to look at Dante with his heterchromic red and blue eyes. Dante:" Hiya lil dude! How you doing?" Dante extended his palm to Chris in a high five manner and surprisingly Chris extended a tiny right hand and playfully patted Dante's palm. Dante:" Hell yeah lil dude! That's how you do it!" Vergil couldn't help but smile at this before dropping the bomb on his brother. Vergil:" Dante this boy is your nephew." Dante:" Hol up WHAT!?!?! I thought Nero was my nephew!?!?" Vergil:" He is but so is him thanks to Atlas." Dante's smile dissipated at the hearing of the kingdom's name. Dante:" What did those asshats do this time?" Vergil explained to his brother how his and Quill's DNA were used to create the child so he could become a super soldier for Atlas to use against Salem and the scientist who was in charge was willing to do it for a insane price of billions of dollars. Dante:" WHAT!?!?!? Those bastards are dead meat the second I get my hands on them!!!!! I swear that by the name of our father!!!!!!" Vergil placed a hand on Dante's shoulder to calm him down before saying a idea that caught everyone's attention. Vergil:" How about we make our own vengeance against Atlas?" Raven*Intrigued*:" Oh, and how do you suppose we do that Vergil?"  Vergil:" Let's be the family that Atlas wouldn't give this boy and train him to be a hero rather than a feral weapon." Everything was quiet for a moment before yelling out "HELL YEAH" and looking to the child before Quill looked at her son in Vergil's and decided as a joke to see if Chris could say anything, came up with a fair sized sentence for him to try and say. Quill:" Hey sweetie can you say " I love you" Can you say that for mommy?" The women chuckled at the joke while Dante and Vergil were ready to see Chris's attempt at trying to speak but what none of them expected was for Chris to say this. Chris*Smiles Adorably:" I wuv woo mommy." BAM! The women collapsed at the overdose of cuteness they have just heard while Dante simply said one thing to his older brother. Dante:" He's got your brains."

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