
Ready or not, here I come. The first Wasteland guard isn't that hard to find. He's searching through boxes in the storage room, though I know he'll never find anything useful. He looks up when I open the door. "You," He says with a smile.

"You," I repeat back right before I leap. The Wasteland guard has his sword out, but his stance is a bit off, and when he deflects my attack, it's a bit sloppy. When we land, I turn around, launching several stars with my left hand. One hits his arm, and sinks in, but the rest clatter to the ground, completely missing their target. The Wasteland guard's sword slips from his grip as blood drips from his fingertips. "You'll pay for that," He growls.

"Ok," I reply with a shrug and an innocent look. He snarls then lunges, tightening his fingers to a fist. A sword against skin and bone? I like the odds.

My sword cuts through his fingers, and the Wasteland guard howls. The flat side of the blade slams into his side, knocking the air from his lungs. He chokes for breath. I can use a sword just fine, but the stars are my primary weapon. Their deadly blades are what drew me to them. The light reflecting off the surface luring me in. It was just a matter of time before I became a pro with them. I'll choose them over any weapon, but sometimes they won't work. When I'm in my Blended form, or in hand-to-hand combat.

The Wasteland guard quickly recovers, and he gets his sword back. The blade cuts into my upper arm. I hiss, lashing out through the haze of pain. He blocks my next attack. Metal screeches as our swords clash again. Sparks fly through the air. I continue pushing against him before I swiftly sidestep, dropping my sword to my side. A smirk graces my face as he stumbles forward, nearly falling to the ground. From there it's nearly too easy. In a few moves, I have a star between my fingers, and my arm curls up. My wrist flicks the star. Metal flashes then red spills from the Wasteland guard's throat. He collapses with a thud. I pull the star from his body before racing off.

Heeeere little Wasteland guard. I won't bite. I've covered the floor, and the one below with no sign. Now I'm on the main level. I Blend myself once more with a low snarl. Frustration builds in my veins when I catch several trails, but they either lead nowhere, they lead to dead bodies, or they're for members of T-LOOT-D. Where is the stupid guy? Did he, like, fly somewhere? I mean, I oughta find him somewhere. It's not like he could've gotten very far out of the base... Unless, of course, the fights took longer than I thought.

"Lookin' for me?" I whirl around. Sure enough, there the Wasteland guard stands, leaning carelessly against the doorframe. How the hell did I miss him? I narrow my eyes while I extend my claws until they begin to dig into the floor. Though I want to attack, and rip his head off, I wait. The Wasteland guard pulls out a dagger from his belt and starts cleaning his nails. Finally. One of them learned that there are weapons other than swords. The Wasteland guard doesn't move for several moments. His eyebrows scrunch as he focuses even more on his fingernails. Seriously? I shrug, and take a few steps to the side. I'll let him have the first move.

He doesn't move. Minutes tick by, one after the other after the other. I pace back and forth. What to do, what to do. What to do indeed. The Wasteland guard's stance is one of defense. Once I attack, he'll deflect my blow with ease. I can't attack, but I can't leave. There could be other Wasteland guards hunting through stuff. Or I could just attack, and if I get injured, I get injured. If I get killed... Then I get killed, I guess. Let's hope it won't come to that. I pace back and forth for another few moments. As I near the turn, I feel strength seep through my body, building until I bunch my hind legs, and launch myself at the Wasteland guard. I slam into him, and we tumble to the ground. He jerks his head to the side when my teeth try to snap shut on his throat. My claws dig into his shoulders. Hold still- I'm trying to finish you off! A growl rumbles in my chest as his sword digs into my side. We pull apart. The wound isn't deep enough to cause permanent damage -I jumped away fast enough- but it certainly hurts, and blood runs down my fur before falling to the ground in a puddle.

The Wasteland guard returns his sword to its sheath. What on earth is he up to? Better for me, I guess. I race towards him, and the feeling of strength rushing through my muscles returns. Just as my paws leave the ground, I'm knocked to the side. The air is knocked out of me when I crash into the ground. I roll several times before coming to a stop. Immediately, I'm back on my feet with my teeth bared in a snarl. "I'm surprised you fell for that." The Wasteland guard almost purrs. I don't reply. The second Wasteland guard gets to his feet, and joins his companion. Several more appear. For once, I wish I had Jay's speed. It's a first, I know. Sure, I could use strength and land a few crippling blows, but they'll be ready and expecting it after the first time or two. With speed, I could pick them off, and move faster than they'd be able to fully register. I shake my head, forcing the thoughts to the back of mind. I lock them in a box- my full attention needs to be on the Wasteland guards before me.

I remove my Blend, and the cool feeling of the stars beneath my fingertips returns. They turn in circles as I fiddle with them. One on one I could take them no problem, even two or three I could do. Two, four, six, seven, I think eight... Yeah, eight. Alright, so eight Wasteland guards. Externally, I look flatly at the Wasteland guards, but internally I'm far less calm, cool, and collected. No, stop. What's going to happen is going to happen. If you're destined to go down, you'll take as many as you can with you. If there's enough noise, perhaps someone will come and help. I exhale slowly as I add several more stars to my fingers. After a count of three, I unleash them all, save for the three left in my belt.

Two fall after the blades pierce their sides, but for the others, I'm not so lucky. One star ends up embedded in a Wasteland guard's leg, and another in a forearm, but the rest are deflected or they miss. "You'll pay for that," A Wasteland guard growls. He pulls the star from his arm, and it clatters to the ground. Blood runs down his wrist and hand like rivers. They make an awful lot of threats, but most of them seem to be empty. I take a few quick steps back when the Wasteland guards run towards me. My sword fells a Wasteland guard, but there's still five more, and only one of me. They stand in a circle around me with no room for escape. No. You will escape, Hawk. You will. The back of a sword drives me to the ground, and I land heavily on my hands. I groan as I rise back up. Surprisingly, none of the Wasteland guards have made any more attempts to attack.

There are only three more stars in my belt as the rest are scattered just beyond the circle of Wasteland guards. I could try to push past them, maybe taking one or two down in the process. None of the Wasteland guards have moved. I start towards a pair of them with my sword drawn, but they don't react. When I begin make an attack, several Wasteland guards grab onto my arms, holding me back. My sword is thrown to the side. "Easy there, boy," A Wasteland guard says as I strain against their grip. I kick my heel into one of their knees. A smile crawls across my face when I hear a crack. My right arm is free, and my elbow finds its way to ribs. The Wasteland guard hisses, but keeps his hold. I writhe, twisting my arm, but the only thing I get is a nearly dislocated shoulder.

When I break free, I shove my way through the wall of Wasteland guards and pick up the stars. The cool, smooth feel of the metal is comforting. I tuck them in with the others in by belt. What do I do? They're not attacking like they usually do. I try my hand again at fighting them, but they just restrain me and make it so I can't move. Try and try again I make attempts to fight them. I'm successful in felling two of the Wasteland guards, though I acquire several more wounds in the process. Even though I'm only a few yards from the Wasteland guards, they still make no moves towards me. If I go for one, they are just going to restrain me. What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do?

The Wasteland guards make my decision for me. Another one shows up, rope in one of his hands. Realization hits me. No wonder they weren't attacking me. They're planning on capturing me. Like that'll happen. A low growl rumbles in my throat as the Wasteland guards begin to advance, and as much as I'd like to fight them, I can't want to risk being captured.

The Wasteland guard with the rope in his hand mouths something to the others, and they speed up into a run. Jay, please send me some of your speedy vibes. I could really use them right about now. I Blend myself as I break into a sprint. My claws dig into the floor as I go faster. The footsteps behind me echo in the hallway. Strength flows through my muscles, and I speed up. I skip several stairs when I leap off the top one, and am at the bottom in a few moments. My paws nearly slide out from underneath me as I skid around a turn. A few corners later, and the footsteps have disappeared. I didn't check, but they oughta be gone, right? Or maybe they're taking a roundabout route? They've been gone for at least a minute or two, though I'm not sure.

I take a deep breath as I burst through the door. The air is crisp outside. I don't stop as I continue running. After I've traveled a ways past the house, I remove my Blend and climb up a tree. The branches are thick enough and covered in enough leaves that I'm hidden enough so I can see out, but it's far harder to see me. A few minutes pass by. Come on. I know you're out there somewhere. As if they're right on cue, the Wasteland guards run out of the base. They jog for a few steps before slowing down to a stop. "Where'd he go?"

"You and you, head back in and scout out every nook and cranny where he could be hiding. The rest of you fan out. We can't fail Guthrie Harper." One of the Wasteland guards waves his hands as he orders the rest of his companions. So Guthrie Harper asked, well, more demanded, for me specifically. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be honored or what... I'm not sure if it's a good thing that our arch nemesis asked for me to be brought to him... Probably not...

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Or... not.

"Show yourself... What's his name?"

"Hawk, you idiot," Comes the snappy reply.

"Show yourself, Hawk!" Do they really think that'll work? That calling my name will actually make me just walk over there and willingly be captured.

"Find him! Guthrie Harper wants him by today's nightfall, and I will not fail him." The other Wasteland guards scour the surrounding area while he stands, rubbing the back of his neck. I'm a little surprised they haven't found my paw prints; they aren't the most subtle thing on the planet.

The bark is digging into my skin. I shift, trying to keep blood flow to my legs. A Wasteland guard walks beneath my tree. Come on, just keep moving! Pretty please don't notice me! He pauses for a moment, and my heart stops beating for a second. I freeze, not moving even to breathe. His gaze is still on the ground, so that's a good thing, right? The Wasteland guard crouches down, reaching out a finger to examine. When I look a little closer, my heart sinks. He's looking at my footprints from when I started to climb the tree. Don't. Look. Up... I internally groan as he looks up, but he might not notice me. I silently pray to anyone who will listen for him not to find me.

His eyes scan the tree, skipping over me several times, but he doesn't appear to see me. I still don't take more than quick and shallow breaths. I'm frozen to where I'm seated on a branch. "Hey! Have you found anything?" My eyes are fixated on the Wasteland guard below me, so I don't look to find the other Wasteland guard.

"There are footprints that end below this tree, but I can't find anything." The Wasteland frowns as his eyes scan through the branches, again skipping over me without finding me.

"Lemme see. This is a start. Guthrie Harper wants him back in a few hours, so we've got to start moving." The other Wasteland guard joins his companion below the tree. Oh, so it's the head Wasteland guard. That's wonderful. Minutes slowly tick by like snails. The Wasteland guards look through the branches while the rest hunt elsewhere outside of the base. A squirrel scampers across one of the lower branches, and for a moment, they think it's me. The lead Wasteland guard curses.

All of a sudden, my luck runs out. The first Wasteland guard's eyes lock with mine. I become even more frozen. Please don't notice me! Please don't notice me! Please don't notice me! "Hey! You! Get down here!" He shouts, pointing at the ground below his feet. As if.

"You found him?" The lead Wasteland guard asks.

"Yeah. Right there, on the left. Follow my finger."

"Got it. Get down here right this instant." Or what?

The other Wasteland guards gather below. I shift so I'm in a more comfortable position. They stare right back up at me, and I stare right back down at them. Ah, you lose. One of the Wasteland guards blinked before I did. "He's not coming down on his own. We'll have to bring him down ourselves."

"Unfortunately that's so. I'd love to starve him out, but we don't have the time."

"How are we going to get him out?"

"We could make him fall." Seriously? Like, just do something. I almost start laughing.

"Someone get a bow and arrow." One of the Wasteland guards runs off. I sit with a leg up, and the other hanging down and swinging.

He returns a minute or two later, a quiver over one shoulder and the bow in his right hand. He hands it to a different Wasteland guard who confidently draws the string back, and releases an arrow. I don't blink- the string wasn't pulled back enough and the aim was way off, so the arrow only makes it up half the distance it needed to. The Wasteland guard tries again, but it only goes up another foot or so. Four tries later, and they haven't managed to get anywhere near close. I lean back against the tree truck and yawn loudly. A smirk crawls onto my face when I hear him growl.

"Let me try," A different Wasteland guard says. He holds the bow in his hands with an arrow tucked under an arm. When he pulls back the string, it's clear he has much more experience with a bow an arrow than the previous Wasteland guard. I crouch on the branch. The string is pulled back as far as it will go, but the Wasteland guard still doesn't fire. He's definitely better, but by how much? My question is answered when the arrow is suddenly a few inches from my left arm, halfway buried into the bark. Another arrow grazes my foot as it lands in the branch. I jump into motion. Do I go up or down? I'm stuck here if I go up, but all the Wasteland guards are all there if I go down. I'll stay. They don't have time to starve me out... I guess. I climb along the side of the tree, searching for a way up. The Wasteland guard continues to fire arrow after arrow at me. "What's taking you so long? Hit him! He's right there, so why haven't you gotten him?" The head Wasteland guard is screaming, and I'm sure there's smoke pouring out of his ears. Thin scratches of red riddle my legs and arms.

I've had to go a little lower on my journey upwards since there's a portion of the tree covered in branches too small and thin for me to balance on. Crack. My heart drops as I curse. Looks like I didn't go down enough. The branch is breaking, and the bark splinters. I lurch as the branch shudders and drops a foot or so. My fingertips graze the bark of the branch above me, but I can't get a grip on it. After another few seconds, gravity wins, and I fall. My back takes the brunt of the impact. I'm stunned for a few seconds before I shake my head and jump to my feet. Jay, think you could spare a bit of your speed? The Wasteland guards are hard on my heels as I break into a sprint, Blending myself in the process.

Exhaustion hits me, and I can feel my strength slipping away. Adrenaline rushes through my veins. The door to the base is only a little ways away, though the Wasteland guards are only a few steps behind me. You can do it, Hawk. Just a little further. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. I burst through the door, removing my Blend and slamming the door shut behind me.

I allow myself to pause for a moment, and exhale. One of the Wasteland guards is screaming. I turn around, frowning. Huh, that's odd. Oh, that makes sense- I'd slammed the door on their hand. It's clearly broken based off how the fingers are hanging and that the door is almost completely shut. The door is slowly forced open. I curse as I curl my fingers around three of the stars. It's almost like the world is moving in slow motion as the door finally opens enough to let the Wasteland guards in and they pile through the entrance with swords drawn. Alrighty, focus. They're all enemies. The stars fly through the air in flashes of silver. One grazes a Wasteland guard's shoulder, but the other two sink into their targets' chests and they fall. I duck under a swinging sword and slash at one of the Wasteland guard's legs. He collapses, alive, but with a nasty wound on his shin.

Someone hits me in the head with the flat side of their sword. I cry out as fireworks of pain erupt throughout my skull. My sword clatters to the ground as my legs give out and I collapse. I curl up, my fingers wrapping around a star as I try to force the pain away. A low growl rumbles in the back of my throat. My head is swimming, and everything around me is slightly blurry. A hand grabs onto my shoulder. Nice try.

I slap the hand away from me. When I try to stand, the pain spikes and I can't make it past getting to my knees. Several of the Wasteland guards chuckle. "This was almost too easy. I thought he would've put up a bigger fight, being Hawk and all." You haven't caught me yet. I'm not in Guthrie Harper's hands now, am I? My fingers curl around the remaining stars, the points digging ever so slightly into my skin. Enough so I can feel it, but not enough to draw blood. I'm rocking on fifty foot waves, and I'm swaying as I stand on my knees. The next time one of the Wasteland guards tries to grab onto me, I drive one of the stars into his forearm, and throw the stars at the other Wasteland guards. Only one of them even hits a Wasteland guard, and it's on the very tip of his shoulder. One of them embeds itself in the wall. The rest lay scattered across the floor before they're scooped up by one of the Wasteland guards.

Darkness clouds in the back of my mind, slowly inching forwards. My legs give out again, and I slump to the ground. No. NO! I can't give up. I can't be taken... My thoughts become foggy as the world becomes grainy and distorted. I feel my body begin to go numb. "Keep him out," One of the Wasteland guards snarls. The darkness swirls forwards, then it consumes me, and I fall into oblivion.

Thank you for reading! Please comment and consider a vote. 

So... Hawk's been captured... right?

What's going to happen to him?

Where is he being taken?

I hope you are enjoying Blend the Light!


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