What college is like so far
You didn't ask for it, so here you go.
I've been taking dual-credits at my local community college for the past year now. I've already started the fall semester like a week ago so I'll tell y'all what it's like.
So how the program works is through the government and stuff. You have to take the ACT/SAT or whatever test you want and have to score a certain amount of points on one of them to get accepted into the program.
The threshold for the points on those tests you need depends on which college you apply too. Mine required a 21 in math and 20 in English for the ACT (I don't know the required points for the sat because I didn't take it). I did the absolute bare minimum on that to get in. I do plan to retake it and get a better score just in case I want to go to a better school for anyway moving on
You also have to have a 3,75 GPA or higher to even be considered for the dual-credit program in my state. So if you have 3.74, no bueno mes amies.
When you are accepted to the program, you have to maintain a 3.8 GPA or higher or else you're kicked out and you'll have to go back to regular high school
Did I mention there's no fee. Like there is no cost to the program. You don't have to pay for tuition or books or anything. The only thing you do have to pay for are the testing fees, lab fees (if you're taking science courses which I did because I want to be a doctor I mean come on you guys), and other extra fees that come with the college application. Not too bad.
The only thing the dual-credit program doesn't cover is transportation to the actual campus if you're commuting. But that's not a problem because the you're only allowed to start applying in 11th grade, and by then most kids can already drive on their own.
Anyway, once you do get accepted you do the basic stuff like do orientation and stuff like that as if you were a new student (I got a cool coffee cup that I'll never use but it was great) and you can tour the campus if you want but you have to pay for that and it was pretty expensive for me so I didn't. Wowie what a run on. I should probably pay attention to my grammar.
. . .
Nah. Moving on.
Every semester you have to submit a parent/guardian signed agreement with your high school counselor to be able to register for classes and submit a funding application to the state. I've done this three times so far and yes it's was a pain in the neck every time.
You also have to fill out a textbook agreement thing so that you can temporarily rent textbooks. At the end of the semester you have to return them or else.
You can choose if you want to do full-time dual enrollment or part-time.
Full-time basically means you no longer have to go to high school anymore or attend classes there which is fun because high school is stupid and the public school I go to is filled with stupid kids. Not that college is any better but at least the campus looks cool and there's a block schedule and everything.
Part-time means you spend some time in the college and some time in the high school. Again transportation is up to you to go to the college and back to your high school (I don't know how it works if you're homeschooled, I think most of those kids just do it full-time anyway) and be on time every time
I hate my high school so I obviously chose the full-time.
Ok I'm kidding, I only chose the full-time enrollment because I wasn't able to get my license before the semester started and my high school was too far away from the college to commute through Uber (the ubers are sketchy in my area anyway). My house was only five minutes away from the college so I decided to go back and forth using—you guessed it, Uber.
For two whole semesters. Yeah it sucked and we couldn't afford a lot of stuff that year but it worked out. Now I have my license and can drive myself and my brother woohoo.
Anyway, what college is like:
College is pretty cool. The campus is really pretty and classes are nice. It's a community college I'm going to so it's not very big and the classes are quite small, but for the past year everything has been chill.
The classes aren't much of a challenge but they are very different from high school. A lot of your assignments and learning all depends you, so if you want an A you gotta work for it.
The professors don't care if you fail, just sayin. They don't care about you in general. They only care about what they're teaching you. And sometimes they teach complete BS
A lot of everything is online, so if you were homeschooled through online programs it shouldn't be too hard for you. It was an adjustment for me, but I found it really convenient. I know my high school now is trying to switch to that kind of software, but since most of the kids are too poor to afford a good laptop, getting that done was kind of hard until . . . they issued the chrome book to everyone for basically free. This was a year before I applied to the dual credit program.
Anyway, professors post your assignments online, you do the work and study, then come to class for lecturing or an hour and fifteen minutes.
UnLEsS, you have a lab class
OoOoH . . .
AaAaH . . .
My biology lab class is the highlight of my week right now. We are going to dissect a freaking pig and look at human cells. Heck yea
I also have an environmental science lab this semester so that's pretty cool I guess. I like my professor so that's also pretty cool, but biology lab class is the best thing ever gifted to us by our lord and savior.
Our lab is also a safety hazard. We gotta wear goggles and gloves and stuff (it's like totally edgy). BSL-2 baby
The first day we looked at a microscope. So flipping interesting and we got to look at the cells in the leaves and you see the organelles and the chloroplasts move and ahhhhhhhhh! *squeals in fangirl*
We looked at some letters and stuff too that was cool but oh my god can I tell you about the waterbug I caught in my slide???? *not clickbait* (STORYTIME)
Legit, I was looking at the leaf under the microscope and got it focused right. The lab professor then told us when we were done to clean off the slides and put them away.
Guys I was so close to washing off that slide before I found the most amazing thing on this green earth.
I squinted at my slide and realized I caught a bug the size of a tick. I have no idea how it got there but was there and I want to look at it.
My friend that was also in my lecture class went with me and saw it too and we were so grossed out but also amazed it was the best day of my life.
The bug was moving guys! Its little legs were moving and it was the best and creepiest thing in the entire world
So yeah, dual credit program, 10/10 would try again
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